Jamie stared at the rock formation, sure that it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it. The sun beat down. After wiping away the sweat, she picked up her once wet shirt, now barely damp. She found the wettest spot and popped it in her mouth, savoring the moisture even though it was no longer cool.

She looked back at the rock and sighed.

Going around in circles wasn’t getting help. She surveyed the area.

She’d lost track of Andrew’s hiding spot long ago, but she was pretty sure she knew the direction she’d come from. The only sane thing to do was to go back. The alternative wasn’t pleasant.

Surely, the criminals had given up searching for them by now. If they knew the desert, they’d know a tenderfoot wouldn’t survive long. Perhaps they thought the desert would claim her and Andrew and they’d not have to deal with any bodies at all.

That was still a very real possibility.

I am with you always…

“Yes, Lord.” Jamie spoke out loud.

She turned Slow Poke southward—sure that was the direction she’d come from. Had she seen something move? Not sure, she continued to stare.

Some trees, cacti, rocks and more rocks. Pretty much what she’d seen most of the day after leaving Andrew. Sighing, she wondered if she’d made the right decision for him.

There it was again.

She was sure she’d seen movement that time. Moving faster than a person on foot. Was it someone on a horse? The thought made her stomach turn to stone.

Other horses had been in the barn. Obviously, someone had followed her, probably had been following her all day. She only hoped she’d drawn them away from Andrew and towards her. She couldn’t go back to Andrew now. She turned her horse in the opposite direction and urged him to go faster.

The horse was so slow that she would never escape the person coming from behind. If she could make her pursuer think she’d fallen prey to the heat and was no longer a threat she might be able to walk out when darkness came.

Until then she could hide.

She slid her shirt back on. The dampness felt wonderful, but she had no time to enjoy it. She slipped off the horse. After turning it back towards the other rider, she slapped it on the rump. The horse looked back at her and then sauntered off in the right direction.

With slow deliberate movements, she faded into the trees. She found a branch and began brushing away her prints.

Then she took off running on the painful ankle as long as she could. She couldn’t see the man following her. Her best hope was up in the trees. She found a tree that would give her a view of the pursuer.

Climbing the tree wasn’t as easy as Andrew made it look, but finally, she was tucked into the sparse leaves. She leaned against a branch and tracked the rider.

Her stomach twisted. There was another rider trailing after the first one. Could she escape two of them? Just as easy as escaping one. The number didn’t matter. God was more than able to handle them both.

They drew close. But it was almost as if they weren’t traveling together. The rider in front never looked behind, as if he was completely unaware of the other person and horse.

Slow Poke met up with the first rider.

He stared at the horse and then kept moving towards her.

Her ruse hadn’t worked. She hadn’t fooled the pursuer at all.

“It’s all up to you God,” she whispered.

Horse and man came closer. Definitely the man from the plane, but he was empty handed. At least he hadn’t found Andrew.

Her stomach twisted.

Unless he’d killed him and left him there?

He slid off his horse as he came under the shadows of the trees.

She slowed her breathing praying he wouldn’t look up.

He didn’t. He turned around and was clearly startled to see the other horse rider coming towards them. He pulled a gun from his saddle.

A gun?

What would he need a gun for? Don’t be stupid, Jamie. Her time was up unless he didn’t notice her.

The man was completely focused on the second rider. He wasn’t even searching for her. He’d pretended he wasn’t aware of the man behind him, but that had obviously been an act. And a good one. He’d fooled Jamie.

Jamie stared at the second horseman.

The cowboy’s face was hidden by the shadow of his hat, but there was something familiar about him. It was obvious the man was uncomfortable on a horse. He wasn’t sitting in the right position to control the horse correctly. It was the way an inexperienced rider would sit.

Her heart thumped.

The way a city boy might sit. Could the man on the horse be Enrique? Was it possible?

She looked at the man behind the rock. He was steadying his gun and aiming it.

She wouldn’t let him shoot Enrique. In one swift move, she yelled and jumped down from the tree. Her ankle buckled, and pain hazed her vision, but she wouldn’t let Enrique die. She took a deep breath and fought the pain.

