- Abandonment, disposal of property by
- Aborted business ventures
- Above-market loans
- ABP test
- Abusive transactions
- ACA. See Affordable Care Act
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS)
- Accelerated depreciation, under MACRS
- Access to capital and business organization
- Accident and health insurance
- Accident insurance
- Accountable plans:
- car
- travel and entertainment
- Accounting fees
- Accounting methods
- about
- accrual
- cash
- change in
- for discounts
- installment method
- for long-term contracts
- mark-to-market accounting
- repairs and maintenance
- tax year and
- Accounting periods
- about
- business purpose for fiscal year
- change in tax year
- limits on use of fiscal year
- pass-through business on fiscal year
- restrictions on
- seasonal businesses
- Section
- short tax years
- Accrual accounting method
- Accumulated earnings tax
- Accuracy-related penalties
- ACE (adjusted current earnings)
- Acquisitions, debt-financed
- ACRS (Accelerated Cost Recovery System)
- Activated reservists, employer wage credit for
- Active participation
- Actual expense method:
- about
- business use
- conventions
- depreciation allowance
- depreciation deduction
- dispositions
- dollar limit on depreciation deduction
- dollar limits, increasing
- for home office deduction
- Section
- standard mileage allowance versus
- Actual receipt
- Actuarial costs for defined benefit plans
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
- Additions to property
- Adjusted basis, involuntary conversions and
- Adjusted basis, defined
- Adjusted current earnings (ACE)
- Adjusted gross income (AGI)
- Administrative waivers
- Adoption assistance
- ADS. See Alternative Depreciation System
- Ad valorem taxes
- Advance payments
- Advance rents
- Advances
- Advertising expenses
- Advocate service, taxpayer
- Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- AFR (applicable federal rate)
- Agreements between corporations and shareholders
- Agricultural payments from government programs
- Aircraft, flights on employer-provided
- Alcohol fuels credit
- ALEs (applicable large employees)
- All events test
- Alternative Depreciation System (ADS)
- Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit
- Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
- Alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI)
- ALV (annual lease value)
- Amazon Payments
- Amended tax returns:
- business gifts
- depreciation and
- disaster losses
- employment tax
- expensing elections and
- net operating losses
- replacement property
- worthless securities
- American opportunity tax credit
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Amortization
- of bond premiums
- business start-up costs and organizational expenses
- claiming
- of computer software
- defined
- of improvements
- intangibles
- leases and
- of reforestation costs
- research and experimentation costs
- Section
- of self-created intangibles
- Amount received, defined
- AMT. See Alternative minimum tax
- AMTI (alternative minimum taxable income)
- Angel investors
- Annual determination
- Annual Filing Season Program participants
- Annual lease value (ALV)
- Antichurning rules
- Antiques
- Antitrust violations, treble damages to
- Appeals
- Applicable federal rates (AFR)
- Applicable large employees (ALEs)
- Apportionment
- Appraisals
- Apps, costs of
- Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs)
- Architectural barriers, removal of
- Artists, performing
- Assets. See also Recovery periods:
- capital
- sale of all
- transfer of
- Assistance programs
- Associated test
- Athletic facilities, expenses for
- At-risk basis
- At-risk losses
- At-risk rules:
- calculating limitation
- defined
- farm losses
- limitations on business losses
- limits on write-offs from partnerships and LLCs
- partnerships and LLCs
- passive activity losses and
- real estate financing
- Attorney-client privilege
- Attorneys
- Audit guides
- Audit-proofing returns
- Audits
- about
- appeals and
- audit chances, business organizations
- corporations, strategies and
- litigation and
- mediation
- taxpayer advocate service
- taxpayer bill of rights and
- types of
- Authorities, state tax
- Automatic enrollment in retirement plans
- Automobile insurance
- Average benefit percentage test (ABP test)
- Awards for employees
- Away from home rule
- Bad debts. See also Debt
- about
- accrual taxpayers
- business versus nonbusiness
- collection of
- debtor-creditor relationship
- deducting
- guarantees resulting in
- loans by shareholder-employees
- loss sustained due to
- nonaccrual-experience method
- reporting on tax return
- valuing
- worthlessness
- Bank accounts, business start-up and
- Bank fees
- Bankruptcy
- Barriers for disabled persons, removal of
- Bartering
- Basis:
- adjusted
- assets transferred to business
- car
- casualty and theft losses
- defined
- depreciation and
- losses, limitations on
- recordkeeping for
- at-risk
- S corporation shareholder's
- shareholder
- tax planning and
- Bed and breakfasts
- Below-market loans
- Benefit funds, state
- Benefits. See Employee benefits
- Bicycle commuting
- Bill of rights, taxpayer
- Biodiesel fuels credit
- Bitcoin
- Black Lung benefit trust contributions
- Bonding requirement for retirement plans
- Bond premiums
- Bonuses
- Books, cost of
- Boot
- BOP (business owner's policy)
- Borrowing. See Loans
- Breeding fees
- Brother-sister controlled groups
- Built-in capital gains
- Built-in gains
- Built-in gains taxes
- Business bad debts
- Business days, counting
- Business equipment, optimum write-offs for
- Businesses
- controlled
- incorporation of
- losses, deducting
- multiple
- seasonal
- tax credits
- tax preparers
- unincorporated
- Businesses, opening and closing
- Business expenses. See Expenses
- Business gifts
- Business income. See Income
- Business interest, sales of
- Business interruption coverage
- Business losses, limitations on
- Business mileage logs
- Business name
- Business organization. See also specific business organization
- about
- access to capital
- audit chances
- C corporations
- changing form of
- choosing form of
- comparing forms of
- employees
- exit strategy
- filing deadlines and extensions
- fringe benefits
- lack of profitability
- multistate operations
- nature and number of owners
- owner's payment of company expenses
- personal liability
- restrictions on accounting periods and accounting methods
- S corporations
- social security and Medicare taxes
- sole proprietorships
- tax identification number
- tax rates
- unincorporated, charitable contributions and
- Business owner's policy (BOP)
- Business purpose
- Business purpose for fiscal year
- Business start-up costs
- Business stock, sales of qualified
- Business structure, review of
- Business use of home. See Home office deductions
- Buyouts, financing options to fund
- Buy-sell agreements
- Cafeteria plans
- benefits allowed/not allowed under
- flexible spending accounts and
- medical coverage
- simple
- Calendar year
- Cancellation of debt (COD)
- Cancellation payments
- Capital, access to
- Capital assets
- Capital construction-related tax credits
- Capital expenditures
- Capital gains
- about
- adjusted basis and
- amount of, determining
- built-in
- business interest, sales of
- capital assets and
- C corporations
- holding period
- installment sales
- for partnerships and LLCs
- for pass-through identities
- reporting
- sale of business interests
- sale of qualified business stock
- sale or exchange requirement
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- for self-employed persons
- special situations
- tax-free exchanges
- tax rates on
- tax treatment of
- on worthless securities
- Capital improvements, repairs distinguished from
- Capitalization rules. See Uniform capitalization rules
- Capitalized costs
- Capital losses
- about
- adjusted basis and
- amount of, determining
- business interest, sales of
- capital assets and
- carryovers
- holding period
- limitations
- for pass-through identities
- reporting
- sale or exchange requirement
- special situations
- Career counseling
- Car expenses:
- about
- actual expense method
- arranging ownership
- business use
- commuting vehicles
- company car, employee use of
- deducting
- depreciation and
- heavy SUVs
- hybrid purchase incentives
- insurance
- leasing
- plug-in electric vehicles
- recordkeeping for
- reimbursement arrangements
- standard mileage allowance
- substantiation requirements
- trade-ins
- trucks and vans
- Car insurance
- Carrybacks
- Carryforwards
- Carryovers
- Cars. See also Car expenses
- “blue book value”
- casualty and theft losses
- defined
- electric, plug-in
- fair market value
- leasing versus buying
- sale of
- Cash:
- large transactions
- small transactions
- Cash basis and prepayment, carryover period for
- Cash-basis businesses, tax planning and
