Johnny was born in 1964 to a young woman called Charlotte Garrett who lived in Amarillo, Texas. It was a difficult birth during which he suffered oxygen deprivation. This alone was enough to leave him slightly brain-damaged, but it wouldn’t be the last trauma dealt out to the unfortunate child’s brain. He came into the world to find that he had an older brother, and that brother (and other young relatives) would also be abused.

The first father he remembered – who may or may not have been his real dad – battered his mother and beat his brother with a baseball bat. Meanwhile Johnny’s mother, a Jehovah’s Witness, had one nervous breakdown after another and couldn’t cope.

When Johnny was a toddler his mother was incarcerated in a mental hospital yet again and he was sent to stay with his maternal grandparents in their freezing cold, cockroach-ridden home. They frequently half-starved him and hit him, just as they’d previously done to his mum. They did the same to Johnny’s cousin, Kathalene, who also lived with them.

When he was three and a half his mother was discharged from hospital and decided she wanted him back. She divorced her husband but soon married again and introduced the child to the man he’d think of as father number two. He beat Johnny repeatedly on his backside and either he or Johnny’s grandmother deliberately held the child against a hot stove when he wouldn’t stop crying. His cousin Kathalene would never forget the terrible screams he made – and the scarred gouge in his flesh would remain for the rest of his life.

Johnny’s mother continued to bear children and to have breakdowns that prevented her from looking after them. And so, for the next few years, Johnny made his way between his grandparent’s isolated old house and his mother’s extremely cramped trailer. His grandmother kept telling him that he was a bastard and was always hitting him about the head. She also dressed him up as a little girl and gave him to his grandfather for the old man to sexually abuse. His cousin Kathalene heard Johnny crying during these sessions, which happened twice a week.

At one stage his mother got the whole family back so that Johnny, his older brother, his two little sisters and his little brother were all staying in the trailer at the same time.

Sexual abuse

Johnny’s mother married again. This third ‘father figure’ made Johnny fellate him and another adult male. He made him strip and provide such oral sex on numerous occasions. Soon the abuse extended to forced sodomy. The man was keen to increase the child’s humiliation, making him bend over and spread his legs.

Johnny’s mother was at work when the abuse was going on and sometimes his younger siblings were sleeping in the other room. Johnny looked increasingly shell-shocked but no one was looking out for him. The man would also fetch the boy from school and abuse him, threatening him with further beatings if he refused to comply.

Child pornography

Johnny’s mother divorced this violent man too but he remained in Johnny’s life, and began to take him to a friend who made porn films. There the boy was coerced to have sex with other adults and a dog. Johnny wasn’t the only minor taking part in such exploitative videos – he saw children as young as seven being forced to participate.

By the time Johnny was in his early teens, his stepfather was setting him up with various older men for cash. Johnny was so slim that he looked much younger than his years and the punters liked this. He’d later claim that a judge and prominent businessmen were amongst the men who had sought out his sexual services.

The relentless beatings and sex abuse took its toll. Johnny attacked another child at school, throwing a glass tumbler at him. He was sent to a reform school where he became increasingly paranoid, fearing that strangers were about to attack. He also began to insert thin bottles into his rectum whilst masturbating – abuse victims sometimes do this as a way of taking control of previously involuntary invasive acts. Meanwhile his mother had descended into alcoholism and had married and divorced for the fourth time.

For years this multiply-abused boy had disassociative episodes where he tuned out of his body and tried to believe that the intense pain was happening to someone other than himself but it wasn’t enough to save his sanity. As more and more bad memories filled his every waking moment he became increasingly bizarre, attacking strangers before – in his deranged mind – they could attack him.

School’s out forever

Viewing Johnny as a neighbourhood bully, the authorities sent him to a school for delinquents. In the summer of 1981 they released him and he again began shuttling between his mother’s and grandparents’ house. He skulked around the neighbourhood, at one stage stopping to watch the nuns entering and leaving the local convent. Many were the same age as his violent grandmother, someone he had good reason to hate…

On the last day of October the seventeen-year-old went to see his grandparents but they humiliated him so he hurriedly left and started drinking. He went on to his mother’s and could remember leaving her trailer feeling even more upset. He didn’t know what had happened when they were together – his ongoing brain damage plus the constant abuse had left him frequently confused and delusional – but could remember that she was clad only in a slip. A relative who saw his mother standing in the doorway of the trailer would confirm this.

Rape and murder

In the early hours of that morning – 31st October 1981 – he crept across the fields to the St Francis Convent. Under cover of darkness, he cut a window screen and broke a pane of glass. Then he dropped the knife he’d used, knowing that he had another sharper one in his possession. (Other accounts say that he stole this second knife from the convent’s kitchen but it’s impossible to know which statement is accurate as Johnny’s testimony was frequently confused.)

Entering the convent, he walked until he found an open bedroom door. Sister Tadea Benz, also known as Sister Catherine, was lying in the darkness. He could hear that the seventy-six-year-old Catholic nun was deeply asleep.

Johnny put his hand over her mouth so that she couldn’t scream. He either undressed the old woman or made her undress – her body would be found naked. He raped her, choked her and stabbed her. One newspaper report suggests that during the rape she recited The Lord’s Prayer. But no one came to deliver her from Johnny Garrett so her nude body was found on the floor a few hours later. Blood had seeped from her nose and further blood was found on the walls.

Arrest and trial

Witnesses had seen Johnny hanging around the convent so the police quickly arrested the seventeen-year-old who alternately admitted and denied the crime. The evidence against him was overwhelming. His fingerprints were in the nun’s bedroom and on the knives and his pubic hair was found on her thighs.

He was sentenced to death and put on Death Row at Huntsville, in his home state of Texas. There, the guards frequently overheard him speaking to imaginary people, loud conversations that sometimes went on all night. Prison wardens are used to very disturbed prisoners but they had to admit that Johnny Garrett was the most insane inmate they’d ever known. Dr Dorothy Lewis, who evaluated him, ultimately became convinced that he had multiple personality disorder. In other words, he’d created additional personalities to take the pain inflicted on him by the numerous abusive adults in his life.

The prison psychiatrist decided the boy was schizophrenic and administered various strong drugs, none of which could quell the voices in Johnny’s head.

Death penalty

In January 1992 Pope John Paul II asked for clemency in the Johnny Garrett case. The nuns at the convent also asked that his life be spared. Several medical experts argued that a twenty-eight-year-old mentally-ill man should not be put to death for a crime he committed when he was a multiply-abused child of seventeen.

Defence lawyers said that he had been abused by his mother and by his alcoholic stepfathers. They also referred to his recent diagnosis of multiple personality disorder. But after due consideration the authorities decided not to grant clemency.

On 11th February that year Johnny entered the execution chamber in Huntsville. His mother and his sisters, Jeane and Janet, watched and sung hymns. His mother said several times that she loved him and added ‘It’s okay to go to sleep, baby.’ Outside, thirty members of Amnesty International chanted anti-death-penalty slogans whilst approximately seventy students from San Houston State University shouted ‘Kill the freak.’

When he was strapped to the gurney, Johnny said ‘Thank my friends who tried to pull me through all this… my guru who helped me go through this. I’d like to thank my family for loving me, and the rest of the world can kiss my ass.’

He stared at the ceiling as the lethal injection took effect and died within minutes, his death much more humane than his life.