


January 20–February 18
Air Energy aquarius

Aquarius-born are the eleventh sign in the zodiac. Deemed shy, quiet, and introverted at birth, the air energy grows into deep thinkers, humanitarians, and intellectuals. They feel the feelings of the world, most of all any injustice or prejudice. It’s an Aquarian’s path to want to problem-solve. It doesn’t always come with fixing the problem, but sometimes they sit and stir within the problem, pointing fingers and imagining a better place.

The Aquarius enjoys being around a group of like believers who strive to also change the world; they require alone time to reground themselves to keep their aggressive, depressed, and/or moody personality at bay. If there’s no healthy balance of life, play, and work, Aquarians can feel so constrained by life that they become miserable and they try to make others around them feel the same way. The saying that misery loves company is very true, especially with the Aquarius. Be careful to not get caught in their web of negativity and instead send them love and step away for a moment.

Aquarians desire freedom for others, but also themselves. If they don’t get that, they feel “less than” and grow cold and shut out those who love them most. The Aquarius will choose to love or accept the love of people who are emotionally less than they deserve.

Aquarius Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Aquarius broken down:

Aquarius of First Decan: January 21–29
Ruled by Uranus.

Positive Energy Traits: This decan is imaginative and creative. They are free thinkers with a high moral compass and believe in the benefit of community. This Aquarius loves social events, especially if it helps with a cause. They are insightful and thoughtful. They like the unusual and aren’t afraid to stand out as unique.

Negative Energy Traits: The first decan jumps in and embraces themselves in so many group activities that in order to balance themselves they need to regroup with solitude. Only those close to them will see their depressed mood, as they typically mask it with a pasted smile and a helpful hand. Don’t be surprised, however, to see this Aquarius withdraw if they feel any form of confinement—whether a job or a relationship.

Aquarius of Second Decan: January 30–February 8
Ruled by Mercury.

Positive Energy Traits: Enthusiastic and playful, this decan gets bored easily and requires change. This Aquarius is intellectual and excels in academics, soaking up information and trying to continually feel fulfilled. They love to balance a hectic life with lying on the couch to watch a movie and fall asleep. They love social interaction, the inner workings of human psychology, the unknowns of spirituality, and the inner workings of communication.

Negative Energy Traits: If life gets too heavy, this Aquarius hides away. They pretend they can control the stresses of life, but the reality is that they delegate really well; they intellectualize amazingly, but they lack the ability to see things through. They want to problem-solve, but they want someone else to do the work.

Aquarius of Third Decan: February 9–18
Ruled by Venus.

Positive Energy Traits: This decan is sociable and romantic, loves to be loved, and loves to love. This Aquarian is graceful and humanitarian. They want the balance of life and hard work in both their personal world and their career for stability and justice. Their social group is large and everyone is meaningful. It is their natural compassion that makes them a wonderful friend.

Negative Energy Traits: The third decan of Aquarius is impulsive and then must deal with the consequences later. As much as they portray themselves as confident and together, they are mentally neurotic, second-guessing themselves and needing reassurance.

January Aquarius vs. February Aquarius

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

January Aquarius is future-oriented.

February Aquarius tries to deal with right now, right here.

January Aquarius loves to hang out with friends.

February Aquarius loves to hang out with friends, but they need their space.

January Aquarius is sarcastic but with a great sense of humor.

February Aquarius is loving.

January Aquarius can be detached.

February Aquarius is emotional.

January Aquarius comes across as aloof when stressed.

February Aquarius lashes out when stressed.

January Aquarius is determined.

February Aquarius is expressive.

January Aquarius doesn’t need to stand out and is humbled when they do.

February Aquarius wants to stand out and wants the applause.

Aquarius Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine January Aquarius: The feminine energy of an Aquarius in January is creative and imaginative with ideas and suggestions. They are competitive, with a quiet and sound command. If there’s a problem, this energy will solve it with methodical research, but also with love and caring, in hopes that all parties benefit. They do get bored easily, though, and must be kept busy with multiple jobs and hobbies. There is no such thing as being pulled in too many directions when it comes to this energy. The more on their plate, the happier they are.