- Cash method of accounting
- about
- corporate exceptions
- PSC exception
- restrictions on use of
- small business exception
- small inventory-based business exception
- Casualty and theft losses
- about
- adjusted basis and
- appraisals and
- basis
- calculating
- cars
- casualties, defined
- casualties, examples of
- casualties, proof of
- condemnations and
- coordination with repairs
- deducting
- determination of
- disaster assistance
- disaster losses
- disaster victims, certain
- fair market value and
- insurance and
- inventory and crops
- recovered property
- repairs and
- severance damages
- special assessments
- theft, defined
- theft, proof of
- year of loss
- CCC (Community Credit Corporation) loans
- C corporations:
- about
- alternative minimum tax
- audit strategies
- bad debts
- business expense deductions
- business income
- capital gains and losses for
- car expenses
- casualty and theft losses
- compensation payment strategy
- controlled corporations
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- dividends and
- domestic production activities deductions
- e-filing and
- farming expenses
- gains and losses
- health insurance deductions
- owners, compensation to
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- reporting income/benefits
- retirement plan deductions
- sales of business interests
- special income items for
- special recapture by
- tax credits
- taxes and interest
- tax treatment of capital gains
- travel and entertainment expenses
- CDEs (community development entities)
- Cellular phones. See Smartphones
- Cents-per-mile special rule
- Certified public accountants (CPAs)
- Certified Service Provider (CSP)
- Change:
- in form of business
- in tax laws
- Change in control
- Chargeoff method, specific
- Charitable contributions. See also Donations
- about
- appraisal rules
- carryovers and
- computers
- conservation easements
- corporations
- food inventory
- for ill, needy, infants
- intellectual property
- inventory
- pass-through
- scientific property
- special substantiation requirements
- unincorporated businesses
- Checklist, deductions
- Checks:
- cash method of accounting and
- paying taxes by
- Child care facilities and services, employer-provided
- Classification of workers
- Cliff vesting
- Closely held business real property, special valuation for
- Closing businesses
- tax reporting in final year
- unamortized costs
- Clothing, costs of
- Club dues
- COBRA coverage
- COD (cancellation of debt)
- COD income
- COGS (cost of goods sold)
- Cohan rule
- COLA (cost-of-living adjustments)
- Collection agencies
- Commerce tax
- Commercial buildings, energy improvements to
- Commercial fishing
- Commissions
- Commitment fees
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans
- Community development entities (CDEs)
- Community renewal property, zero percent gain from
- Commuting costs
- Commuting vehicles
- Company buyouts
- Compensation. See Employee compensation
- Compensation limit for retirement plans
- Compensatory damages
- Completed-contract method
- Computers:
- donations of
- first-year expensing
- home office deductions and
- Computer software
- Condemnation:
- casualty and theft losses
- defined
- Condemnation awards
- Conferences
- Conservation easement donations
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) payments
- Consignments
- Construction, energy-efficient home credit
- Constructive dividends
- Constructive receipt
- Consulting agreements
- Contests
- Continuation coverage. See COBRA coverage
- Contractors, energy-efficient home credit
- Contracts, long-term
- Contributions:
- federal right of
- to health savings accounts
- to qualified retirement plans
- to retirement plans
- to self-employed qualified retirement plans
- Control employees
- Controlled entities:
- C corporations as
- defined
- health care mandates for
- multiple corporations, treatment as
- CONUS per diem rate
- Conventions (conferences)
- Conventions (depreciation write-off rules)
- half-year convention
- mid-month convention
- mid-quarter convention
- Conversion from C status to S status, last-in, first-out inventory
- Conversions, involuntary
- Corporate debt
- Corporate officers, salary of
- Corporate resolutions, tax-related
- Corporations. See also C corporations; S corporations
- agreements between shareholders and
- alternative minimum tax and
- amortization of organizational costs for
- capital loss limits on
- charitable contributions from
- checklist of deductions for
- closing
- controlled
- deductions checklist
- estimated taxes
- formerly small
- golden parachute payments
- indebtedness to shareholders
- loans between shareholders and
- net operating losses, calculating
- renting to
- small (see Small corporations)
- state income taxes
- termination or dissolution of
- transferred property and
- Correspondence audits
- Cost depletion
- Cost of goods sold (COGS)
- Cost-of-living adjustments (COLA)
- Costs. See also specific costs
- capitalized
- direct
- indirect
- organizational
- qualified
- unamortized
- Cost segregation, recovery periods
- Costs of performance (COP)
- Country club dues
- CPAs (certified public accountants)
- Credit, fuel-related excise taxes
- Credit cards:
- business start-up and
- cash method of accounting and
- merchant income on
- paying taxes by
- Credit checks
- Credit insurance
- Credit offsets, alternative minimum tax and
- Credit policies
- Credit reduction states
- Credits. See Tax credits
- Crop insurance and crop disaster payments
- Crops, casualty and theft losses to
- Crop shares
- Cross-purchase agreements
- Crowdfunding
- CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) payments
- Cruise ships, conventions or meetings on
- CSP (Certified Service Provider)
- Customers:
- bankruptcy of
- credit policies and
- Customs expenses
- Cyber-liability coverage
- D&B business credit rating service
- D&O (directors and officers) coverage
- Damages:
- compensatory, paid to government
- reporting as income
- restitution payments
- treble, for antitrust violations
- Day-care facilities:
- about
- calculating deduction
- meal costs
- Day traders
- DBA (doing business as)
- Deadlines, filing
- Death tax
- Debt. See also Bad debts; Loans
- cancellation of
- corporate
- nonrecourse
- recourse
- worthless
- Debt-financed acquisitions
- Debt-financed distributions
- Debt-financed portfolios
- Debt financing
- Debt forgiveness
- Debtor-creditor relationship
- Deductible interest
- Deductible employee compensation
- defined
- limits on
- noncash payments
- restricted property
- rules for
- types of
- Deductible expenses:
- checklist of allowed
- checklist of not allowed
- temporary assignments and
- Deductions:
- bad debt
- business, miscellaneous
- business equipment
- casualty and theft losses
- checklist of
- claiming
- disaster losses and
- dividends-received
- foreign housing
- not allowed
- removal of architectural or transportation barriers
- temporary assignments and
- transportation costs
- travel and entertainment expenses
- tuition and fees
- whaling expenses
- Deductions checklist. See also Income and deduction strategies; specific deductions
- Deemed depreciation
- Deemed filing date
- Deemed NOL
- Deferrals, elective
- Deferred compensation
- Deferring gain
- Defined benefit plans
- Defined contribution plans
- De minimis exception
- De minimis fringe benefits
- De minimis safe harbor rule
- Demolition and removal expenses
- Dependent care assistance
- Dependent care credit
- Depletion
- cost depletion
- deduction of
- defined
- methods
- partnership oil and gas properties
- percentage depletion
- Deposit dates for employment taxes
- Deposits
- Depreciable property, installment sales and
- Depreciation:
- accelerated
- actual expense method
- allowance
- alternative depreciation system
- alternative minimum tax
- alternative system
- basis
- bonus
- of car
- claiming
- conventions
- deemed
- defined
- de mimimus safe harbor rule
- depreciable property
- dollar limits on
- excess
- farming and
- first-year expensing
- general rules
- home office deductions
- listed property, limitations on
- methods
- personal property put to business use
- property not eligible for
- recaptured
- recordkeeping for
- straight-line
- unrecaptured
- write-off limits. (see Conventions (depreciation write-off rules))
- Designated Roth accounts
- Diaries:
- of business mileage
- of travel and entertainment expenses
- Differential wage payment tax credit
- Direct costs
- Direct gifts
- Directly related test
- Directors, payments to
- Directors and officers (D&O) coverage
- Direct rollovers
- Direct sellers, other income for
- Disability insurance
- Disabled access credit
- Disabled persons:
- business deductions, miscellaneous
- car expenses
- expenses of
- repairs and maintenance for
- special rules for improvements for
