
Seven are the heavens, palaces, and pairs of archons; the gates to the soul and the Holy Temple; the days of the week; the notes of the scale; the seas and the continents; the ages of the body and spirit. And seven are the rulers of the material world.

Beyond the threshold of the Seventh Gate lies Araboth, the inner landscape of prophecy, resplendent with light from the Throne of Glory.

Prepare well all who seek to enter Araboth before death lest you drown in your own ignorance or be burnt by the guardians for speaking one false word.

At the Seventh Gate your story ceases to be told and listened to, though every word is destined to be reborn.

Six years you may sow your field and six years you may prune your vineyard and gather in the yield, but in the seventh year the land shall have a Sabbath of complete rest —Leviticus 25.

Berekiah Zarco, The Six Books of Preparation