
Way back in 1984, Author Services Inc. established the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Award. They approached the best science fiction and fantasy writers of the time and asked them to be judges. Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg, Algis Budrys, and many other luminaries agreed—which was a resounding endorsement of the award. Shortly after that, Anne McCaffrey was asked if she would be a judge, and she agreed. If there was one constant in Anne’s life, it was her adherence to the creed “never simply return a favor, pass it on,” and this was very clearly a case of being able to do so.

John Goodwin was there from the beginning. He and Anne developed a great relationship, and they were always thrilled at any chance to get together.

Anne loved being able to greet new writers and encourage them in continuing in the craft, and she loved the chance to sparkle and show off her best self—she even managed to get me in a suit!