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Disallowance repayment agreements
- Disaster assistance
- Disaster losses:
- amended returns and
- casualty and theft losses
- tax planning and
- Disaster victims, certain
- Discharge of indebtedness
- Discounts:
- accounting for
- qualified employee
- Disposal of tax records
- Dispositions of property
- Disqualified person
- Distance test for moving expenses
- Distressed companies, contribution reduction for
- Distributions:
- debt-financed
- pension and retirement plan
- required
- Distributive shares
- Dividends:
- as business income
- C corporations and
- constructive
- information returns
- patronage
- S corporations and
- Dividends-received deduction
- Documentary evidence
- Doing business as (DBA)
- Dollar limits
- first year expensing
- inflation adjustment for
- IRS, fixed by
- tax code, fixed by
- Domain names
- Domestic partners, medical coverage
- Domestic production activities deduction
- about
- allocable cost of goods sold
- allocable gross receipts
- calculating
- claiming
- limitations on
- pass-through entities
- qualified producers
- Domestic production gross receipts (DPGR)
- Dominant motive for loans
- Donations. See also Charitable contributions
- Double taxation
- DPGR (domestic production gross receipts)
- Draws
- Dues
- DUNS number
- E&O (errors and omissions insurance)
- Earned income credit
- Eating facilities, employer-operated
- Economically disadvantaged designated groups
- Economic performance test
- Educational expenses
- deducting
- employer-paid
- personal education incentives
- Education credits
- EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
- E-file providers
- E-filing tax returns
- EFTPS. See Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
- EFTPS.gov
- EIN. See Employer identification number
- Elderly persons:
- day care facilities for
- improvements for, special rules
- Elected farm income
- Election to postpone gains
- Elective deferrals
- Electric vehicles, plug-in
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
- paying taxes online
- required use of
- voluntary use of
- Electronic filing of tax returns
- Electronic imaging systems
- Electronic payment methods
- Electronic signatures
- Electronic transfer of funds to pay taxes
- E-mail, IRS not contacting by
- Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
- Employee achievement awards
- Employee benefit plans:
- reporting
- tax planning and
- Employee benefits. See also Fringe benefits
- about
- adoption assistance
- athletic facilities
- business organization and
- cafeteria plans
- cellular phones
- commuting vehicles
- company car, employee use of
- country club dues
- dependent care assistance
- discount, qualified employee
- educational expenses
- employment tax credits
- flexible spending accounts
- flights on employer-provided aircraft
- frequent flyer miles
- golden parachute payments
- group-term life insurance
- health reimbursement accounts
- Health Savings Accounts
- housing relocation costs
- identity theft protection
- life insurance on individual basis
- meals and lodging
- medical insurance coverage
- moving expenses
- no-additional-cost service
- retirement planning advice
- smart phones
- split-dollar life insurance
- supplemental unemployment benefits
- travel and entertainment costs
- working condition fringe benefit
- Employee compensation. See also Employee benefits
- about
- bonuses
- deductible
- deducting
- deferred compensation
- disallowance repayment agreements
- employment tax credits (see Employment tax credits)
- outsourced workers
- owners, compensation to
- stock options and restricted stock
- temporary workers
- worker classification
- Employee discounts, qualified
- Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)
- Employee Plans Corrections Resolution System (EPCRS)
- Employee records, retention of
- Employee relations expense
- Employees:
- 2% rule and
- about
- bad debts
- bonuses
- business expense deductions
- capital gains and losses
- car expense deductions
- casualty and theft losses
- checklist of deductions for
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- entertainment expenses and
- health insurance deductions
- highly compensated
- home office deductions
- household
- leased
- meal costs and
- outsourced
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- retirement plan deductions
- statutory
- taxes and interest
- temporary
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)
- Employee stock purchase plan
- Employer differential wage payments credit
- Employer identification number (EIN):
- business organization and
- obtaining
- sole proprietorships and
- state
- Employer-operated eating facilities
- Employer-paid educational expenses
- Employer-paid parking
- Employer-provided aircraft, flights on
- Employer-provided child care facilities and services
- Employers:
- COBRA health coverage
- eating facilities operated by
- educational expenses paid by
- employment-related tax credits
- health care mandate
- job candidate search expenses
- records retention
- reimbursements and outplacement services
- small
- tax credits for
- wage credit for activated reservists
- Employment agency fees
- Employment practices liability insurance
- Employment-related tax credits
- Employment tax credits
- activated reservists, employer wage credit for
- for all businesses
- dependent care credit
- earned income credit
- employee's employment-related
- employer credit for FICA on tips
- employer's employment-related
- employer wage credit for activated reservists
- empowerment zone employment credit
- general business credit
- Indian employment credit
- work opportunity credit
- Employment taxes
- about
- deposit dates
- estimated taxes
- failure to pay
- federal
- Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)
- Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)
- filing, for all businesses
- income tax withholding
- obligations
- paying
- penalties
- records retention
- self-employed persons and
- service charges
- state income tax withholding
- states and
- tips, special rules for
- types of
- Employment tax returns
- amending
- due dates
- filing extensions
- returns for
- Empowerment zone employment credit
- Endangered species recovery expenditures
- Energy, tax credits and
- Energy credit
- Energy-efficient home credit
- Energy improvements
- Enhanced oil recovery credit
- Enrolled agents
- Entertainment. See Travel and entertainment expenses
- Entertainment expenses;
- about
- club dues
- deducting
- home entertainment
- ordinary and necessary
- recordkeeping requirements
- special substantiation requirements
- Entity plans
- Environmental and pollution liability insurance
- Environmental cleanup costs
- EPCRS (Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System)
- EPCRS (Employee Plans Corrections Resolution System)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Equipment. See also Rents; Repairs and maintenance
- Equity crowdfunding
- Equity financing
- Errors, common:
- avoidance of
- retirement plans
- W-2 forms and
- Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance
- ESOPs (employee stock option plans)
- Estate planning
- buy-sell agreements and
- factors in decision-making
- Estate taxes:
- special rules for
- succession planning and
- Estimated taxes
- Excess depreciation
- Excess net passive income
- Exchanges, tax-free
- Excise taxes:
- about
- credits, claiming
- excess contributions
- excess parachute payments
- farmers and
- on fuels
- online filing of returns
- prohibited transactions, retirement plans
- Excise tax returns
- Excluding gain
- Exclusive use test for home office
- Exit strategies
- Expenses:
- advertising (see Advertising expenses)
- bank and merchant fees
- business, in general
- business equipment
- car and truck
- charitable contributions
- checklist of deductible and nondeductible expenses
- clothing
- commissions
- customs
- damages
- deducting
- depletion
- disabled persons and
- dues and subscriptions
- educational
- farming
- fines
- first-year expensing
- insurance
- interest (see Interest)
- job candidate search
- job-seeking
- legal fees
- licenses and permits
- lobbying
- meal costs, day care providers
- meals (see Meal and entertainment expenses)
- moving
- nondeductible
- office
- ordinary and necessary
- other
- outsourced workers
- passive activity loss rules and deductions
- payments to directors and independent contractors
- penalties
- postage
- prepaid (see Prepaid expenses)
- professional fees
- rents
- shipping
- sideline businesses
- supplies and materials
- telephone
- uniforms
- write-offs and
- Expensing. See also First-year expensing
- Experimentation costs, deducting
- Extensions, filing
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Fair market value (FMV):
- bad debts
- cars
- casualty and theft losses
- charitable contributions and
