Coming up with information like this, can never be a one man’s effort. It is a summation of credible information and efforts from other people and groups that was shared in 2016 and 2017. Thus, they deserve my token of appreciation.
First, I would like to thank the members of “The Manager” WhatsApp and Facebook groups, for willingly being part and sharing their experiences, knowledge, insights and best practices on the various management and leadership topics of discussion. These are the compiled discussions presented in this wonderful book, “Conversations of Managers”.
This would not have been possible without the ‘Managers’ sharing their insights and experiences on management and leadership.
Special thanks also goes to Scovia Magara
, whose dilemma of how to keep one of the articles I had shared for future references got me thinking about this whole project. I also will not forget Robert
(RIP) and Asaph
who suggested about the need to store the information we discussed from the WhatsApp group. Their concern was it would then be a benefit to others too, most especially those who were not part of the group. It was their suggestions that further ignited me towards working on this wonderful book.
My sincere gratitude goes out to Innocent
Muhumuza Karugota
who asked me when I would have the book ready. This was when I was not giving enough time for it. It forced me to set a deadline for the completion. Thank you Innocent
, because of your inquiry, I embarked on having this book completed within the period that I had given myself.
Furthermore, I would like to thank my family for the support and patience they showed as I concentrated on completing this project. I cherish you and may the fruits be repaid in a trillion-fold.
To the team of editors, thank you for the time and commitment you rendered to having the book out in the set period. I appreciate your feedback and cooperation and am proud to have worked with you.
I finally acknowledge God for the grace and wisdom He gave me that made this project possible. It is not by my might but by the grace of the Lord for this to come out at such a time like this. May His name be praised and glorified forever and ever.
Kampala, February 2019