Butterfly gardening begins with plants, especially native plants. The species described here represent some of the best plant options for supporting butterflies in garden settings in various parts of the United States and Canada. Included are more than one hundred wildflowers, perennial grasses and sedges, vines, and trees and shrubs known to produce an abundance of nectar and/or to be the preferred larval host plants of our more common butterflies. The flowering species also attract a marvelous diversity of other pollinators, including mason bees, flower flies, and beneficial insects that prey on garden pests.
The species in this directory tolerate a range of soil conditions and are typically available from native plant nurseries. If individual species for your region are difficult to find, look for closely related ones, ideally within the same genus. Bloom time is given to help you design a garden with something blooming throughout the year. For each plant, we also specify the life cycle as annual, biennial, or perennial. Where two or three possibilities are given, the life cycle may be variable within the species due to genetic and climate factors. If the plant is a larval host, the species of butterflies or moths that lay their eggs on the plant are listed.
Rudbeckia hirta
Showy, profuse flowers attract some butterflies and bees. Prefers full sun and is heat and drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle annual, biennial, or perennial
soil moisture dry to wet
nectar value limited
larval host to bordered patch (Chlosyne lacinia), gorgone checkerspot (Chlosyne gorgone), silvery checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)
native range eastern United States, Midwest, parts of the Great Plains, southern Canada
Gaillardia aristata
Vibrant, typically two-toned flowers have highly variable color patterns. Prefers well-drained soils and is easily established from seed.
bloom time summer
flower color red, yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to gaillardia flower moth (Schinia masoni)
native range mountain and inland Northwest regions, western Canada
Conoclinium coelestinum
Fluffy flowers borne in dense clusters are a favored nectar source of many butterflies. Has the potential to spread outside of its planted area.
bloom time summer and fall
flower color purple
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions
Verbena hastata
Small flowers ringed around slender, branched spikes attract butterflies and bees. Seeds support songbirds.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle biennial or perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to common buckeye (Junonia coenia)
native range northeastern United States west to the eastern Great Plains
Lupinus latifolius
Large, showy flower stalks rise above attractive foliage. Adaptable to most soil types and tolerates some shade.
bloom time spring
flower color purple
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value no
larval host to Boisduval’s blue (Plebejus icarioides), clouded sulphur (Colias philodice), orange sulphur (Colias eurytheme), Persius duskywing (Erynnis persius), silvery blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)
native range California and the Pacific Northwest
Asclepias tuberosa
Brilliant blooms arranged in clusters are a favored nectar source of many insects. In contrast to other milkweeds, has clear rather than milky sap. Prefers sandy soils.
bloom time summer
flower color orange
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to dogbane tiger moth (Cycnia tenera), milkweed tussock moth (Euchaetes egle), monarch (Danaus plexippus), queen (Danaus gilippus), unexpected cycnia (Cycnia inopinatus)
native range eastern United States and desert Southwest, Ontario and Quebec
Solidago californica
Small yet abundant flowers are an important late-season nectar source for butterflies and many other insects.
bloom time fall
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range California and Oregon
Cirsium occidentale
This native, noninvasive thistle has densely hairy foliage, stems and bracts, and large showy flowers that attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color red
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle biennial, sometimes perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to California crescent (Phyciodes orseis), mylitta crescent (Phyciodes mylitta), painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
native range California, southern Oregon, and western Nevada
Viola sororia
Low-growing plant has delicate flowers and attractive, heart-shaped leaves. Tolerates partial shade and self-seeds under favorable conditions.
bloom time spring
flower color purple
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle annual
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeris aphrodite), great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele), meadow fritillary (Boloria bellona), silver-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene), variegated fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)
native range eastern United States and southeastern Canada
Monardella villosa
Showy, abundant blooms decorate aromatic gray-green foliage. Prefers good drainage and minimal summer water.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range California and Oregon
Silphium perfoliatum
This tall, robust plant has large sunflower-like flowers. Birds are attracted to its seeds and the water that accumulates in the cup-shaped structures formed by the leaves.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet+
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range Midwest and Great Lakes region, southeastern Canada
Lotus scoparius
This vital host plant for California butterflies has small but abundant flowers that also attract bees. Very drought tolerant.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to Acmon blue (Plebejus acmon), Afranius duskywing (Erynnis afranius), Avalon scrub hairstreak (Strymon avalona), bramble hairstreak (Callophrys dumetorum), funereal duskywing (Erynnis funeralis), northern cloudywing (Thorybes pylades)
native range California and Baja California
Liatris spicata
This magnet for butterflies and bees has tall, showy flower spikes and grasslike leaves. Plants grow in discrete clumps and have a very tidy appearance.
bloom time late summer
flower color purple
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range eastern United States, excluding most of New England; southern Ontario and Quebec
Sphaeralcea ambigua
Large flowers cluster at the ends of stems, and woolly gray-green foliage remains evergreen. Drought tolerant.