- incentive stock options and
- Family members, employed
- Farmers Home Administration (FHA)
- Farm income averaging
- Farming:
- about
- business income
- claiming credits/refunds
- conservation easements
- elected farm income
- expenses
- expenses, nondeductible
- fuels, exemption from excise tax on
- fuels tax credits
- home office deductions
- income averaging
- income from
- losses
- passive activity loss rules and
- self-employment tax
- tax credits
- timber gains
- Farm-related taxpayer
- Farm Services Agency (FSA)
- Fast Track Settlement Program
- FAVR (fixed and variable allowance)
- FBN (fictitious business name)
- Federal corporate tax rate schedule
- Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA)
- Federal employment taxes
- Federal excise tax on fuels
- Federal Insurance Contribution Act. See FICA
- Federally-declared disaster areas
- Federal right of contribution
- Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA):
- credit reduction states
- employment tax and
- household workers and
- Feed, livestock
- Feed assistance and payments
- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association)
- Fertilizer and lime
- FHA (Farmers Home Administration)
- FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act):
- employer credit for tips
- employer portion
- employment tax and
- tax planning and
- withholding wages for
- Fictitious business name (FBN)
- Fidelity bonds
- Fiduciary rule
- Field audits
- FIFO (first-in, first-out)
- 15-year property
- Filing deadlines and extensions
- business organization and
- filing extensions
- filing methods
- IRS forms for (see IRS Forms)
- late filing penalties
- Filing extensions, IRS Forms for
- Filing methods
- Filing online
- Filing tax returns. See also Filing extensions
- employment taxes
- excise taxes
- failure to
- information returns
- online
- on time
- Film or television productions, expensing
- Financial planner
- Financing:
- for buyouts
- debt
- equity
- options, other
- real estate
- royalty
- Fines, payment of
- First in, first-out (FIFO)
- First-time abatement (FTA)
- First-time abatement program
- First-year expensing
- about
- for cars
- for computers
- defined
- disposition of property
- election of
- limits on
- multiple businesses
- revocation of election of
- First year of business, tax reporting
- Fiscal year
- Fishing, commercial
- 5-year property
- Fixed and variable rate (FAVR) allowance for personal use of company cars
- Fleet valuation method
- Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
- Flexible spending arrangements (FSAs)
- Flights on employer-provided aircraft
- Flood insurance
- Floor taxes
- FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act)
- FMV. See Fair market value
- Food inventory donations
- Foreclosure on or repossession of property:
- equipment and other personal property
- lender's perspective
- real property
- Foreign accounts, information returns
- Foreign conventions
- Foreign earned income exclusion
- Foreign housing deduction
- base housing amount
- housing expenses
- Foreign housing exclusion
- Foreign investments
- Foreign tax credit
- Foreign taxes
- Foreign travel
- counting business days
- entirely for business
- primarily for business
- primarily for vacation
- Forest health protection payments
- Formerly small corporations
- Form of business organization
- Forms. See IRS Forms
- 401(k) plans:
- investment choices and fees
- loans from
- one-person
- “in-plan rollover”
- Franchise taxes
- Frequent flyer miles
- Fringe benefits. See also Employee benefits
- business organization and
- de mimimus (minimal)
- employment tax obligations on
- limits on, for owners
- medical coverage as
- qualified transportation
- working condition
- FSA (Farm Services Agency)
- FSAs (flexible spending accounts)
- FTA (first-time abatement)
- FTEs (full-time equivalent employees), health care mandate
- Fuels:
- exemption from excise tax on
- tax credits on
- taxes on
- Full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), health care mandate
- FUTA. See Federal Unemployment Tax Act
- Gains. See also Capital gains
- about
- built-in
- built-in gains tax and
- community renewal property and
- deferring
- equipment and other personal property
- excluding
- installment sales
- involuntary conversions
- net
- postponing
- real property
- recapture
- reporting
- sale-leasebacks and
- sale of all assets
- Section 1202
- Section 1231
- short-term
- timber
- unrecaptured
- GDS (General Depreciation System)
- General business credit
- carryovers and
- employment tax credits and
- limitations on
- General Depreciation System (GDS)
- General partnerships
- Gift cards
- Gift-leasebacks
- Gift loans
- Gifts:
- business
- recordkeeping requirements
- substantiation requirements
- Gig economy
- Golden parachute payments, about
- Goodwill, promotion of
- Grants
- Gross income, home office deductions and
- Gross profit percent
- Gross profit percentage
- Gross profits
- Gross receipts:
- cash method of accounting and
- defined
- domestic production activities
- from sale of goods
- Gross receipts tax
- Group-term life insurance
- Guaranteed payments to partners
- Guarantees resulting in bad debts
- Half-year convention
- Handicapped persons. See Disabled persons
- HCEs (Highly compensated employees)
- Health care mandates
- annual determination
- controlled businesses
- employer mandate
- information reporting
- off-time counts
- penalties
- seasonal businesses
- self-employed individuals
- Health insurance. See Medical coverage
- Health reimbursement accounts (HRAs)
- Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)
- Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
- about
- benefits of
- contributions
- eligibility
- Medical Savings Accounts and
- taxation of
- Heavy SUVs
- Help-wanted ads
- High-deductible plans
- High-low substantiation method
- Highly compensated employees (HCEs)
- Hobby losses
- farming
- hobby classification and
- profit motive and
- Holding period
- Home:
- employing worker in your
- energy-efficient home credit
- living away from on temporary assignment
- rental of portion of for business use
- tax home, defined
- Home entertainment
- Home office deductions:
- about
- actual expense method
- ancillary benefits of claiming
- bed and breakfasts
- carryovers
- day-care facilities
- deducting
- employees, special requirements for
- exclusive and regular use
- home mortgage interest and
- homeowner's insurance
- home sales, impact of
- meeting with patients, clients, or customers
- mobile offices
- principal place of business
- separate structure
- sideline businesses
- simplified method
- special business uses of home
- storage space
- Home office depreciation
- Homeowners insurance
- Home sale exclusion
- Homestead protection
- Household employees:
- nanny tax
- special reporting for
- Housing expenses, foreign housing deduction
- Housing relocation costs
- HRAs (health reimbursement accounts)
- HRAs (health reimbursement arrangements)
- HSAs. See Health Savings Accounts
- Identity theft protection
- Ill, donations for
- Imaging systems, electronic
- Improvements. See also Capital gains
- capital
- energy
- leasehold
- restaurant
- retail
- Improvements to property
- deductions for
- disabled access credit
- for elderly and handicapped
- qualifying expenditures
- recordkeeping
- recovery periods
- Imputed income
- Imputed interest
- Incentive stock options (ISOs)
- Incidental property
- Incidental rate
- Incidental travel costs
- Inclusion amount
- Income
- about
- COD income
- dividends
- earned income credit
- excess net passive
- farming
- foreign earned
- imputed
- interest
- investment-type
- miscellaneous business
- rentals
- reporting
- sale of goods
- service businesses
- state taxes on
- Income and deduction strategies
- about
- audit-proofing returns
- carryovers, tracking
- errors, common
- post-year tax elections
- tax-planning decisions
- Income averaging
- Income tax deficiencies, interest paid on
- Income taxes:
- estimated
- federal
- nexus to state and
- state
- Income tax withholding
- Incorporation of business
- Independent contractors. See also Self-employed individuals
- about
- business income
- payments to
- reporting payments to
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Indian employment credit
- Indirect costs
- Indirect gifts
- Individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
- about
- converting to Roth
- and other retirement plans
- prohibited transactions
- spousal
- Individuals:
- capital loss limits on
- estimated taxes
- net operating losses, calculating
- reservists, activated, employer wage credit for
- whaling captains, deduction for
- Industry-based guidance
- Infants, donations for
- Inflation, items adjusted for
- Information returns
- about
- cash transactions
- dividends
- due dates, electronically filed
- e-filing and
