
Abbott, Tony

broadband policy 345, 357

climate change policy 298, 3356, 3378, 3423, 388

and DLP 66, 82

as journalist 60, 66

Keating’s view of 308

knighting of Prince Philip 6, 366, 367

leadership aspirations 307, 3089, 335, 340

leadership challenge by Turnbull 3, 3767

loss of support 3668, 372, 376

monarchism 231, 2347, 239, 249

as opposition leader 5, 3412

opposition to Turnbull’s preselection 273, 277

Rhodes scholarship 69

rise of 3389, 3412

rivalry with Turnbull 234, 239, 273

and same-sex marriage debate 3701

student politics 36, 52, 656

treatment of Cabinet 367, 369, 382

view of Turnbull 309

Abeles, Sir Peter 146, 149

Abetz, Eric 299, 3223, 324, 326, 332, 335, 377, 382

Ackland, Richard 73, 74

Adler, Larry 1445, 150, 203

Adler, Lyndi 203

Adler, Rodney 144, 197, 2039, 211, 21617, 218, 220, 221

Aisbitt, Jonathan 212

Albanese, Anthony 338, 3578

Alberici, Emma 357, 358

Albrechtsen, Janet 278, 301, 308, 329, 330

Allan, Col 352

Anderson, John 292

Anderson, Warren 188

Andrews, Kevin 301, 340, 382

Arbib, Mark 368

Archibald, Jules Francois 60

Arena, Franca 227, 228

Armstrong, David 60

Armstrong, Sir Robert 1212, 1234, 126, 128, 130, 1324

Ashrawi, Hanan 261, 262

Askew, Kate 1923

Askin, Robert 53, 92

Asper, Izzy 163

Assange, Julian 136

Atanaskovic, John 206

Atwill, Lady Susan 273

Bailey, Fran 341

Bailey, John 121

Barns, Greg 2489, 251, 253

Barrett, Tim 31

Barton, Sir Edmund 22

Barton, Gordon 414, 46, 49, 229

Barwick, Sir Garfield 64, 76

Baxt, Bob 161, 162

Beames, Ian 93, 98

Beattie, Peter 294

Beaufret, Jean-Pascal 3534

Beazley, Kim 161, 173, 238, 252

Beckwith, Peter 154

Beerworth, Bill 1645

Belgiorno-Nettis, Marco 282

Belsham, Bruce 361

Benson, Simon 376

Beresford, Quentin 303

Berger, Yanky 275

Bernardi, Cory 82, 337, 377, 388

Betts, Sally 273

Bishop, Bronwyn 5, 2313, 369, 375

Bishop, Julie 301, 307, 308, 310, 319, 367, 369, 374, 376

Bjelke-Petersen, Joh 79, 92

Black, Conrad 1712, 173, 174, 176, 181

Blainey, Geoffrey 245

Blanchett, Cate 304

Bligh, William 10

Blunt, Anthony 117, 126

Bolt, Andrew 3, 367

Bolte, Henry 53

Bond, Alan 142, 143, 146, 154, 155, 15860, 188

Bond, Eileen 188

Bottom, Bob 107

Bougoure, Bob 104

Bowen, Chris 316

Bowen, Lionel 11112, 313

Boyd, Ernest 87

Bracks, Steve 297

Brandis, George 364, 368, 369

Brereton, Laurie 183, 269

Brereton, Tom 269

Bridges, Bill 80, 88

Brierly, Ron 144, 152

Briggs, Jamie 382

Brisbane, Thomas 10

Broadbent, Russell 283, 375

Brown, Bob 299, 304

Brown, Bryan 304

Budde, Paul 362

Burchett, Wilfred 42

Burge, Glenn 164, 173, 1778

Burgess, Guy 117

Burke, Brian 92, 154

Burke, Edmund 124

Burke, Tony 75

Burnham, David 149

Burrows, Mark 165

Bush, George 118

Bush, George W 281

Butler, Terri 370

Buzo, Alex 258

Cairncross, John 117

Cairns, Jim 52, 66

Caldwell, Brian 266

Cameron, David 336

Cameron, Rod 247, 250, 253

Cameron, Ross 275

Campbell, Ian 296

Carlton, Jim 52

