The Origin and Growth.
am passionate about sharing my knowledge and life with other people. I do it to inspire them in becoming better people. It is because many people burn their fingers by learning through the hard way. I always feel bad when people follow the wrong paths others before them have walked. Yet it could have been avoided by sharing our experiences. Helping people learn and avoid mistakes in management is what has kept me on this journey of sharing my positive insights.
On Monday the 16th
day of May 2016, I created “The Manager” Facebook page. I shared its objectives to the members I had added and then started posting information about Management.
On Tuesday the 17th
day of May 2016, a gentleman named Enos Baluku,
whom I have known since my university days, wrote in one of the discussion threads as below.
Enos Baluku:
“@Patrick Obita,
if you could create a WhatsApp group too for this forum, it would be great”.
Patrick Obita:
“[That is a] Great thought and suggestion. And with the interest from others as well, why not. All I need are phone numbers for [their] inclusion.”
Enos Baluku:
that is a great calling. It’s a ministry that we can start.”
Patrick Obita:
“The Manager is on WhatsApp now”.
That was how the WhatsApp group was created and together with Enos
, we were the first members [Managers]. It has now grown and continues to grow.
Personally, I had never thought of creating a WhatsApp group. Thanks to Enos
. Noah St. John
in his book “The Secret Code of Success”
says that everyone needs someone to see in him or her potential of great things and it is at that point, they take off. Enos
was that person I needed to realize my potential of inspiring thousands of people through ‘The Manager’ social media platforms especially through the WhatsApp platform.
I had no experience at all in running the group, as I was not involved in using the WhatsApp platform for any kind of discussions before. This shift from having no experience to starting and managing one was an interesting one. I was now the administrator and had to make it work out. Along the way, I gained much experience in managing a social media platform. I have also gone on to create as well as join numerous others that are / were valuable in the pursuit of my life’s purpose.
In the earlier days of the group’s existence, I co-opted some of the people whose contacts I had in my phone book. I believed that they would all like the whole initiative but I was wrong. However, some stayed while others exited the group. When someone exited or left, I would feel low, dejected and rejected. Thus, with time, I took it up as something normal, hence, less bothered.
The option of co-opting people into your group can be good and bad. Those that buy into the objectives will gladly appreciate the inclusion and the reverse is true. After, we had held a discussion about how members are brought on board; I made a decision to add someone only after their consent. I first send the person I have identified an invitation message with the group’s objective. Then it is only when they have given me to go ahead that I add him or her to the group.
It is a norm that any new member joining the group provides information about what they do and where they work. A welcome message is designed to be flagged after the addition has been done. This has been helpful in creating networks and knowing one another other than only just adding.
In addition, a profile description of the earlier members is shared with the new ones in the group. This gives them the picture of the group composition. The list is updated on a regular basis by removing the information of those that have exited or left and adding that of the new Manager.
The group’s growth has also been fostered by the Managers who have gone on to invite their friends or colleagues. I have also intentionally looked for Managers through selling “The Manager” brand in the different networks and forums I attend. I usually have a person or two coming on board from the different networks and forums I have taken part in.
The search for Managers does not only end with the forums or networks but also sending out personalized messages to Facebook friend requests. The message contains the group’s objective and the requirement to join. This is also done for requests to join “The Manager” Facebook group for those who do not know about the existence of the WhatsApp platform.
I once met a person who had been referred to ‘The Manager’ Facebook group during one of the networking events. It made me feel good knowing that the initiative was impacting many people out there. This person has even gone on to present during one of quarterly “The Managers’ Clinic” event.
“The Manager” Group Rules.
n any gathering or group of people, it is a best practice to have rules or guidelines in place to manage the interactions. In “The Manager” group, the rules are shared with every new Manager as a norm. Occasionally, I share the rules with the whole group as a recap. This practice has maintained the group’s cohesiveness towards the achievement of her objective that is “Leadership with Distinction”.
Below are the discussions ‘The Manager’ Group Rules generated.
Patrick Obita:
Managers, as the group grows we need to be in one accord and as such below are some [of the] rules we need to follow. Some members [Managers] have been alluding to this [the group rules]. [Please] Feel at The Manager.