bloom time variable and extended; peak bloom usually in spring
flower color orange
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to common checkered skipper (Pyrgus communis), northern white skipper (Heliopetes ericetorum), painted lady (Vanessa cardui), small checkered skipper (Pyrgus scriptura), West Coast lady (Vanessa annabella)
native range southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
Symphyotrichum subspicatum
This is an important late-season nectar source. Prefers damp or occasionally flooded soils.
bloom time fall
flower color purple
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range northwestern United States and western Canada
Cirsium edule
This native, noninvasive thistle is frequently visited by butterflies and bees. Seeds are attractive to songbirds.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle biennial or perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to mylitta crescent (Phyciodes mylitta), painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
native range Pacific Northwest, including British Columbia
Oenothera biennis
Showy, fragrant flowers typically bloom at night and into the morning. Seeds are attractive to birds.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle biennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to primrose moth (Schinia florida), white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata)
native range eastern United States from the Great Lakes and New England south to the Gulf Coast
Chamerion angustifolium
This very tall plant with willowlike leaves is topped with large flower clusters. Thrives in moist soil and can potentially spread either by rhizomes or seed dispersal.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to bedstraw moth (Hyles gallii), white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata)
native range northern tier of the United States into Canada
Penstemon heterophyllus
Iridescent blooms attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Requires good drainage and is heat and drought tolerant.
bloom time spring and early summer
flower color blue
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range California
Penstemon digitalis
This prolific nectar producer is visited by a huge diversity of butterflies, moths, and bees. Often grows in clumps; foliage remains semi-evergreen at southern latitudes.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range eastern United States and Canada, although uncommon in the southeastern states
Vernonia gigantea
This tall, robust plant has showy flower clusters. Hardy and adaptable.
bloom time late summer
flower color purple
maximum height 7 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to ironweed borer moth (Papaipema cerussata), red groundling moth (Perigea xanthioides)
native range central Great Lakes south to the Gulf Coast
Gilia capitata
Globe-shaped, periwinkle-blue flowers attract butterflies and bees. Easy to establish from seed; may require periodic reseeding.
bloom time spring
flower color blue
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle annual
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range western United States and Baja California
Zizia aurea
The small flowers of this early-blooming member of the carrot family offer nectar. Prefers poorly drained and wet soils and tolerates some shade.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to black swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)
native range eastern United States and eastern Canada
Verbesina encelioides
An important late-season nectar source for butterflies and many other insects, this plant flowers prolifically with an extended bloom period.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle annual
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to bordered patch (Chlosyne lacinia)
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Eriophyllum confertiflorum
This drought-tolerant plant has abundant clusters of bright yellow flowers. Prefers full sun and good drainage; may need summer water.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range California and Baja California
Lespedeza hirta
The small, inconspicuous flowers of this broadly used host plant also attract some bees. Prefers partial rather than full sun.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value no
larval host to bella moth (Utetheisa ornatrix), black-spotted prominent moth (Dasylophia anguina), cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae), confused cloudywing (Thorybes confusis), eastern tailed blue (Cupido comyntas), gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), southern cloudywing (Thorybes bathyllus), Zarucco duskywing (Erynnis zarucco)
native range eastern United States, excluding the western Great Lakes region; Ontario
Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus
This prolific nectar producer does well in either full sun or part shade.
bloom time late summer
flower color pink
maximum height 6 feet+
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to Clymene moth (Haploa clymene), Eupatorium borer moth (Carmenta bassiformis), ruby tiger moth (Phragmatobia fuliginosa), three-lined flower moth (Schinia trifascia)
native range eastern United States, excluding the western Great Lakes region; Ontario
Epilobium canum
This very attractive plant with abundant scarlet flowers and soft gray foliage is a critical late-season nectar source for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Drought tolerant.
bloom time late summer
flower color red
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Gaillardia pulchella
Vivid, usually two-toned flowers have color patterns that vary across ecotypes and cultivars. Easily established from seed and drought tolerant.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color red, yellow
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle annual, biennial, or perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to bordered patch (Chlosyne lacinia), painted schinia moth (Gaillardia pulchella)
native range southern United States, excluding California; northern Mexico
Coreopsis lanceolata
This early bloomer often reseeds itself and can spread by rhizomes, forming small clonal colonies. Drought tolerant and prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range eastern United States and Ontario
Senna marilandica
This larval host has attractive yellow flowers and conspicuous seedpods. Prefers moist, well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value no
larval host to cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae), orange-barred sulphur (Phoebis philea), sleepy orange (Abaeis nicippe)
native range southeastern United States, north to the southern Great Lakes region
Sidalcea malviflora
Has attractive basal foliage and striking blooms borne on tall stems. Often reseeds itself.
bloom time spring
flower color pink
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to West Coast lady (Vanessa annabella)
native range Washington, Oregon, California, and Baja California
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
As one of the latest fall-blooming plants, offers an essential source of nectar to many butterflies and bees.
