
Abassids 567 see also under respective caliphs

Abba Sikra 18

Abelard, Peter 1045

Abraham ben David of Posquières 967

Abraham ibn Daud 912 see also legend of the four captives

Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Qirqisani 734

academies see yeshiva

Adelkind, Cornelius 1434

aggada 467, 116, 123

Ahai Gaon 667

Akiva, Rabbi 237, 33, 119, 127

Al-Andalus see Spain

Alexander the Great 30, 8990

Al-Idrisi, Muhammad 81

Al-Ma’mun, Caliph 567

Al-Mansur, Caliph 56

Almohads 945

ambiguity 65, 213 see also disagreement

America 132, 1845, 198 see also Reformed Judaism

Amoraim 423, 49, 61

Amram Gaon 678, 80, 88

Anan ben David 712, 75

ancient French 102

Ancient Mediterranean 1415

Andres de Bernaldez (Priest) 132, 141

anti-Christian sentiments, alleged 116, 1467

Arba’ah Turim (Four Rows) 135

Artabanus, King of Parthia 34

artisans 367

ArtScroll Talmud 209

Asher ben Yehiel 135, 143

Ashi, Rav 38, 48, 49

Ashkenazim 135

Assi, Rav 456

astronomy 38, 15660

Augustine of Hippo 1245

authorship 10, 52, 66, 160

Babylon 1112, 2930, 34

academy in Nehardea 325

exilarchy 302

geography 359

see also Babylonian Talmud; exilarchy

Babylonian Talmud 11, 48, 65, 6771

Baghdad 539, 62, 656, 84, 87

baraita 42

Barcelona 1216

Baron, Salo 112

Bernard of Clairvaux 104

Besht see Israel Ba’al Shem Tov

Bet Yosef (Caro) 135

Bible 1, 72, 85, 112, 182, 208 see also Vulgate Bible

biographical details 478

blood libel 112, 1723, 1901

Bodin, Jean 150

Bomberg, Daniel 1424

book burnings 11619, 139

Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 11920

Italy 1445

Jacob Frank 172

see also persecutions

Book of Creation – Sefer Yetzirah (Jewish mystical text) 126

Book of Lights and Watchtowers 734

bowls, magic 38

Brahe, Tyco 158

Briel, Judah 15960

Britain 1479, 167

Bulan, King of Khazaria 90

burnings of books see book burnings

Bustanai, Exilarch 54, 623

Cairo 6970, 89, 96, 1978

Caldron, Ruth 211

calendar 757, 157

caliphates 567, 623


Al-Ma’mun 567

Al-Mansur 56

Harun al-Rashid 567, 66

capital punishment 32, 42, 45

Caro, Ephraim 1345

Caro, Yosef 1345

Carolingian Renaissance 99

Castile 121, 127

casuistry 1056, 17980

censorship 11819

Council of Trent 1457

Index Librorum Prohibitorum 145

Spain 1234

see also book burnings

Chapters of the Fathers 1314, 19

charity 245, 46

Charleston (USA) 1845

Chmielnicki, Bohdan 1635

Christian Hebraists 13540, 145, 205

Christian of Stavelot 8990

Christiani, Pablo 1216

Christianity in Talmud and Midrash (Herford) 205

Christianity in the Talmud 116, 1467

Church authorities 146147, 172 see also Inquisition

codification 2, 657

Isaac Al-Fasi 93

Mishneh Torah (Maimonides) 967

Saadia ben Yosef 78

Shmuel Hanaggid 92

Spanish school 913, 106

vs. textual analysis 106

Cohen, Jeremy 113

Cohen, Mark 60

commandments, ten 9

Commentary on the Mishnah (Maimonides) 95

commerce 5960

compilation of the Talmud 479

academies in Babylon 404

layering 502

theory and practice 447

composition see structure

concentration camps 2024


Barbary 91

Islamic 54, 812

contradictions, textual 1056

controversy 1920

conversos 12933, 160

Copernican revolution 15660

Copernicus, Nicolaus 1568

copyright law 142

Cordoba 91

correspondence 323, 101

Council of Trent 1456

Council of Venice 143

Croke, Ricard 1479

Crusades 1034

cultural cross-fertilization 60, 69, 88 see also religious differences, tolerance of