Masculine January Aquarius: The masculine energy of an Aquarius in January has a difficult time communicating how they feel or how to ask how others feel. It is because of this that many masculine January Aquarians are labeled narcissistic or cold. To others they portray confidence, but it is done robotically, with lack of emotion. They want to be respected but will criticize others easily. This energy is dignified, intelligent, and forgiving. It’s just that they don’t want to be understood, and that can be frustrating.

Feminine February Aquarius: The feminine energy of an Aquarius in February loves to color outside the lines, not wanting to conform to standard society. This energy cares about humanitarian issues, caring more deeply than what many will ever understand. On a personal level this Aquarius detaches effortlessly. They get bored with day-to-day activities and will get bored in romantic relationships and work environments but feel forced to stay loyal and dedicated. It’s the complicated, empathic, hopeful, optimistic nature of this energy that often forces them into depression and anxiety. They want so badly to heal the world that they forget they need healing too.

Masculine February Aquarius: The masculine energy of an Aquarius in February is impulsive and curious. They believe their intuition and act upon it without reservation. This energy has a broad view, and always allows for more learning and understanding. This Aquarius is a non-conformist but is polite and dignified. If they disagree with your views, they’ll likely walk away with a smile and a shake of the head rather than a heated argument. They are witty, fun to be around, intelligent, and idealistic. It does take a while to get close to this energy as they keep a distance, and even when you’ve won their trust and their heart, they will still pull away. There’s a concern for commitment with them, which makes the saying “it’s not you but me” a true statement.

Aquarius Positive Traits


The Aquarius wants fairness and equality in the world, and often works in their own special way to wake up others to see the way an Aquarian does. They care, and want fairness and love to be the theme, always. They often will step in to help the underdog or to find others that can help the underdog or heal those who need healing. It might be a career choice, or simply involving themselves in their own unique way, or simply listening as someone shares their story. They are big dreamers and believe in progressiveness.

Great Listener

Talking to an Aquarian is never boring. Not only do they have stories to share, but they are generous with a lending, compassionate, and loving ear. With every conversation they come away with knowledge. It’s that type of wisdom that helps them offer useful advice, picking up every single detail.


Aquarius is never dull. They are unique and don’t care to fit into a certain group. It’s their eccentric and progressive ideas and viewpoints that make people like them. Because their ideas are so different, they are often classified as weird. Even a private person finds themselves confessing to an Aquarius. They have a sexual energy that makes both genders attracted to them. They have a thirst for new opportunities and experiences, and that makes them look fearless.

Aquarius Negative Traits


Aquarius has a rebellious side. Don’t you dare tell them what to do. Don’t you dare tell them how to think. They love their independent trait even if you don’t. If you restrict an Aquarian from being themselves, they will walk away. They aren’t afraid of breaking the rules, calling it needed in the name of progress.


If boredom or repetitive routines set in, you will likely see the Aquarius detach in the name of monotony. Adventure is important, even if in the mental form. Aquarius isn’t a fan of stressful situations or anything emotional. They will disappear like a magician, reappearing when life is more steady and calm, whether within them or around them.


The Aquarius has a mouth they can’t control, and it can come across surprisingly sarcastic, and sometimes just plain mean. They are opinionated, especially when upset; all the thoughts they’ve buried ruthlessly emerge.

Aquarius Keywords


Aquarius Communication Style

Aquarians are students of the zodiac. They love examining the intricacies of humans both consciously and subconsciously. The Aquarius doesn’t want fluff, or small talk. They want fun and engaging conversations that aren’t too deep. They want to be understood and they want to be stimulated mentally and spiritually, and for that to stir the sexuality of their body, mind, and soul.

Aquarius Misconceptions

An Aquarius Isn’t Lazy

Aquarians are often considered lazy. The Aquarius would prefer you not look at it that way, though; they prefer that you understand they need their own private time. They need space to decompress and reground. Sometimes they need assistance and some loving nudges so they don’t dive into some depression at great lengths.

Don’t Be an Aquarius, Aquarius

You are different, Aquarius, and we all know how much that uniqueness is important to you. One of your positive attributes is that you see things differently, with new, eccentric, and alternative ideas. Your lesson, Aquarius, is to not judge others because they don’t see things the way you do and instead embrace you for you, and them for them. When you can do that you become even more beautifully unique.

