Enrique sat at the counter drinking the last of his coffee. The lunch crowd was gone, and he was one of the few stragglers still remaining. This place was not part of the tourist scene. Everyone wore hats and dusty boots—men and women. Hard-working Americans, just trying to make it through the day. Of course, they all seemed a lot happier than he was at the moment. He was brooding.

Jamie was supposed to have shown up an hour ago.

He looked at his watch. An hour and a half ago. He refused to believe she’d lied to him about being partners.

She’d promised him. She was telling him the truth.

And he chose to believe.

She was exhausted so she may have taken a longer nap. Nothing was wrong.

His hands tapped on the counter as he glared at the coffee cup.

They’d set this up through texting. Maybe she didn’t have the right address. He rechecked his phone. No, he’d given her the right name and address.

She’d forbidden him to show up at her motel room or to even call her. The nerve of that woman. One of the things he loved about her. Jamie believed in right and wrong. Jamie believe she knew best and wasn’t afraid to tell everyone else what they should do. In no uncertain terms she’d let him know she was in charge—if he wanted to accept the offered partnership. And he didn’t really have a problem with that except he wished she’d let him keep better track of her comings and goings.

Of course, she could take care of herself. He knew that. No real reason to worry as he tapped the face of his watch.

The woman had faced death more times than he had, and walked away without a scratch. Well, except for the last time. She’d barely survived that from what he heard.

He didn’t know personally because she’d refused his calls.

But still, he’d feel a lot better if he knew where she was right now.


Jamie was sprawled on the bed where Ryan had pushed her. She was not moving. Feet were on the floor but her hands were flung over her head as if about to be flayed.

By the fury on Ryan’s face that might be the plan.

Jamie closed her eyes in a wordless prayer.

I am with you.

She stared up at the gun pointing at her heart. It had a silencer on it.

Ryan wasn’t playing games.

Jamie tore her gaze from the weapon to his face.

His expression was hard and angry. Not smiling.

She forced a smile. Play it cool. Ryan might be a hothead, but she couldn’t believe he was a killer. He had a right to be angry. But she’d seen a gentler side of him.

“Can I sit up?”


“What can I do?”

He glared at her. “Do not move a muscle. And then tell me who you are and what you want. How about that for starters?”

Taking a chance, she propped herself up on her elbows.

“I said not to move.” He stepped closer keeping the gun aimed at her heart. His knees touched hers. “And I meant it.”

“I can’t talk in this position.”

“Sure you can, sweetheart. I can hear you just fine. By the way, how’s that sunburn of yours, now?”

Stinging actually, but she wouldn’t admit that to him. She stared at him. This was a mess. How was she going to regain control of the situation? “Ryan, what’s going on? I don’t understand why you’re here.”

“Wrong answer. Try again, sweetheart, and it’s your last chance.” He clicked off the safety as his knees ground against hers.

OK—the innocent approach wasn’t going to work.

She glared at him. This was all about control. She needed to take it back. Her voice was firm and calm when she spoke. “I’m not telling you anything until you let me sit up. We need to talk. And I’m not talking on my back.”

“Really. I kinda got the feeling that was your plan.”

She said nothing.

“Suit yourself.” He threw himself down on top of her. She screamed, but barely got it out before his free hand muffled it. She grabbed his wrist and struggled to pry his hand from her mouth.

He pressed the gun against her.

She stilled as she struggled to breathe.

His weight bore down on her.

“Look, I am not playing games here. I don’t want to hurt you. Really, I don’t, but I will. I don’t know who you are, or what you want, and I don’t care. All I want right now are some answers from you.”

She slowed her breathing, but said nothing. Enrique’s grin popped into her head. She wished she’d agreed to let him stay in the room next door to hers like he’d suggested. There really was such a thing as being too stubborn and independent. When she’d gained control of her breathing, her gaze moved to Ryan’s face.

“That’s better. A woman who knows her place. I like that.”

She gritted her teeth, but said nothing.

He moved allowing her to breathe.

Using the gun, he caressed her cheek, her chin. “I gotta say you were good. I fell for the whole thing. I don’t like admitting that, but you got me. So pretty in all that pink. I believed all those sweet things that came out of your mouth.” The gun moved up her chin and to her lips.

Was he talking about the flirting part or the God part? Better to not respond. Let him talk out some of his anger. Maybe they could have a real conversation after that.

“Stupid me. I actually went home and read that Bible you gave me. Then I went to call you to tell you about it. To see if you really believed those things. And you know what?”

She didn’t say anything.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her face closer to his. “And you know what I found? I asked you a question. You oughta be polite and answer me.”

She squeezed back the tears. “What did you find, Ryan?”

“You didn’t actually call anyone while I was in the store. It would have shown and it didn’t. That made me curious about how you had this mysterious chat with your mama about your grandmother needing you so much you had to leave right away. I got downright suspicious.”

“Ryan, let me explain.”

His eyes glittered with anger. “You played me and I don’t like that.”

Tears leaked out of her eyes and down her cheeks. “I wasn’t playing you about God, Ryan. That part was real. You know that, right?”

Their gazes met.

No one spoke.

They simply stared at each other.

Jamie thought she saw a softening in his eyes and a slight nod, but then the tattooed rattler around his arm lurched towards her. Before she could move, he smashed a cloth against her nose, her mouth. And then, there was nothing but the smell of ether.