Carr, Bob 334, 60, 77, 82, 202, 227, 259, 2612, 26980, 292

Carr, Helena 77

Carrick, John 84

Cassidy, Barrie 364

Cassidy, Lady Gwen 83

Cavanagh, John 144

Cavanough, Owen 1112

Chamberlain, Lindy 645

Charles, Prince 226

Charlton, Andrew 3245, 3267, 332

Chernomyrdin, Viktor 185

Chester, Harry 69

Chifley, Ben 77

Chikarovski, Kerry 259

Chipp, Don 42

Chisholm, Sam 110, 160, 173, 183

Clark, Manning 227

Clarko, Jim 154

Clinton, Bill 182

Codd, Mike 128

Cohen, Andrew 21, 27

Colebatch, James 33, 69

Coleman, Peter 54, 823, 84, 85

Colson, Dan 171, 173, 1745

Combet, Greg 238, 338

Connell, Daniel 298

Connell, Laurie 146, 147

Connors, Rex 66

Conroy, Stephen 222, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351

Cook, Jim 139, 140, 141, 157

Cook, Patrick 54

Cook, Peter 378

Cooper, Adrian 26

Cooper, Brad 205

Coote, Ian 100, 103, 104

Cormann, Mathias 382

Corrigan, Chris 166, 182, 272, 275

Corzine, Jon 201

Cosser, Steve 161, 162, 163, 183

Costello, Emmet 268

Costello, Peter

as backbencher 307

on Cabinet leaks 306

on climate change policy 301

entry to parliament 286

leadership ambitions 289

retirement 314

student politics 65, 82

as treasurer 267, 2869

and Turnbull’s preselection 275

Costello, Tim 247

Costigan, Frank 89, 91, 92, 99100, 102, 104, 107, 11112

Costigan, Joe 89, 107

Coulton, Dixie 256, 261, 305

Cousins, Geoff 303, 304

Cowen, Sir Zelman 148

Crabb, Annabel 25, 334

Craven, Greg 243

Crawford, Robin 282

Crawford, Russel 11

Credlin, Peta 34, 367, 368, 376

Crichton-Browne, Noel 314

Crichton-Brown, Robert 97

Crosby, Lynton 264, 275, 373

Cubbon, Sir Brian 121

Cullen, Peter 292, 302

Curran, Des 86

Dale, Brian 54

Dale, David 723

Danby, Michael 285

Darroch, Robert 94

Davila, Juan 312

Day, Mark 247

Deakin, Alfred 383

Dee, Jon 2967

Delahunty, Mary 241

Devine, Miranda 260

Disney, Julian 64

Dodd, Gillian 211

Dodd, Peter 156

Dodds-Streeton, Julie 213, 21415

Doucoure, Melissa 79

Dougherty, Martin 147

Dowd, John 84

Dowding, Peter 154

Downer, Alexander 230, 285, 301, 307, 308, 314

Doyle, Alan 179, 180, 188

Drewe, Robert 60

Dunlap, Al 173, 191

Dunstan, Don 65

Durand, Neil 78

Dutton, Peter 368, 369, 382

Dye, Vivienne 277

Easson, Michael 182

Ebeid, Michael 364

Ecuyer, Dani 305

Eden, Anthony 118

Edwards, George 1415, 16

Einfeld, Marcus 261

Elizabeth II, Queen 61, 228, 22930, 252

Ellicott, Bob 67, 76, 82

Elliott, John 144

Ellis, Bob 378, 40, 41, 54, 567, 72, 812, 115, 126, 134, 1356

Ellison, Chris 301

Emerson, Craig 328

Emin, Tracey 189

Entsch, Warren 370

Evans, Gareth 99100, 100, 238

Evans, Harold 57, 70, 71, 72

Fahey, John 249

Fahy, Laurie 27

Fairfax, Lady Mary 145, 147, 273

Fairfax, Warwick 1458, 14950, 164

Fairhall, Allen 13

Feldman, Pinchus 275

Ferguson, Laurie 40

Fifield, Mitch 383

Fischer, Tim 230

Fitzgerald, Joanna 76

Fitzgerald, RD 76

Fitzpatrick, Kate 77

FitzSimons, Peter 252, 2534

Flanagan, Richard 303

