
Highway to Hell Chapter 17


The key tumbled through his fingers and I caught it mid-air, recognizing the frozen deer-in-the-headlights expression on Joe’s face.

“Joe, you’re already dead. The choice on where you want to spend eternity is yours,” I said and that seemed to breathe some life into his terrified form and his gaze moved back to mine.


The truth began to sink in. “We’re dead?” he asked in such a small voice that I forgot this was the reigning bully of Mount Dora High.

“Yeah,” I said. “There isn’t much time to explain right now, but once you unlock that cell door, you’ll get the answers you need.” I put the key in his hand. “The four of us are going to try to hold off that army so you can do this, okay?”

Joe inhaled. “Your father really can get me into heaven?”

I smiled and nodded. “My father has the key to heaven’s gate.”

“Who the hell is your father,” he asked, studying the key in his hand.

I didn’t answer his question. “You better get moving. Even though you’re dead, you still can suffer at their hands.” This seemed to jump start his engine and the moment he stood in front of the gate, I gave a nod to Leviathan and stepped between his front paws.

Both Ben and Danny raised their hoods, positioning themselves on either side of Leviathan.

The click of the cell door pulled my attention away from the pending battle and I gave my father a nod when he stepped free of the prison. He pulled the key from the lock and closed the door, leaving it a useless shell before taking hold of Joe.

Within a blink, they were gone and a roar of fury pulled my attention forward.

“Fire or water?” I asked watching the legions break into a run.

Danny raised a small sphere of clear liquid between his hands.

I inhaled and closed my eyes. The knife at my side hummed, my heart added to the music, pounding out a rhythm that made every cell in my body shake.


The thought produced a vision of a giant wave forming at our feet, fueled by the powers within both Danny and me. It writhed like a living being until it started rolling toward the gates of hell. The wave grew, stretching the distance of the entire plain, mountain to mountain, taller than Leviathan and more destructive than Hell’s fury.

My eyes snapped open to the giant wall of water and I pushed my mind farther than I thought possible, willing the aquatic beast I created forward. It rolled with one intent.

Drown Hell’s army.

The wave ripped through the multitude of demons, sweeping them back into the fiery pit, leaving only a handful of the strongest reapers on the soaked plain. The wave had only hindered their march, tumbling them back a hundred yards before they broke free.

Promethis climbed to his feet and issued an order in an ancient language I didn’t understand but Leviathan did and he let out a throaty laugh.

“I no longer take orders from you, Promethis,” he uttered, the words wrapped in a chilling growl. Leviathan stood to his full height and with teeth bared, he leapt over me and charged.