Holly arrived at the Hastings residence for dinner ten minutes early. She didn’t want Victoria to perceive her as being late, primarily because Holly had decided that tonight would be the night. She had spent the last twenty-four hours planning how to corner Victoria and speak to her openly and honestly.
For once, the boring hours she spent at her dull reception job were put to good use. She dreamed up conversation openers, how to prevent Victoria’s silences, and just how much she was willing to tell the woman.
The lunch with Gideon had opened her eyes. She’d read in her journals that she was trying to turn over a new leaf and start a new life before she went to Paris. Returning from Paris was supposed to be the start of a brand new Holly Carter.
Somewhere along the line she had forgotten about that. She’d become consumed with getting her life back on track but not focused on what she wanted that life to look like. Moving forward had become more important than moving in a certain direction.
And now there was another mystery to unwrap. The fact that she had admitted being in love with Victoria to Gideon. Had she said anything to Victoria? Did Victoria suspect something? She was an astute woman, able to pick up the smallest of details. Surely, she had seen her second assistant falling in love with her? Was that the reason for Victoria’s distance?
Whatever the case, she needed to know for sure or the not knowing was going to tear her apart.
Tonight was the night that Holly would find some answers. She’d spent a lot of time respecting Victoria’s boundaries and trying to not bother the publishing titan. But tonight, she wasn’t going to allow Victoria to run and hide. Tonight, they were going to talk.
“Holly!” Alexia screeched as she opened the door.
Alexia ran into Holly’s arms, and Holly held her tightly. It had been two weeks since she’d seen the girl, and she’d missed her fiercely.
“Hey, it’s so good to see you,” Holly admitted.
She looked up to see Hugo walking down the stairs. He offered her a small wave, and she smiled back.
“Maybe you should let Holly into the house?” Victoria’s voice floated from the kitchen.
Alexia dragged Holly in and closed the door behind them. She started to pull on Holly’s jacket to assist her putting it into the closet.
“Mom is making pasta,” Alexia said excitedly. “I made the sauce. And then we’re going to watch a movie, and th—”
A loud cough came from the kitchen.
“I mean,” Alexia corrected, “I’d like to watch a movie if that’s okay with you?”
Holly grinned. “That would be great, but only if your mom and your brother join us. I’m here to see everyone, remember?” she said loudly enough for Victoria to hear.
“Cool, they’ll join us,” Alexia said as if it were already a done deal. Holly presumed it was. Whatever Alexia wanted she generally got. Especially now, she guessed.
She took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen to greet Victoria. As soon as she crossed the threshold, she felt the familiar clenching feeling in her chest. Victoria looked as beautiful as ever.
Her designer clothes were protected by a white apron. She spoke softly to Hugo about his politics homework while she stirred a large saucepan. She hadn’t yet noticed Holly in the room. She took the opportunity to enjoy seeing the domestic Victoria most people wouldn’t believe existed.
Hugo realised Holly had finally been released from Alexia’s clutches and looked at her with a big smile.
“Hey, Holly,” he said.
Victoria turned around to follow his gaze. Two sets of piercing green eyes looked at her, and Holly lifted her hand to offer them a cheesy wave.
It was good to be back.

The food was stunning, as Holly had suspected. She didn’t believe for one second that Victoria would ever waste her time with something like cooking if she didn’t excel at it. Alexia and Hugo chatted animatedly, making this dinner feel just like the ones she’d enjoyed when she was living at the house.
Unfortunately, it was also exactly the same in that Victoria seemed stilted and withdrawn. Holly tried to draw her into the conversation a couple of times. It worked for a while, but Victoria soon realised what she was doing and retreated back into herself.
Holly had predicted this and had a plan.
“Victoria, I hope you’re watching the movie with us?” she asked.
Victoria’s fork paused on the way to her mouth. She looked at Holly with slight panic flashing in her eyes.
“I do have some work to do,” she said apologetically, not committing herself either way.
“Mom, you promised,” Alexia argued.
“Join us,” Hugo requested.
Victoria looked at her children and opened her mouth to reply.
“Yes, you must join us,” Holly said. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”
Victoria’s cheeks started to blush under the pressure. She inclined her head. “Very well, for a little while, at least.”
Holly could feel the telltale pressure in her temples. She’d had a few headaches and migraines since she’d been back in New York, and they always started when she was feeling stressed. Picking apart the mystery of Victoria Hastings was certainly stressful.
“Great,” Holly said. “What movie are we watching?”
Victoria and Hugo turned towards Alexia, the keeper of the remote control.
“Toy Story 3,” Alexia replied.
“Do I need to have seen the first two?” Holly asked.
“You’ll get the gist,” Hugo told her with a roll of his eyes, clearly not excited about the children’s movie.
“Hey! They’re good movies!” Alexia argued at the slight on her favourite franchise.
“I’m sure they are. I know I must have seen them, even if I don’t remember them,” Holly interjected to keep the peace.
“Have you remembered anything else?” Alexia probed.
“Alexia,” Victoria warned.
“It’s okay,” Holly said. “I remembered that I don’t like cheesecake.” She winked at Alexia. She knew the young girl wasn’t a fan of the treat either.
“Ick, you should stick to ice cream.”
“I will,” Holly assured. “And I have a faint memory about skating at Rockefeller Center. I think. There were skaters and really loud music.” She was still hazy on that one, but she’d seen a photograph of the rink at Christmas time and it stirred some kind of memory inside her.
“That was for work,” Victoria said softly. She straightened and looked a little uncomfortable at the admission. “A photo shoot.”
Holly thought about it for a moment. It made sense. It was a memory that had felt stuck to other memories. She remembered the sensation of skating, but she also remembered Victoria being there.
Her headache started to pound, and she winced slightly.
“I have a phone call to make,” Victoria announced. “Please start the movie and I will be up as soon as I am able.”
She vanished from the dining room. Alexia let out a sigh and pushed her plate to the middle of the table.
“So, how have you guys been?” Holly asked to try to lighten the mood.
“Mom misses you,” Alexia said. “She won’t admit it, but she does.”
“She does,” Hugo confirmed.
“I miss her, too,” Holly admitted. “I’m going to go and talk to her. I need to fix whatever this is that keeps happening. Are you two okay to start the movie without us?”
Alexia’s eyes widened. “What are you going to say?”
“I just want to talk to her. Something is on her mind, and I want her to tell me what it is.”
Hugo snorted a laugh. “Good luck.”
Holly put her napkin on the table. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
She walked out of the dining room, hoping that Victoria wouldn’t call her bluff.