The Story of Mordecai uncovering a Conspiracy.
I n the book of Esther 2:19-23, there were two officers that guarded the king's doorway and because of anger they plotted to kill the King. Mordecai found out about it, informed the Queen who then reported to the king and action taken after a thorough investigation.
As I read this passage, I looked out for what Leaders and Managers need to learn.
The first lesson is do we know where to report in case of something not going right. This is because the person you report to should either be able to solve the issue or forward it to the next level for action. That is what Mordecai did, then Queen Esther to the King who acted.
Holding onto such important destructive information can lead to dire consequences. This thus needs you to act immediately than later to avert the bad consequences that can arise. If Mordecai did not share this information, the King would have been dead. What then could have been the impact on the kingdom? Your guess and mine is just as good and the same.
Thirdly, whatever information received, thoroughly investigate for credibility before taking action. You do not want to be in a situation where the correct information / evidence is received too late. Let us all make decisions only with accurate and sufficient evidence because some decisions are irreversible and will dent your reputation.
Fourthly, document what was done for future reference. Keep them well because you never know when that can be of value. If you read further the book of Esther, the king went back to the archives and made Mordecai a person of high status in his kingdom as a result.
As I conclude, remember, you need courage as well as the need to see good prevail over bad. We are in a society in which those that do bad things move ahead in life. However, believe that the Lord will reward you abundantly at his timing for doing good.
Have a blessed week fellow Managers.
Patrick Obita: Thought it would be nice to share this same piece just posted on the Facebook page. Good morning Managers.
Daphne: wow. This is great. Thank you for sharing @Patrick . Great week to all Managers.
Patrick Obita: At your service @Daphne .
Daphne: ha-ha.
Patrick Obita: Do not dispute @Daphne .
Daphne: It is true. Ha-ha. But you Patrick .
What Do People Say You Are?
Patrick Obita: Good morning Managers. A hot reflection from the Facebook page ‘The Manager’ now. The Story of the Confession of Christ by Peter (Matthew 16:13-20).
T oday's theme is "What Do People Say You Are?" As I have been doing every first day of the week, am going to look at the Word in relation to the context of leadership and management. What we can learn from it so that we apply it in our work, business or personal lives.
In this reading, Jesus asked the apostles who people say He is. Very interesting responses came through from them. The responses were that some people thought he was one of the great prophets of their ancestors' time.
As a Leader, worker or a person, are you compared to others before you whom people considered had great virtues? This is about the reputation or legacy we live behind when we are long gone from this world or place. If you are not equated to those considered great before you in that position you hold then know there is something terribly wrong. Find out and begin the journey of repairing NOW.
Another lesson, is as a Leader or worker, do you have the guts to want to know what others think and say about you. It takes a humble spirit and personality to be aware of yourself to serve others better.
Thus, in whatever you do, seek out opportunities to see how you stand in other peoples' eyes or perspectives.
The first question Jesus asked was what others thought about Him before turning to Peter who was in His inner circle and asked him what he thinks about Him.
This shows that those not in your daily circle have a different perspective as those in your inner circle. You therefore need those in your inner circle to be able to counteract the negative perceptions if any (usually there) from those out there. Therefore, you knowing that your inner circle has the right information about you is much important than what those out there know about you. As I think, your influence begins from within you, spreading to those nearest to you and then to those farthest.
Make sure that you are able to build the inner circle with your knowledge and skills so that they feel proud that you had a hand in their growth. Jesus promised and blessed Peter that he is going to be the rock He is to build the church on. Moreover, that did happen.
Make sure that you groom someone to take up your roles and responsibilities while you are gone. Do not leave them as "orphans".
As I conclude, we all desire to be equated and even better still referred to as the best ever. However, that only comes with working on you and building others. That is what great leaders do.
NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN. Have a great week.
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬The Story When Jesus Calms the Storm‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬.
Patrick Obita: Hot from my weekly word post in ‘The Manager’ Facebook page. If you are not yet synched, search and like the page.
Patrick Obita: The Story When Jesus Calms the Storm (Matthew 8:23-27).
W hen you read this Bible story you will be amazed at how Jesus was sleeping in the same boat yet the disciples were struggling to keep the boat from capsizing because of the storm. So, as I read this story my mind dashed to what we can pick out from it in terms of our managerial and leadership responsibilities as we work with various people.
Firstly, we shall and will continue to face difficult situations in our lives and most especially at the workplaces. You might see the signs coming or not and it might be very strong or furious that you might be easily swept over.
The second lesson is that these difficult situations might be happening around you and you do not know. Imagine Jesus was with the disciples in the same boat but was deep asleep. This shows that you need someone to bring it to your attention. Do you have people that can do that for you? In addition, why would they? Do they believe in you to calm the situation? It calls upon you to develop the abilities that others can turn to you in times of storms for solutions.
Thirdly, assess the capacity of your team and then help build them up through actions by doing it together with them. This is illustrated when Jesus was woken up and He told them "you of little faith".
Fourthly, you need to have some of these qualities Jesus showed in calming the storm; be knowledgeable, patient and calm, do not panic or rush and know what to say and when to say it or not to say it.
Fifthly, people will be amazed at what you can do and even the doubters will marvel at your potential.
Therefore, do not worry because of the difficulties you might face when you do not have control over them. Jesus said, ‘fear not, I am with thee.’
May you have a blessed week in which people will marvel at how you handle the difficult situations in your life!
Gilbert : Thanks Patrick .