bloom time fall
flower color purple
maximum height 6 feet+
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to pearl crescent (Phyciodes tharos)
native range northeastern United States west to the Great Plains; eastern Canada
Sidalcea oregana
Large pink flowers bloom in sequence atop tall stems. Does well in moist or dry soils.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color pink
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to West Coast lady (Vanessa annabella)
native range western United States and British Columbia
Eriophyllum lanatum
With profuse yellow blooms and woolly gray-green foliage, this plant sometimes exhibits a shrubby growth form. Prefers well-drained soils and often reseeds itself.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle annual or perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range western United States and British Columbia
Symphyotrichum chilense
Serves as an important late-season nectar source for butterflies, bees, and many other insects. Tolerates clay soils.
bloom time fall
flower color purple
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range western United States and British Columbia
Echinacea pallida
Supports a wide diversity of butterflies and bees and is particularly attractive to skippers. Drought tolerant and prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to silvery checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)
native range central Midwest south through the Lower Mississippi River Valley
Penstemon palmeri
This evergreen larval host has showy, fragrant flowers. Heat and drought tolerant and prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color pink
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to Arachne checkerspot (Poladryas arachne), variable checkerspot (Euphydryas chalcedona)
native range Great Basin and desert Southwest
Cirsium discolor
This native, noninvasive thistle is highly attractive to butterflies and bees, bumble bees in particular. Seeds provide food for songbirds.
bloom time late summer
flower color purple
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle biennial or perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
native range eastern United States, excluding the southern coastal plain; eastern Canada
Anaphalis margaritacea
Has delicate, papery flowers in tightly formed clusters and finely woolly foliage; can be used in dried flower arrangements. Prefers full sun and well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to American lady (Vanessa virginiensis), painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
native range disjunct populations in New England and eastern Canada, the western Great Lakes, the entire western United States, and northern Mexico
Liatris pycnostachya
Provides nectar to a broad community of butterflies including monarchs, swallowtails, skippers, and sulphurs. Heat and drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to bleeding flower moth (Schinia sanguinea)
native range Upper Midwest south to eastern Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi
Phlox pilosa
Bright, fragrant flowers vary in color, ranging from white to pink to purple. Prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to phlox moth (Schinia indiana)
native range eastern United States, excluding New England and New York; Ontario
Zinnia grandiflora
This low-growing ground cover blooms profusely. Prefers well-drained soils, spreads by rhizomes, and is deer resistant.
bloom time late spring to early fall
flower color yellow
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Stanleya pinnata
Features multiple, tall flowering stalks and attractive basal foliage. Needs no water once established.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to Becker’s white (Pontia beckerii), checkered white (Pyrgus albescens)
native range Great Basin to the western Great Plains
Grindelia integrifolia
Produces bright, long-lasting blooms and sticky, resinous flower heads with curly bracts. Flowers year round in warm weather.
bloom time late summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range Pacific Northwest, including British Columbia
Dalea purpurea
Pretty golden stamens contrast nicely with vibrant purple blossoms; attracts both butterflies and bees. Contributes nitrogen to the soil and is very heat and drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to southern dogface (Zerene cesonia)
native range central United States and Canada
Eryngium yuccifolium
Strikingly unique flowers attract incredible insect diversity. Prefers full sun.
bloom time late summer
flower color white
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to rattlesnake-master borer moth (Papaipema eryngii)
native range Florida to east Texas, north to Minnesota, and east to the Mid-Atlantic
Peritoma serrulata
Abundant, distinctive flowers attract a broad diversity of butterflies and bees. Pendulous seedpods resemble peas. May grow as wide as it is tall.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle annual
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to checkered white (Pyrgus albescens)
native range western United States and Canada
Liatris ligulistylis
Incredibly attractive to monarch butterflies. Seeds are eaten by songbirds.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to bleeding flower moth (Schinia sanguinea)
native range east of the Rockies to the Upper Midwest
Lespedeza capitata
This broadly used larval host plant also provides seed for birds. Requires good drainage and is drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value no
larval host to eastern tailed blue (Cupido comyntas), gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), hoary edge (Achalarus lyciades), northern cloudywing (Thorybes pylades), orange sulphur (Colias eurytheme), silver-spotted skipper (Epar’gyreus clarus), southern cloudywing (Thorybes bathyllus), spring azure (Celastrina ladon)
native range eastern United States, Quebec and New Brunswick
Monarda didyma
This mint family member has spectacularly showy flowers and fragrant foliage. Also attracts hummingbirds.
bloom time summer
flower color red
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to hermit sphinx (Lintneria eremitus), orange mint moth (Pyrausta orphisalis), raspberry pyrausta (Pyrausta signatalis)
native range northeastern United States and eastern Canada
Ipomopsis aggregata
Covered with brilliant red, tubular flowers in its second year, this plant attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Requires well-drained soil and is drought tolerant yet tends to need more water than other desert wildflowers.
bloom time summer
flower color red
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle biennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range western United States, British Columbia, and northern Mexico
Plectritis congesta
Delicate flowers offer an important spring nectar source for butterflies and bees. Easy to establish from seed but may require periodic reseeding.
