The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Abu Ghraib (Iraq)
Adelson, Sheldon
adjunct faculty
Adorno, Theodor
African Americans, see blacks
Agamben, Giorgio
Alexander, Michelle
Alger, Horatio
Ali, Tariq
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
American Psycho (film)
American Sniper (film)
Anderson, Elijah
Arendt, Hannah
Bernstein on
on critical thinking
on dark times
on democracy
on higher education
on instants of truth
on power
on totalitarian education
on totalitarianism
Aronowitz, Stanley
Assange, Julian
Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
atomic bomb
austerity policies
in attacks on higher education
as consequence of austerity policies
democracy transformed into
varied forms of
Babones, Salvatore
Bacevich, Andrew
Backouse, Constance
Baldwin, James
Balko, Radley
Baltimore (Maryland)
Bauman, Zygmunt
Bernstein, Richard
Bharacuha, Rustom
Biehl, João
Bin Laden Osama
Binney, William
Black Robe Regiment
blacks: Baldwin on
in Ferguson
killed by police
lynchings of
under neoliberalism
portrayed in Selma
prison torture of
privacy rights for
racist administrative polices and
racist violence against
youth, arrests of
Blankfein, Lloyd
Bloom, Allan
Bloom, Peter
Blunden, Bill
Boardman, William
Boehner, John
Boggs, Carl
Bolton, John
Bottari, Mary
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bradbury, Steven
Bradford, William
Bratton, Bill
Brook, Kelly
Browder, Kalief
Brown, Michael: death of
protests against killing of
Brown, Walter
Brownback, Sam
Buchheit, Paul
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Buck-Morss, Susan
Burge, Jon
Bush, George W.
Bush, Jeb
Bush administration (G.W.B.): education under
Iraq invaded under
torture under
war on terror under
Bybee, Jay
Canada: anti-intellectualism in
war on terror in
authoritarianism and
creation and destruction in
democracy and
narcissism under
Carson, Ben
Case, Kristen
Castoriadis, Cornelius
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): black sites of
Phoenix Program, in Vietnam, of
torture by
Chastain, Alex
Cheney, Dick
Chicago (Illinois)
children: incarcerated
in poverty
rights of
Chodorov, Frank
Chomsky, Noam
Citizenfour (film)
Citizens United (Supreme Court decision)
civil rights movement
Clapper, James
Clark, David L.
Clark, Mark
Clark, Wesley
classroom grace
Clément, Catherine
Cleveland (Ohio)
climate change
Clinton, Bill
Coates Ta-Nehisi
Cohen, Stanley
colleges and universities, see higher education
Conant, James B.
Confederate battle flag
conservatism and conservatives: on higher education
on public education
consumerism and consumption
Crary, Jonathan
Crawford, James, III
Cribb, T. Kenneth, Jr.
Cruz, Ted
Danner, Mark
Davis, Angela
Davis, Deborah
capitalism and
education needed for
informed public needed for
pedagogy, education, and
transformed into authoritarianism
Democratic Party
austerity policies of
donors to
move to the right by
Derrida, Jacques
Dewey, John
Diallo, Amadou
Dimon, Jamie
Dirlik, Arif
Dolan, Karen
Domestic and Global Marshall Plan (GMP)
domestic terrorism
Donskis, Leonidas
Dorfman, Ariel
Drake, Thomas
DuBose, Samuel
Edelman, Marion Wright
attacks on
austerity policies for
changes needed in
classroom grace in
democracy, pedagogy, and
in history
inequality in
needed for democracy
under Obama administration
public education
as public sphere
Williams on, see also higher education
Edward, Snowden
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
of 2014
Eler, Alicia
Ellis, Bret Easton
Ellison, Keith
Ellsberg, Dan
Engelhardt, Tom
Evans, Brad
Fanon, Frantz
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), COINTELPRO program of
Ferguson (Missouri)
financial crisis
suicides linked to
Finkelstein, Norman
Fisher, Dan
Fisher, Mark
Flint, Taylor
Foley, James
food insecurity
Ford, Glen
Foreman, James
Foucault, Michel
Fox News Channel
Fraser, Nancy
Freire, Paulo
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Milton
Garner, Eric: death of
protests against killing of
video of
Garza, Alicia
Gilens, Martin
Glass-Steagall Act
Glover, Edward
Goldberg, David Theo
Goodman, Amy
Gordon Gekko (fictional character)
Goya, Francisco de
Graeber, David
Gray, Freddie: death of
neighborhood of
Gray, Kimani
Greece: austerity policies in
suicides in
Greenwald, Glenn
Gregory, Dick
Gupta, Aron
Halberstam, Michael
Haley, Nikki
Hall, Stuart
Hampton, Fred
Harper, Stephen
Harper, Victoria
Harris, Eric
Harrison, Sarah
Hartman, Thom
Hayden, Michael V.