Patrick Obita: Welcome Gilbert and feel at home.
How to be Great and the First?
Patrick Obita: Hot from The Manager Facebook page with your week's word of reflection.
How to be Great and the First (Matthew 20:25-28)?
T his started with the request the mother of Zebedee's sons made to Jesus that her two sons should sit on either side of Jesus' hands in the Kingdom of God.
However, this did not go well with the other apostles when they learnt about this request and so Jesus provided them with what one needs to be great and first amongst the others.
I have observed that most Leaders or Managers behave and want to be treated as kings in their work places. They are addressed by their titles so that people know that they are important. They also do exercise their authority over the people. However, do they become great? I do not think so instead they become tyrants.
Thus, to become great, you need to be a servant to the people you lead. To be a servant means you are always at hand to help others through any situation. A servant treats their masters with respect, humility and makes them feel valued.
To be the first you must be a slave. This means that whatever you do you must exhibit hard work, no complaints and doing the "dirty" work. You thus give your comfort for your master. This is what you must be willing to carry as a Leader.
Finally, this shows that there is no shortcut to greatness or being the first.
Have a blessed week to you all Managers out there.
Helen : Thank you.
Patrick Obita: At your service.
How People Perceive You?
Patrick Obita: Just posted this on ‘The Manager’ page. How People Perceive You?
"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." John Lubbock.
T he saying above is the theme of my reflection today especially how people perceive us. This week's reflection is from the Gospel of John 6:41-42. To paraphrase, the Jews grumbled that Jesus could not be the bread from heaven because he was the son of Joseph a carpenter and Mary his mother whom they knew so well.
Some of the key lessons I learnt that are vital in our leadership life are as follows:
People will judge you according to your family history or background, what your previous work was like, the kind of friends you had or have, etc. If you are from one category that they think do not conform to their status, you will have it rough. This is because of jealousy, greed or pride. Moreover, as such in order to put you down as they think you are not worthy to be in that position. They think that they are better than you are because they have privileged backgrounds unlike you. It is because they are not where you are which they thought they should be.
The other lesson is that most people never have the detailed story about you. Therefore, they come up quickly with their judgments based on these little facts they have. Imagine if these people knew how Jesus was conceived, his birth and how he grew up to the time he was speaking to them, I guess they could have had a different story to tell and not oppose him like they did in the other verses. Thus, people will never know the journeys you have taken to get to the position you are in e.g. further studies, self-training, seeking support through mentorship and coaching, etc.
As I conclude, do not allow those that despise you to have their own way. Stay focused and if you fall victim try and clear the air, do so basing on facts and not emotions. When you read fully these verses, you will realise how Jesus confronted them with the words already written in the books of the law.
Be proud of your past because it is what has shaped who you are today.
Have a blessed week and welcome on board the new members. Thank you for being part of this group.
Judith : The environment around us also has a lot to do with shaping who we are. Though it is important in life to take a moment and discover whom you really are and what things you need to change in order to define who you really are or want to be.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
Patrick Obita: [That is] Well said Judith .
Luba ‬: Thanks for sharing. This reminds me of a Luganda saying "mbulila gwoyita naye nkubulile empisa zo" can someone translate please!‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ [tell me who your friends are and I will tell you your behaviour]
Angella : Thanks Patrick and Judith .
Tapping into God’s Blessings.
Patrick Obita: Good morning Managers. Paul and Silas in Prison Acts 16:25-28.
I   Was reading this and felt inspired to share with you my thoughts especially how you tap into God's blessings because of the righteous in your midst. In short, Paul and Silas were praying and singing while the other prisoners were listening. They experienced a violent earthquake, EVERYONE had their chains off, and the prison doors opened.
In the midst of the righteous, God sets, us free to tap into His blessings because of them that seek God earnestly. As a Leader, be righteous on behalf of your team members so that opportunities, with closed doors, open for everyone.
In so doing, make sure that you are kind and gentle to warn others from harm like when Paul told the jailer not to take his life because all the prisoners were present.
This also shows that we need to use the freedom we are given in the right way to bring glory to God our Lord.
Have a blessed Saturday fellow Managers.
Speaking and Acting as One.
Patrick Obita: Speaking and Acting as One (Tower of Babel).
Genesis 11:6 "The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them".
T he Bible tells us about the importance of oneness. When everyone puts in their heart, mind, soul and act then nothing can fail the team. We have heard in our lifetime and will continue to hear about the importance of a united people, family, organisation, country, continent or world.
As a group of Managers, we need this unity more than ever thought about or knew it possible. It will lead us to achieve the goal of having a leadership style exhibited by our circles and those around us as being of distinction.
We even have The Managers' Clinic coming forth in less than a month. However, the only success we can have is if we all speak, plan and act as one.
If you go on with the Bible reading in verse 7, the Lord had to come down and have them get confused not to build the tower into heaven. This was because He had wanted them to fill the earth yet the tower was going to have everyone in one place.
I know that this is about the will of God. We continuously have to pray without ceasing for the group and the members. This is the only way we have to reach the heights the Lord has already put in place.
Let us unite and be as one to have the best ‘Managers Clinic’ and set the foundation for something we never even perceived would take the trend it has taken and continuously is taking.
Sarah : This post strikes a chord.... thanks Patrick .
Patrick Obita: You are most welcome Sarah .
Eunice : United, peaceful and prosperous Uganda.
Jane : Wow. Thanks Patrick . [This is a] Nice piece.