bloom time spring
flower color pink
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle annual
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range western United States and British Columbia
Asclepias speciosa
Ball-shaped clusters of large, star-shaped flowers are magnets for butterflies, bees, and many other insects. Tall, robust plants typically flower in their second year when started from seed.
bloom time summer
flower color pink and white
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to dogbane tiger moth (Cycnia tenera), monarch (Danaus plexippus), queen (Danaus gilippus)
native range western United States and Canada
Potentilla gracilis
This rose family member with sunny blooms and broad, dissected leaves tolerates drought and light shade.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to two-banded checkered skipper (Pyrgus ruralis)
native range western United States and Canada
Boehmeria cylindrica
Lacks the stinging hairs characteristic of some of its relatives. Flowers are inconspicuous and wind-pollinated. Prefers light shade.
bloom time summer
flower color green
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value no
larval host to eastern comma (Polygonia comma), question mark (Polygonia interrogationis), red admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
native range eastern United States and Canada
Glandularia gooddingii
Short-statured evergreen plant has a mounding growth habit. Tends to be short lived but reseeds itself.
bloom time spring
flower color pink
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Yucca baccata
Thick clusters of drooping, bell-shaped flowers rise on stalks above the narrow, spine-tipped evergreen leaves of this shrublike succulent. After feeding, skipper larvae pupate in the plants’ roots.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color white
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to ursine giant skipper (Megathymus ursus), yucca giant skipper (Megathymus yuccae), various yucca moths (Proxodus species)
native range desert Southwest and northern Mexico
Asclepias asperula
Low growing and clump forming, this milkweed produces ball-shaped clusters of strikingly unique flowers followed by large, distinctive seedpods.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color purple and green
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to dogbane tiger moth (Cycnia tenera), monarch (Danaus plexippus), queen (Danaus gilippus), unexpected cycnia (Cycnia inopinatus)
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Eupatoriadelphus maculatus
Clusters of small, fragrant flowers attract a large diversity of insects. Often forms small clonal colonies; tolerates part shade.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to Clymene moth (Haploa clymene), Eupatorium borer moth (Carmenta bassiformis), ruby tiger moth (Phragmatobia fuliginosa), three-lined flower moth (Schinia trifascia)
native range New England and eastern Canada, west to the Great Lakes
Silphium asteriscus
This tall, robust plant with large, showy flowers attracts butterflies and bees. Drought tolerant once established and often reseeds itself.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 5 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range Texas east to the Mid-Atlantic region
Eriogonum umbellatum
This low-growing evergreen plant blooms profusely and is attractive to both butterflies and bees. Good candidate for inclusion in rock gardens.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to bramble hairstreak (Callophrys dumetorum), desert green hairstreak (Callophrys sheridanii comstocki), lupine blue (Plebejus lupini), Mormon metalmark (Apodemia mormo), Rocky Mountain dotted blue (Euphilotes ancilla), Sheridan’s hairstreak (Callophrys sheridanii), Sonoran metalmark (Apodemia mejicanus), western green hairstreak (Callophrys affinis)
native range western United States and Canada
Lupinus formosus
This important larval host, shorter statured than most other lupines, is visited by bees for pollen. Drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value no
larval host to Acmon blue (Plebejus acmon), arrowhead blue (Glaucopsyche piasus), Melissa blue (Plebejus melissa), silvery blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus), sooty hairstreak (Satyrium fuliginosum)
native range California and Oregon
Cirsium muticum
This native, noninvasive thistle is an essential nectar source for butterflies and bees. Seeds are attractive to songbirds.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 7 feet
life cycle biennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to painted lady (Vanessa cardui), swamp metalmark (Calephelis muticum)
native range eastern United States and Canada, although rare in the south-central and southeastern states
Eupatoriadelphus purpureus
This Joe Pye weed is an important nectar source for butterflies, moths, and bees. Prefers light shade and poorly drained and wetland edge soils.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 7 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to Eupatorium borer moth (Carmenta bassiformis), red groundling moth (Perigea xanthioides), ruby tiger moth (Phragmatobia fuliginosa), three-lined flower moth (Schinia trifascia)
native range eastern United States and Ontario
Pycnanthemum virginianum
This and other mountain mints have fragrant foliage and are a favored nectar source of many insects.
bloom time summer
flower color white and purple
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range northeastern United States and eastern Canada
Achillea millefolium
With feathery, fernlike foliage and flat-topped flower clusters, makes a nice cut flower, either fresh or dried. When buying seeds, look for western yarrow specifically as opposed to non-locally native cultivars.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value limited
larval host to unknown
native range entire United States and Canada
Dalea candida
Attracts both butterflies and bees, contributes nitrogen to the soil, and prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to clouded sulphur (Colias philodice), marine blue (Leptotes marina), Reakirt’s blue (Echinargus isola), southern dogface (Zerene cesonia)
native range central United States and Canada
Oenothera caespitosa
This short-statured plant with large, showy flowers typically blooms overnight and into the morning, attracting nectar-seeking moths. Requires good drainage.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color white
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata)
native range inland Northwest, Mountain region, Great Basin, desert Southwest, south-central Canada, and northern Mexico
Monarda fistulosa
Eye-catching, prolific blooms are visited by butterflies, moths, bees, and hummingbirds. Foliage is fragrant.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 4 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to hermit sphinx (Lintneria eremitus), orange mint moth (Pyrausta orphisalis), raspberry pyrausta (Pyrausta signatalis)
native range New England and eastern Canada west to the Great Lakes and south to the Gulf Coast
Lupinus perennis
This widely used larval host plant requires good drainage and prefers dry, sandy soils.