Cunaeus, Petrus 153

daf yomi programme 199200, 21112

Damascus Affair 1901

Dan, Joseph 120

Danby, Rev Herbert 205

David ben Zakkai 77

David of Makov 1746

daybreak, legal definition of 59

De Arcana Catholicae Veritatis 139

Dead Sea Scrolls 60

death camps 2024

death penality 32, 42, 45

decalogue 9

demonology 38

destruction of the Temple 1719, 164

development, doctrinal 55, 78

dhimmi status 97 see also religious differences, tolerance of

dialectic 1920

diaspora 34, 53, 64 see also isolation of communities

dictionaries 193, 209 see also grammars

digression 1216, 401, 46

dina malchuta dina ruling 45

disagreement 1920 see also ambiguity

discursivity 1216, 401, 46

Divine inspiration 911

divorce 69, 1479

doctrinal development 55, 78

dogmatism 55

Dominican Order 1216

Donin, Nicholas 11316

Dutch Republic 1523

Eastern Europe 1623

Eden 35


Elijah of Vilna 17980

importance of 46, 56, 1623, 203

as universal ideal 91

of women 84, 103

see also yeshiva

Elchanan, son of Shimon of Mainz 989

Eldad the Danite 823

Eleazar ben Azariah, Rabbi 23

Elijah of Vilna 17680

Elijah the Prophet 48

elitism 378, 199

Ellman, Yaakov 51

Emden, Jacob 170

Enlightenment 1602, 1778

French and American revolutions 185

Moses Mendelssohn 1813

reversals of 1623

see also Haskalah; Reformed Judaism

Epstein, Isidore 206

Erastus, Thomas 1523

esotericism 23, 1112

excommunication 45, 101, 161, 170

exegesis 1112, 1067

exilarchy 303, 37

Anan ben David 712

Bustanai 54, 623

under the caliphate 623

David ben Zakkai 77

Mar Zutra 49

exorcism 38

Extractiones de Talmut 115

Eybeschutz, Jonathan 16970

Ezekiel the Prophet 126

Farabi ibn Kora 90

fatwas 6771

Felice de Prato, Fra 1423

Ferdinand III, King of Castile 121

Fez 94

Fifth Monarchy Men 167

finance 5960

fingernails 39

Fishman, Talya 85, 99

fleas, killing of 15960

fluidity of doctrine 55, 78

folklore, Islamic 601 see also legends; superstitions

forced conversion 97, 1001, 12933

France 98, 103, 11318 see also Rhineland

Frank, Jacob 1713

French, ancient 102

Friar Ramon 122

Friedman, Shamma 51

Froben, Ambrosius 1467

Gafni, Isaiah 35

Galatino, Petrus 139

Gamaliel II 223, 157

Gans, David 1589

Gaon’s letter (Sherira) 323

Gaon (title) 57 see also Geonim

Geiger, Abraham 18791

gemara 5, 51

Genizah at Cairo 70, 1978

geography of Babylon 359


Ahai 667

Amram 678

Hai ben Sherira 87

Joseph ben Jacob 778

Nissim 867

Sherira 49

Shmuel ben Hofni 60

Germany under the Nazis 2014 see also Rhineland

Gershom ben Yehuda 1002

Gershom Soncino 134, 13940

Gesenius, Wilhelm 193

ghèto 142

Gibson, Margaret Dunlop 1978

Giorgi, Francesco 1489

Giustiniani, Marco Antonio 144

globalization 1415, 212

God, name of 1645

golem 106

good deeds 245, 46

grammars 137138 see also dictionaries

Granada 132

Great Matter 1479

Greek wisdom 11920, 15660

Gregory IX, Pope 113

Grotius, Hugo 1523, 154

Guadalajara 1323

guerrilla warfare 17, 22

Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides) 94, 11920

Hai ben Sherira (Hai Gaon) 63, 87, 100

hair-splitting 1056

halacha 58

Halachot Gedolot 66

Halachot Pesukot 66

Hananel ben Hushiel 867

Hanoch ben Moses 91

Harun al-Rashid, Caliph 567, 66

Hasidism 1736, 194

Haskalah 1823, 194 see also Enlightenment; Reformed Judaism

Hayyim of Brisk 198

Hayyim of Volozhim 17980

Hebraists, Christian 13540, 205

The Hebrew King’s Law (Shickard) 151

Hebrew Republic 14953

Hebrew, study of 13540, 205

Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor 100

Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor 98

Henry VIII, King of England 1479, 2067

hereditary titles 22, 30, 612

Herford, R. Travers 205

higher criticism 1914

Hillel Nasi 22, 32, 201

Hirsch, Samson Raphael 18790

Hisdai ibn Shaprut 8891

The Historie of Tithes (Selden) 154

history 35, 112

Holocaust 2014

House of Wisdom 567

Hugh of St Victor 105

humanism 13940

Hushiel ben Elchanan 84, 86

incantations 38

inconclusivity 65, 213 see also controversy

inconsistency 1056

Index Expurgatorius 146

Index Librorum Prohibitorum 145

inerrancy 911, 1056

Innocent III, Pope 113

Innocent IV, Pope 118


role in censorship 146

Spanish 1312

inspiration, Divine 911, 1056

interconnectivity 1415, 212

internet 212

interpretative tradition 1112, 1067

interreligious dialogue/debate

Barcelona 1214

Frankists 172

James I of Aragon 1212

King Bulan of Khazaria 90

Louis IX of France 11316

Tortosa 131

Isaac Al-Fasi 93

Islam 535

Baghdad 558

cross-fertilization with Talmudic ideas 69

ideas shared with the Talmud 5861

temporal power and scholarly authority 613

see also Ottoman Empire

isolation of communities 55, 182, 189


Jerusalem 15, 757

reestablishment of European academic establishments 2034

see also Jerusalem; Zionism

Israel Ba’al Shem Tov 1736

Isra’iliyyat 61

Jacobs, Louis 51, 135

James I, King of Aragon 1212

Jastrow, Marcus 193

Jehoachin, King of Judah 312

Jerusalem 15, 64, 68, 74, 757

Jerusalem Talmud 11, 48

Bomberg’s edition 143

relative influence 65, 71, 74

Jesuits 145

Jacob ibn Shahin 86, 88

Jokisch, Benjamin 66

Joseph, King of Khazaria 89

Joseph ben Jacob 778

Joseph ibn Abitur 91

Joshua Solomon of Soncino 1334

Jubilee 10

Judah Loew 106, 1589

judiciary, rabbinical 45 see also jurisprudence; law

Julius III, Pope 144

jurisprudence 1, 44

inheritance and land ownership 36

similarities with Islam 5861

systematic codification of laws 656

see also codification

Justinian law code 656

K’ab al-Ahbar 61

kabbalah 1268, 138, 177

Jacob Frank 1713

Johannes Reuchlin 13740

Kahana, Rav 423

Kairouan 701, 802, 97

Eldad the Danite 823

special prominence of 847

kallah 43

Karaites 715, 136, 153

Kepler, Johannes 158

Khazars 8990

kidnapping 1256, 178

Kisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) 61

Lampronti, Isaac 15960

land ownership 36, 153


dictionaries 193, 209

grammars 1378

Hebrew language services 1856

translation 78

Latin Bible 1367

law 1

codification of 656

copyright 142

cross-fertilization between Sharia and Talmudic 69

land ownership 36, 153

similarities with Islam 5861

see also codification; jurisprudence; Oral Law

layering (textual structure) 502


of the four captives 845

the golem 106

of the Jewish Pope 989

Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung 1901

Lemlein, Asher 1278

Leo X, Pope 140

Letter of Pirkoi ben Baboi 701

letters 323, 701, 101

Lewis, Agnes Smith 1978

libel, blood 112, 1723, 1901

Libson, Gideon 60

lice, reproduction of 15960

life, sanctity of 59, 72

Light of the Exile 1002

literature, Islamic 601

lives of the rabbis 478

Louis IX of France 11318

Lunzer, Jack 2067

Lutheranism 1367

Maes, Andreas 145

magic 38

maggid 134

Maimonides 947, 11920, 135, 153

Mainz 97103, 138

marriage 10 see also divorce; polygamy; widows

Martini, Raymondi 1246

martyrdom 26, 56, 167

Marx, Karl 195

mathematics 38

Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor 138

