The Past is a strange land, most strange.
Wind blows not there, nor does rain fall:
If they do, they cannot hurt at all.
Men of all kinds as equals range
5 The soundless fields and streets of it.
Pleasure and pain there have no sting,
The perished self not suffering
That lacks all blood and nerve and wit,
And is in shadow-land a shade.
10 Remembered joy and misery
Bring joy to the joyous equally;
Both sadden the sad. So memory made
Parting today a double pain:
First because it was parting; next
15 Because the ill it ended vexed
And mocked me from the Past again,
Not as what had been remedied
Had I gone on, – not that, oh no!
But as itself no longer woe;
20 Sighs, angry word and look and deed
Being faded: rather a kind of bliss,
For there spiritualised it lay
In the perpetual yesterday
That naught can stir or stain like this.