Enrique caught Jamie’s gaze. He waited a second, and then dropped the bombshell without any preamble. “Ryan’s dead. He was found murdered yesterday.”
The blood drained from Michael’s face, and then his expression crumpled. “That can’t be. Impossible. Andrew’s with him. You’re lying.” He jumped up and tripped on the bed skirt.
Enrique moved in to help him up.
“Get away from me. You’ve got to let me go. Or my son will be dead. They must have killed Ryan and kidnapped Andrew. They found him.” His gaze found Jamie’s. “It’s your fault. They followed you up here. We were safe until you meddled. It’s your fault.”
She stared at him, not able to speak.
“That’s not true,” Enrique said. “You can’t blame this on her. You’re the one who committed criminal acts, not her. This is on you, not her. It’s time you step up and be a man. Take responsibility for your own actions.”
Her fingers clasped his and she squeezed, thankful for his support. “Who are they?” Jamie asked with exasperation.
Had someone followed Ryan? Had she put Andrew in more danger?
“I told you, I don’t know who they were…are. Ryan never told me.”
A sense of urgency filled the room.
“You’re right.” Michael choked back sobs. “I’m a coward. It is all my fault. I should have been brave enough to face the consequences of my actions, but that letter scared me so much.”
“We need answers, Zinkleman. Who do you think has your son? You’ve got to have some idea of who you’re dealing with.”
“I don’t. I keep telling you that Ryan refused to tell me. That’s the truth. If I knew anything I would tell you.” His shoulders slumped and he stared at the floor. “Doesn’t matter, now. My son’s probably already dead.” His voice was low, and then a sob escaped.
Jamie put a hand to her mouth and bit down on it. She turned away and sat on the other bed. Tears leaked out as she listened to the anguish of a father’s grief.
His sobs finally subsided, but his eyes leaked silent tears. His ravaged expression broke Jamie’s heart.
Enrique spoke. “That’s not necessarily true. If they kill Andrew then they have no leverage. Andrew is their leverage. I don’t believe they will hurt him.”
Jamie prayed Enrique was right.
“You’ve got to let me go. All they care about is their money.” Michael’s voice was desperate. “You can’t take me into custody. I’ll find a way to get them their stupid money.”
“You’re already in custody. I’ll call my bosses and arrange to get you transported back to Columbus. They can sort it out there. My job was to find you.”
“I…I need to use the restroom.” Michael stumbled through the bathroom door and closed it.
If they took him into custody, who knew what might happen to Zink’s son?
“What about Andrew?” Jamie demanded.
“We’ve already put out BOLOs and Amber Alerts for him. A missing person team is on their way. We’re doing everything we can. Andrew is our top priority, Jamie. But it’s not my area of expertise.”
“And that’s it. You’re done here. You’re going to drag him back to Ohio and wash your hands of the case?”
“Jamie.” His voice held a warning. “I didn’t say that. But we have to follow protocol.”
“Protocol? That’s what you think is important here?”
“Of course not, but letting Michael go won’t help us find Andrew.”
Jamie stared at him. How could she have believed he’d changed?
He was still all about the rules. Enrique was a good agent until it was time to think outside of the box. That wouldn’t advance his career. The FBI was all about rules.
“He’s our best bet for finding Andy. If you take him into custody, we lose that advantage.”
Once again, Enrique took hold of her arm. “Let’s talk outside, shall we?”
She pulled her arm from his. “Yes, let’s do that. I have a few things I want to say to you.” She stalked out the adjoining door to Enrique’s room.
With the door shut, Jamie turned to him. “What happened to being partners? Partners decide things together.”
Their gazes locked.
“We are partners, Jamie. Now, and in the future.” He put his hand on her shoulder and drew her close. “I’m not the enemy, Jamie. You need to trust me.” His breath was warm on her neck as he whispered.
Trust him? Her heart pounded. Why did this man have such a strong effect on her? It was as if breathing in his scent bewitched her. “Enrique, what if he’s telling the truth? What if he isn’t the bad guy? How do we live with the fact we let a little boy die?”
“I’m not letting anyone die. We’re doing our best to find him. It’s not my area of expertise so I’m going to let the experts handle it. In the meantime, I’m going to transport him back to Ohio. Does that make sense?”
“No, it doesn’t. He needs to be here. This is where Andrew was taken. Michael should stay in the area. Don’t you see that?”
“Not really. He’ll still have his phone. That means they can contact him.”
“But what if they’re watching him and know he’s been taken into custody? They’ll think the whole thing’s a trap, they’ll kill Andrew, and forget about the money.”
“Jamie, I don’t think that will happen. He has to stay in custody. And the kidnapping experts will find Andrew. It really is the best way to handle the situation.”
“Best way for you, maybe. Not for Andrew.”
He reached out, but she stepped further away.
“Jamie, please don’t let a professional disagreement get in the way of our personal lives. I love you. I want us to have a life together.”
“I’m not leaving here without Andrew.”