The Manager Group Rules.
hank you for choosing to be part of "The Manager" WhatsApp group. However, to maintain the cohesion and achieve the group's purpose of "Leadership with Distinction", we need to follow some ground rules. [However,] More additions are welcome.
No politics or political discussions [are allowed] even if it’s of national importance.
Respect one another and their views.
No abusive, offensive or derogatory language [should be] used.
[The] Language [to be] used is English for everyone to follow [and be part of the discussions].
Do not share the group's contributions [content] without requesting the author or acknowledging the source.
[You can] Share career enhancement opportunities e.g. job adverts, conferences, workshops or meetings that are in line with the group's purpose.
Do not divert the on-going discussion especially when someone is doing a session with another issue. [You should] Wait till the session is done and then introduce the issue for discussion. [The] Exception [which is allowed] is if people's lives are at stake.
Let us make the new members feel at ‘The Manager’.
Feel free to ask, share your insights, and challenge what is being discussed or share any situation you or anyone might be facing for the group's contributions towards addressing the issue.
Forwards, audios, videos or jokes [shared] should be aligned to the group's purpose.
In all these, let your judgment prevail. These rules can be revised when need be. Thank you [all] for adhering in advance.
: Clapping clapping. But a prayer line can be thrown in at any opportunity.
: You can’t be a good Manager if you don’t fear God. So, prayer is a prerequisite....
: Alhamdulillah.
: Actually, we need a session on "how to pray as a Manager".
: Innocent
, I support you on that.... We as Managers also need to be prayer warriors.
Patrick Obita:
[That is a] Great rule there and it is the first and the last rule. [To have [a] Prayer [said] at the start and at the end of the day. May the Lord bless you all.
: Amen. You too. [The] Management skills in the Bible start in [the book of] Genesis with [the] creation. As a good Manager and Leader, then God went on to groom and nurture Leaders/Managers.
[Some of the people that God groomed and nurtured in the Bible include;] Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon etc. I don’t remember [of any time] when David was faced with a challenge and he never prayed first.
: Actually, prayer should lead the way...good prayer points should be able to motivate Managers.
: This maybe off a bit.... but each time [I] am on a treadmill and start praying, I find myself running more kilometres and burning more calories.
: Amen.
: Amen.
Amen, God bless you too.
: What are the qualities of a good Manager? I will do my homework to give [some] biblical examples.
: [I am] Waiting [for the qualities of a good Manager].
: For example, a good Manager should instil courage. Joshua 1:9
: [That is] True [Innocent
: A good Manager must know his/her team's abilities. Exodus 4:14-16.
Patrick Obita:
[That is] Priest Innocent
all the way.
: Innocent
, let me consult my Bible!
: Guys [Managers], all those examples of leadership from the Bible seem to have missed the greatest; Jesus, the greatest example of Leadership. His Leadership has brought together the greatest following to one of the simplest individuals. If one needed to compare a rag to riches story, you cannot get any better. If one needed an example of a time-tested movement, you need not look any further, an example of motivation, where people are willing to lay down their lives, an example of selflessness and sacrifice not forgetting peacefulness.
Nice day Managers, and have a blessed day. [I] meant prayerfulness.
: God responds to those who respond to Him! James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.
: [That is a] Nice one [Danny]
Patrick Obita:
Good morning Managers. As we complete the week, I want to say thanks to God for what He has done in our lives. May He heal completely the sick remembering Peluth’s
son and you if [you are] sick? May you have a good day closing your offices and safe travel back for those far away?
“The Manager” Group Rules in Use.
here is one thing having the rules and another applying them. For a Manager, if you do not apply the rules then others will use it to front their own agenda and derail the achievement of the mandates that have been set. They may do it with the belief that it is good for the group even though, there are guidelines that need to be adhered to once they are in place.
This is one of the scenarios in which the rules had to be put into practice.
: Can we demand [for the] resignation of the boss of police for not restraining his officers to observe [the] human rights of Ugandans?
: I think we can. We can have a twitter campaign.
