
Don’t Fear the Reaper Chapter 14


The silence of the library unnerved me as much as the current situation, and to complicate things further, I was accompanied by death’s apprentice and she looked like the kind of teenage girl I would go for if I wasn’t hooked up with Julia. The farther into the library we went the more I slowed my pace. What Isabel said outside began to sink in, settling in my core like molten rock.

I stopped, turning toward her. “I started this, didn’t I?”

Isabel sighed and put her hand on my arm. The connection produced a cold spot where her hand landed and I shivered in response.

“I don’t know. You shouldn’t be seeing us just yet, so I don’t have the answers for you. All I know is those reapers are badass. They’ve wanted to see the destruction of mankind for millennia now.”

A throat cleared and I spun toward the noise. Julia stood a few feet from us with her hand on her hip and when her gaze met mine, it was full of that jealous rage I’ve seen before when she caught me flirting with a couple of the cheerleaders after a football game. “Who’s this?”

I had to come up with an answer and fast.

“I’m Isabel Ramsay, Nick’s cousin,” Isabel said before I could conjure up a reasonable answer. I gave her a sideways glance, her use of my father’s surname created a jolt of energy in my chest and I wondered if it was just a coincidence.

Julia glanced at me, her brow knit in an unspoken question.

“Yeah, I didn’t know I had cousins either,” I said, adding another layer to the lie.

“Oh,” Julia said, and offered an embarrassed smile. She stuck out her hand. “I’m Julia.”

Isabel stared at her hand and then glanced at me.

“Izzy has a weird allergy to people,” I said, and pushed Julia’s hand down. “Just touching someone can trigger hives. It’s gross,” I added just for effect.

Julia stuffed her hands in her pockets and shifted from one foot to the other. “You were gone so long I started to get worried.”

“I’m sorry I took so long,” I said, and glanced over her shoulder at the table I left her at. The books were still spread out like when I left. “Did you get your homework done?”

“Pretty much.”

“Then let’s pack up so we can get out of here.”

“What about your book report?”

I glanced at Julia and shrugged. “I’ll do it later. Izzy wants to visit for a while, so...” I didn’t know what else to say and just trailed off. I needed to talk to Izzy and having Julia around today was going to be a royal pain.

“Okay, just give me a minute.” Julia flashed the smile that always made me forget where I was, then she turned and headed toward the table to collect her books. I stared after her, watching the sway of her hips.

“She’s cute.”

“I know.” I pulled my gaze from Julia and glanced at Isabel. “Is your last name really Ramsay?”

She smiled.

“We’re related?”



“Royal bloodline,” she said and nodded toward Julia. “I’ll explain later.”

“Ready?” Julia asked and slung her backpack over her shoulder.


The walk home became increasingly uncomfortable with starts and stops of conversations and Julia’s awkward questions about the family. I left Isabel on our doorstep and walked Julia home.

“Isabel is a little strange, don’t you think?” Julia whispered as we crossed the yard.

I couldn’t help but smile. “It seems the entire family on my father’s side is a bit strange.”

She giggled and when she stepped onto her porch, she glanced at my house and the smile faded. “I saw you talking to her outside the library and at first I thought you were into her...”

“Julia, I’m with you,” I said and pulled her into a hug, trying to put her fears at ease. Julia really had no idea how far gone I was for her. I’d walk through the fires of hell just to be with her and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep her safe.

Unfortunately, I had a feeling the reapers knew that, too.