The Truth Will Set You Free

“The truth will set you free.”
(JOHN 8:32B)

Thought for the Day: The hard reality is, there is no magic pill and there are no quick fixes.

For years, I felt lost when it came to making healthy decisions. Honestly, I just wanted it all to be easy. I wanted the magic pill that would take off the excess pounds, tone up my saggy places without exercising, and make me feel good.

Oh, the money I wasted on the craziest infomercial schemes.

But the hard reality is, there is no magic pill and there are no quick fixes. While the focus of Made to Crave is not on the how-to of healthy eating, there are some researched-based truths I want to make sure we don’t miss. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32b). It’s a principle that applies to our physical lives as well as our spiritual lives.

A key to my successful weight loss is based on the most basic of facts — more calories out than calories in. I was once confused by (and secretly allergic) to knowing the calorie count of food. But I now find it empowering to know the caloric cost of my food. I like to think of it as knowing the price tag on items I want to purchase. If I know the price, I can more easily stay within my budget. If I know the calorie count, I can more easily stay within my healthy limits.

There are many online calorie calculators and mobile apps available to help determine the calories in foods. It was enlightening for me to discover the truth about what I was eating.

Here are some other food truths from Dr. Floyd “Ski” Chilton, author of The Gene Smart Diet, that have helped me on my healthy eating journey:

• Women should include 25 grams of fiber per day in their diet. Some of my favorite fiber-rich foods are beans, whole grain oats, whole grain cereals, kale, almonds, apples, and fiber bars.* Fiber is a weight loss secret weapon because it helps you feel full and keeps your munchies at bay.

• Studies show that drinking 16 ounces of water first thing in the morning reduces daily caloric intake by 20 percent.

• Evenly spacing three healthy meals and two snacks throughout your day balances your blood sugar and better curbs your appetite for sugary snacks.

Many such truths and food facts available through trusted media, a doctor, or registered dietician can be eye opening to those of us who have been bound by yo-yo diets and food fads. But the most important thing to remember is that just reading this truth won’t help us. We have to know it and live it.

The Navy Seals have a saying, “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war.” This statement motivates me on many levels, but I especially like how it speaks to the necessity of making healthy choices every day. What you do today matters. If you train well today, you are paving the road to victory in this battle. Be encouraged, sweet friend! Today is a new day full of opportunities to live the truth and be set free!

Dear Lord, help me to make lasting changes in how I eat. I know You care about me and long for me to live in a place of peace with this struggle. I believe Your truth will set me free. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

*A great list of fiber rich foods can be found at