: [For] Sure. [Then that is] great. Let’s popularise [it] now. [Let us] invite people to like it.
: It's just about twitting using that hash tag. Ok [l] will twit now.
Patrick Obita:
Hey Managers, thank you for the concerns you have over the situation in this country. However, let us restrain [ourselves] from [discussing] politics on this platform. We need to maintain our platform ideology. Thank you all in advance.
: I have [already] tweeted. Please go ahead and use that handle to tweet.
Patrick Obita:
, please let us leave Kayihura
and other political issues out of here. Thank you all. [I] am just saying, we all might not like what the police do sometimes and we do not need to think about that negative energy to derail us from the goal our group was formed.
: Thank you Obita
let us keep to our course.
: Ok Patrick
. Let us do that.
Patrick Obita:
: Although it may be a Management / Leadership issue.
Patrick Obita:
, [it is] true and as Managers we learn from their mistakes and make it a point that when we are in the positions they hold, we shall not make the same mistakes. That can be done [only] if we concentrate on making ourselves better so that when we are there, people will see the difference we bring on the table of Leadership and Management. That is what The Manager is all about.
: Thank you so much Patrick
Patrick Obita
Managers, thank you for the commercial break and let us get back to the business [of] today.
Agreeing on the Mode of Discussions.
o rally people and have meaningful discussions, there is need to agree on the mode. This leads to maximum participation in hence enriched discussions with the views of many group members.
Therefore, what you are going to read below is what transpired about how the discussions should be handled taking into consideration the different situations or context of the Managers.
Patrick Obita:
Hey Managers, [I] hope your weekend is great. From Monday we are getting full blast with our topics. For us to really tackle what matters because these topics are wide, I suggest you send the aspects that should be covered. You could do [this] through sending in questions that the facilitators will work on.
For the sessions to be interactive, I request that we would propose a time the discussions should commence. Your thoughts are highly appreciated.
: Thanks Patrick
Patrick Obita:
[You are] Welcome Joy
: I will reflect on your suggestions and revert.
: I suggest that [the] discussion runs all through the day. This is because we are free at different times.
Patrick Obita:
Hey Managers, as you rest today or travelling back to your duty stations, please think about the proposals I sent out yesterday and respond. I am waiting to hear from you all.
: I also second that the discussions go on throughout the day.
: Me 3 [three], especially raising real time management challenges that we are facing so we learn from practical situations. Thanks.
Patrick Obita:
Thanks to Innocent
, Eunice
and Joy
for their responses. [I am still] Waiting for the [views] of others. Let us also keep sending in the questions we would [like] to be covered in the different topics of discussion lined up.
: Patrick
, how about you give us a few key principles. That will stir our brains to start thinking about the practical challenges we have in those areas.
Patrick Obita:
Some of what could help is what you are grappling with concerning the topic. E.g. in budgeting and budget management, where do I go wrong that I fail to have a good budget? How can I monitor my budget yet it is being controlled by someone else? What are the key issues that I need to monitor in my budget? Etc.
: Obita
, let [the] discussions run [through] all [the] day.
Coming up with “The Manager” Slogan.
s a group, we needed something that keep us focused and united. It was thought wise that this was developed with the Managers’ input for them to feel and be part of the vision. At the end of the process, we settled for “Leadership with Distinction” which got the most votes from the Managers. Therefore, follow the discussions of how the Managers zeroed down to the slogan.
Patrick Obita:
Hey Managers I am trying to have a slogan for the group. What I have in mind is "Management and Leadership is Personal". This is because no one wants to be treated badly and so you have to treat others the way you would like them to treat you. Do you have any more ideas?
: Good Morning. I find Management is a subset of Leadership.
: Leadership with a distinction.
Patrick Obita:
Thanks Eunice
. Others [Managers] what do we say?
: Eunice
, you are right for a good Leader makes the best Manager.
Patrick Obita:
Managers, I am going to ask you to vote on these two slogans unless you have a better one.
1. Leadership is personal
2. Leadership with a distinction.
The number with the most votes will be the slogan for The Manager group. [I] Am Kiggundu
[election chairman] to act as the returning officer.