Mazdak uprising 49

medicine 38, 138

Medina 54

Meir ben Baruch 117, 1256

Menasseh ben Israel 1534

Mendelssohn, Moses 1813, 184, 187

Mendoza family 133

merchants 5960, 86, 99100

Messianic hysteria

Jacob Frank 1713

Shabbetai Tzvi 16370

see also Sabbateans

millenarianism 167

Mishnah 23, 5, 13, 24, 268, 33, 403, 50, 55, 59, 65, 90, 91, 134, 205

maggid 134

Maimonides’s commentary 95, 143

opposition to the Talmud 192

Rabbi Yehuda 159

Talmudic layer 50

see also compilation of the Talmud; Oral Law

Mishneh Torah (Maimonides) 967

misnegdim 17680

modernity 21215

Mohammed 534, 62 see also Islam

Molcho, Solomon 149

monarchy, political theory of 14953

Moore, George Foot 205

Moses, Books of see Torah

Moses ben Hanoch 91

Moses ben Nachman 1224

Moses de Leon 127

Moses Isserles of Krakow 1356, 144, 1578

Moses the Prophet 911, 44

Muhammad al-Idrisi 81

Musar movement 195

Mu’tazilite school 78

mysticism 10, 11920, 1268

Elijah of Vilna 177

Hasidism 1746

see also kabbalah

name of God 1645

Nasi (title) 22

Gamaliel II 223, 157

Hillel I 22, 32, 201

Hillel IV 756

Rabbi Judah 268

Nathan of Gaza 1658

Nazi Germany 2014

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon 29

Nehardea 325, 37, 47

New Israel (Dutch Republic) 1523

Nineteen Letters (Hirsch) 1889

Nissim Gaon 867

oaths 16

Obadiah, King of Khazaria 90

Old Testament 1, 72, 85, 112, 136, 137, 148, 149, 154, 182, 208

On the Art of Kabbalah (Reuchlin) 138

Oral Law 1216, 19, 713, 136

conflicts 45

recording 226

see also Mishnah

oral transmission 51, 133

Oshry, Rabbi 203

ostracism 45 see also excommunication

Ottoman Empire 1638, 1901

page a day study program see daf yomi programme

Parthian Empire 30, 34

Paul IV, Pope 144, 1457

Pellican, Conrad 137

pentateuch see Torah

People of the Book 1

persecutions 978

Chmielnicki uprising 163

Crusades 1034

Nazis 2014

Nicholas I of Russia 1923

see also book burning; censorship

Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny 11112

Pfefferkorn, Josef 13740

Pharisees 1516, 1721, 55, 189

philosophy 74, 94, 11920, 138, 1602

pilpul 17980

Pinner, Ephraim Moses 193

Pirkoi ben Baboi 62, 66, 703

Plato 44

poets 139

Elchanan, son of Shimon of Mainz 989

Saadia ben Yosef 78

Spain 88


blood libel 1723

Hasidism 1746, 1945

Meir Shapiro 199200

political theory 14953 see also Zionism

polygamy 99102

Prague 1623

prayer books 678

Prester John 83

printing 1324

burden of censorship 146

typography 208

the Venetian printers 1415


conversos 130

the Israel academy 77

Sadducees 15

students 1623

Protestantism 1367 see also Hebrew Republic

Pugio Fidei adversos Mauros et Judaeos (Martini) 1246

Pumbedita 47

quantum theory 213

Qumran 60


biographical details 478

questions and answers 6771

social responsibilities 447, 613

Rabennu Tam 106

Rabina 49

Ramban 1224

ransom 1256

Ranters (religious sect) 167

Rashbam 105

Rashi 3, 1024, 105, 134, 143, 208

Rashi script 3

rationalism 11920, 161 see also humanism; scholasticism

Rav (Abba Arikha) 33, 35, 42, 43

rebellions 22

Chmielnicki uprising 1635

Mazdak uprising 49

Reformed Judaism 18590, 1957 see also Haskalah

refugees, second world war 2034

religious differences, tolerance of

Bomberg’s printing house 143

Islam 5863

Spain 88

remote communities 55, 182, 189

republicanism 14953

responsa 6771, 80

Reuchlin, Johannes 13740

Rhineland 96107

ritual slaughter 201

Rohling, August 1934

Roman Empire 1516

