Many sincere thanks to—
My editor, Peternelle van Arsdale, and my agent, Kirsten Neuhaus, for believing I could write this book in the first place.
Everyone at Putnam for their overwhelming support of Spiced, but especially Ivan Held, Kate Stark, Marilyn Ducksworth, Mih-Ho Cha, Lisa Amoroso, Dick Heffernan and the entire sales force, and Rachel Holtzman.
Sarah Shatz, photographer extraordinaire, Mary Jones, and Gail Schoenberg.
The very accommodating Restaurant Jean Claude and everyone at Dressler restaurant.
All the cooks and chefs I’ve worked with who have made my life infinitely richer, but especially Scott Bryan, Scott Barton, and most of all, Joseph Fortunato.
Janah and Lara Feldman, for their lifetime of support and friendship.
And finally, my parents, brother, and extended family, without whom I would not be who I am today.