EFRC staff rescued one male tiger, Dusty, and two black leopards, a male named Magic and a female named Mya, from Fun Spot Amusement Park & Zoo in October 2011. This was EFRC’s fourth and final trip to Fun Spot.
Fun Spot had housed eleven cats when the park closed nearly three years earlier. Although Fun Spot kept staff to care for the cats, the amusement park eventually had to relinquish all the animals. We agreed to take all eleven cats.
Three new habitats were built for the last of these cats and in early October, a full year after committing to take them, we were finally ready.
Magic is a very aggressive animal, and we knew both of the leopards we were rescuing would have to be immobilized. Dusty, however, was friendly and ready to come on his own. During the move he was examined by our veterinarian and blood tests showed he had low thyroid function. He was immediately started on medication and finally recovered.
Dusty is one of many animals that have had dental surgery at EFRC by the Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation (PEIVDF). PEIVDF provides life-improving advanced dental care and treatment to exotic animals located in captive animal facilities, which are underfunded and/or understaffed from a veterinary perspective.
Dusty, August 28, 2014
Dusty is on the main tour at EFRC. He’s extremely fond of his climbing tower. He and the female lion next door, Cera, seem to have something “going on”—they spend a lot of time at the fence visiting.
Mya, November 26, 2011
Dusty, August 28, 2014