The man turned towards her, the gun still in his hand.

She crumpled to the ground as the man fired. The bullet whizzed by, too close for comfort.

He moved towards her, his face filled with rage. “You are done causing problems for me.” He aimed the gun. He wouldn’t miss a second time. He put his finger on the trigger.

Jamie closed her eyes.

The gun exploded.

Nothing happened.

If she was hit, she certainly didn’t feel it. Shock? She cracked open one eye.

The man stared at her for what seemed an eternity. Then he swayed and fell forward. A red spot spread on his back. Behind him was the other man.

“Enrique.” Her voice was so soft even she had trouble hearing it. Her hand reached towards him.

He jumped off his horse and rushed to her side. “Oh, Jamie. I can’t believe I found you.”

She was enveloped in a hug. Kisses rained all over her hair, her eyes, her cheeks. He was murmuring but she couldn’t make out the words, although she was certain she heard “I love you” at least half a dozen times. Finally, he pulled away, although he kept hold of her. He stared into her eyes. “Are you OK?”

“I might have broken my ankle or my leg or both. I don’t think I can stand up.”

“No reason to. Help will be here soon.” One arm stayed around her, but the other slipped out his cell phone. He gave a concise update and location to whomever he was speaking with and then clicked off. He turned back to Jamie and caressed her cheek. “I’m sorry I left you. I promise that will never happen again.”

“Andrew’s out there somewhere.”

“No he’s not. Zink and I found him. He’s safe and sound in his mama’s arms.”

Tears leaked out her eyes. “Oh, I’m so glad. She must be thrilled.”

“Beyond thrilled. I wish you could have seen the two of them. It was a beautiful sight. I’m sorry you missed it.”

“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is they’re together.”

“And guess what? Michael was telling the truth. He was innocent of the embezzlement. It’s pretty certain the embezzler was his assistant.”

“The one who gave him the package. How did Zink take the news?”

“Surprisingly well. I think there’s still hope for them.”

The horse whinnied.

Jamie grinned. “I thought you told me you wouldn’t be the cowboy who came charging in on a white horse to rescue me.”

“The horse is brown, but I’d follow you anywhere in the world for any reason. Don’t you know I love you?” He brushed her hair from her eyes.

She needed to be sure, to understand what his words meant. “What about all the things I did before? I’m so ash—”

“How about we forget the past?”

Jamie let that truth take hold deep inside her. Enrique loved her. He knew the things she’d done and still he loved her.

“Jamie, I know I made some mistakes, but you can trust me. I—”

She put a finger to his lips. “I’m the one who makes the mistakes. I am too stubborn and won’t listen to anyone. I always think I know best. And I can’t imagine what you see in me.”

His lips found hers and a rush of warmth crept into her heart.

After a brief interlude, he smothered her face in little kisses before smiling into her eyes. “What I see in you is a beautiful woman who trusts God enough to do what she believes is the right thing—no matter how dangerous. I love you just the way you are.”

Her hand caressed his cheek. “Most people would call that foolish.”

“I’m not most people, Jamie.”

“Are you sure you can forg—”

“Forget what? From this day forward, we shall face the world together. And what a team we’ll make. Fighting crime and righting wrongs.”

“As lovely as that sounds, I think not. My crime fighting days are done. I’m going home and being a mom to Sabrina.”

“Want to add wife to that scenario?” He took a deep breath and continued before Jamie could say anything. “Jamie Jakowski, will you marry me?”

“Nothing would make me happier.” Their lips met again. She sank into the safety of his arms. A noise caught her attention. Not breaking the kiss, she looked up in the sky.

His lips moved under hers. “It’s the rescue helicopter.”

“Who needs a helicopter? You’re the one who rescued me.” And Jamie knew that he had. He’d given her what she needed most. Forgiveness and acceptance and love. “You’re my knight in shining armor.”

“I’m not wearing any armor.”

She pushed his cowboy hat up so she could see those warm, loving eyes staring at her. “Close enough, my brave cowboy. Close enough.”