12:21 p.m.

Parker burned graphs.

He torched his traffic graph and roundup graph. He torched Watanabe Case/​Details-Chronology and Lake/​De Haven. He found a jug under the kitchen sink and built a bourbon blaze.

He raised a stink. The flames blew high. He doused them with tap water.

The sink was a sludge mound. Parker scooped the mess into a bag and dumped it in a trash can. He washed his hands and aired out the kitchen. He walked back to the den. Call-Me-Jack stuck him with more shitwork.

It was punitive. He messed with Dudley’s first go at The Wolf. He was back to the PD’s “Auxiliary.”

Call-Me-Jack got tight with the Hearst Rifle boys. They were his Auxiliary faves. They were out on Sheriff Gene’s dragnet. Call-Me-Jack craved more men like that.

Parker read applicant files. A low tide rolled in. Bottom-feeders gleamed in the muck.

Klanned-up studio guards. A nudist preacher. A Negro janitor at Le Conte Junior High. Numerous stat-rape assertions.

Low tide. Denizens of the deep.

Parker flipped files. He hit four clipped-up sheets.

Boudreau, Costigan, Gutridge, Palwick. Ex–Nevada prison guards. All Spanish-fluent. All canned from their state jobs. All dumped for brutality.

Hard boys. Goon-squad types. A routing slip and photos clipped to the sheets.

A messenger picked them up. One-week paper loan-out. Four files, sent to:

Exley Construction. 6402 Wilshire Boulevard.

Hard boys. Ex–prison guards. All Spanish-fluent. It comes down to—


The Valley. The Jap-owned farms. The wetback workers supplied by Carlos Madrano. Preston’s law-enforcement ties. Preston’s internment scheme.

Catch it now. It’s a soft lob. You should have caught it before this.

Preston was behind the house and farm buyouts. Preston was linked to the Watanabe case.