destruction of the Temple 1719

Jewish rebellions 22

Rothenburg 125

Rudolph I, Habsburg Emperor 1256

Saadia ben Yosef (Gaon) 58, 748, 126

Sabbateans 16371 see also millenarianism

Sabbath 10

conversos 130

law on the killing of lice and fleas 15960

Nazi Germany 201

sacrifices 21, 25, 27, 93

Sadducees 1518, 55, 71

Salanter, Israel 195

Salmon ben Jeroham 75

Sambatyon (mythical river) 823

Samuel the Prophet 1501

sanctity of life 59, 72

Sassenids 34, 556

Savonarola 141

Schäfer, Peter 147

Schechter, Solomon 1968

scholarship, importance of 46, 56, 1623, 175, 203 see also education

scholasticism 1067, 13940

second world war 2014

secular Jews 20911

secularism see Enlightenment

Sehok ben Esther 98

Selden, John 1545

Seneca 44

Sephardim 1356

Serafinowicz, Jan 173

Shapira, Hayyim Eleazar 199200

Shapiro, Meir 199200

shar’ia 58

She’iltot 667

Shema 267

Sherira Gaon, Rav 49

Shimon ben Yohai 127

Shimon Kayyara 66

Shimon of Mainz 989

Shlomo ben Yitzak see Rashi

Shmuel, 43, 45, 59

Shmuel ben Hofni 60

Shmuel ben Shlomo 117

Shmuel Hanaggid 912

Shulchan Aruch (Caro) 1346

Sikra, Abba 18

Silver, Daniel 96

Sirāj 95

slaughter, ritual 201

Snaig, Rabbi Samuel E. 24

Sofer, Moses 1867

Sola Scriptura 1367

Solomon ha-Levy 1301

Soncino, Gershom 134, 13940

Soncino edition of the Talmud 206

South Korea 214

Spain 818, 9193

censorship 1234

Dutch independence 1523

Golden Age 878

Inquisition 1312

mysticism 1278

printing 1324

Spanish school 913, 106

spells, magic 38

Spinoza, Baruch 1602, 181

St Augustine of Hippo 1245

St Cyril the Philosopher 90

St Methodius of Thessaloniki 90

statecraft 14953

Steinsaltz, Adin 2, 2079

story-telling, Islamic 601

structure 23, 1216

digression 1216, 401, 46

internet analogy 212

layering 502

study of Hebrew, by Christians 13540, 205 see also education

subsistence farming 36

superstitions 39

Survivor’s Talmud 204

Tales of the Prophets (Kisas al-Anbiya) 61

The Talmud Jew (Rohling) 1934

Tanakh 1, 72, 85, 112, 136, 137, 148, 149, 154, 182, 208

tanna 412, 45

taska 36

taxation 36

Temple 1719, 45, 164

ten commandments 9

terminology 5, 42

teshuvot 6771, 80

textual variants 28, 1056

teyku 213

theonomists 14953

Thomas de Torquemada 132

Thousand and One Nights 61

Titus 18

tolerance, religious differences see religious differences

Torah 911, 1416, 21, 171

tosafists 1057

Tosafot 1057

Tosefta 28

trade 1415

tradition, interpretative 1112, 1067

traditionalism 177

immigrant populations in America 198

organised opposition to Reform movement 1867


Ephraim Moses Pinner 193

Moses Mendelssohn 1813

typography 208

Tzvi, Shabbetai 16370

Umar, Caliph 56

Umayyads 56

Urbach, Ephraim 106

variants, textual 28, 1056

Venice 3, 1418

vernacular, liturgical use of 1856

Vespasian, Emperor of Rome 18

Vienna 199200

Vilna 17680

Vilna Gaon see Elijah of Vilna

Vulgate Bible 1367

Wahb ibn Munabbih 61

Westminster Talmud 2067

widows 148

Wissenschaft des Judentums movement 1914, 210

women, education of 84, 103

World War II 2014

Yavneh 1821

Yehiel of Paris 11316, 159

Yehuda, Rabbi (Yehuda Nasi) 268,

Yehuda Loew, Rabbi 106, 1589

Yehudai Gaon 66, 69

yeshiva 404, 57

contemporary 20911

destruction of 204

Eastern Europe 1623, 1945

Spain 91

yeshivish patois 209

Yitzhak bar Nathan 89

Yitzhak Sangari 90

Yitzhok, Rabbi Levi 9

Yohanan, Rabbi 423

Yohanan ben Zakkai 1721

Yudghanites 72

Zemach Gaon of Sura 83

Zionism 195, 199

Zohar 1278

Zoroastrianism 345, 39