Dear Reader,
I hope you enjoyed reading From Thailand with Love. If this is the first book in the First Comes Love series you’ve read, you can go back to Book 4, To the Stars and Back, to meet Lana and her celebrity boyfriend Christian. You can also catch up with the first three books in the series in this special box set edition, First Comes Love Books 1-3.
If you’re a series aficionado, thank you for following me on this entire journey. Now, I have a bit of an announcement. I know I’d promised you a small-town romance about city-girl Samantha Baker and a local cowboy in Sweet Love and Country Roads. And I still plan on writing that book—only, it’ll now be book 7 in the series instead of book 6. This is happening because, sometimes, book characters can be really naughty and a certain sweet Viking, Mr. Archibald Hill, really snuck under my skin while I was writing this novel. I developed a writing crush on him and decided he deserved his own book. I also felt another one of my characters was being left a bit forsaken. So far, Summer Knowles, Winter’s twin sister, has been the villain, the girl we all hate. The cheater. The other woman. And, like Winter, it took me almost two novels to warm up to her again and even begin to consider she might deserve a happily ever after, too. So I thought to myself, mmm… what would happen if these two, Archie and Summer, were ever to meet? And—little spoiler—what better occasion for a meet-cute than Logan and Winter’s wedding? So the idea for the next book in the series came along, and I’m already working on this new title: You May Kiss the Bridesmaid, which is already available to pre-order. You can read the blurb on the next page.
I hope you won’t mind the switch in plans, and that maybe you developed enough of a crush on Archie to want to follow him in another story.
Now I have to ask you a favor. If you loved my story, please leave a review on Goodreads, your favorite retailer’s website, or wherever you like to post reviews (your blog, your Facebook wall, your bedroom wall, in a text to your best friend…). Reviews are the best gift you can give to an author, and word of mouth is the most powerful means of book discovery.
If you’re craving more romance, you can turn the page for a sneak peek from Let’s Be Just Friends, the first book in my new adult college romance series Just Friends, which is absolutely FREE to download at all retailers. This series is slightly different from my romantic comedies. The characters are younger and a little more prone to drama. As a disclaimer, I want to let you know that Book 1 has some cheating in it, in case it’s a reading pet peeve of yours. I know many readers dislike stories with affairs, and me writing one isn’t in any way an indication that I support any kind of cheating. I just think that betrayal is a sad reality of some relationships and, writing about love and romance, I wanted to challenge myself with a story with a bit of a darker side, exploring my characters’ flaws more in-depth.
I hope I haven’t bored you too much with my babbling… Thank you for your constant support!
Camilla, x