bloom time spring
flower color purple
maximum height 2 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value no
larval host to clouded sulphur (Colias philodice), eastern tailed blue (Cupido comyntas), frosted elfin (Callophrys irus), gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), Karner blue (Plebejus melissa samuelis), Persius duskywing (Erynnis persius), silvery blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus), wild indigo duskywing (Erynnis baptisiae)
native range eastern United States and Ontario, with a disjunct distribution
Fragaria vesca
This attractive, diminutive plant thrives in partial shade and moist soils. Fruits are edible.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 1 foot
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to two-banded checkered skipper (Pyrgus ruralis)
native range northern tier United States and across southern Canada, south through the Rocky Mountains; Baja California
Verbesina alternifolia
Uniquely shaped flowers attract both butterflies and bees. Shade tolerant and a great candidate for rain gardens.
bloom time late summer
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to gold moth (Basilodes pepita), silvery checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)
native range eastern United States and Ontario
Solidago rugosa
This is an important late season nectar source for butterflies, moths, bees, and more. Often grows in clumps.
bloom time fall
flower color yellow
maximum height 6 feet
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range eastern United States and Canada
Cirsium horridulum
This native, noninvasive thistle is very prickly but has showy flowers and is an excellent nectar source for butterflies and bumble bees.
bloom time summer
flower color yellow or purple
maximum height 3 feet
life cycle annual or biennial
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to little metalmark (Calephelis virginiensis), painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
native range southeastern United States
Andropogon gerardii
This tall, densely growing warm-season bunchgrass has gray or blue-green foliage that changes color in the fall. Drought tolerant and deer resistant.
bloom time summer and fall
maximum height 7 feet
soil moisture average to wet
larval host to Arogos skipper (Atrytone arogos), Byssus skipper (Problema byssus), cobweb skipper (Hesperia metea), common wood nymph (Cercyonis pegala), Delaware skipper (Anatrytone logan), dusted skipper (Atrytonopsis hianna)
native range central and eastern United States and Canada
Bouteloua gracilis
This short-statured, warm-season grass can be densely planted to form a shaggy, no-mow lawn that requires little water.
bloom time summer
maximum height 2 feet
soil moisture dry
larval host to Garita skipperling (Oarisma garita), green skipper (Hesperia viridis), Pahaska skipper (Hesperia pahaska), Rhesus skipper (Polites rhesus), Simius roadside skipper (Notamblyscirtes simius), Uncas skipper (Hesperia uncas)
native range Great Plains west to the Great Basin and southern California; southern Canada
Elymus glaucus
This cool-season bunchgrass offers attractive blue-green foliage. Prefers moist soil yet will tolerate drier conditions.
bloom time summer
maximum height 4 feet
soil moisture average
larval host to woodland skipper (Ochlodes sylvanoides)
native range western United States and Canada
Elymus hystrix
This cool-season bunchgrass has unique bottlebrush-shaped flower spikes. Tolerates shade.
bloom time summer
maximum height 5 feet
soil moisture average
larval host to northern pearly eye (Lethe anthedon anthedon)
native range Great Lakes and Northeast regions; eastern Canada
Festuca idahoensis
This low-growing bunchgrass with tall flowering stems is highly adaptable and drought tolerant.
bloom time spring and summer
maximum height 2 feet
soil moisture average to dry
larval host to Lindsey’s skipper (Hesperia lindseyi), sandhill skipper (Polites sabuleti), Sonora skipper (Polites sonora), woodland skipper (Ochlodes sylvanoides), western banded skipper (Hesperia colorado)
native range western United States and Canada
Sorghastrum nutans
This warm-season bunchgrass offers showy flowers and seed heads and attractive fall color.
bloom time summer and fall
maximum height 7 feet
soil moisture average
larval host to pepper-and-salt skipper (Amblyscirtes hegon)
native range central and eastern United States and Canada
Schizachyrium scoparium
This clump-forming, drought tolerant bunchgrass has attractive blue-green foliage that turns red in the fall.
bloom time summer and fall
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture dry
larval host to cobweb skipper (Hesperia metea), common wood nymph (Cercyonis pegala), crossline skipper (Polites origenes), Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae), dusted skipper (Atrytonopsis hianna), Indian skipper (Hesperia sassacus), Leonard’s skipper (Hesperia leonardus), Ottoe skipper (Hesperia ottoe), swarthy skipper (Nastra lherminier)
native range eastern and central United States and Canada
Sporobolus heterolepis
This compact bunchgrass features graceful flowers and attractive fall color. Prefers sandy soils.
