Our designing and authoring efforts at Origamido Studio have resulted in more than 75 publications to date, and if one were to ask Michael which was his favorite, he would not hesitate to say Advanced Origami.
The reasons are many. First, this set of projects enables Michael to tell his story through a handful of his most beloved signature creations. It is true that what was considered “advanced” when this book was first written is not as complex as what people consider “advanced” today. But rather than solely demanding technical prowess, these projects also challenge the folder to impart “the touch of the artist.” Doing so successfully truly separates the advanced folder from the pack. Adding that finishing touch is one area where the newly added video clips communicate so beautifully what words and diagrams just cannot do.
Second, this book allows Michael to discuss the importance of paper—how the necessary considerations of the quality of materials and processes used in making the papers informs the folder’s choices and compromises. Indeed, this was the first book (that we know of) that included custom papermaking instructions for the origami artist. As Michael was developing his creative folding talents, commercially available paper was particularly frustrating for him to fold. Even if the fibers and pigments were archival and deemed suitable for fine art, there were usually other concerns, such as the paper’s size, color and texture. His artistic needs forced him to learn how to make his own paper, custom-engineered to be perfect for each subject.
Third, Michael named our studio by selecting the Japanese contraction Origamido, literally, “fold-paper-school.” Expanding on the “do” aspect, which also connotes the path, way, journey or lifelong commitment to the folded paper arts, he revisits favorite subjects that are near and dear to his heart. Those are the subjects he often “plays,” just as a musician rehearses favorite selections for a lifetime. Practice is the stuff of mastery.
Finally, and against my advice, in this book Michael has shared his long-researched hand papermaking recipes with the public. His wisdom prevailed, and rather than destroying our business of making the perfect paper with and for today’s foremost folding artists, our papers are now more popular than ever as people have realized that a recipe alone does not a tasty cake bake!
Enjoy the advanced origami of Michael LaFosse!
Richard L. Alexander, Co-founder
Origamido Studio