Hayek, Friedrich
Hazen, Don
Hedges, Chris
Herman, Edward
higher education
academic withdrawal in
changes needed in
conservatives on
ideological fundamentalism in
inequalities in
liberal intellectuals on
purposes of
sexual violence in
as training for workforce
Hiroshima (Japan)
legacy of
narratives of
teaching of
Holder, Eric
Holloway, John
Honneth, Alex
hooks, bell
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
HSBC (bank)
Hudson, Michael
Hunziker, Robert
Hurricane Katrina
Iglesias, Pablo
immigrants and immigration, as issue in 2016 primaries
anti-intellectualism and
on killing of blacks by police
on nuclear weapons
on racism in law enforcement
reduction in status of
on violence
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI)
Iraq War: media support for
portrayed in American Sniper
Isquith, Elias
Jenkins, Kate
Jindal, Bobby
John Galt (fictional character)
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
Jones, Aiyana
Jung, Oh
Kafka, Franz
Kant, Immanuel
Kardashian, Kim
Kase, Aaron
Kasperkevic, Jana
Kelley, Robin D. G.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
portrayed in Selma
Kingston, Jack
Kishore, Joseph
Klein, Naomi
Koch brothers (Charles and David)
higher education and
neoliberalism austerity policies of
new extremists and
Kolin, Andrew
Krugman, Paul
Kunstler, William
Kyle, Chris
Lartey, Jamiles
Lasch, Christopher
Laughland, Oliver
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Legum, Judd
Lerner, Michael
Levine, Michael
liberalism and liberals: classical, neoliberalism and
on higher education
ideological fundamentalism among
Lifton, Robert Jay
Loehmann, Timothy
Los Angeles (California)
Lowndes, Joseph E.
Lynch, Pat
MacArthur, Douglas
Macdonald, Dwight
Madar, Chase
Malamud, Bernard
Martin, Trayvon
Marx, Karl
Massey, Doreen
mass incarceration
mass violence
May, Page
Mayer, Jane
McCain, John
McCarthy, Colman
McChesney, Robert
McConnell, Mitch
media: attacks on truth in
on disasters
film as
glorification of violence in
issues presented to public by
neoliberalism in
on officials responsible for torture
on terrorism
military spending
Mills, C. Wright
Mitchell, Greg
Mueller, Robert
Nagasaki (Japan)
austerity policies in
on higher education
higher education under
ideology of
impact on children and youth of
individual responsibility under
lack of accountability in
as source of crisis
neoliberal societies
elections in
New Orleans (Louisiana)
New York City (New York)
police in
9/11, see September 11th terrorist attacks
Nolte, John
nuclear weapons
legacy of
Obama, Barack
attacks on
bipartisanship of
Bush policies continued under
Giuliani on
permanent war under
on rioting and looting
state-sanctioned torture under
Obama administration: education under
lack of prosecutions under
Occupy movement
Oe, Kenzaburo
Office of Legal Council (OLC)
Orwell, George
Page, Benjamin
Pantaleo, Daniel
Parramore, Lynn Stuart
Patrick Bateman (fictional character)
Paul, Rand
classroom grace in
democracy, education, and
of repression
Pelley, Scott
Persson, Jonas
Phoenix Program (Vietnam)
Phonesavanh, Bounkham
Pierce, Charles
Piketty, Thomas
Pinnock, Marlene
Poitras, Laura
police: blacks killed by
militarization of
military equipment given to
in New York City
reform of
report on misconduct by
in schools
SWAT teams of
police brutality
movements against
report on
police violence
movements against
political parties
Polychroniou, C. J.
