Table of Contents
Title Page
Part 1: Kierkegaard and Political Theology
Chapter 1: Destitution of Sovereignty
Chapter 2: Kierkegaard and the Critique of Political Theology
Chapter 3: Johannes Climacus and Two Kierkegaards
Chapter 4: Politics as Indirect Communication in The Moment and the Attack upon “Christendom”
Part 2: Kierkegaard and the Politics of Faith, Hope, and Love
Chapter 5: Downward Bound
Chapter 6: Searching for a Secular God
Chapter 7: Equality
Chapter 8: Loving the Ones We See
Chapter 9: Kierkegaard, Badiou, and Christian Hope
Part 3: Kierkegaard and the Politics of Philosophy
Chapter 10: The Time Is Out of Joint
Chapter 11: Kierkegaard’s “Single Individual” and Hardt and Negri’s “Multitude”
Chapter 12: Tagore and Kierkegaard as Resources for Political Theology
Chapter 13: Theater, Theology, and Empowerment
Chapter 14: Politicizing Kierkegaardian Repetition
Chapter 15: Lost Expectations
Part 4: Kierkegaard and the Politics of Theology
Chapter 16: On Whose Authority?
Chapter 17: Politics of the Church, Hidden and Revealed, in Søren Kierkegaard and John Howard Yoder
Chapter 18: How (Not) to Write a Kierkegaardian Political Theology
Chapter 19: The Spotlight and the “Courage to Be an Absolute Nobody”
Part 5: Kierkegaard and the Politics of Communication
Chapter 20: Kierkegaard’s Dagdriver
Chapter 21: Søren Kierkegaard, Indirect Communication, and the Strength of Weak Authority
Chapter 22: Sociological Categories and the Journey to Selfhood
Chapter 23: Kierkegaard and the Politics of Time