: Good leadership is a personal choice. Hopefully the voting had begun meaning anyone can be a good Leader.
Patrick Obita:
So, Judith
, [should] we modify further
1. Leadership is a personal choice.
: Yap.
: Doing Right things and doing things right.
Patrick Obita:
is that a suggestion?
: Yeah please.
Patrick Obita:
3. Leadership is doing right things and doing things right. Managers we have three options now. So, let us do the needful. Bruce,
you might need to vote as it was a suggestion you provided.
: 2
Patrick Obita:
Managers, I am going to ask you to vote on these three slogans unless you have a better one.
1. Leadership is a personal choice
2. Leadership with a distinction.
3. Leadership is doing right things and doing things right.
: Patrick
, it's just not leadership, but "Good Leadership is a personal choice"
Patrick Obita:
Sorry for fronting my own agenda with that modification. [I have made the] correction on the ballot paper.
1. Good Leadership is a Personal Choice. So, Emily
, do we say you go with 1?
: The slogan should be precise, and eye catching. It should speak the organisation objectives, and should leave an impact to the mind.
So, Managers, what does leadership drive in management? Drive to in management.
Patrick Obita:
The voting has not yet closed.
: Ha-ha Patrick
. Campaigning during polling hours is an offence.
Patrick Obita:
: @Patrick
, the Uganda I want is authentic leadership. That is why am excited to be on this forum. Did voting end?
Patrick Obita:
, the Uganda I want is authentic leadership. That is why am excited to be on this forum.” @Eunice
you just made my early morning. Hat off for you.
[The] Voting will still go on till 1pm today before we do change management in the afternoon. For those that have not yet voted, you still have time to do so and #Doitnownownow
: Kiggundu
, 2
Patrick Obita:
Thanks Gilbert
The Birth of “The Managers’ Clinic”.
f something is good and impacting greatly on the people involved, then new ideas keep coming up from them. Testimony to this is “The Managers’ Clinic. By the compilation of this book, we had so far held two editions and with God being everything; it will evolve into the next big event in Uganda.
Usually in the first series, it is good for you to know how some of the innovations have been birthed from the Manager platform. So, read about how “The Managers’ Clinic” came to be.
: Wow, we need a Manager Day out to conference as a team.
: I second.
: [What a] Great networking forum we have [here?].
: Thumb up.
: Seconded.
: I second the conference.
Eng. Geoffrey
: [The] Conference [is] seconded.
: Me too.
: Seconded.
Patrick Obita:
and the rest [thank you] for the suggestions and will get back with more discussions about the conference like when it should be.
Patrick Obita:
Managers Clinic date, which one. Choose.
1. Friday 30th
September 2016
2. Saturday 1st
October 2016
3. Friday 7th
October 2016
4. Saturday 8th
October 2016.
Let us vote the favourable one.
: Saturday 8th
October 2016 @Obita
: Friday 8th
[October 2016]
: Saturday 8th
[October 2016].
Eng. Geoffrey
: Saturday 8th [October 2016].
: 8th
October 2016.
Patrick Obita:
Thump up for Anthony
, Peluth
, and Patience
for your voting. Joy,
did you mean Saturday 8th
or Friday 7th
October 2016.
For the rest #doitnow
: 8th
October 2016.
: 8th
October 2016.
: [I] Meant Friday 7th
October 2016.
Patrick Obita:
[The] Voting [is] still on. Let us close it today. Let your voice be heard.
: [I] Am also proposing 8th
for the Mangers Clinic.
Patrick Obita:
Hullo Managers.
thank you for the voting.
: 8th
Patrick Obita:
Managers, by the end of the day, the date with the highest number takes it. Thank you all for voting and even thinking about the dates.
: 1st
October 2016.
Patrick Obita:
Ha-ha Charity
, miracles can happen, you know. Now that is serious rigging in the house. You have created your own voting rules of one person, two votes. Eh Charity
: Patrick
, what are we voting for?
Patrick Obita:
We need the date when we should hold the Managers Clinic. So, nominating your date from the list I put forth is what I am calling voting.
