


Jama’at-i Islami ke untis sal (Lahore: Shu’bah-i Nashr’u Isha’at-i Jama’at-i Islami, 1970).


Rudad-i Jama’at-i Islami, 7 vols. (Lahore, 1938–91). These volumes contain the proceedings of the Jama’at congress between 1941–55.


Tarjumanu’l-Qur’an (Hyderabad, Pathankot and Lahore), (1932–present). This is the Jama’at’s official journal.

Books and pamphlets by Mawdudi

1938–40. Musalman Awr Mawjudah Siyasi Kashmakash (‘Muslims and the Current Political Struggle’). 3 vols. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1947. The Ethical Viewpoint of Islam. Lahore: Markazi Maktaba Jam’at-i-Islami.

1948. The Qadiani Problem. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1960. Political Theory of Islam. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1962. The Finality of Prophethood. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1963. A Short History of the Revivalist Movement in Islam. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1967. (3rd edn). First Principles of the Islamic State. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1969. Islami Riyasat. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1970. (2nd edn). Economic Problem of Man and Its Islamic Solution. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1971. The Meaning of the Qur’an, vol. 4. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1980a. (2nd edn). Human Rights in Islam. Leicester: Islamic Foundation.

1980b. Islamic Principles and Objectives. Delhi: Delhi Art Press.

1980c. Islamic Economic System: Principles and Objectives. Delhi: Markazi Maktabah Islami.

1983. Tehrik-i-Azadi-i-Hind-aur Mussalman, pt. II. Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1984. ‘Khud niwisht’, in Buhtah, Muhammad Yusuf (ed.), Mawlana Mawdudi: apni awr dusrun ki nazar main (‘Mawlana Mawdudi: In His Own and Others’ Views’). Lahore: Idarah-i Ma’arif-i Islam.

1985a. Islam Today. Beirut: International Islamic Federation of Student Organisations.

1985b. Let Us Be Muslims. Leicester: Islamic Foundation.

1985c. Fundamentals of Islam. Delhi.

1986a. Watha’iq-i Mawdudi (‘Mawdudi’s Documents’). Lahore: Idarah-i Ma’arif-i Islami.

1986b. Purdah and the Status of Women, trans. Al-Ash’ari. Islamic Publications Limited. Lahore.

1995. Jihad fi Sabillah: Jihad in Islam, trans. Khurshid Ahmad, ed. Huda Khattab. Birmingham: Islamic Mission Dawah Centre.

1995. Tajdid wa Ihya’-i-Din (‘Revivalist Movement of Islam’). Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.

1996 (15th edn). Al-Jihad fi al-Islam (‘Jihad in Islam’) 1st edn 1930. Kuwait: International Islamic Federation of Student Organisations.

1998. Towards Understanding the Qur’an. New Delhi: Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers.

n.d. Tahrik-i Pakistan Awr Jama’at-i Islami (‘The Pakistan Movement and the Jama’at-i Islami’). Multan: Ikhwan Publications.


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Newspapers and magazines


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Nida (Lahore)

Takbir (Karachi)

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