Flannery, Tim 292

Fletcher, Paul 344

Flint, David 273

Foot, Rosemary 273, 275

Ford, Gerald 44, 62

Ford, William 85

Fraser, Bernie 331, 388

Fraser, Malcolm 12, 50, 54, 56, 62, 66, 70, 97, 172, 246

Freeman, Simon 125

Friedman, Milton 62

Frydenberg, Josh 382

Gallacher, Mike 259

Game, Philip 38

Gannon, Franklin 46

Garnaut, Ross 339

Garrett, Peter 2478, 283, 300, 3045, 312, 336

Gaussen, Bob 45, 48, 49

Gillard, Julia 136, 338, 368, 381, 384

Gillies, Max 10811

Gilly, Edward 139

Gonski, David 25, 30, 144

Gore, Al 182, 296

Gorton, John 53, 75, 273

Gorton, Lady Nancy 273

Goss, Wayne 155

Grant, John 323, 324, 329, 332

Grant, Sandy 114, 129, 177, 224

Grech, Godwin 5, 18, 19, 3213, 3257, 32934, 340

Greengrass, Paul 11314, 125, 126, 132, 134

Greiner, Kathryn 256, 260

Greiner, Nick 845, 141, 256, 260, 273, 334

Grundy, Reg 160

Gunn, John 156

Gyles, Roger 92

Gyngell, Bruce 80, 344

Hadid, Albert 1812

Hamlyn, Paul 114

Hancock, Ian 386

Handbury, Matt 284, 302

Hanley, Michael 119

Hansen, Murray 310

Harley, Tom 2

Harper, Joe 90

Harris, Peter 355

Hartcher, Peter 314, 334, 368, 369

Hastings, Max 171

Havers, Michael 121, 124

Hawke, Bob 69, 101, 111, 128, 173, 226, 290

Hayes, John 1401

Heath, Ted 47, 119

Heffernan, Bill 264, 281, 333

Hefner, Christie 70

Hefner, Hugh 70

Hellman, Warren 174

Hely, Peter 81

Henderson, Sarah 369

Hendrick, Colin 187

Hendy, Peter 310, 311, 374

Hennessy, Peter 132

Henry, Ken 317, 318, 325, 327, 3302

Henson, Bill 189, 31113

Hepworth, John 54

Hewson, John 230, 231, 264, 385

Heydon, Dyson 371

Hill, David 49, 163

Hill, Geoff 205, 216

Hill, Robert 271, 273, 275, 291

Hirst, Rob 31, 33

Hockey, Joe 5, 36, 82, 265, 275, 301, 307, 308, 335, 340, 341, 382

Holdings, David 55

Hollis, Sir Roger 113, 118, 120, 121, 126, 129, 1345

Holmes à Court, Janet 166

Holmes à Court, Robert 144, 158, 164

Holt, Harold 41

Hooper, David 128

Horne, Donald 60, 227, 229

Houldsworth, Samuel Peter Truman 22, 23, 24

Howard, John

campaign for Tom Hughes 75

climate change policy 2912, 2956, 297, 299, 301, 304, 3056

convict ancestors 12

and Crichton-Browne’s expulsion 314

election campaign 2007 3012, 3034, 306

electoral success 286

entry to parliament 286

and HIH collapse 211

monarchism 2334, 235

preselection for Bennelong 84

on preselection of Turnbull 273, 275, 278

and referendum on republic 2445, 245, 246, 251

relationship with Costello 2889

relationship with Turnbull 301

support for Turnbull 281, 343

as treasurer 92

university days 36

use of Kirribilli House 188

WorkChoices 28990

Howard, Sean 1901, 192, 195, 1967, 1989, 282

Howes, Paul 368

Hughes family 77

Hughes, Geoffrey 77

Hughes, Gerard 269

Hughes, Joanna 76

Hughes, John 268

Hughes, Lucy see Turnbull (née Hughes), Lucy

Hughes, Robert 59, 77, 152, 255, 2578

Hughes, Sir Thomas 77, 260

Hughes, Tom 756, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 90, 94, 111, 181, 268, 280, 282