- failure to file correct
- filing
- foreign accounts
- health care mandates and
- health coverage
- independent contractors, payments to
- large cash transactions
- medical coverage
- merchant transactions
- online filing of
- pension distributions
- retirement plan distributions
- small cash transactions
- wages
- “In-plan rollover”
- Insolvency
- Installment method accounting
- Installment reporting, election out of
- Installment sales:
- buyouts and
- capital gains from
- depreciable property
- election out of reporting
- gains and losses
- interest on deferred payments
- reporting, election out of
- tax planning and
- Insurance. See also Medical coverage; specific insurance types
- accident and health
- business owners' policy (BOP)
- business interruption
- car
- casualty and theft losses
- credit
- crop
- cyber-liability
- deductible costs of
- directors and officers
- disability
- employment practices liability
- environmental and pollution liability
- errors and omissions
- fidelity bonds
- flood
- group-term life
- homeowners
- key person
- liability
- life (see Life insurance)
- long-term care
- overhead
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- performance bonds
- product liability
- professional liability coverage
- use and occupancy
- worker's compensation
- Insurance premiums, cash basis and prepayment
- Intangible property:
- amortization of
- defined
- self-created
- Intellectual property:
- donations of
- suing for infringement
- Intent, and option to buy
- Interest:
- about
- in business, debt incurred to buy
- on condemnation awards
- deductible
- deducting
- imputed
- on income tax deficiencies
- investment (see Investment interest)
- on life insurance policies
- nondeductible
- personal
- prepaid
- reasonable rate of
- on student loans
- tax-exempt income and
- Interest-free loans
- Interest income
- Intermediaries, qualified
- Interviews, travel costs for
- Inventory:
- casualty and theft losses to
- charitable contributions of
- depreciation not allowed for
- disasters and
- food, donations of
- storage of in homes
- Investment advice, retirement plans
- Investment company, deferring gain on securities
- Investment income, passive
- Investment interest:
- Investment limit on first-year expensing
- Investments:
- Investment-type income
- Involuntary conversions, gains and losses from
- IRAs (individual retirement accounts), penalty-free withdrawals
- IRS. See also IRS Forms
- assistance from
- audit guides
- e-file system
- opinions from
- private letter rulings
- publications of
- IRS Direct Pay
- IRS Forms:
- 1040, Schedule C
- 1040, Schedule C-EZ
- 1040, Schedule SE
- 1065, Schedule K-1 of
- 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income
- 1095
- 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income
- 1099-S
- 5304-SIMPLE, Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers
- 8832, Entity Classification Election
- insurance deductions
- W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
- work opportunity credit
- IRS letters
- IRS tax preparers
- ISOs (incentive stock options)
- Job assignments, change in
- Job candidate search expenses
- Job locations, major and minor
- Job-seeking expenses
- Joint ventures, spousal
- Kay Bailey Hutchinson IRAs
- Kerosene fuel tax credit, undyed
- Key-person life insurance
- Kickbacks
- Kiddie tax
- Labor costs for farming
- Land, as not depreciable
- Large cash transactions
- Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
- Late filing penalties
- Late payment penalties
- Lawyers
- Lease bonus payments
- Leased employees
- Leasehold improvements
- Lease payments
- Leases. See also Rents
- amortization of costs of acquiring
- annual lease value
- business cars
- buying versus
- car
- costs of acquiring, modifying, or canceling
- gift-leasebacks
- improvements to leased property
- inclusion amount
- leveraged
- with option to buy
- qualified leasehold, restaurant, and retail improvements
- sale-leasebacks
- Legal fees
- Leveraged leases
- Liability coverage
- Licenses
- Life insurance:
- buyouts and
- group-term
- on individual basis
- interest on policies
- key-person
- split-dollar
- Lifetime learning credit
- LIFO (last-in, first-out)
- Like-kind exchanges:
- property acquired in
- timing of
- Like kind or class
- Lime and fertilizer
- Limited liability companies (LLCs):
- about
- alternative minimum tax
- bad debts
- basis determination
- business expense deductions
- business income
- capital gains and losses
- car expenses
- casualty and theft losses
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- domestic production activities deductions
- e-filing and
- farming expenses
- gains and losses
- health insurance deductions
- home office deductions
- losses, limitations on
- one-member
- owners, compensation to
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- required year and
- retirement plan deductions
- sales of business interests
- series LLCs
- tax credits
- taxes and interest
- transfer of assets to
- transferred property and
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Limited liability limited partnerships (LLLPs)
- Limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
- Limited partnerships (LPs)
- Limited use property, defined
- Listed property, limitations on
- Litigation, audits and
- Livestock feed
- Livestock sales
- LLCs. See Limited liability companies
- LLPs (limited liability partnerships)
- Loans. See also Debt; Mortgages
- above-market
- bad debts
- below-market
- commitment fees for
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
- dominant motive for
- gift
- interest-free
- long-term
- mid-term
- peer-to-peer
- repayment of
- from retirement plans
- by shareholder-employees
- from shareholders
- short-term
- student
- Lobbying expenses
- Local income taxes
- Local transportation costs
- Location tax incentives
- Lodging expenses:
- about
- deducting
- for employees on premises
- high-low method for
- local overnight stays
- travel within U.S. and
- Logs for expenses
- Long-term care insurance
- Long-term contracts
- Long-term loans
- Look-back method for long-term contracts
- Losses. See also Capital losses; Casualty and theft losses; Disaster losses; Net operating losses; Passive activity losses
- about
- bad debts
- basis and
- claiming, in general
- disasters and
- equipment and other personal property
- limitations on
- reporting
- at-risk
- sale of all assets
- Section 1231
- Section 1244
- tax planning and
- Low-income housing credit
- Low-sulfur diesel fuel production credit
- LPs (limited partnerships)
- Luxury taxes
- Machinery;
- replacement property
- spare parts, rotable
- writing off costs and
- MACRS. See Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Maintenance. See Repairs and maintenance
- Marginal oil and gas well production credit
- Mark-to-market accounting
- Material participation
- Material participation, defined
- Materials, cost of
- Materials, nonincidental
- Meal allowance, standard
- Meal and entertainment expenses:
- about
- associated test
- club dues
- directly related test
- employer-operated eating facility
- gifts and
- home entertainment
- limit
- missing, lost, inadequate records
- ordinary and necessary
- other requirements
- recordkeeping requirements
- reimbursement arrangements
- spouse's expenses
- Meals:
- day-care providers, costs for
- standard meal allowance
- travel within U.S. and
- Mediation, audits and
- Medical coverage:
- about
- accident and health insurance
- Affordable Care Act
- Archer Medical Savings Accounts
- cafeteria plans
- COBRA coverage
- deducting
- employees and
- flexible spending arrangements
- FTEs and
- health care mandates
- health reimbursement arrangements
- Health Savings Accounts
- information returns
- mandates
- premium-only plans
- reporting
- S corporation shareholders
- self-employed individuals
- shifting costs to employees
- tax credit for
- tax planning and
- wellness programs
- Medical reimbursement plans
- disadvantages of
- health reimbursement arrangements
- special reimbursements
- Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), Health Savings Accounts and
- Medicare coverage, Part B premium
- Medicare taxes. See also FICA
- business organization and
- employer portion
- records retention
- Merchant fees
- Merchant income on credit cards
- Merchant transactions, information returns
- Metropolitan area, defined
- Mid-month convention
- Mid-quarter convention
- Mid-term loans
- Mileage allowance. See Standard mileage rate
- Mileage logs, business
- Military, employer wage credit for activated reservists
- Mineral properties
- Mini-COBRA rules
- Minimum tax credit
- Miscellaneous business deductions
- Miscellaneous business income
- Misclassification of workers
- Mobile offices
- Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
- Alternative Depreciation System (ADS)
- basic system
