
Excerpt from An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Poets in Hawai’i, Pacific University Press, 1989.

The translated poems of Hiroshi Sumida (1893-1920)

Hundred fertile seeds

papaya’s surprise. Like us

things we share.


You are my new friend.

At night I walk and wonder.

Moon is not surprised.


Standing together

at nightfall, I am so real,

with you watching me.


Rocks shield our friendship

waves quiet others’ questions

we laugh together.


Smiling up the path,

where is the plumeria?

Your note in the rocks.


Rain, sun, fertile earth

come together in paper,

my poem, your painting.


On solid gold foil

your painting of my poem

or on fragile silk?


Under my window

jasmine blooms in the moonlight

our fragrant secret.


Bright metal shovel

planting in Ewa’s red earth

grows rust, matching soil.


You sketch lines, the road

we walk winds across paper

always with flowers.


This abundant land

what is its promise for us

standing hand in hand?


New Years white mochi

everyone pounds together,

sweet secret inside.


Fishing from the shore.

Always I will prize this place.

Waves. Waiting for you.


Your treasured portrait

settles my heart in its home,

alas, framed in doubt.


Brown cane flowers burnt

to my browns after harvest.

The women would weep.