Exactly one hour later, Holly walked down the steps of the courthouse clutching a piece of paper and smiling more than she could ever remember.
Gareth was right beside her. Holly indicated the signed and stamped power of attorney and then pointed to Victoria.
“Does this mean she owns me now?” she joked.
“Yes,” Gareth confirmed with a grin. “Until such time that she exchanges you for livestock.”
Holly giggled.
Victoria sniffed. “You two are utterly ridiculous.” She brushed past them and continued down the steps towards the waiting limousine.
Holly knew she didn’t mean it. She’d looked at Victoria when the judge had approved the power of attorney and noticed the stern woman smiling. Of course, the smile quickly vanished, and a knowing nod of the head replaced it when she realised Holly was looking at her.
Gareth softly put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at him, and he handed her his business card.
“Call me if you need anything, like if you need the power of attorney dissolved. I’ll get it arranged for you,” he said, a tip of the head towards Victoria as he spoke.
Holly took the card. “I think I’ll be fine,” she said. “I think her bark is a lot worse than her bite.”
He grinned. “I think so, too. But, just in case, eh?”
She pocketed the business card. “Thank you, I really appreciate all you’ve done.”
“We’re not done yet,” he said. “Next stop, the embassy. We need to get you that passport or you’ll miss your flight.”
Victoria was already in the car, probably sighing and periodically glaring at her watch in annoyance. Gareth was the next in and Holly quickly followed him. The driver closed the door behind her.
She’d been so nervous on the way to the courthouse that she’d hardly noticed the journey. Now she felt like she was in safe hands. The judge had granted her power of attorney and that effectively released her into Victoria’s care. And Victoria didn’t seem like the kind of woman who didn’t get exactly what she wanted when she wanted it. They were due to fly to New York in under five hours, and Holly was certain that would be the case.
She was aware that Gareth and Victoria were talking, but Holly tuned them out. She looked out of the window at the imposing courthouse and wondered if she’d ever see Paris again. Paris had been her home for the past year, or for as long as she could remember, but it had never felt truly like home. Knowing that she was American made her ache to be there, even if she had no recollection of what it was like.
Part of her treatment had been to watch American television shows and movies to see if she recognised anything. She didn’t, but it did build an overwhelming desire to see the country that she called home.
Now she was on her way. The butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and she closed her eyes momentarily. She was on her way to discovering the truth about herself and her life.