


February 19–March 20
Water Energy pisces

The last and twelfth sign in the zodiac is Pisces. Depicted by a fish pair, the Pisces is changeable—a mystical poet without just one identity. They take on every attribute, positive and negative, of every single zodiac sign, which makes Pisces complicated.

The Pisces always flow into different waters and dreamy worlds. They are compassionate, romantic, and intuitive, always knowing more than what they should, without anyone saying a thing. Pisces are particularly sensitive to negativity and lies and will be ruthless, resentful, and unforgiving. Many who love the Pisces pull away from them because of their moodiness. As much as they may know what others are thinking, they expect everyone else to know their ever-changing moods just the same. It comes across as secretive and sometimes manipulative and is done unintentionally; it is hardwired into their makeup.

Pisces are hard on themselves, being their own worst enemies, and take on the happiness of others, a tough and unrealistic job. They constantly battle how they should feel and how they should act, and yet tell others how they should feel and how they should act.

Pisces are indecisive and are daydreamers; they don’t always pay attention to what others are saying and often rewrite the past with their own version. They are open-minded, and they do well surrounded by strong, empathic, and confident people.

Pisces Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Pisces broken down:

Pisces of First Decan: February 19–29
Ruled by Neptune.

Positive Energy Traits: This decan is imaginative and creative. They are highly intuitive and caring. They are great managers and are often steps ahead of most. This Pisces is romantic and sensitive, they don’t like drama and would prefer stability—if someone else is creating it.

Negative Energy Traits: This Pisces wanders around life not knowing who they are, what they want to be, and pretending that they don’t much care, all the while caring. Finances for this Pisces can be summed up as a nightmare. They love their things and they love buying things for not only themselves but others, too, which makes their bank account suffer. They have zero filter and will tell it like it is, even if it hurts your feelings.

Pisces of Second Decan: March 1–10
Ruled by the Moon.

Positive Energy Traits: This Pisces is the giver. They love seeing others happy and that makes them feel happy in return. They are the feelers and the knowers, with an intense personality not everyone understands. They are shy and private, and sometimes closed off, but they don’t portray that attribute to be difficult.

Negative Energy Traits: This decan is the expert victim and is good with the emotionally abusive passive communication. A dark and depressed sense of humor, they feel lonely even when people are around. Overly sensitive, this Pisces is often sick—if not physically, then mentally or spiritually.

Pisces of Third Decan: March 11–20
Ruled by Pluto.

Positive Energy Traits: This Pisces has an intense personality and emotions run very deep. Although intuitive, they are less sensitive than the other decans. They are creative, adaptable, and pragmatic in seeing things from a visionary perspective.

Negative Energy Traits: This Pisces lives within their own reality, a head full of unrealistic jealousies and resentments. This decan needs a lot of time to themselves, which makes them seem temperamental and moody.

February Pisces vs. March Pisces

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

February Pisces is blunt.

March Pisces will share their truths.

February Pisces rarely moves on when hurt.

March Pisces will move on when hurt but will play with the scars.

February Pisces is laid back.

March Pisces is high maintenance.

February Pisces is fearful and becomes lazy out of fear.

March Pisces is fearful, but it drives them.

February Pisces is good at being a con artist.

March Pisces is good at victimizing themselves.

February Pisces can lie to your face and not feel bad.

March Pisces will lie and feel awful.

February Pisces is arrogant.

March Pisces is compassionate.

February Pisces is real.

March Pisces puts on an act and pretends.

Pisces Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine February Pisces: The feminine energy of a Pisces in February is gentle and compassionate. Mystical and sensitive, the feminine February Pisces is complicated. One moment quiet and contemplative, the next charming and the life of the party, and the next brooding and depressed.

Masculine February Pisces: The masculine energy of a Pisces in February is fun-loving and spontaneous. They often hide serious situations by adding doses of humor, mostly to protect their own soft heart. Although motivated, this energy doesn’t necessarily care about conventional success or financial gain. They are secretive, especially regarding money. It’s easy to be suspicious of them because they don’t divulge everything; to them details are a waste of time and energy, and details just plain bore them. Romantic and creative, this energy is fun to have as a friend, but is exhausting to have as a romantic partner.

Feminine March Pisces: The feminine energy of a Pisces in March has an unpredictable nature: one moment happy and laughing, the next bitter, critical, and crying. This energy is known for fibbing and creating stories that make them believe everything they’ve said, making the other party wonder what is true or not. It’s hard to trust this Pisces with their fragile nature that makes it hard to get close and love. Yet, what this energy craves most of all is support, fun, and love. This Pisces is a worrier from birth on, and as they get older the worry can turn to depression, especially regarding financial issues.