Thoughts from an Aquarius

Aquarians Move You

Ever changing, the Aquarian doesn’t want to be figured out, but they do what’s needed to be understood.

“Many believe those born under this sign are amicable and easy going; that we will ‘go with the flow,’ as it were. But what they fail to see is that we Aquarians are stubborn; think of what moving air can do—the desert is a perfect example, with its moving and shifting dunes. We are tenacious and unrelenting. Just as any wind can be warm, gentle, and encouraging at your back, we can be a cold, icy blast of truthfulness and honesty to your face. Because of the summer of love song ‘Age of Aquarius,’ we are often confused with the idea of peace. We want to challenge the status quo, to question authority, to make a difference. You may not see the air, but you will feel it and it will move you.”


It’s Hard to Look in the Mirror

Sometimes the things we dislike about another person are the traits we hate within ourselves.

“Growing up I never really paid attention to the zodiac signs, the stars, horoscopes, etc. I thought ‘This is just me. Life experiences have made me this way. I am overly emotional, detached, and unpredictable.’ These are unfortunately the negative traits of an Aquarius. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties and was more emotionally stable that I was able to recognize these same traits in others; instead of instantly disliking them, I would ask when their birthday was and knew why they were the way they were. It’s not that I don’t care for Aquarians; I suppose it’s just harder for me to like people who have the same traits that I dislike so much about myself. The plus side to an Aquarius is that we are very affectionate, imaginative, creative, loyal, and truthful. It’s not all about genetics and experiences. Zodiac signs do play a role. Whether we are ready to realize it. Whether we are open to it. Whether we are ready to accept it. Embrace who you are. Make a daily attempt to love every part of you just as others do!”


A Diamond

Aquarians love to be multifaceted, complex, private—and yet they want others to only see their shiny qualities while hiding imperfections with the sparkle.

“We are imaginative, creative problem-solvers who often see the big picture when others can only visualize the minutia. We are convinced we could save the world if we could figure out how to get everyone else to listen to our often-unconventional solutions. But because we usually can’t get everyone aligned with our worldview, we get frustrated. We pull back. We go quiet. When you see descriptions of people born under the sun sign Aquarius as being aloof, detached, or cold, it’s often for this reason. We’ve put forth our best ideas, and too many times those ideas have been shoved aside. Over time, we get so discouraged that we learn to clam up, to shut down, to stop putting forth these wild ideas that could be truly revolutionary if only they were given a chance.”


Aquarius and Relationships


Aquarians love an adventure, and just as quickly love to change the plans in an instant and settle for a movie night at home. An Aquarius loves to love and to be loved. They are sensitive and romantic. They truly want their partner to be their best friend. An Aquarian wants someone who will challenge them and care for them too.


An Aquarius gets bored easily and can be fickle if their partner isn’t entertaining them in life or in intimacy. The unpredictability, while cute in dating, can be exhausting when it comes to real-life relationships. The other challenge is the Aquarian’s withdrawal and pouting times. It’s not just that it happens; it happens often.

Aquarius in the Workplace


Aquarians are not particularly suited to be bosses. They are impulsive, impatient, get disinterested often, and are quickly frustrated. Although, if your boss is an Aquarius, they are generous and kind-hearted. They make a better coworker or friend than a supervisor.


The Aquarius boss likes constant change and improvements, although sometimes the improvements are simply reinventing what isn’t even broken. The rules change constantly with an Aquarius boss, and nothing is routine or fixed.

Parenting an Aquarius Child


Social: Your Aquarian child loves to socialize with other kids, and they also love to sit down with adults and learn from them. They typically have a lot of friends and love to participate in lots of activities.

Smart: The Aquarius loves to learn and does a pretty great job of staying on top of their academics. They are highly inquisitive and learn by experience.

Helper: Your little Aquarian marches to their own beat, but the rhythm is always helpful and humanitarian. Don’t be surprised if your little one wants to donate their birthday gifts or raise money for children with cancer.


Absent-Minded: The parent of an Aquarius needs to help their child stay focused. They tend to get bored and derail. They don’t love strict schedules and routine, so they do need spontaneity.

Strong-Willed: Don’t you dare put limitations on your Aquarius. They don’t like to be limited or feel constrained and will rebel if you do. They need their freedom.

