Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
(PSALM 51:6 NIV 1984)
Thought for the Day: There is a big difference between ingesting and digesting.
It wasn’t uncommon for me a few years back to read a diet book while mindlessly munching on chips. Or, curling up on the couch to watch The Biggest Loser with a bowlful of ice cream.
There is a big difference between ingesting and digesting.
Just taking in the inspiration of truth but never being transformed by it will lead you down a dangerous path of doubt. Doubting yourself. Doubting God. Doubting the effectiveness of truth.
And what a tragedy that is.
I should know. Too many times, I’ve been one to ingest without digesting: reading truth, but not applying it; liking a message I hear at church, but not living it; knowing what I must do to experience life change, but never putting it into action; taking in knowledge, but never letting it make a difference in my life.
Sweet sister, can we honestly admit together that we’ve all been there? And then can we agree together that we don’t have to stay there?
When I initially posted these thoughts on my blog, I asked, “What is a healthy choice you have made recently or could make part of your life today?” The answers inspired me.
I am going to go grocery shopping and fill my fridge and cabinets with healthy options. It’s amazing how much more healthy I eat when I plan to do so in advance. I’m actually excited about this!
My healthy choices are that I added fresh fruit and vegetables to my eating habits. I have also increased my water intake. It paid off— I lost 1.6 pounds this last week. Woo hoo! Healthier choices do make a difference.
My healthy choice for today was to get in another Zumba class this week!
My healthy choice for today is only eating when I’m truly hungry and not just “emotionally” hungry! Thanks for the article today. I needed the extra motivation.
I’m going to go run today. I want my body to get to the place where it craves exercise on a daily basis. Right now I have to work hard to motivate myself to get moving.
I have started using the treadmill. Today was the farthest I’ve ever gone — 2.5 miles at 3.2 mph.
I keep saying, “I know what to do; it’s just doing it that’s the problem.” I am eliminating sugar today. I have done this for almost two weeks, but yesterday chose to go my own way (ignoring all the principles I’ve learned and have been applying). So I’m steering back to the path He’s having me walk. Thank You, Lord. I will digest, not just ingest!
What is a healthy truth you’ve been ingesting but not digesting? Why not let it sink deep? Start with just one thing. Maybe it’s a physical choice, like drinking enough water. Or, maybe it’s a spiritual choice, like believing you were made for more than this vicious cycle of defeat. Whatever it is, make progress there. Ingest that truth. Then digest it until it becomes part of who you are.
Dear Lord, I am inundated with information about how You want me to live. I hear Your truths at church, on the radio, in conversations with friends, when I read my Bible, and during Bible studies. These are all good things, but sometimes it feels overwhelming. Still, I want to do better. Forgive me for ingesting, not digesting Your truths. Help me to digest at least one truth a day so that I start living Your messages instead of just hearing them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.