Zink pulled into the rundown motel’s parking lot. “I can’t believe Rosie and her mother live in this place. I thought it closed down years ago.”
“It did. I’m sure it’s not licensed. But we’ll deal with that later. Let’s go to the back and find the car. Then we can check out the motel room if Maria hasn’t already broken in.”
“She promised you that she’d wait. I’m sure she will.”
Zink maneuvered around potholes and gaps that threatened to swallow the cruiser.
He held his tongue even though he wanted to urge her to go faster. As they turned the corner of the building, he sighed.
The back parking lot was empty.
“Now what?” Zink stepped on the brake but kept the car idling.
“Go to the front and I’ll call Maria. She probably saw him leave.”
He hit redial. The phone rang. No answer. “She’s not answering.”
“I’m going to knock on the door.” Zink opened the door and stepped out.
“Fine, I’ll try her number again.”
No one answered. He got out and headed to the motel office with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
A door opened and Rosie stepped out. Her eyes widened. “Mr. Travis, what are you doing here?”
“I don’t have time to explain right now. Did you see the man in the end room leave?”
“Yeah about fifteen minutes ago.”
“Did you see Maria with him?”
“No, she dropped me off a while ago and left. What’s going on?”
“Where’s the manager?”
She pointed to the first room.
He knocked. TV sounds came from inside but no one answered. He knocked again—louder. “Sunberry Police Department.”
A moment later the door opened. A man in a dirty T-shirt stared at him. “You ain’t got no jurisdiction here. I know my rights.”
“You’re right about that, buddy.” Conrad forced his impatience down. “I’m not looking for a problem. I’m only here to check on the guy who rented that room down at the end.”
After a long drag on his cigarette, the owner answered. “What about him?”
“What’s his name?”
“Mr. Green.” The man cackled. “He didn’t give me a name and I didn’t ask for one. He gave me cash and that was fine by me.”
“I want in his room.”
The man shrugged. “Whatever.”
He disappeared and a moment later, he handed Conrad the key. “If the dude comes back, I’m not getting involved between the two of yous. It’s not my problem.”
“Good thinking.” Conrad walked towards the other room.
Rosie jogged alongside him. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t have time right now, but you need to go in your room and stay there until I let you know it’s safe to come out.”
Her eyes widened. “Safe?”
He nodded.
She backtracked to her room.