Carter unbuckled his seatbelt and stood. He needed to convince someone to let him off the plane. His cell phone wasn’t working and he had to get to a land line. Every minute he was stuck here became more dangerous for Patti.
He walked down the aisle to an attendant. He spoke in a calm tone. “I know you’re really busy and things are hectic, but can I talk to you for a minute?” He ended the request with his best smile.
She eyed him with suspicion, but smiled back. “Do you have a problem, sir?”
“Actually, I do.” He pulled his badge out of his hip pocket and showed it to her. “I’m a police officer, and I’m working on an extremely dangerous case. I need to be somewhere else.”
“I know. I know. Everybody needs to be somewhere else. I get it.” Frustration edged into the attendant’s voice. “I’m doing everything I can. We’re going to be cleared for take-off soon, sir.”
“I understand, but if I could get off the plane. I could call some other people who could help this woman. She’s in serious trouble.”
“You can use your cell phone.” The flight attendant pointed out.
“My phone’s not working. I asked a couple other people but theirs aren’t working, either.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The woman looked past Carter, keeping a close eye on the other passengers. She turned back to Carter. “Nothing I can do about that.”
“I’ve got to get out of here. It’s an emergency.”
The flight attendant listened with a sweet smile pasted on her face, and then said, “I’m really very sorry, but it’s not possible. Federal regulations won’t permit it.”
A man dressed in a jogging suit stepped up behind the attendant. “Is there a problem, Marcy?”
The air marshal, no doubt. He looked capable enough.
“No problem.” Marcy gave him a meaningful look.
Carter stepped towards the man, showing him his badge. “Are you the air marshal?”
The man nodded.
Carter went through his spiel again, but with the same results.
Frustrated, Carter marched back to his seat and looked at his phone. No signal.
Lord, protect her.