
The first biggest thank you has to go to my best friend, Sara, who once told me a story about a gorgeous naked man yelling at a thieving monkey in a resort in Thailand. In the original story, Mr. Naked and Gorgeous exchanged his phone not for a banana but for a beer can that the monkey later enjoyed on the roof while still smashing the poor man’s phone. Anyway, without this hilarious writing prompt, From Thailand with Love wouldn’t be here… so, many thanks.

Thank you to Rachel Gilbey for organizing the blog tour for this book and to all the book bloggers who participated. I love being part of your community, enjoy reading your reviews, and am grateful for all the effort you put into helping me promote my novels.

Thank you to my street team, and to all of you who leave book reviews. They’re so important and appreciated.

Thank you to all my readers. Without your constant support, I wouldn’t keep pushing through the blank pages.

Thank you to librarians for all the hard work they put into promoting the love of reading.

Thank you bookstagrammers, I love seeing your beautiful pics of my books. It’s a thrill every time.

Thank you to my editors and proofreaders, Michelle Proulx, Helen Baggott, and Jennifer Harris for making my writing the best it could be.

And lastly, thank you to my family and friends for your constant encouragement.

You’re all heroes!

Cover Image Credit: Created by Freepik