Humphreys, Kevin 139

Hunt, David 1056, 107

Hunt, Greg 388

Hyde Page, John 2767

Iemma, Morris 56, 312

Ivany, Peter 272

Jensen, Dennis 367

Johns, Brian 182

Johnson, Boris 373

Johnson, Johnno 82

Johnson, Lyndon B 41, 46

Johnson, Mark 143

Johnston, Hetty 312

Jones, Alan 12, 4, 83, 267, 274, 275, 286, 293

Jones, Clem 243

Jones, Kerry 251, 272

Jones, Phil 36

Jones, Tony 3089

Joyce, Barnaby 298, 368

Joye, Christopher 2667, 274

Joye, Judy 266, 282

Keating, Paul

approach to Turnbull to join Labor 237, 239

challenge for leadership 368

and Costigan inquiry 99

energy efficiency measures 290

entry to parliament 286

and media ownership rules 148, 166, 172

and national broadband 182, 183

on potential Liberal leaders 308

as prime minister 229, 234

republicanism 184, 22930, 231, 233, 234, 245

as treasurer 142, 148, 166

view of Turnbull 308, 334

world’s first internet phone call 194

Kelly, Michael 2689

Kelly, Paul 295, 338, 342

Keneally, Thomas 228, 229, 253

Kennedy, Trevor

on departure from Tourang consortium 1756

on killing cats 74

as managing director of ACP 61, 138

as managing editor of Bulletin 59, 60, 62, 69, 101

and OzEmail 190, 191, 192, 1945, 1967, 1989

relationship with Kerry Packer 1734, 1756

relationship with Turnbull 165

view of Turnbull 138

Kennett, Jeff 248

Kerr, John 38, 50, 512, 67, 228

Kilbey, Steve 256

King, Peter 148, 149, 264, 2702, 273, 274, 275, 27681

King, Philip 8, 10

Kinnock, Neil 1245

Kirby, Michael 64, 65

Knightley, Phillip 1345

Koch, David 235

Kortlang, Ian 213

Kramer, Leonie 80

Kristol, Irving 62

Krkovski, Nik 186, 280

Kurosawa, Susan 258

Landerer, John 205, 206, 216, 218

Lang, Jack 30, 3740, 46

Lang, John Dunmore 226

Lansbury, Angela 14, 168

Lansbury, Coral (mother) 1318, 1921, 45, 63, 79, 80, 88, 127, 16771

Lansbury family 18

Lansbury, George 18

Lansbury, May 14

Lansbury, Oscar 14

Larkins, Antony 127

Latham, Mark 220, 272, 281, 282, 286, 289, 304

Laws, John (Allcorp partner) 139, 140, 141

Laws, John (broadcaster) 258

Lawson, Henry 60

Leonard, Richard 268, 269

Leser, David 32

Leunig, Michael 41

Lewis, Steve 325, 326

Lewis, Tom 53, 63

Li, Richard 346

Littlemore, Stuart 111

Loughnane, Brian 310

Lowy, Frank 161, 188, 284

Macarthur, John 10

MacCallum, Mungo 41, 54, 242

McClelland, Jim 73, 74, 227

McCrann, Terry 158

Macfarlane, Ian 301, 336, 338, 339, 382

McGauran, Julian 337

McGauran, Peter 294, 313

McGrath, James 3734

McGrath, Tony 220, 221, 222

McGuire, Eddie 244, 248

McIntyre, Scott 364

Mack, Ted 251, 279

McKenna, Mark 228

McKenna, Siobhan 355

Mackerras, Alistair 235, 31, 32, 75

McKew, Maxine 307

Mackinolty, Chips 41

McKnight, David 41

Maclean, Donald 117

McMahon, Sir William 22, 84

Macmillan, Harold 117

MacNee, Ian 185, 186, 187

McNicoll, David 60

McPherson, Fergus 49

Macquarie, Lachlan 10

McWilliam, Bruce 956, 115, 139, 140, 147, 151, 156, 157, 183, 278, 284

Main, Andrew 219

Mainprize, Tim 218

Mallah, Zaky 364

Manne, Robert 383

Marr, David 60

Marr, Ted 27

Martin, Ray 251

Maxwell, Kevin 149

Maxwell, Robert 148, 166

Mayfield, Tim 253

Meagher, Douglas 934, 96, 1034, 1047

Meakin, Peter 160

Melnikoff, Louise 187

Menzies, Robert 53, 76, 83, 272, 384, 3856