bloom time summer
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture dry
larval host to Poweshiek skipper (Oarisma poweshiek)
native range Canada and United States except southeastern states
Nassella pulchra
This drought-tolerant, very adaptable bunchgrass has showy flowers with long, sharp spines.
bloom time summer
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture dry
larval host to common branded skipper (Hesperia comma), Uncas skipper (Hesperia uncas)
native range California and Baja California
Tridens flavus
This warm-season bunchgrass offers attractive purple seed heads. Prefers well-drained soils.
bloom time summer and fall
maximum height 7 feet
soil moisture dry
larval host to common wood nymph (Cercyonis pegala), crossline skipper (Polites origenes), little glassywing (Pompeius verna), Zabulon skipper (Poanes zabulon)
native range southern Great Plains east to Vermont and Florida
Festuca roemeri
This clump-forming, cool-season bunchgrass with fine-textured foliage sometimes has a bluish cast.
bloom time spring and summer
maximum height 2 feet
soil moisture average
larval host to woodland skipper (Ochlodes sylvanoides)
native range West Coast of the United States and Canada
Panicum virgatum
This warm-season bunchgrass forms dense, tidy clumps and sports reddish purple seed heads and bright yellow color in the fall.
bloom time summer
maximum height 6 feet
soil moisture average
larval host to Delaware skipper (Anatrytone logan), Hobomok skipper (Poanes hobomok)
native range southern Great Basin and the desert Southwest; east of the Rockies in both the United States and Canada
Deschampsia cespitosa
This cool-season bunchgrass has abundant, fine-textured seed heads. Adapts to a variety of growing conditions.
bloom time summer
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture wet
larval host to Juba skipper (Hesperia juba), umber skipper (Poanes melane)
native range western United States and Canada; northern Mexico
Carex stricta
This grasslike plant with attractive foliage sometimes grows in discrete tufts up to a few feet wide. Prefers full sun and damp or occasionally flooded soils.
bloom time spring
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture wet
larval host to black dash (Euphyes conspicua), dun skipper (Euphyes vestris), eyed brown (Lethe eurydice eurydice)
native range New England and eastern Canada west to the Great Lakes
Panicum obtusum
This warm-season stoloniferous grass can spread by rhizomes. Prefers moist soils.
bloom time summer
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture average to wet
larval host to dotted roadside skipper (Amblyscirtes eos)
native range Utah east to Kansas and south through Mexico
Clitoria mariana
This herbaceous plant usually has a vining habit but sometimes grows erect; very showy flowers. Prefers sandy soils.
bloom time summer
flower color purple or blue
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value no
larval host to long-tailed skipper (Urbanus proteus)
native range southeastern United States
Aristolochia californica
This woody vine has unique pipe-shaped flowers and deciduous foliage. Prefers part shade and moist soil.
bloom time winter and spring
flower color green and red
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value no
larval host to pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor)
native range California
Aristolochia watsonii
This herbaceous vine has pipe-shaped flowers and elongated, arrow-shaped leaves. Prefers part shade and tolerates drought.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color green and red
life cycle perennial
soil moisture dry
nectar value no
larval host to pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor)
native range Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Mexico
Passiflora incarnata
This herbaceous vine has highly unique flowers, deciduous foliage, and edible fruit. Tolerates drought and can spread by root suckers.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to crimson-patched longwing (Heliconius erato), Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae), Julia (Dryas iulia), Plebeian sphinx (Paratraea plebeja), variegated fritillary (Euptoieta claudia), zebra longwing (Heliconius charithonia)
native range southeastern United States
Aristolochia serpentaria
This herbaceous vine has pipe-shaped flowers and elongated, heart-shaped leaves; foliage is deciduous. Prefers to grow in shade.
bloom time spring and summer
flower color green and red
life cycle perennial
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value no
larval host to pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor), polydamas swallowtail (Battus polydamas)
native range eastern United States, excluding the Upper Midwest and most of New England
Sambucus nigra
Grows as a deciduous shrub or small tree with edible berries. Prefers moist soil but can be quite drought tolerant once established.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 20 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value limited
larval host to spring azure (Celastrina ladon)
native range United States and Canada, except some large swaths of the central states and provinces; into southern Mexico
Crataegus douglasii
Grows as a deciduous shrub or small tree with edible berries. Prefers full sun but tolerates partial shade.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 30 feet
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), pale tiger swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon), western tiger swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)
native range northwestern United States and western Canada
Gaylussacia baccata
This deciduous colony-forming shrub has nice fall color and edible berries that also attract birds. Tolerates partial shade.
