

It seems I get a lot of help from a lot of the same people every time I write a book, while at the same time meeting some new ones on the way. The following have contributed, in one way or another, to the completion of this novel: Scott Sandin, Derek Sandin, Jane Naccarato, Ricia Mainhardt, A.J. Janschewitz, my wonderful parents, Ray and Pat Garton, my wonderful in-laws, Bill and Suzy Millhouse, Bill and Shelly Blair, Pamela Briggs, Gina Mitchell, Kelly Laymon, Rain Graves, and my friends in the Horrornet Cabal—you know who you are—Sheila Winston (don’t deny it, Sheila, you helped!). A very helpful attorney I met through provided me with a lot of useful information—and then I lost his name in a recent move. You know who you are, too—thank you! Thanks also to my agent Richard Curtis—the prodigal client has returned! And of course, thank you, Dawn, for everything.