Emotional: The Aquarius child can withdraw and become depressed. They need reassurance and constant communication of support. They don’t like broken promises and will remember them into adulthood.

Aquarius as a Parent


Attached: An Aquarian parent is very attached to their children and will do anything they can to help make a wonderful and enjoyable life for them.

Unique: The Aquarian parent will not be typical or ordinary. They are unique in the way they parent, where vacations take place, and even what food choices are made.

Intuitive: The Aquarian parent is sensitive and intuitive. They will understand more about their child than what their child communicates to them.


Withdrawn: Some might see it as sensitivity. Some might see it as depression. Whatever you call it, Aquarians are notoriously known for feeling so much that they must retreat.

Frustrated: Outwardly they may look calm and together, afraid to communicate with anyone about what they are feeling, except maybe sarcasm. It can bring long-term issues such as depression. It can also make the child feel as if they aren’t helping to make their parent happy enough.

Rule Breakers: Although the Aquarius parent values the system of education and rules, they rarely stick to the trends of traditions. When everyone else in class is bringing cupcakes for their birthday, the Aquarian parent may simply call it ridiculous and not do it.

Aquarius and Finances

The theme of not wanting to be figured out crawls into an Aquarian’s financial picture as well. One day they are all about saving, and the next they are booking a month-long trip to Ireland and then feeling remorseful after the adventure when they look at their bank statement. Then they do it all over again a few months later.

Moon in Aquarius

When the moon is in the sign of Aquarius, your emotions will be extra potent to help you eliminate what isn’t serving you well in your life, and to help usher in some newness.

New Moon in Aquarius

This New Moon will take some action on your part. Remember the last time you experienced rejection and felt as if you couldn’t even move, but then something fabulous happened and you wondered why you were acting like a lovesick teenager? Well, this New Moon offers you a fresh start. But there’s no miracle; there’s work and action that can make it so.

The week before this New Moon lends itself to many concerns over financial situations, friendship and family drama, and frustrations that make many feel super emotional. Remember that tomorrow is always another day. You can only do as much as you can. You are human and not super-human.

What You May See during the Aquarius New Moon Phase:


A busy social calendar.

Lending a helping hand.

Pursuing inventive ideas.

Being over emotional and easily annoyed.



Full Moon in Aquarius

With the moon being in the sign of Aquarius you will more than likely want to feel free: free from relationships that aren’t working, friendships that are stifled, and situations that are making you feel uncomfortable. Over the next couple of days you may feel as if someone or some situation has been strangling you, and you will no longer take it. This is the best time to write out what and who you are upset with and burn or rip it up. Release, cry, stomp up and down—but get it out. Then affirm what you want from others, and water, fertilize, and care for that.

Soul Work

Draw a circle of protection around you by imagining an angel scattering rose petals all around you. You feel the anxiety and negativity wash away. You smell the scent and you feel relaxed immediately. Notice your thoughts, judgments, distractions, and worries disappearing as you feel safe and secure in the ring of petals from heaven. As you reground yourself to your positive thoughts and ideas, ask your angels these questions and then listen: What adventures should I choose right now? What can I do to help the world? What am I avoiding right now? How can I let go of feeling overly sensitive about what I’m avoiding? Thank the angels for their time and take the messages forward.

Now Is the Time

Do spend some time journaling. Don’t get passive-aggressive and avoid what needs to be handled. Do look at ways to spend time with a social circle. Don’t detach from the people who’ve always been there for you. Do look at ways to help in a humanitarian way. Don’t miss out on opportunities because you are so caught up in “what ifs.” Do celebrate your accomplishments. Don’t mistake monotony for boredom; everything takes time to grow, even you.

Aquarius Totem Animal


Aquarius is a true peacock. Known for their beautiful souls and ability to inspire others, Aquarians are the spiritual incarnation of a brilliant peacock on full display. An Aquarius lets you know who they are up front and doesn’t try to hide, nor do they want to hide. Just like a peacock showing his immense, gorgeous train, the Aquarian has a brilliant energy that people are attracted to and enamored with. Peacocks and Aquarians both have a mean streak, though, and will chase anyone down who bothers them.

The peacock offers a gift of:





