Lazarus disappeared when the alarms ceased. I sat still on the steps dripping and pondering my choices, none of which settled well in my already knotted stomach. I didn’t turn around when the doors burst open and Principal Murdock’s angry voice bellowed over me.
“Dylan Nicholas Ramsay! When the alarms go off, that doesn’t mean you can run pell-mell all over the property.”
I was already angry with the situation, so I wasn’t exactly in the mood for the principal or his condescending tone. I turned and glared at him, biting down on my tongue so none of the more derogatory comments slipped out - especially the one that would make him gasp and land me in deeper trouble than I’d ever been in before.
His eyes narrowed. “You’re soaking wet.”
“No duh,” I said and climbed to my feet.
“Don’t get smart with me or...”
The anger bubbled to the surface, unlatching the lock I had on my tongue. “Or what? You’ll call my mother? You’ll put me in detention?” Like his empty threats made any difference with what I was facing.
My head snapped toward the soft voice and my gaze locked with Julia’s. In an instant, the volatile lava in my soul calmed into a cool river and I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment before I looked at Principal Murdock. “I’m sorry. The weather freaked me out a little...”
His red face lightened and he nodded. “You still can’t run out when the lockdown alarm goes off.”
I nodded and dropped my gaze, making my way back in the school. I cast a sideways glance at Julia as I passed, and without being told, I made my way to the office for whatever punishment was in order.