: [I] Am voting 8th
: What is the Managers’ Clinic?
Patrick Obita:
The Managers Get Together is what [I] am terming the Managers Clinic. @Eunice
, do we need to propose another name or we leave it as The Managers Get Together or Managers Clinic?
: No Patrick
, [I] was seeking clarification.
: Ha-ha.
: I like the idea Patrick
. We have shared some great insights on this platform. I also believe that one of the objectives of being here is to network. It would be nice to meet the people here and put faces to the names.
: [This is a Great idea. [I] Am in.
: Great idea. [I am] watching keenly. Hi Managers.
: So, what do the votes say Patrick
Patrick Obita:
It is in black and white without whitewash that Saturday 8th
October 2016 will be the date of our 1st
meeting dubbed "The Managers' Clinic". Thank you all for your participation.
Let us now turn our attention to the theme or topic we would like to be covered during that day. Your suggestions are very much welcomed. We could nominate topics by the end of Monday.
: Before we get to the topic, how would we want our day to go [like]? Do we have sessions of discussing professional stuff, fun time, etc.?
Patrick Obita:
[That is a] Great question Innocent
. We can contribute on both issues simultaneously.
: I thought we guys were going to open a medical clinic for Managers.
Patrick Obita:
: Chicken and chips.
Patrick Obita:
, all is available. But Innocent
won't the English chicken and chips be enough for you. [I] am seeing you with a hangover of chicken and chips.
: Topics: Networking and branding.
Patrick Obita:
that is a good topic.
Patrick Obita:
Can we split this into two.
1. Networking.
2. Branding.
3. How to achieve productivity.
Could we choose one of these so that The Managers' Clinic theme can be crafted?
: All the 3 [three] topics proposed @Peluth
are important.
: [Those are] Great suggestions. My first would be reworking how to be productive to;
1. Identifying your economic engine based on the hedgehog concept from Good to Great.
2. Personal Branding.
3. Networking.
Patrick Obita:
It looks like we might be on the same wavelength. So now which one do we zero on? Let me hear [from] you [all]. Managers as we rest and relax today, let us also complete this simple assignment of deciding the theme we shall have for The Managers' Clinic.
: Theme suggestion: staying engaged in the present while focusing on the future.
What comes to mind is that we focus on taking our teams, Organisations etc. to greater height and we forget about the joy of the present...we begin to lean on the wall of perfectionism at the expense of our health, relationships in all spheres etc.
Patrick Obita:
That is a good theme Sarah
. You have gotten me with a different perspective of leadership. If as a leader we bettered ourselves then we will have organizations getting better in everything. However, the problem is we concentrate on bettering the systems and processes within the organisation at our own self-expense. The issue of you give what you have comes in handy here.
Managers as you go through the day; I pray and hope you;
1. Think about the theme we need from those that were suggested.
2. Think about how we want to have our Managers' Clinic organized (venue, activities, etc.).
3. We share our thoughts on this to move ahead. We could share today before Susan
starts her session, say about 7pm.
[I] am waiting for your feedback.
Ok it ends today. The theme and the way we want the clinic to be like if you all agree.
Let us share our thoughts.
The Themes from which we need to get one for the first ever Managers' Clinic:
1. Identifying your economic engine of moving from Good to Great.
2. Personal Branding.
3. Personal Networking in an organisational set up.
Some options for the get together.
1. Conference like set up.
2. Serious yet fun filled with eats and refreshments. You work hard and need to unwind as you learn.
[Are there] Any other options you might be having up your sleeves? Let me hear from you all today on this so that most of the arrangements can start moving on [at] a fast pace.
: [We need to have] Good music preferably [a] live band.
Patrick Obita:
Thanks Asaph
I am hearing and taking✍�� notes.
Let us keep it flowing.
: I like the first theme identifying economic engine of moving from good to great. Method of work - serious yet fun filled. Not [a] normal conference setting. [It should be] something more informal. Please [remind me about] the dates again and what do we contribute.
: Yes. I second Helen
. [There should be] No conference please, an informal evening, three facilitators maximum and we chill and relax.
