Effective Communication: Keeping the Door Open.
I n this chapter, I emphasize the use of being accessible as a Manager. Are you approachable? Is there a barrier always when people want you to attend to them? Do they have to go through a bureaucratic process all the time? Etc.
Being accessible means that there is a free flow of communication channels. It is easy for you to communicate to others and it is easy for them to communicate to you. You as the Manager, you are available to help guide, listen to the concerns of your subordinates, and act upon them.
So, what can one do to maintain an open door of communication?
Firstly, you need to provide a friendly environment. This can be through encouraging staff to bring to your attention any issues that need to be addressed. What you say and do in this regard should be consistent. Be friendly and welcoming.
Imagine a subordinate approached you and as the Manager, you tell him you receive so many emails and therefore there will be no time to look at his report or query. It could be true, but if it is your trend, it will become known within the organisation that any communication from them is like number four after donors, their supervisor and head of the organization or company. You will have already destroyed any communication, as they will not want to waste your time. However urgent you will need their reports one day, they will take it for granted because they know that you have no time for them.
In management, you need to be very receptive and sensitive to communication from those below you. This is because they can break or make your work or output good or bad. In fact, they should be at the top of your list. If your house is not in order then you cannot give others what you do not have.
Seek for opinions before a major decision is made through seeking the input of the staff. Thank them for taking time to communicate with you and this will further motivate them to share again.
Make sure that you never minimize or under look the contributions of the staff. Make sure you act on the concerns provided less they forget to share with you ever.
Tell the staff that they are at liberty to get to your office whenever they need you and there is no need for an appointment.
In addition, they can share with you their concerns wherever they find you. From experience, I realised that people in authority are taken to hear and listen when they are in their offices. I use to tell everyone that wherever I am, that is my office and where I sit does not matter a lot in serving them. Don't miss the opportunity as they might change their mind and so you will never know what they wanted to share yet it could have been very important.
Do not forget to have that channel open to communicate effectively.
Remember to put this into practice and better still share your insights how you do or are doing it. Good day Managers.
Patrick Obita: This is the article I have just shared on the Facebook page of The Manager.
Eunice : [This is] Great.
Peluth : Thanks Patrick .
Effective Communication: Taking Interest in your Employees.
Patrick Obita: [This has] Just been released now on ‘The Manager’ Facebook page. The Good Manager Series.
W e have heard or even practiced it ourselves when you start by asking someone how they are, their family, hens, parents, etc. After we know that they are relaxed and more welcoming by our own judgement, we then release the request. Could you lend me some money? At this point, the person feels sorry not to give you if they have the money.
Let this interest be genuine. Do not put on a plastic smile yet you want to stab them in the back. Genuine interest is easily known as well as a plastic one.
This is valuable because everyone wants to be cared for and feel that they matter. Their welfare being first then they will give you their loyalty. Do not be like some Manager, (true story) when his staff had an accident and the Manager was called, the first thing said after being told about the accident was "Is the vehicle ok?" You can imagine the staff's attitude after that incidence.
So, what do we do to take interest in our employees?
First, do not make all the interactions to be about work. Let it be about knowing yourselves, what are your aspirations, family, challenges and hobbies amongst others.
Learn to greet your staff and finding out how their families are. This concern helps create bonds with them.
In addition, ask and memorise the names of their spouses and children. Asking them about how each one is doing especially when using their names is very refreshing and they seem real and not objects.
Be involved in the activities that the team members do both at work and out of the work environment. This shows that you are at their level and you really care about them.
Fourthly, whenever the team members have gatherings like funerals of their loved ones, weddings or any other event, be part of them. This shows you really do care. You could even use your own resources to get involved.
Fifthly, you could telephone, Skype or send emails just to see how your team is doing. How often do you call your staff over the weekend just to find out how they are doing? Rarely, do you do it. Your staff will be hesitant to pick up your calls outside office if it is always about work. Try getting interested in their welfare and you will bless your staff immensely.
I have many other methods but let me end this today with the need of you to pray for your team members. I one time had a supervisor, James Kaahwa who never got tired of praying for the people who reported directly to him. He even went further by forming a prayer group that we would pray together through teleconferencing.
Please you cannot effectively communicate to your team members if they feel that your interest in them is superficial.
Make sure that you are genuine and you can start NOW AS IT IS THE BEST TIME FOR CHANGE.
Effective Communication: Giving Effective Feedback (Positive and Negative).
Patrick Obita: This is what I have just posted on The Manager Facebook page.
E very day we give feedback to people for various reasons. This feedback might be positive or negative. For it to make an impact in the desired way, it must be effective.
