
Don’t Fear the Reaper Chapter 25


I sat in the living room re-reading the sheet of paper and I looked at the kid next to me. “What’s your name?” I asked now that the shock was wearing off.

“Lazarus,” he said, his voice still deep and nothing like a teenager’s should sound like.

The irony of the name struck a chord and I stared at him, wondering if he was the Lazarus the Bible talks about.

He laughed at me. “Sorry to disappoint you son, but I’m a lot older than the Lazarus you’re thinking about.” He glanced toward the stairs and I followed his gaze.

Julia stood on the landing, just watching us, her gaze bouncing between the odd man-boy and me. “Your mom’s awake.”

“This is Lazarus,” I said, waving at the kid next to me.

“I heard.” Julia stepped off the landing and crossed to me, wrapping her arm around mine. “Thank you,” she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.


“For saving my life twice this morning.”

I nodded and glanced at Lazarus. “Looks like the rogues have taken things to another level,”

Lazarus chuckled and shook his head, crossing to the window. “They’ve got the ranks completely snowed too. They told us Death deserted his post and gave us fate’s list. Except it really isn’t her list. It’s a fake aimed at pissing her off.”

“What’s happening on Memorial Day?”

“According to the directive, there’s going to be an explosion at the fireworks display that will take out most of this town,” Lazarus said. “Over a hundred reapers are on standby for this and they all think it’s part of Fate’s play book.”

“And no one questioned it?”

Lazarus stared at me. “Disasters occur all the time, or don’t you pay attention to what’s going on in the world around you?”

My initial response wasn’t appropriate and I clamped my mouth closed, stifling the harsh words. Instead, I asked, “So how do we stop it?”

“The only thing I can think of is for you to address the reapers.”

I raised an eyebrow and my mind flooded with the nightmare and the leagues of angry reapers. His suggestion didn’t sit well. It didn’t feel right and all I could think was this is a trap. “I don’t think so,” I answered.

The muscles in Lazarus’ face jumped, tightening to hard knots that equaled his glare. “You think...”

I held up my hand, stopping the beginning of his rant. “Look, I don’t know whose side you’re really on. All I know is you came in here to take my girlfriend away, and when Fate intervened, you complied to save your ass. That doesn’t mean I trust you.” My fingers sought the blade hanging on my thigh and the reassurance of its powers.

“Dylan Nicholas Ramsay.”

The admonishment came from the stairwell and I turned, taking in my mother’s unhappy stare. “What?”


Oh, for Christ’s sake! I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Sorry, Mom. This is Lazarus. He’s a reaper.”

Her face blanched and she shot her gaze in his direction. “What are you doing here?” And then on the heels of that question, “Why can I see you?”

Lazarus bowed in her direction, like she was the royal queen. “Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

My mother stopped at the base of the stairs, her eyebrows expressing an arch of surprise before they settled into their normal inquiring line. “You didn’t answer my question,” she said, ignoring the salutation.

“I, uh,” Lazarus stuttered, glancing from my mother to me and back. “Fate asked me to look after your son,” he said, waving a hand in my direction like a bad actor missing a cue on stage.

“From what I know, Fate and Death haven’t been on speaking terms for quite some time now. Why would she suddenly have any interest in the wellbeing of Death’s son?”

Lazarus blinked, his gaze bouncing as he tried to formulate an answer that would appease my mother. “Perhaps it is because your son is at the heart of a reaper civil war?”

“Bull,” my mom said. “She’s just as likely to take over the ranks and destroy the human race as some of the reapers.”

“What makes you think that?”

“She’s been gunning for my son ever since he was born.”

“That’s not true,” Lazarus snapped. “She’s just leery of him because he’s the only child in the history of the royal bloodline whose fate is not yet written.”

Surprise knocked me back a step. “I thought everything until the end of time was already written.”

“Yes it is, with one exception. You. That’s what happens when you’ve been resurrected from the dead - which tends to put a little kink in the overall plan.”

“What are you talking about? Nick never died,” my mother sputtered.

“You aren’t exactly on the map either,” Lazarus said to my mother.

“Why didn’t Isabel tell me this?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Lazarus said and turned back to my mother. “Fate’s plan dictated that you and your son die on September 11, 2001. But Dylan made a deal, and took his rightful place as Death in exchange for your lives, so there is some bad blood between Death and Fate, especially where Nick is concerned.”

“I was home with Nick,” my mother started and glanced at me.

I looked away, at anything but her imploring eyes.


I hated when she called me that and I glanced at her, nodding. “Isabel told me we died,” I said. “But she didn’t tell me that it was already written in Fate’s book that way.” I turned back to Lazarus. “So is this something that needs correcting like my Grandmother? Is that why everyone is up in arms about me ordering the reapers away from her?”

Lazarus shook his head. “No.” He shifted his weight and glanced out the window. “But the rumblings of you being able to order us around from this side of the grave have made quite a few reapers nervous.”

“Did you know who I was when you saw me upstairs?” I ignored the open-mouthed look my mother gave me.


“Didn’t you wonder why I had Fate with me?”

“To tell you the truth, I was shocked beyond reason. No living human has ever had the audacity to call on her, never mind drag her around by the wrist like a child at show-and-tell.”

“You called Fate?” my mother gasped.

“Yes, because the first reaper to come after Julia had a bogus order. I thought she should know.”

“She was in this house?”

“Yes, Mom. She stopped Lazarus from taking Julia and that’s how we found out about the Memorial Day massacre,” I said. “She said I had to stop it otherwise she’d wipe out the entire eastern seaboard.”

“No pressure or anything,” Julia added.

“What exactly is the Memorial Day massacre?” my mother asked.

“The reapers are planning on wiping out the entire town of York on Memorial Day.”

My mom sat down on the couch and ran her hand through her hair-a familiar action that I mimic when I’m perplexed. She looked up at me and then moved her gaze to Julia, and Lazarus last. When she spoke, I almost laughed. She said, “I think I need a drink.”