What Others Say About books by Shelia E. Bell
“Shelia E. Lipsey is one of the few authors who sets my heart to blaze with her writing. Her writing is intense, complex, unforgettable and most of all, needed in the world today. Shelia's novels have everything Christian fiction novels need: brilliant plots, timely conversations, and faith building passages! Keep your eyes on Shelia E. Lipsey...she is definitely a legend in the making.” --- Ella Curry, president of EDC Creations. Publisher of Black Pearls Magazine. Based on novels Beautiful Ugly and My Son's Wife
By Sherri Gregory March 27, 2016 “The Real Housewives of Adverse City)
Shelia, you have done it again, your writing style, storyline and great details as always is above and beyond . From page one to the end, I was talking to myself and turning the page to see what are they going to do next? I got into each character individually and as couples, the drama and life situations are here and there is a lot! Everybody has a separate journey, and I can't wait to see how they handle this. Shelia, please come on with the next book. I can't give anything away (as bad as I want to, especially Pastor Carlton Porter- he is all over the place and he is spreading more than the gospel around). but I can tell you this please get your copy, I'm telling everybody I know this is a must read, you will enjoy.
The Life of Payne by Shelia E. Bell This book was clearly a tall tale of struggle, Payne and how much can one endure the hardships from as close as a family member as your mother. No matter what the main character did to earn her love, he still was pushed away. Sadly, this fictional story is all to real for many individuals that have family members that are addicted to drugs or just blatantly lost their way. Shelia Bell knows how to flesh out the most from her characters so that she can deliver the best to her readers. Superb job, looking forward to reading more from this author. Amazon Reviewed by Michael D. Beckford, Author of "Little Black Bird"