popular culture
anti-intellectualism in
new authoritarianism in
poverty: among children
among youth
criminalization of
Powell, Lewis F., Jr.
Powell Memo
power (political)
Price, David
blacks incarcerated in
children incarcerated in
mass incarceration in
torture in
public education
public intellectuals, see intellectuals
Confederate flag and
in law enforcement
portrayed in Selma
Radical Ed. Project
Rand, Ayn
Rankine, Claudia
Ravitch, Diane
Rea, Steven
Reagan, Ronald
Reaney, Patricia
Reed, Ishmael
Republican Party
austerity policies of
Congress under control of
on guns
racism of
rejection of science by
on teaching of history
Reynolds, Jennifer
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Tamir: death of
video of
Rich, Frank
Risen, James
Robinson, Steve
Rodriguez, Richard
Romney, Mitt
Roof, Dylann
Roth, Philip
Rubio, Marco
Rumsfeld, Donald
Ryan, Erin Gloria
Ryan, Paul
St. Clair, Jeffrey
Salaita, Steven G.
Saltman, Ken
Sanders, Bernie
Savio, Mario
Scahill, Jeremy
Scott, Walter
Selma (film)
Senate Report on Torture (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)
Sennett, Richard
September 11th terrorist attacks
higher education after
sexual violence
Silber, John
Skinner, Quentin
Smith, Dennis
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)
Snowden, Edward
social media
Sontag, Susan
Sotloff, Steven
South Africa
South Carolina
Stamp, Eurie
Standing, Guy
Stasi (East German secret police)
state terrorism
police behavior as
police violence as
state violence
Stauber, John
Steen, Victor
Stewart, Lynn
Stiglitz Joseph E.
Stone, Oliver
student debt
Sullivan, Andrew
Supreme Court (U.S.), Citizens United decision of
Snowden on
Swaine, Jon
SWAT teams
Taylor, William
television, glorification of violence on
Tenet, George J.
Tennant-Moore, Hannah
terrorism: media on
see also war on terror
Thatcher, Margaret
Thomas, Antonio
Till, Emmett
torture: by CIA
media on
popular support for
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on
under war on terror
Trainor, Dennis, Jr.
Trump, Donald
United Kingdom, war on terror in
United States: gun ownership in
impact of war on terror on
nuclear arsenal of
torture used by
Valentine, Douglas
Veblen, Thorstein
victims of torture
Vietnam, Phoenix Program in
against blacks
as central to American life
culture of
as entertainment
in films
mass violence
normalization of
police violence
racist violence
state violence
videos of
Virilio, Paul
Walker, Scott
Wallace, Nicolle
Wall Street (film, Stone)
Ward, Olivia
war on terror
current targets of
militarization of police as result of
surveillance state under
torture under
Westheimer, Joel
Whitehead, John
whites, higher education dominated by
Wiebe, Kirk
Wilkerson, Isabel
Williams, Raymond
Wilson, Darren
Wilson, Tarika
Winfrey, Oprah
Wittner, Lawrence
Wolf, Michelle K.
Wolff, Richard D.
women: academic attacks on
selfies and
World War II
Worthington, Andy
Yates, Michael D.
Yoo, John
Young, James
youth: black
higher education of
hopelessness of
war on
Zack Naomi
Zinn, Howard