bloom time spring
flower color white or pinkish red
maximum height 4 feet
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to brown elfin (Callophrys augustinus), Gordian sphinx (Sphinx gordius), Henry’s elfin (Callophrys henrici), huckleberry sphinx (Paonias astylus)
native range northeastern United States and eastern Canada
Ceanothus cuneatus
This slow-growing evergreen shrub has abundant, fragrant flowers. Highly adaptable and very drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 8 feet
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to California hairstreak (Satyrium californica), California tortoiseshell (Nymphalis californica), ceanothus silkmoth (Hyalophora euryalus), echo blue (Celastrina echo), hedgerow hairstreak (Satyrium saepium), Pacuvius duskywing (Erynnis pacuvius), western green hairstreak (Callophrys affinis), white-streaked saturnia moth (Saturnia albofasciata)
native range Oregon, California, and Baja California
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Unique, pincushion-like flowers are very attractive to butterflies and bees. Tolerates partial shade, will survive periodic flooding, and is a great candidate for rain gardens. Also tolerates clay soils.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 15 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to hydrangea sphinx (Darapsa versicolor), royal walnut moth (Citheronia regalis), titan sphinx (Aellopos titan)
native range eastern United States and Canada; California, Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Mexico
Eriogonum fasciculatum
This evergreen shrub is a favored nectar source of many butterflies, especially blues and hairstreaks. Very drought tolerant.
bloom time summer
flower color white and pink
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to Acmon blue (Plebejus acmon), blue copper (Lycaena heteronea), Electra buckmoth (Hemileuca electra), Gorgon copper (Lycaena gorgon), lupine blue (Plebejus lupine), western green hairstreak (Callophrys affinis)
native range southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Prunus angustifolia
This deciduous, thicket-forming shrub or small tree has fragrant flowers and edible fruit and is broadly used as a larval host.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 30 feet
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to black-waved flannel moth (Lagoa crispata), blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia), coral hairstreak (Satyrium titus), elm sphinx (Ceratomia amyntor), hummingbird clearwing moth (Hemaris thysbe), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), Io moth (Automeris io), polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), promethea moth (Callosamia promethea), red-spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax), small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops), spring azure (Celastrina ladon), striped hairstreak (Satyrium liparops), tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
native range southeastern United States
Prunus virginiana
This deciduous, thicket-forming shrub or small tree has showy, fragrant flowers and edible berries and is a widely used larval host.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 25 feet
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to black-waved flannel moth (Lagoa crispata), blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia), coral hairstreak (Satyrium titus), cynthia moth (Samia cynthia), elm sphinx (Ceratomia amyntor), Glover’s silkmoth (Hyalophora columbia gloveri), hummingbird clearwing moth (Hemaris thysbe), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), Io moth (Automeris io), polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), promethea moth (Callosamia promethea), red-spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax), small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops), spring azure (Celastrina ladon), striped hairstreak (Satyrium liparops), tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), twin-spotted sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis), Weidemeyer’s admiral (Limenitis weidemeyerii)
native range United States and Canada, except the southeastern states; northern Mexico
Salix caroliniana
In addition to being a larval host for many species, this deciduous small to medium tree or large shrub has male flowers that provide a source of spring pollen for bees. Requires consistently moist to wet soils.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 30 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value limited
larval host to black-waved flannel moth (Lagoa crispata), blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia), elm sphinx (Ceratomia amyntor), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), Io moth (Automeris io), modest sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta), mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), promethea moth (Callosamia promethea), red-spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax), viceroy (Limenitis archippus)
native range southeastern United States and the Mid-Atlantic region
Amorpha fruticosa
This deciduous, thicket-forming shrub should not be planted outside its native range; it is considered weedy or invasive in the northeastern United States and the state of Washington. May need supplemental water during dry periods.
bloom time summer
flower color purple
maximum height 15 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value yes
larval host to clouded sulphur (Colias philodice), gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), hoary edge (Achalarus lyciades), Io moth (Automeris io), marine blue (Leptotes marina), silver-spotted skipper (Epargyreus clarus), southern dogface (Zerene cesonia)
native range central, southwestern, and southeastern United States; eastern Canada; northern Mexico
Prunus ilicifolia
This evergreen shrub or tree has abundant white flower spikes and shiny leaves. Requires well-drained soils.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 15 feet
soil moisture average to dry
nectar value yes
larval host to California hairstreak (Satyrium californica), Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini), Nevada buckmoth (Hemileuca nevadensis), pale tiger swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon), tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
native range California and Baja California
Salix exigua
The male flowers of this deciduous shrub or tree provide pollen for bees in the spring. Requires moist soils and does not tolerate shade.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 15 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value limited
larval host to California hairstreak (Satyrium californica), Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini), mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), sylvan hairstreak (Satyrium sylvinus), tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
native range western United States and Canada; northern Mexico
Ceanothus americanus
This deciduous, drought-tolerant shrub is a magnet for butterflies, bees, and many other insects. Somewhat slow growing and prone to deer browsing.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 4 feet
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to mottled duskywing (Erynnis martialis), spring azure (Celastrina ladon), summer azure (Celastrina neglecta)
native range eastern United States and Canada
Quercus species
Oaks vary significantly in growth rate, size at maturity, and ornamental value but all provide valuable habitat for multiple life stages of numerous beneficial insects, especially if a layer of oak leaf litter is left on the ground. White oaks may be more resistant to disease and insects than other species.