Give feedback not criticising but pointing out the areas where one needs to improve, develop or grow. Such feedback is always welcome and produces a lasting effect unlike when it is negative and full of criticism. This feedback breaks relationships.
Therefore, one of the most important things to do is to learn to good give positive feedback and not mix it with the negative one.
I know often times we have used or heard someone say, "you did well in so and so "BUT" you failed to do so and so." They then concentrate on the negative forever and you are wondering, what is wrong with this person. The subtlest way to do this is to replace the word "BUT" with "THOUGH". This does not erase all the good things they have done and it gives them another insight to concentrate on their weak points.
Ensure that you do not provide negative feedback when in public. However, for the positive, go ahead and shout it out in the public. We all desire positive affirmation when it is done and most importantly when in public as it promotes your good deeds for all to see.
For the negative, have a private place to deliver it. That is out of the hearing of any other person than the one intended to hear. That is why it is wise not to mix the positive with the negative feedback.
Feedback needs to be immediate, relevant and appropriate for it to have the needed impact or outcome. It should be cordial in a way that sharing, questioning and clarity sought. Do not be the Theory X Manager (I mean those who are autocratic or authoritarian in style. But be the Theory Y Manager).
Please ensure that it is documented than just using word of mouth and thinking the person will get and work on all you have suggested. As humans we are bound to forget so having, it written in black and white provides a reference point for the future.
Do not pass it on to another person to give the feedback on your behalf. You need to do it yourself as it shows respect and lack of fear or a sinister reason behind the delegation.
As I sign off, please do not mix positive and negative feedback one at a time.
Effective Communication: Listening.
Patrick Obita: This article is from ‘The Manager’ Facebook page.
Patrick Obita: The Good Manager Series.
M ost of us find it easy to talk than to listen to what others are saying. And we at most times think that whatever we say is the truth. You can be lucky if someone who really cares that you need to improve tells you to keep quiet and listen. That is when you will be able to analyse what other people are saying and whether they are making sense or not.
So, what do you have to do to really listen?
Pay attention and show interest in the person and what they are saying. It might be hard but push yourself. Imagine someone comes to your office and as they talk to you, you keep typing on the key board of your desktop computer or laptop. They will really want to get out as soon as possible if they had their way. Giving them a few minutes or seconds and concentrate on them will make you trusted and respected.
Do not interrupt someone as they are talking and refer to them what you think they are driving at. Doing this distorts the thought patterns of the person who might end up not relaying the right information that was to be passed on or he may even withhold the message.
As you listen, be keen to observe the body language of the person. They might be hiding something if you are keen on observing them.
To be a good listener, make sure that you act on what others have discussed with you otherwise you will be branded as one who does not listen.
Have you ever been in a meeting and it is only the Manager or leader talking from the beginning to the end in which over 90% are their contributions and not the other members. Make sure that you reverse it and you contribute at most 10% and less the better. In this, you will encourage practical ideas being shared.
As a Manager, you need to hear the emotions and undertones that call upon you to intervene if need be. This cannot be noticed when you keep talking all the time. Stop having a ‘sweet tooth’.
When you have failed to listen, turn to God to help you overcome that vice through prayers.
We need to ask ourselves why we often fail to listen effectively. Is it personal or not? Do we think talking means being one of authority? Can't it be changed? Yes, it can. So, what is holding you back? Act NOW by assessing yourself and being accountable to someone like your mentor or coach or your team.
Effective Communication: Ask Questions.
Patrick Obita: See the article I posted on The Manager Facebook page yesterday.
Patrick Obita: The Good Manager Series.
M ost Managers or leaders think that when they ask questions, they are taken to be stupid, they do not know their roles, they will not be taken as the ones with authority, etc. How wrong they are! So why would you ask questions? It has the importance of showing the team that you are also learning since you show them that you do not know everything.
In addition, it shows that you are getting clarity to avoid making mistakes that can be costly. It is better to ask than not to. You therefore need to create the environment in which asking is natural and not punitive.
It is important that you use the 5Ws of asking questions and ask as often as possible. However, refrain yourself from over asking as you might instead look stupid asking irrelevant questions.
The questions you ask should stir discussions geared toward elucidating in depth information from the team to address a situation at hand.
Questions asked can be open or closed ended depending on the situation. However, open-ended questions will bring about views from various people and different perspectives of the same situation. The closed ended questions might be used to confirm a fact or its being investigative. So be very careful as you use them.
Please go ahead and do not be ashamed of asking questions as it could be what will show your worth hence advancement in your career.
Eunice : Good Morning Patrick . Nice piece about asking relevant probing and clarification questions.