Augments–physical augmentations popular in the RS (Restricted Sector) including but not confined to: bionic appendages, sensory enhancements, functional tattoos that connect to the stream.
Britannia–Core planet loosely based on Victorian England, Ari and Theo’s home world.
Chip–physical currency used both within and beyond the Verge.
Core–the inner circle of planets protected by the Verge. Includes Britannia, Ari and Theo’s home world.
Deep Dark–slang for ungoverned open space outside of the barrier of the Verge.
Disconnects–those living in the RS without augments, a small minority.
Dolls–slaves, usually of a sexual nature, originating from Core planets and traded like collectibles within the RS.
Enforcers–Core military and law enforcement.
Ident–short for identity. An electronic payment system based on body codes such as fingerprint or retinal scan, commonly used in the Core.
Mist–recreational drug in the RS.
Outlier–anyone born outside of the Verge, residing in the Restricted Sector.
Raiders–lawless space pirates, usually found in the deep dark, sometimes part of larger Crews, or crime syndicates back in the RS. Often involved in supplying the mines with indentured servants, or running the Doll or Mist trade.
Regeneration fluid–aka regen. Accelerates healing, commonly used in the Core and RS, scarce resource along the Verge colonies and the deep dark.
Restricted Sector–aka the RS. Populated planets and colonies located beyond the barrier of the Verge. They have been cut off from the Core for centuries.
Singer–informant, Verge colonial slang.
Sonic–alternative method of cleaning without using water.
Stream–RS version of the internet, not available within the Verge.
Verge–a physical energy barrier enclosing the Core planets and surrounding colonies. Also refers to the colonies themselves which line the inner curve of the barrier. The closer to the barrier, the fewer the resources and the lower the social standing.
Verge colonies–settlements along the asteroid belt lining the interior wall of the Verge, circling the inner Core. Limited resources, similar to frontier life.
Verge rat–pejorative term for Verge colonists born outside of the Core.