Metherell, Terry 334

Michael, David 1589

Miles, Neville 171

Minchin, Nick 249, 313, 337, 340, 342, 343, 378

Missen, Alan 99, 100

Mitchell, Chris 4

Mitchell, Neil 285

Moore, Clover 2623

Morrison, Scott 274, 275, 282, 374

Morrow, Bill 3612

Muir, Rod 152

Mullins, Paul 56

Mundey, Jack 227

Murdoch, Rupert 579, 71, 144, 352, 363, 375, 381

Murphy, Lionel 623, 66, 92

Murphy, Paul 33

Nassar, Gamal Abdel 118

Neal, Sir Eric 162

Nelson, Brendan 5, 82, 283, 285, 301, 307, 308, 31015, 333, 371

Newhouse, George 305, 306

Newman, Campbell 367, 374

Nicholas, Henric 80

Niemeyer, Sir Otto 39

Nietzsche, Friedrich 47

Nixon, Richard 46

Norrie, Susan 189

Oakes, Laurie 251

Obama, Barack 5, 330

Obeid, Eddie 489, 373

O’Brien, Kerry 283, 294

O’Bryan, Norman 212, 213

O’Grady, Suellen 65, 68

Olsen, John 284

Onisforou, Theo 282

O’Reilly, Tony 166, 171, 173

O’Shane, Pat 227, 2412, 247

O’Shannessy, Martin 381

O’Sullivan, John 556, 329, 330, 331

Overington, Caroline 305

Owen, Neville 211, 213, 21516, 217, 219

Packer, Clyde 59, 93

Packer, Sir Frank 59, 60, 61, 75, 83, 92, 142, 173

Packer, James 108, 171, 1912, 272

Packer, Kerry

control of Packer empire 59, 61, 93

and Costigan royal commission 94108

first meeting with Turnbull 55

‘Goanna’ allegations 8990, 1008, 111

investment in Whitlam Turnbull merchant bank 144

relationship with Turnbull 69, 71, 82, 108, 174, 1757

sale and re-purchase of Nine Network 1423, 15960

support for Turnbull’s preselection 82, 83, 84

Tourang bid for Fairfax 1717

Packer, Robert Clyde ‘RC’ 59

Paisley, Ian 84

Palmer, Clive 24, 371

Parker, David 83

Parkinson, Dennis 86

Parkinson, Martin 2

Patch, David 4950, 277, 279, 281

Paterson, Banjo 60

Paterson, Peter 42

Paulson, Hank 212, 316

Payne, Marise 382

Peacock, Andrew 99, 101, 273

Pearse, Guy 295

Penrose, Barrie 125

Perman, Brian 115

Perman, Jan 115

Petty, Bruce 227

Philby, Kim 117

Philip, Prince, knighting of 6, 366, 367

Phillip, Arthur 11

Pillemer, Russel 203, 204, 2056, 208, 217, 218, 221, 222

Pincher, Chapman 113, 114, 120, 125

Plibersek, Tanya 281

Powell, Enoch 478

Powell, Philip 129, 1301, 132

Powers, Brian 173, 174, 175, 176

Price, Matt 283

Price, Steve 305

Puplick, Chris 259

Pyne, Christopher 369, 371

Quigley, Mike 352, 3535, 360, 363

Raine, Max 272, 275

Ramsden, Mike 55

Ramsey, Stephen 115, 126, 134, 135

Rand, Ayn 62, 233

Randall, Don 367, 369

Ray, Brian 93, 94, 95, 96, 100

Reagan, Ronald 114, 287

Redlich, Robert 92

Reid, Alan 60, 66, 76

Rein, Thérèse 285

Reith, Peter 226, 246, 345

Rhodes, Cecil 68

Rice, Gary 163

Richardson, Graham 172, 2378, 251, 280, 290

Rimington, Dame Stella 120, 134

Rinehart, Gina 148

Rivkin, Rene 191, 199

Robb, Andrew 246, 279, 283, 307, 308, 335, 336, 33940, 382

Roberson, Roger 92

Roberts, Ivor 129

Robertson, Geoffrey 64, 72, 78, 115, 116

Robinson, Eric 66

Roche, Bill 273

Roche, Danielle 275, 278

Roche, Imelda 273

Rofe, David 83

Roskam, John 266, 278

Ross, Nick 3601

Rothschild, Victor 1256

Rowland, Tiny 155

Rudd, Kevin

as adviser to Goss 155

and Bill Henson affair 311

climate change policy 336, 342, 3756

convict ancestors 12

electoral win in 2007 208

fiscal stimulus packages 31821, 384