Patrick Obita:
Thanks [to] Helen
and Eunice
for the ideas shared.
We have planned for Saturday 8th
October 2016.
The price will be announced later.
Managers, do we take it that theme 1 takes the day. I have two counts for it only and none for the others. The decision on the theme will be a good one to get the possible subject matter gurus.
: Thanks Patrick
[I] will block the date.
Patrick Obita:
: I am cheering on.
: Patrick
is asking for members views...
Patrick Obita:
I hope they are agreeing if am not wrong. Like in marriage, if you have nothing against then keep your peace for ever. However, make sure you attend the clinic.
: [I have] No objection.
: Sawa sawa.
Patrick Obita:
Managers I trust you are [all] fine. I also trust that you are [all] gearing up for The Managers' Clinic.
Saturday 8th
October 2016.
"Looking Beyond the Salary. Earning More than the Monthly Pay Cheque".
La Sunset Gardens, Namugongo
1:00pm to 7:00pm
Fun but serious talks, games, nyama choma, refreshments, networking, music amongst.
50,000 plus 2000 for mobile money withdrawal charges.
0776 521701 (MM) and 0755 000971.
Bring your Boss, Boss' Boss, peers, subordinates, friends and relatives.
You work and think VERY HARD yet rest and relax VERY SOFTLY.
: Thanks Patrick
and team for leading with distinction. I will bring my frenemies [friends and enemies] too.
Patrick Obita:
Fine Catherine
. [I am] waiting to see you at The Managers' Clinic. You know how powerful to put the face to the name in the physical. I cannot wait to see you at the clinic. Let me see those coming. Do not miss out.
: ☝��
: Nice.
: Can we invite others?
Patrick Obita:
Yes Helen
Let us share and invite anyone and everyone not to miss out.
[you have] been so quiet. How are you? Do not miss The Managers' Clinic.
: Oh yah [I am] following on closely [the discussions] Obita
Patrick Obita:
Thanks Sarah
. We are going with theme one and the serious yet fun filled.
Two Months Celebration of “The Manager” Group
Patrick Obita:
Can you believe, 17th
July marks two months "The Manager" was created and it is growing on fire inspiring the members.
hanks for staying put especially the first members whom I co-opted without their consent. Obugalo [clapping] to the one who encouraged me to start the group after the Facebook page. Thanks, Enos
for the thought and we are moving at a pace we did not envisage.
I have heard testimonies from some of you in the group that you are learning even if you do not contribute to the on-going discussions. That is motivating to know that you read and make use of the information shared.
For those that have contributed to the discussions, thank you and do not stop doing so. You have been great and you make us buy, borrow, share or lend mobile data to read what is being discussed religiously.
Thanks to those who came on board through the Facebook page. You joined without hesitation even if you did not know the person inviting you.
I thank you for the networks being developed with the sense of at least knowing what one does and where they do their work has been humbling. I think it has set us apart from other groups. Thanks for sharing such information with a stranger called Patrick Obita:
aka Obex, Obits, Pao, etc.
We still have challenges though that is what excites me as a Manager to find solutions to it e.g. growing the number, ensuring quality discussions, staying focused on the goal of the group amongst others.
I believe it is God driving this group and we are going to create a movement of people with a "Distinctive Leadership and Managerial niche" that our families, communities, nation, Africa and the world desire. You will be the pioneer of this and thank you. The Bible tells us that one cannot light a lamp and keep it under the bed; instead, it is put where people can see. That is what I prophesy that you will be light wherever you are.
I call upon all of you to bring more people on board so that we continue to grow the critical mass to drive our objectives ahead.
Thank you all once again for being part of this wonderful group “The Manager”.
Please continue to feel at The Manager.
: Two months whoa. Congratulations.
: Good Sunday people.
Congratulations Patrick
for the distinctive leadership on this group.
The Bible says without knowledge my people shall perish.
: Thanks, every one for this Managers' group, its motivational and inspiring. Patrick
thanks for the feedback.
Patrick Obita:
It’s you and the others that make it what it is. I appreciate the contributions.