maximum height from 6 to more than 100 feet
soil moisture variable, with some species adapted to arid environments and others to wetland habitats
nectar value no
larval host to banded hairstreak (Satyrium calanus), black-waved flannel moth (Lagoa crispata), blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), California hairstreak (Satyrium californica), California sister (Adelpha californica), Edward’s hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii), golden hairstreak (Habrodais grunus), gold-hunter’s hairstreak (Satyrium auretorum), Horace’s duskywing (Erynnis horatius), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), Io moth (Automeris io), Juvenal’s duskywing (Erynnis juvenalis), mournful duskywing (Erynnis tristis), oak hairstreak (Satyrium favonius), polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), Propertius duskywing (Erynnis propertius), red-banded hairstreak (Calycopis cecrops), rosy maple moth (Dryocampa rubicunda), sleepy duskywing (Erynnis brizo), stinging rose caterpillar moth (Parasa indetermina), striped hairstreak (Satyrium liparops), waved sphinx (Ceratomia undulosa), white M hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album)
native range broad distribution across southern Canada, the United States, and Mexico, with the exception of the inland Northwest and the northern Rockies
Holodiscus discolor
This deciduous, multi-stemmed shrub bears numerous sprays of fragrant tiny white flowers. Prefers partial shade.
bloom time summer
flower color white
maximum height 12 feet
soil moisture average
nectar value yes
larval host to Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini), pale tiger swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon), spring azure (Celastrina ladon)
native range western United States and Canada
Prunus emarginata
This deciduous, thicket-forming shrub or small tree has berries that attract birds. Prefers moist soils and good drainage.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 80 feet
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), elegant sphinx (Sphinx perelegans), Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini), pale tiger swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon), small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops), spring azure (Celastrina ladon), twin-spotted sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis), western tiger swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)
native range western United States, British Columbia, and northern Mexico
Salvia dorrii
This evergreen shrub has striking blooms and silver foliage. Thrives under dry conditions and requires excellent drainage.
bloom time late spring and early summer
flower color purple
maximum height 3 feet
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to elegant sphinx (Sphinx perelegans)
native range western United States
Salix discolor
This deciduous shrub or small tree is broadly used as a larval host. Male plants provide a source of spring pollen for bees.
bloom time early spring
flower color yellow-green
maximum height 20 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value limited
larval host to Acadian hairstreak (Satyrium acadica), black-waved flannel moth (Lagoa crispata), cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia), Compton’s tortoiseshell (Nymphalis l-album), cynthia moth (Samia cynthia), dreamy duskywing (Erynnis icelus), eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), elm sphinx (Ceratomia amyntor), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), Io moth (Automeris io), modest sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta), mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), promethea moth (Callosamia promethea), red-spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax), small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops), twin-spotted sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis), viceroy (Limenitis archippus)
native range northern tier United States into Canada
Hibiscus moscheutos
This deciduous shrub offers spectacularly showy flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Individual flowers are short lived but the species’ bloom period is lengthy.
bloom time summer
flower color white or pink
maximum height 8 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value no
larval host to common checkered skipper (Pyrgus communis), gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus), Io moth (Automeris io), pearly wood nymph (Eudryas unio)
native range eastern United States
Spiraea douglasii
Fuzzy terminal clusters of bright pink blossoms adorn this deciduous, thicket-forming shrub. Prefers moist soils and can spread through rhizomes.
bloom time summer
flower color pink
maximum height 6 feet
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to unknown
native range northwestern United States and British Columbia
Amelanchier alnifolia
This deciduous shrub has fragrant flowers, edible berries, and nice fall color. Does well in full sun or part shade.
bloom time spring
flower color white
maximum height 12 feet
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value yes
larval host to pale tiger swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon), two-tailed swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata), western tiger swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)
native range western United States and Canada
Salix scouleriana
Male instances of this tall, deciduous shrub or tree provide bees with a source of pollen in the spring. Requires moist soil and is hardy and fast growing.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 30 feet
soil moisture wet
nectar value limited
larval host to blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata), Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini), modest sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta), mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), twin-spotted sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis), white admiral (Limenitis arthemis arthemis)
native range western United States and Canada; northern Mexico
Lindera benzoin
This deciduous shrub provides fragrant fruits and foliage and nice fall color. Plants bear either male or female flowers; in late summer, the berries on female plants attract birds. Does well in part shade.
bloom time spring
flower color yellow
maximum height 12 feet
soil moisture average to wet
nectar value no
larval host to cynthia moth (Samia cynthia), eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), promethea moth (Callosamia promethea), spicebush swallowtail (Papilio troilus), tulip tree beauty (Epimecis hortaria)
native range eastern United States and Ontario
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
This important late-season nectar source has wind-dispersed seed and brilliant yellow flower clusters that are often sticky at their bases. Tolerates drought.
bloom time late summer and fall
flower color yellow
maximum height 4 feet
soil moisture dry
nectar value yes
larval host to sagebrush checkerspot (Chlosyne acastus)
native range western United States and British Columbia