on global financial crisis 31617

loss of leadership 368

national broadband policy 34650, 361

and OzCar affair 323, 327, 328

popularity as prime minister 311, 315, 335

on travel allowances 285

wedge strategy against Turnbull 338

Ruddock, Philip 301

Ryan, Colleen 164, 177

Sackar, John 80, 81, 867

Salmon, John 19, 79

Salusinszky, Imre 70

Sankey, Daniel 667

Sartor, Frank 2556, 2589, 260, 262, 312

Saunders, John 188

Saunders, Klara 188

Scott, Mark 364

Shand, Alec 90

Shaw, Jeff 259

Sheehan, Paul 2712, 353

Shergold, Peter 296

Sheridan, Greg 60, 61

Sherry, Nick 322, 323

Shorten, Bill 252, 371, 372, 381

Simpkins, Luke 367

Sinclair, Ian 273

Singleton, John 55

Sinodinos, Arthur 329, 330, 332, 334, 3723, 387

Skase, Christopher 160

Smiles, Phillip 85

Smith, Sir David 242

Smith, Tony 345, 375

Snedden, Billy 53

Snow, Deborah 20

Snowden, Edward 119

Sokolova, Natalia 185, 187

Spence, David 1923, 1967

Stansfield, Brad 332

Stewart, Donald 100

Stokes, Kerry 160, 363

Stoliar, Nati 188

Stone, Shane 241, 264

Street, Sir Laurence 69, 139

Stubbs, Sarah 12

Stubbs, William 12

Suich, Max 106

Summers, Anne 268

Summers, Larry 318

Suttor, Michael 189

Swan, Wayne 315, 318, 322, 324, 3256, 328, 384

Sykes, Trevor 601, 645, 94, 101, 108, 145, 197, 200

Syvret, Paul 163

Tanner, Lindsay 253, 329

Taylor, Christine 77

Taylor, John 319

Taylor, Michael 298

Thatcher, Margaret

political career 62

and Spycatcher case 11314, 121, 122, 123, 1245, 126, 128, 132, 133

tax policy 287

Thodey, David 359

Thomson, Andrew 264

Tiffen, Rod 177

Toohey, Brian 104, 106, 107

Trioli, Virginia 248

Trujillo, Sol 346

Tucker, Rod 362

Tuckey, Wilson 283, 337

Turnbull, Alexander Bligh 10, 12, 87, 127, 169, 212, 224, 256, 261, 274, 282

Turnbull, Ann (d. 1819) 8, 11, 12

Turnbull, Bruce Bligh (father) 11, 1213, 1516, 1920, 22, 245, 37, 789, 80, 868

Turnbull, Daisy 127, 169, 212, 224, 256, 261, 282

Turnbull family 8, 1012

Turnbull, Flora Jean (b. 1922) 11, 12, 13

Turnbull, Frederick Bligh (d. 1968) 11

Turnbull, James Bligh (d. 1930) 11

Turnbull, John (d. 1834) 8, 9, 1011, 12

Turnbull (née Womersley), Judith 37

Turnbull (née Hughes), Lucy

and ARM 224

book on Sydney 255, 2567, 258

career as non-executive director 378

Catholicism 76, 268

charity work 255

children 87, 127

family background 767, 131

first meeting with Malcolm 77

legal career 1267, 181, 224, 255, 256

marriage 59, 72, 7880, 82, 127

on mother-in-law 1678

political career 21, 2557, 25863, 377

Turnbull, Malcolm Bligh

ancestors 815

arrival in federal parliament 2826

birth 15

boarding school 2134

Catholicism 26870

as chairman of Menzies Research Centre 2668

challenge to Abbott’s leadership 3, 3767

childhood 17, 1821

climate change policy 290301, 33543, 3878

contract cleaning company, Allcorp 13942, 157

as corporate advisor 17984

as counsel for Packer 92, 96, 98, 99, 101, 1023, 1038, 10912, 142

on dismissal of Whitlam government 502, 61

divorce of parents 1921

election campaigns 27981, 303, 306, 345

as environment minister 296306, 308

family home at Point Piper 18890, 378

on global financial crisis 31521

and HIH inquiry 21222

as journalist 44, 469, 5067, 6972, 80, 106

