

The authors’ thanks must go to the many people of Madeira who so readily gave assistance in gathering material for this book. In particular, we wish to mention Senhora Dalila Henriques de Freitas, whose knowledge of the island and its history is surely limitless; and Senhora Lynne da Sousa for much helpful advice on sources. We are most grateful to Senhor Freitas of the Savoy Hotel for kind hospitality in his charming Funchal home and access to his extensive library; to various officials of the Madeira Wine Association, and to Senhor Mario Barbeito de Vasconcelos for allowing us the freedom of his unique collection of magazine articles and press clippings garnered over many years.

And back at home, all praise to the West Sussex County Library, especially to the staff of the Midhurst branch, who remain undefeated by our most obscure demands for reference material.





Copyright © 1981 by Nancy Buckingham

Originally published by Eyre Methuen

Electronically published in 2015 by Belgrave House




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This is a work of fiction. All names in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental.