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abstract concepts, 15, 17
Alexander, Franz, 28–29, 94n17
Althusser, Louis, viii–ix, xvi–xvii, xxii, xxxii, 93nn7–8; with “interpellation into subject,” xxiii; letter to Besse, 91n4; with seminars, vii, xxxi, xxxiii–xxxiv
“American neo-Freudianism,” 94n17
“American psychoanalysis,” xv, xix–xx, 27
Anthropologie structurale (Lévi-Strauss), 31
anthropology: anthropologism, x, xiv, xv, xx, xxv, xxix; psychoanalysis and, 21, 30, 46; structural anthropology, 31; “wild children” and, xxiv, 51–57
Aveyron. See wild boy of Aveyron
Bachelard, Gaston, xx
Balibar, Étienne, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, 91n4
Balint, Michaël, 96n21
behavior, morals and, 67, 69, 73, 74
Bellevue Sanatorium, 95n23
Bergson, Henri, 34, 92; Bergsonian spiritualism, x; Bergsonism, ix, 35
Besse, Guy, 91n4
Binswanger, Ludwig, 39, 95n23
biology: with becoming-human, 50–60, 62, 64; biological theory, 6; culture and, 59–60; psychoanalysis and, 30, 31, 42; psycho-physiology and, 22–23, 42
Bonnet, Charles, 75
Bonneval colloquium, 93n7, 94n18
Bourdieu, Pierre, xxxi
Canguilhem, Georges, xiii
Capital (Marx), xx, xxxi, xxxiv
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 4
Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, 94n17
Chiesa, Achille, xxxiii
children, 93n12; child development, xiv, 22; child psychology, 21, 22; “hospitalism” and, 93n11; humanization process and, xxiii–xxiv, 51, 62, 64; maturation and, 25–26; oedipal moment and, 50; psychoanalysis of, xiv, 20, 25; reality principle and, 25–26; “wild children,” xxiv, 51–57
civilization, neurosis of, 4–5
Civilization and Its Discontents (S. Freud), 21, 47
classical psychology. See psychology
cogito, xxvi, xxix, 77, 79, 80
concepts: abstract, 15, 17; conceptualization, of ideology, xxii; domestic, 7; Freud, Sigmund, with, 5–7, 16; imported, 5–7; nonconcept and, 15, 17, 42–43, 78, 82
concrete psychology, xiii, 15, 16
Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 51, 53, 56, 62
consciousness: ego and, 66; id and, 16, 71; philosophy of, ix, xiii, xxix, 69, 71; psychology of, xvii, 49, 70; theoretical consciousness, 27–28, 38, 42; with unconscious, 16, 18
Critique des fondements de la psychologie (Politzer), xii–xiii, 14, 91n4
culture: biology and, 59–60; “culturalist” trend, 93n10; cultural phenomena, 21; law of culture, xxiii, xxiv, 60; nature and, xxiv–xxv, 51–52; precession of culture, xxiv, xxv, 63
Dalbiez, Roland, 12, 91n3
Darwin, Charles, 6
Descartes, René, 27; error and, xxviii, 81–84; pineal gland and, 94n14; with psychology, 76–77, 78, 81; Spinoza and, xxvi–xxvii, 79–80; subject and, xxviii–xxix
dialectical psychology, 23
didactic psychoanalysis, 8–9
Discours sur lorigine et les fondements de lingalitéparmi les hommes (Rousseau), xxiv, 61
dissatisfaction, principle of, 90n13
doctors: drama and, 34; patients and, xvi, 32, 33, 34, 39, 70
Dolto, Françoise, 28
double personality, 66–67
drama: as abstract concept, 17; with doctor and patient, 34; psychology and, 15–16, 70
Duroux, Yves, xxxiii–xxxiv
Écolenormalesupérieure (ENS), vii, xxxi
economy: economic theory, xxi, 6; political economy, xx, 6, 30
Ecrits sur la psychanalyse: Freud et Lacan (Althusser), xxii
ego: centrality of, xix, 67–68, 71; consciousness and, 66; ego cogito, 77, 79; Freud, Anna, and, 27–28, 66, 67–69; the imaginary with ego structure, 71–72; nonconcept and, 78; with psychology, structures of, 73–74; resistance and, 68; superego, 25, 27, 29, 30, 66–67
empiricism, ix, 86–87
Encyclopédiefrançaise, L’, 93n12
energy theory, in physics, 6
Enfantssauvages, Les, 51
Engels, Friedrich, xxi
ENS (École normale supérieure), vii, xxxi
epistemological break, xvii, xx, xxi, 48
epithumía, 76
error: nonconcept and, 82; truth and, xxvii, xxviii, 78–79, 81–84
Ethics (Spinoza), xxvii
“existential psychoanalysis,” 39, 95n23
Ey, Henri, 34–35, 36, 94nn19–20
Feuerbach, Ludwig, xx
first-person knowledge, 34
fondement en miroir (mirror foundation), 75
“for-others” (Mitsein), 39
Foucault, Michel, xxix–xxx; with dissatisfaction, principle of, 90n13; with phenomenology and structural analysis, xiii
France, 65, 91n4, 92n5; LEncyclopédiefrançaise, 93n12; Freud, Sigmund, with philosophy and reception in, xii–xvi, 3–4; provincialism and, 11
Freud, Anna, xix, 22, 96n13; double personality and, 66–67; ego and, 27–28, 66, 67–69; with psychology and psychoanalysis, 65–66
Freud, Sigmund, xxviii, 20; “American neo-Freudianism,” 94n17; with concepts, 5–7, 16; criticism of, 3–4; influence, xxi, xxix, 18, 19, 21, 47–49, 91nn3–4; Lacan on, 45; on neurosis, 4–5; psychoanalysis and, xii–xvi, 45, 46; psychological resistance and, 3–7; reality principle and, 24–26; reception in French philosophy, xii–xvi, 3–4; unconscious and, xi, xix, xxii, xxix, 70
“Freud et Lacan” (Althusser), vii, xvi, xxii, xxxii
Future of an Illusion, The (Freud, S.), 21, 47
Galileo, 18, 48, 84
German Ideology, The (Engels and Marx), xxi
Guitton, Jean, 38
Halbwachs, Maurice, 64
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, xx, 17, 80
Hesnard, Angelo, 3, 12, 91n1
Hobbes, Thomas, 60–61
homo oeconomicus, xvii, xxv
homo psychologicus, xvi, xxv
“hospitalism,” 93n11
humans: biology and becoming-human, 50–60, 62, 64; humanization-subjectivization process, xxiii–xxiv, 51, 62, 64. See also children
human sciences, xxv; with dissatisfaction, principle of, 90n13; philosophical issue with question of, vii, viii–xii, xvi, xvii, xx; psychoanalysis and, xviii, 1–3, 20–21, 44; with scientificity, lack of, ix; scientific status of, xxx
Hyppolite, Jean, 40
id, xix, 16, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71
ideology: conceptualization of, xxii; defined, xxiii; ideological philosophy, viii, x; moral, 75; political, 75; psychology and, 74–75; technocratic ideology, x, xxv; theory, premises to, xxi–xxx
Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Althusser), xxii
the imaginary: ego structure with, 71–72; materialism of, xxii, 80; theory, 58, 80
IMEC (Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine), 90n2, 91n4
individual: politics with morals in, 77; with psychology, structures of, 73–74
Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine (IMEC), 90n2, 91n4
Institut national des jeunes sourds, 95n8
intellectual terrorism, 40–41
International Psychoanalytic Association, 93n12
“interpellation into subject,” xxiii
intersubjectivity, philosophy of, xvi, 37, 39
Italy, provincialism and, 11
Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, 60; language and, 53–58; with wild boy of Aveyron, 51–55
Jackson, J. H., 34, 35, 94n20
judgment, philosophy of, xxvii, 83, 84–85
Kant, Immanuel, 5–6
Kardiner, Abram, 21, 93n10
Klein, Melanie, 22, 28, 94n15, 96n16
knowledge: theory of, 86–87; third-person and first-person, 34; truth and, xxvi–xxvii, 48
Lacan, Jacques, xxii, 96n21; “American psychoanalysis” and, 27; on Ey, 35–36; on Freud, Sigmund, 45; influence, xvii, xxiv, 13, 39–41, 69–70; with intellectual terrorism, 40–41; on Klein, 94n15; Lacan seminar (1963–1964), vii, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 40–41; “Lacan’s society” and, 92n5; law of culture and, 60; with “mirror stage,” 23, 93n12; nonconcept and, 42–43; philosophy and, xvi–xxi, 33, 39–40; psychoanalysis and, 45–46, 50; with psychology, xiii, xv; Rousseau and, xxiv–xxv; subject and, xxviii–xxix
Laforgue, René, 94n19
Lagache, Daniel, 69–70, 92n5, 96n19
language, xii; Italy and foreign-language translations, 11; with knowledge, theory of, 86–87; linguistics and, xii, xxi, xxv, xxx; signs and, 57–58, 64; “wild children” and, 53–57
Laplanche, Jean, 16, 36, 39, 93n7
law of culture, xxiii, xxiv, 60
Leclaire, Serge, 36, 93n7
letter, from Althusser to Besse, 91n4
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 31
linguistics, xii, xxi; modern, xxv; as real science, xxx
Lire Le Capital (Althusser, Balibar, Rancière, and Macherey), xxxi, xxxii
Little Hans (Freud, S.), 20
Macherey, Pierre, xxxi, xxxii
madness, 31, 35
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 30
Malson, Lucien, 51
Marx, Karl, xviii; influence, 23, 44; Marx seminar (1961–1962), xxxi; Marx seminar (1964), xxxi, xxxiv; “return to Marx,” vii, xx, xxi
maturation: psychological, 23; types of, 25–26
Mead, Margaret, 21
Mécanisme de défense du moi (A. Freud), 28
medicine. See psychosomatic medicine
Meditations on First Philosophy (Descartes), xxviii
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, ix, xxxiii, 40, 91n1; influence, xii, 12, 14; influences on, 91n4; with philosophy and psychoanalysis, xv–xvi, 12, 13, 14, 33
Méthode psychanalytique freudienne, La (Dalbiez), 91n3
military analogy, therapy and, 8
Miller, Jacques-Alain, xxxiii, 91n4
mirrors: mirror foundation or fondement en miroir, 75; “mirror stage,” 23, 93n12; pathology as mirror phenomenon, 87; “trial of the mirror,” 93n12; “wild children” with, 52
Mitsein (“for-others”), 39
Monde, Le, 29
morals, 87; behavior and, 67, 69, 73, 74; ideology, 75; moral world, 84, 85; with politics, 77
Mosconi, Jean, xxxiv
Nacht, Sacha, 13, 92n5
nature: culture and, xxiv–xxv, 51–52; society and, 60–62
neurology, 23, 25, 31, 42
neurosis, of civilization, 4–5
nonconcept, 17; of classical psychology, 15; ego and, 78; error and, 82; Lacan and, 42–43
noûs, 76
oedipal moment, 25, 50
Order of Things, The (Foucault), xxix–xxx
Origines du caractère chez lenfant, Les (Wallon), 93n12
Passeron, Jean-Claude, xxxi
pathology: as mirror phenomenon, 87; psychology and, 76–81, 83, 86
patients: doctors and, xvi, 33, 34, 39, 70; drama and, 34
phenomenology, xxxiii, 72; influence, xxxiv, 95n23; “pseudo phenomenology,” x; role of, ix, xii; structural analysis and, xiii
Phenomenology of Mind (Hegel), 17
philosophy: of consciousness, ix, xiii, xxix, 69, 71; Freud, Sigmund, reception in French philosophy, xii–xvi, 3–4; with human sciences, question of, vii, viii–xii, xvi, xvii, xx; ideological philosophy, viii, x; of intersubjectivity, xvi, 37, 39; of judgment, xxvii, 83, 84–85; Lacan and, xvi–xxi, 33, 39–40; psychiatry and, 36; psychoanalysis and, xv–xvi, xx, 12–14, 31–33, 39; psychology and, viii, 86
“Philosophy and the Human Sciences” (Althusser), viii–ix, xvi, xvii
physics: energy theory in, 6; Galileo and, 18, 48, 84
pineal gland, 26, 27, 30–31, 94n14
Plato, 75–77
politics, 80, 85; morals and, 77; Plato and political problem, 76–77; political economy, xx, 6, 30; political ideology, 75
Politzer, Georges, xii–xiii, 12, 42, 70; influence, 13, 14, 91n4; on psychology, 14–17, 18, 34
positivism, ix
Pour Marx (Althusser), xxxi
pragmatism, ix
precession of culture. See culture
Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), 91n4
provincialism, 11, 34
“pseudo phenomenology,” x
pseudo science, xi, xxx, 14
Psychanalyse, La, 40
Psychanalyse des enfants, La (Freud, A.), 28
Psychanalyse des névroses et des psychoses, ses applications médicales et extra-médicales, La (Hesnard and Regis), 91n1
psychiatry, xiv, xv, 23; Ey and, 34–35, 94n20; philosophy and, 36; psychoanalysis and, 20, 21, 38–39, 44, 94n19
psychoanalysis, 91n3, 92n5, 93n11; “American psychoanalysis,” xv, xix–xx, 27; anthropology and, 21, 30, 46; biology and, 30, 31, 42; Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, 94n17; of children, xiv, 20, 25; didactic psychoanalysis, 8–9; “existential psychoanalysis,” 39, 95n23; Freud, Sigmund, and, xii–xvi, 45, 46; human sciences and, xviii, 1–3, 20–21, 44; Lacan and, 45–46, 50; philosophy and, xv–xvi, xx, 12–14, 31–33, 39; as practice instead of science, xv–xvi, 7–8; psychiatry and, 20, 21, 38–39, 44, 94n19; psychological resistance with, 3–7; psychology and, xiii–xv, xx, xxxiii, 14–16, 19–20, 22–24, 31, 37–39, 45–50, 65–71; reality principle and, 25, 29–30, 67–68; shaman as psychoanalyst, 31; society and, 31; theory as inadequate, 10–11; therapy with, 7–8, 10; truth through, 8; as “two-body psychology,” 70; unconscious and, xii, 90n13
“Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology” (Duroux), xxxiii–xxxiv
“Psychoanalysis and Psychology” conference, xx
psychology, xii, 91n4; child psychology, 21, 22; classical psychology, xiii, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 69; concrete, xiii, 15, 16; of consciousness, xvii, 49, 70; criticism of, xiii–xiv; Descartes with, 76–77, 78, 81; dialectical, 23; drama and, 15–16, 70; ideology and, 74–75; pathology and, 76–81, 83, 86; philosophy and, viii, 86; Politzer on, 14–17, 18, 34; as pseudo science, xxx, 14; psychoanalysis and, xiii–xv, xx, xxxiii, 14–16, 19–20, 22–24, 31, 37–39, 45–50, 65–71; psychoanalysis as “two-body psychology,” 70; psychological maturation, 23; psychological resistance, 3–7; psychologism and, vii, ix; structures of, 72–75; unconscious and, 18, 49, 64, 71; Wolff and, 75, 96n23
psychophysiology, 22–23, 42
psychosociology, xi, 51
psychosomatic medicine, 20
psychotherapy, 20, 33, 38
PUF (Presses Universitaires de France), 91n4
“radical transcendence of the Subject,” ix
Rancière, Jacques, xxxi, xxxii
reality principle: children and, 25–26; defined, 24–25; psychoanalysis and, 25, 29–30, 67–68; society and, 24–26, 27
recollection, 63, 64
recurrence, 62, 63–64
Regis, Emmanuel, 91n1
Republic, The (Plato), 75, 76
resistance: to concepts, imported, 5–7; ego and, 68; psychological resistance, 3–7
Revue de lenseignement philosophique, viii
Revue de psychologie concrète, 15, 93n6
Revue française de psychanalyse, 65
Rickman, John, 96n21
Ricoeur, Paul, xii, xvi, 36–37, 91n3
“Rome Discourse” (Lacan), 69, 96n21
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Hobbes and, 60–61; Lacan and, xxiv–xxv
Sartre, Jean-Paul, ix, 69; with “existential psychoanalysis,” 39; influence, xii, 14; influences on, 91n4; oedipal moment and, 25; with philosophy and psychoanalysis, xv–xvi, 12, 13, 14, 33
science: pseudo science, xi, xxx, 14; with psychoanalysis and psychology, 19–20; psychoanalysis as practice instead of, xv–xvi, 7–8. See also human sciences
seminars: Bourdieu and Passeron seminar (1963), xxxi; Lacan seminar (1963–1964), vii, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 40–41; Marx seminar (1961–1962), xxxi; Marx seminar (1964), xxxi, xxxiv; structuralism seminar (1962–1963), xxxi
shaman, as psychoanalyst, 31
signs, language and, 57–58, 64
Société française de psychanalyse, 92n5
Société psychanalytique de Paris, 92n5, 93n11
society: “Lacan’s society” and, 92n5; madness and, 31, 35; nature and, 60–62; Plato with structure of, 75–77; psychoanalysis and, 31; reality principle and, 24–26, 27; social praxis and, 26–27; superego and, 30
Spinoza, Baruch, 85; Descartes and, xxvi–xxvii, 79–80; Ethics by, xxvii; with imaginary, materialism of, xxii, 80; influence, xxix; knowledge and, xxvii
spiritualism, viii, x
Spitz, René, 22, 52, 93n11
structure: phenomenology and structural analysis, xiii; Plato with structure of society, 75–77; psychology, structure of, 72–75; structural anthropology, 31; structuralism seminar (1962–1963), xxxi
subject: Descartes and, xxviii–xxix; humanization-subjectivization process, xxiii–xxiv, 51, 62, 64; “interpellation into subject,” xxiii; philosophy of intersubjectivity, xvi, 37, 39; with psychology, structures of, 73–75
superego, 25, 27, 29, 30, 66–67
surrealism, 40
technocratic ideology, x, xxv
terrorism. See intellectual terrorism
theory: biological, 6; economic, xxi, 6; energy theory in physics, 6; of ideology, premises to, xxi–xxx; the imaginary, 58, 80; inadequacy of psychoanalytic, 10–11; of knowledge, 86–87; pineal gland, 30; theoretical consciousness, 27–28, 38, 42; of unconscious, xix, xxii, 16, 64
therapy, 64; military analogy and, 8; with psychoanalysis, 7–8, 10; psychotherapy, 20, 33, 38
third-person knowledge, 34
Three Essays on Sexuality (S. Freud), 20
thumós, 76
Tort, Michel, xxxiii, 16, 20, 24, 91n4
Totem and Taboo (Freud, S.), 21, 47
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Spinoza), 80, 85
Traite des passions de lâme (Descartes), 78, 79–80
transcendence: “radical transcendence of the Subject,” ix; of unconscious, 71–72
Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect (Spinoza), xxvii
“trial of the mirror.”See mirror
truth: error and, xxvii, xxviii, 78–79, 81–84; knowledge and, xxvi–xxvii, 48; through psychoanalysis, 8
unconscious, 28, 36; consciousness with, 16, 18; Freud, Sigmund, and, xi, xix, xxii, xxix, 70; psychoanalysis and, xii, 90n13; psychology and, 18, 49, 64, 71; theory of, xix, xxii, 16, 64; transcendence of, 71–72
Victor. See wild boy of Aveyron
Wallon, Henri, 22–24, 93n12
wild boy of Aveyron (Victor), 51–57
“wild children.” See children
Wolff, Christian, 75, 96n23
Zurich Congress, 93n12