as leader of Liberal Party 222

leadership aspirations 30715

legal career 801, 87, 92, 96, 98, 99, 101, 1023, 1038, 10912, 11516, 12036

Liberal Party membership 40, 82, 85, 138, 212, 264

as Liberal’s federal treasurer 2646, 272

as managing director of Goldman Sachs 20022, 264

marriage 7880, 82

media interests 1607, 1718, 181

as merchant banker 14257

mining investments 1848

and Murray-Darling Basin 2939

and NBN 34665

as opposition leader 31541, 3489

and OzCar affair 32234

and OzEmail 1909

partnership in Goldman Sachs 20910

political ambitions 815, 138, 1512, 198, 212, 252, 270

political awakening 30

as potential Labor candidate 2378, 2634, 280

preselection campaigns 815, 264, 27081

as prime minister 377, 378, 3818

relationship with Howard 264

republicanism 38, 52, 61, 184, 212, 2246, 22854, 263, 388

Rhodes scholarship 6872, 80

as shadow communications minister 3456, 35065

as shadow treasurer 31011

and Spycatcher case 11516, 12036

student politics 401, 424, 4950

on tax policy 2879

and Tourang consortium 1717

undermining of Nelson’s leadership 31015

university days 367

values 3858

wealth 37881

on WorkChoices 28990

Turnbull (née Brown), Mary Agnes 11

Turnbull, Ross 83

Turnbull, Shann 49

Turnbull, William Bligh (d. 1892) 10, 11

Turner, Chris 179

Uren, Tom 33

Vaile, Mark 314

van Onselen, Peter 336, 387

Victoria, Queen 62

Vizard, Steve 240, 241, 242, 245, 248

Vrisakis, Aleco 80

Waddy, Lloyd 245

Wahlquist, Asa 298

Walker, Frank 56

Walker, Ron 2645

Wallace, George 467

Walsh, Richard 46, 55

Walton, Julie 256

Ward, Rachel 304

Waterhouse, Robbie 92

Watson, Fiona 735

Weiss, Gary 152

Weldon, Fay 168

Wendt, Jana 231, 232, 233

Wentworth, Bill 83

Wentworth, Kate 83

West, Nigel 125

Westaway, Peter 175

Westfield, Mark 74, 337

Whitlam, Gough

death 5

dismissal 502, 63

education 47

and Fairfax collapse 172

as lawyer 76

and loans affair 66

Murdoch’s campaign against 57

prime ministership 367, 42, 44

republicanism 61, 246

and Spycatcher case 129

Whitlam, Judy 1523

Whitlam, Nick 1434, 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 153, 1547, 184

Whitlam, Peter 1523

Wilkinson, Gary 103

Wilkinson, Marian 98, 100, 162

Willesee, Mike 102

Williams, Sir Edgar 72

Williams, Kim 1356, 352

Williams, Ray 206, 207, 210, 211, 219

Williamson, David 304

Willis, Eric 53

Wilson, Harold 47, 118, 120

Windsor, Tony 345, 346

Wolfensohn, James 173

Wong, Eugene 1978

Wong, Penny 336, 338

Woolstone, Pinchos 275

Wran, Neville

business partnership with Turnbull 13942, 1434, 148, 149, 155, 157, 181, 186, 191, 197, 200, 201

and Davila controversy 312

friendship with Turnbull’s mother 14, 16, 63

as NSW opposition leader 523

as NSW premier 54, 56, 69, 823, 92

as referee for Turnbull 69, 70

and republican movement 228, 229, 247

Street inquiry 69, 92, 139

Wright, John 11

Wright, Lois 113, 130

Wright (née Turnbull), Mary Ann 11

Wright, Maurice 116

Wright, Peter 11314, 11622, 124, 1256, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136

Xenophon, Nick 65

Yabsley, Michael 66, 83, 2656, 270, 275, 277, 278, 280, 282

Yabsley, Susie 277

Yeltsin, Boris 185

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir 185

Zulman, Jeff 197