- conventions
- General Depreciation System (GDS)
- half-year convention
- improvements to leased property
- mid-month convention
- mid-quarter convention
- recovery periods
- Modified taxable income
- Money purchase plans
- Mortgages:
- home office deduction and
- paying off
- Moving a business
- Moving expenses
- about
- business deductions, miscellaneous
- deducting
- distance test
- employer reimbursement of
- employment status change
- time test
- work in your new location
- MSAs (Medical Savings Accounts)
- Multiple businesses
- advantages and disadvantages of multiple entities
- controlled corporations
- employer mandate
- first-year expensing
- retirement plans
- running multiple activities within one business compared to
- tax rules
- Multistate operations and business organization
- MyRAs
- NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)
- Nanny tax
- National Advocate Service
- National Association of Insurance Underwriters
- Natural disasters. See also Disaster losses
- Nature and number of owners, business organization and
- Necessary expenses
- Needy, donations for
- Negligence penalty
- Net gains
- Net investment income (NII):
- investment interest and
- Medicare tax on
- Net investment income tax
- Net operating losses (NOLs)
- about
- alternative minimum tax and
- calculating
- carrybacks
- carryovers
- corporations
- deemed
- disasters and
- farming
- individuals
- Net passive income, excess
- Netting process
- New markets credit
- Nexus to state and income taxes
- No-additional-cost services
- Nonaccountable plans:
- car
- travel and entertainment
- Nonaccrual-experience method for bad debts
- Nonbusiness bad debts
- Noncash payments to employees
- Nondeductible expenses, checklist of
- Nondeductible taxes
- Nonhighly compensated employees
- Nonqualified achievement awards
- Nonqualified employee stock options
- Nonqualified retirement plans
- Nonrecaptured losses
- Nonrecourse debt
- Nonresidential realty, recovery period
- North American area
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
- Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Office audits
- Office expenses
- Officers of corporations:
- directors and officers coverage
- salary
- Office supplies
- Off-time counts
- Oil and gas properties:
- partnerships, and depletion allowance
- refiners
- S corporations, and depletion allowance
- tax credits for
- Oil recovery credit, enhanced
- 150% declining balance rate
- One-member limited liability companies
- One-person 401(k) plans
- Online filing of tax returns
- Online payment of taxes
- investing resources in
- tax decisions, initial
- Optional farm method for self-employment tax
- Optional nonfarm method for self-employment tax
- Options, stock. See Stock options and restricted stock
- Ordinary advertising expenses
- Ordinary and necessary business expenses
- Ordinary loss deduction, limit on
- Ordinary loss treatment, qualifying for
- Ordinary repairs
- Organizational costs:
- corporations
- partnerships
- Orphan drug credit
- OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
- Outplacement services
- Outsourced workers
- Overhead insurance
- Overnight stays, local
- Owners:
- payment of company expenses
- tax planning and
- Parent-subsidiary controlled groups
- Parking, employer-paid
- Part B premium, Medicare
- Partial days of travel
- Partnerships:
- about
- alternative minimum tax
- amortization of organizational costs for
- bad debts
- basis determination
- business expense deductions
- business income
- capital gains and losses
- car expense deductions
- casualty and theft losses
- charitable contributions
- deductions, in general
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- distributive share of expenditures
- domestic production activities deductions
- e-filing and
- failure to file a return
- farming expenses
- gains and losses
- general
- guaranteed payments to partners
- health insurance deductions
- home office deductions
- losses, limitations on
- medical coverage
- oil and gas properties, and depletion
- online filing by
- owners, compensation to
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- reporting income/benefits
- required year and
- retirement plan deductions
- sales of business interests
- tax credits
- taxes and interest
- tax treatment
- transfer of assets to
- transferred property and
- travel and entertainment expenses
- types of
- Passive activity, defined
- Passive activity losses (PAL)
- at-risk rules and
- carryover period for
- deductions for expenses and
- farm losses and
- limitations on
- real estate exceptions
- Passive investment income
- Pass-through entities
- bonuses to owners of
- capital gains and losses
- defined
- dividends and
- domestic production activities deduction
- first-year expensing
- partnerships as
- state income taxes and
- Patronage dividends
- Payee statements, failure to file
- Payments. See also Prepaid expenses
- agricultural
- cancellation
- cash method of accounting and
- Conservation Reserve Program
- crop insurance and crop disaster
- deferred compensation
- to directors
- employment taxes
- feed assistance
- forest health protection
- guaranteed
- interest on deferred
- in kind
- lease bonus
- methods of
- prepayments
- relocation
- required
- restitution
- in services
- Payments in kind
- Payments in services
- PayPal
- Payroll providers
- Payroll tax credit
- Payroll taxes. See Employment taxes
- PBA (principal business activity)
- PBGC (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation)
- Peer-to-peer lending
- Penalties
- accuracy-related
- employment taxes
- fines, damages and
- health care mandates and
- information returns and
- late filing
- late payment
- negligence
- payee statements and
- preparer
- relief
- trust fund recovery
- Penalty-free IRA withdrawals
- Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA)
- Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation premiums
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
- Pension plans
- PEOs (professional employer organizations)
- Percentage depletion
- Percentage-of-completion method, exceptions from
- Percentage test
- Per diem rates:
- recordkeeping for
- reimbursement at
- Performance bonds
- Performing artists
- Permits
- Personal education incentives
- Personal effects
- Personal holding company penalty
- Personal holding corporation (PHC)
- Personal identification number (PIN)
- Personal interest
- Personal liability and business organization
- Personal property:
- business use of
- defined
- removal costs, tangible
- repossession of
- Personal property taxes
- Personal service corporations (PSCs):
- accounting period and
- cash method of accounting and
- PHC (personal holding corporation)
- Phones, cellular. See Smartphones
- PIN (personal identification number)
- Placed in service
- Planning:
- ahead
- estate
- retirement (see Retirement plans)
- tax
- year-end
- Plug-in electric vehicles
- Pollution control facilities, amortization of
- Pollution liability insurance
- Portfolios, debt-financed
- Postage and shipping
- Postage costs
- Postponing gains
- Post-year tax elections to cut bills
- PPACA specialist
- Preference items and alternative minimum tax
- Premium-only medical plans
- Premium tax credit
- Prepaid expenses:
- advance payments as
- cash method of accounting and
- deduction of
- farm supplies
- as income to service businesses
- rent
- Prepaid interest
- Preparers, tax return
- Principal business activity (PBA)
- Principal place of business
- Private letter rulings
- Prizes:
- as advertising expenses
- for employees
- Produce, sales of
- Product liability coverage
- Professional employer organizations (PEOs)
- Professional fees
- Professional liability coverage
- Profitability, lack of
- Profit motive and sideline businesses
- Profit-sharing plans
- Promotional activities
- Property. See also Casualty and theft losses; Property, business, sale of; Rents; Repairs and maintenance
- abandonment of
- additions to
- community renewal
- deduction of rents
- depreciable
- dispositions of
- exchange of
- foreclosure on
- incidental
- intellectual
- limited use
- listed, limitations on
- oil and gas
- personal
- placed in service
- qualified improvement
- recovery periods
- replacement
- restricted
- Section
- tangible
- transfer of
- unit of
- Property, business, sale of:
- involuntary conversions
- sale of all assets of business
- Property insurance
- PSCs (personal service corporations)
- PTIN holders
- QSEHRA (Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement)
- Qualified achievement awards
- Qualified business stock, sale of
- Qualified cost, defined
- Qualified default investment alternatives (QDIAs)
- Qualified employee discounts
- Qualified improvement property
- Qualified intermediaries
- Qualified leasehold, restaurant, and retail improvements
- Qualified medical expenses.
- Qualified performing artists (QPAs):
- car expenses
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Qualified personal service corporation (PSC), defined
- Qualified producers (domestic production activities)
- Qualified production activity income (QPAI)
- Qualified retirement plans
- actions to avoid
- approval, obtaining and maintaining
- automatic enrollment feature of
- borrowing from
- comparison of
- compensation limit
- contribution limit
- coverage for employees
- disparity, permitted
- excess contributions
- filing information returns
- loans from
- obtaining and maintaining approval
- participation in
- permitted disparity
- plan defects, correcting
- plan errors
- prohibited transactions
- for self-employed individuals
- tax planning and
- types of
- vesting
- Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA)
- Qualified transportation fringe benefits
- Rabbi trusts
- Ranches. See Farming
- Ratio test
- Real estate professionals
- Real estate/real property:
- estate planning and
- financing, at-risk rule for
- gain on
- home sale exclusion
- rehabilitation credit
- rents
- taxes on
- Realty, nonresidential
- Realty, recovery periods for
- Realty components, recovery periods
- Reasonable cause
- Reasonable compensation
- Reasonable rate of interest
- Recapture:
- by C corporations
- of depreciation
- first-year expensing
- installment sales and
- Receivables, unrealized
- Recordkeeping See also Documentary evidence
- about
- audit exposure, minimizing
- basis
- car expenses
- carryover
- depreciation
- diaries or logs
- disposal of records and
- general
- importance of good
- missing, lost, inadequate records
- per diem rates
- relief
- repairs and maintenance
- retention of records
- special substantiation requirements certain expenses
- technology for
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Recourse debt
- Recovered property
- Recovery periods
- Recreational vehicles (RVs)
- Recurring items
- Redemption-type agreements
- Redemption-type buy-sell agreements
- Refiners
- Reforestation expenses
- Refunds:
- from carrybacks
- fuel-related excise taxes
- Rehabilitation credit
- Rehabilitation doctrine
- Rehabilitation plans
- Reimbursement arrangements
- accountable plans
- car, business use of
- incidental rate
- lack of
- nonaccountable plans
- partial days of travel
- per diem rates and
- tax planning and
- Related parties
- Relocating businesses
- Relocation, housing relocation costs
- Relocation payments
- Removal costs, tangible personal property
- Renewable energy production credit
- Rental real estate exception to passive activity losses
- Rents
- about
- advance
- car leases
- to corporations
- cost of leases
- deducting
- defined
- as farm income
- gift-leasebacks
- improvements to leased property
- as income
- leveraged leases
- miscellaneous rentals
- with option to buy
- of portion of home for business
- prepaid
- real estate
- Repairs and maintenance:
- about
- accounting method, change in
- capital improvements, list of deductible
- capital items compared to
- deducting
- disabled access credit
- improvements for elderly and handicapped
- ordinary repairs
- rehabilitation plans
- removal of architectural or transportation barriers
- repairs, list of deductible
- rotable spare parts
- small business safe harbors
- Replacement property:
- defined
- S corporations
- self-employed individuals
- tax-free exchanges and
- Replacement time limits
- Repossession. See Foreclosure on or repossession of property
- Required distributions
- Required payments
- Required year
- Resale numbers
- Research costs, deducting
- Research tax credits:
- orphan drug credit
- research credit
- Resellers
- Reservists, activated, employer wage credit for
- Residential rental realty, recovery period
- Restaurant improvements
- Restitution payments
- Restricted property
- Restricted stock. See Stock options and restricted stock
- Restrictions on accounting periods and accounting methods
- Resumes
- Retail improvements
- Retired persons, medical coverage for
- Retirees, medical coverage
- Retirement planning:
- about
- plan loans
- professionals and
- rollovers
- Retirement plans. See also specific plan type
- about
- added costs for
- advice, as employee benefit
- amendments to
- annual reporting requirements
- bonding requirement
- contributions
- correcting plan defects
- deductions for
- defined benefit plans
- errors, common
- ESOPs (employee stock option plans)
- filing information returns
- investment advice
- IRAs
- monitoring investments
- MyRAs
- nonqualified
- owning your business
- plan maintenance cost
- qualified
- reporting distributions
- reporting requirements
- for self-employed individuals
- setting up
- start-up cost tax credit
- state-sponsored plans for private sector
- terminology for
- Returns. See also Information returns; Tax returns
- ROBS (rollovers as business start-ups)
- Rollovers, retirement planning and
- Rollovers as business start-ups (ROBS)
- Rotable spare parts
- Roth 401(k) retirement plans
- Roth IRAs:
- converting to
- designated Roth accounts
- “in-plan rollover”
- Royalty financing
- Rulings, private letter
- RVs (recreational vehicles)
- Safe harbor rules:
- classification of workers
- de mimimus (minimal)
- domestic production activities
- home office deductions
- maintenance, routine
- small building
- small business
- Salary:
- continuations
- of corporate officers
- Salary reduction arrangements in SEPs (SARSEPs)
- Sale. See also Resellers
- of cars
- exchange requirement or
- installment (see Installment sales)
- Sale-leasebacks
- Sales and use taxes
- Sales revenue, sourcing of
- Sales taxes:
- resale number
- use taxes and
- SARSEPs (Salary reduction arrangements in SEPs)
- Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLEs)
- SBA (Small Business Administration)
- Scientific property donations
- S corporations:
- about
- alternative minimum tax
- audit strategies
- bad debts
- business expense deductions
- business income
- cancellation of debt income for
- capital gains and losses
- car expenses
- casualty and theft losses
- charitable contributions from
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- dividends and
- domestic production activities deductions
- e-filing and
- farming expenses
- gains and losses
- health insurance deductions
- losses, limitations on
- medical coverage
- oil and gas properties, and depletion allowance
- owners, compensation to
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- reporting income/benefits
- required year and
- retirement plan deductions
- sales of business interests
- special income items for
- tax credits
- taxes and interest
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Seasonal businesses
- SECA (self-employment tax)
- Section 83(b) elections
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Securities:
- deferring gain and
- defined
- worthless
- Securities, worthless
- Self-created intangibles
- Self-employed individuals. See also Independent contractors
- alternative minimum tax
- bad debts
- business expense deductions
- business income
- capital gains and losses
- car expenses
- casualty and theft losses
- checklist of deductions for
- COBRA payments
- compensation paid to
- depreciation, amortization, and depletion
- domestic production activities deductions
- farming deductions
- gains and losses
- health insurance deductions
- home office deductions
- medical coverage
- rent deductions
- repairs and maintenance
- reporting income/benefits
- retirement plan deductions
- retirement plans
- self-employment tax
- tax credits
- taxes and interest
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Self-Employed Qualified Plans:
- Self-employment tax (SECA)
- Self-insured
- Self-insured medical reimbursement plans
- Self-select personal identification number (PIN)
- SEPs. See Simplified employee pensions
- Series LLC
- Service businesses, income for
- Service charges
- Service revenue, apportionment methods
- Services:
- no-additional-cost
- payments in
- Severance damages
- Severance pay
- 7-year property
- Shareholders:
- compensation paid to
- formalizing agreements between corporations and
- guarantees of corporate debt
- more than 2%
- Shipping costs
- SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program)
- Short tax years
- Short-term gains
- Short-term loans
- Shrinkage
- Sideline businesses
- business expenses
- business expenses and
- hobby losses
- profit motive and
- reporting income
- reporting income and expenses
- Signatures:
- electronic
- signing return
- Significant participation activity
- SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees)
- SIMPLE-IRA versus Self-Employed Qualified Plan or
- Simplified employee pensions (SEPs)
- contributions to
- covering employees in
- defined
- qualified plan versus
- salary reductions for
- SIMPLE-IRA versus Self-Employed Qualified Plan or
- Simplified expense method, for home office deduction
- 6-year graded vesting
- Sleep or rest rule
- Small building safe harbor election
- Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Small businesses:
- defined
- qualified business stock, sale of
- tax credits for
- Small business exception, cash method of accounting and
- Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
- Small business investment company, deferring gain
- Small cash transactions, reporting on
- Small corporations:
- alternative minimum tax
- checklist of deductions for
- Small employer health tax credit
- Small employer pension plan start-up costs, credit for
- Small employers, SIMPLE plans and
- Small inventory-based business exception
- Smartphones. See also Telephone expenses
- as employee benefit
- golden parachute payments and
- home office deductions and
- recordkeeping and
- Social media costs
- Social Security number, sole proprietorships and
- Social Security taxes:
- business organization and
- employer portion
- records retention
- Software:
- Soil conservation expenses
- Sole proprietorships
- about
- day traders
- e-filing and
- husband-wife joint ventures
- independent contractors
- IRS Form 1040, Schedule C
- IRS Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ
- IRS Form 1099-MISC
- one-member limited liability companies
- reporting income
- sales of business interests
- spousal joint ventures
- state income taxes and
- statutory employees
- tax identification number
- tax treatment of
- Spare parts, rotable
- Special assessments
- Specialized small business investment company (SSBIC)
- Special rulings from IRS
- Special substantiation requirements:
- charitable contributions
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Specific chargeoff method
- Specific identification method
- Split-dollar life insurance plans
- Spousal joint ventures
- Spouses:
- entertainment expenses of
- indirect gifts
- SSBIC (specialized small business investment company)
- Standard meal allowance
- Standard mileage rate:
- in 2017
- about
- actual expense method compared to
- barred
- recordkeeping for
- Start-up of business
- amortization of organizational costs for
- financing for
- first year tax reporting
- initial tax decisions
- investing own resources
- setting up bank accounts and credit cards
- tax identification number
- writing-off costs of
- State benefit funds
- State income taxes
- on business income
- corporations
- e-filing and
- gross receipts tax
- sourcing of services revenue
- withholding of
- State-sponsored retirement plans for private sector
- State taxes:
- income-based, other
- multiple businesses and
- nexus to state and income taxes
- tax authorities
- Statute of limitations
- Statutory employees
- travel and entertainment expenses
- Stock:
- in qualified small businesses
- redemption, estate tax and
- shareholder basis in
- worthless securities
- Stock options and restricted stock
- incentive stock options
- nonqualified employee stock options
- Section 83(b) elections
- Storage:
- of inventory and samples in homes
- of records and files
- Straight-line depreciation
- Straight-line mid-quarter convention
- Student loans, interest on
- Subscriptions:
- cash basis and prepayment
- deducting
- Substantially vested, defined
- Substantial portion, rehabilitation and
- Substantiation methods, travel and entertainment expenses
- Succession planning, about
- Supplemental unemployment benefits
- Supplies:
- Surety bonds
- Suspended losses, carryover period and
- Sustainability perks
- T&E. See Travel and entertainment expenses
- TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
- Tangible property, defined
- Taxable income, modified
- Taxable income limit on first-year expensing
- Tax advisor
- Tax assistance
- Tax attributes
- Tax credits:
- about
- alternative minimum tax and
- American opportunity
- capital construction-related
- claiming
- credit limitations
- disabled access
- educational
- employee health coverage contributions
- employment-related
- energy
- energy improvements
- farming
- general business
- guide to
- lifetime learning
- minimum
- payroll
- plug-in electric vehicles
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation costs
- retirement plan set-up
- Tax deferral, estate planning and
- Tax deficiencies, interest paid on
- Taxes. See also Alternative minimum tax
- about
- accumulated earnings tax
- ad valorem
- built-in gains
- death
- deducting
- employment
- estate
- estimated
- excise
- floor
- foreign
- franchise
- fuel
- gross receipts
- kiddie
- law changes and
- local income
- luxury
- Medicare
- multiple businesses and
- net investment income
- nondeductible
- payroll (see Employment taxes)
- personal property
- real estate
- reporting, all taxpayers
- sales and use
- self-employment
- Social Security
- state benefit funds
- state income
- trust fund
- Tax-exempt income, interest related to
- Tax forms. See IRS Forms
- Tax Foundation
- Tax-free exchanges
- capital gains and losses for
- Tax home, defined
- Tax identification numbers:
- business organization and
- employer identification numbers (see Employer identification number)
- resale numbers versus
- Tax law changes
- Taxpayer advocate service
- Taxpayer bill of rights and
- Tax payments. See Payments
- Tax penalties. See Penalties
- Tax planning
- Tax preparation fees
- Tax preparers, e-filing and
- Tax professionals, assistance from
- Tax rates
- Tax returns:
- amended (see Amended tax returns)
- audit-proofing
- avoiding errors
- e-filing
- employment
- final year of business
- first year of business
- online filing
- payment of employment taxes
- preparers of
- retention of
- Tax-saving tips
- Tax year
- about
- accounting methods
- accounting periods
- change in
- defined
- uniform capitalization rules
- Technology for recordkeeping. See also Smartphones
- about
- electronic imaging systems
- Telecommuting
- Telephone:
- expenses
- IRS not contacting by
- Television or film productions, expensing
- Temporary, defined
- Temporary assignments, living away from home on
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Temporary travel, defined
- Temporary workers
- Temporary work sites
- 1099 income
- 10-year property
- Termination of business
- Theatrical productions, expensing
- Theft. See also Casualty and theft losses
- identity theft protection
- Timber, sales of
- Timber gains
- Time test for moving expenses
- Timeliness of filing returns
- Timing, tax-free exchanges
- Tips:
- employer credit for FICA on
- special rules for
- Total income or loss
- Trade-in of cars
- Transfers:
- of assets to business
- of property
- Transit passes
- Transportation costs, travel within U.S. and
- Transportation or architectural barriers, removal of
- Travel expenses:
- about
- business trips with other persons
- conventions
- counting business days
- deducting
- 50% limit on deductions
- foreign travel
- frequent flyer miles and
- incidental rate
- interviews and
- local transportation costs
- partial days of travel
- recordkeeping requirements
- reimbursement arrangements
- special substantiation requirements
- temporary assignments, living away from home on
- within U.S.
- Treble damages for antitrust violations
- Trucks and vans:
- depreciation and
- excise taxes and
- heavy SUVs
- Trust fund amounts
- Trust fund recovery penalty
- Trust fund taxes
- Tuition and fees
- Turnaround Management Association
- Turnover tax
- 20-year property
- Two-and-a-half-month rule
- 200% declining balance rate
- 2% rule
- Unamortized costs of failed businesses
- Unborrowed policy cash value
- Undyed kerosene and undyed diesel fuel tax credit
- Unemployment benefits, supplemental
- Unemployment insurance number
- UNICAP (uniform capitalization rules)
- Uniform capitalization rules (UNICAP)
- about
- capitalization required
- change in accounting method and
- Uniforms, cost of
- Unincorporated businesses
- Unrealized receivables
- Unrecaptured depreciation
- Unrecaptured gains
- Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
- Use and occupancy insurance
- Use taxes
- Vacation pay
- Vans. See Trucks and vans
- VCSP (Voluntary Classification Settlement Program)
- Vehicle expenses. See Car expenses; Trucks and vans
- Venture capital
- Vesting in retirement plans
- Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP)
- W-2, Wage and Tax Statement:
- employee use of company car
- errors, common
- reporting health coverage on
- Wage differential payments
- Wages:
- reporting
- worker classification and
- Waivers, tax penalties and
- Water conservation expenses
- Web sites, costs of
- Wellness programs
- Whaling captains, deduction for
- Worker classification
- Workers’ compensation
- Working condition fringe benefits
- Work opportunity credit
- Work-related personal credits
- Work sites, temporary
- Worthless debt
- Worthless securities
- Write-offs. See Deductions
- Written substantiation