Masculine March Pisces: The masculine energy of a Pisces in March is put off by negativity and yet may just be the one throwing out the most of it in their world. They want the world to be a better place but can often become lazy and consumed by how it should be done instead of just making changes to get it done. They are good with money, balancing, and budgeting. Sensitive, they take things at face value. Although they do have a sense of intuition, they attempt to rationalize it with black-and-white details and work best under a routine. This energy would prefer to live as simply as possible, not consumed with senseless worry and stresses.

Pisces Positive Traits


The Pisces is imaginative and creative. It doesn’t always equate to painting a picture or working as an interior designer. They don’t live in a black-and-white world; they see and feel in color. They offer the world unique views, imagination, and a dreamy outlook on life. They want to understand others and the way they tick.

Laid Back

Carefree, the Pisces is laid back and doesn’t want to get hung up on details. They are easy-going and flexible. They rarely hold grudges and will forgive. The Pisces sees all sides of the story, which often makes it difficult to make decisions, but it also helps them stay neutral with others.


The Pisces loves to learn, research, and explore. They like to learn about people, their inner workings, and explore ideas. You may find a Pisces digging through biographies or watching documentaries, always searching for knowledge and exploring information.

Pisces Negative Traits


Although easy-going, the Pisces is impatient, especially if it has anything to do with time. They don’t like waiting and they require the world to work on the Pisces timeline. Anything other than that is unacceptable. The restlessness makes them angry and feel disrespected.


The Pisces mood shifts from happy to miserable with the snap of a finger. They are finely attuned to the energies of others through their intuitive and empathic gifts. It’s like they’re a sponge and can chameleon through others’ moods. Not complicated or anything.


Pisces want to save the world. They find the broken and put their all into fixing them, then get frustrated when it is assumed that their advice is judgmental. They assume that things can happen at the snap of a finger and get upset with others when they share the reality of the situation. It’s maddening for everyone, including the Pisces.

Pisces Keywords


Pisces Communication Style

A Pisces can be on and just as quickly turn themselves off. They might invite you to their home for a dinner party, and then withdraw alone to do the dishes in the kitchen or watch a television show in the den. As social as a Pisces might want to be, they are just as introverted. The conversation must stay imaginative and dreamy, but as soon as it turns serious, they’re out.

Pisces Misconceptions

Pisces hardly have a filter, and because of their open opinions, it comes across as judgmental. The Pisces sees things the way they want to see it. They are intuitive and see things clearer than most. They are smart and know more than they get credit for. So, when they offer suggestions or advice, it is meant to be caring. They want the best of the best for everyone—they don’t mean it in a judgmental way as much as it may sound that way; they are just honest to a fault.

Don’t Be a Pisces, Pisces

Don’t stop dreaming, Pisces. Your head-in-the-clouds attribute is endearing, but you do have to join the real world sometimes. You do things your way almost all the time, withdrawing whether you are happy or sad. In your head you have the best fights, but rarely share any of those thoughts. You may want to fight and scream, share and fix, but instead life goes unresolved. Your lesson, Pisces, is that life can be easier if you stop ignoring the issues in life and learn how to better communicate.

Thoughts from a Pisces

The Flow of Life

Pisces have a perception of what life should look like and it rarely is the way it is. They go with the flow until the frustration sets in and they withdraw and grow moody.

“I am a friendly person, always drawn to unique and intelligent people. I’m sensitive and need my down time because I am the magnet to everyone everywhere wanting to tell me their life story and in need of advice. Sometimes it gets to be too much, but I go with the flow anyway until I can explore an outlet. Pisces love the water and music, good food and the arts. Anything that feels good, smells good, tastes good, and is good—it’s why we can become depressed, because life isn’t always good. In the world of Pisces, we want it to be, though. We see how it could be and then we see how it is and get frustrated. It’s not that we want to be difficult; we just don’t always want to participate in this world, and we don’t have the energy in changing the world to be the way we see it should be.”


Happy to Be a Pisces

Pisces are often taken advantage of because of their kind hearts, and because of this they can feel vulnerable and bitter. Learning how to balance the Pisces and only give to those who deserve it will help the Pisces continue to stay happy to be a Pisces.

“I can’t imagine being anything other than a Pisces. I’ve always loved everything about the water. I think of myself as a mermaid in spirit. When I think of being a Pisces or anything Piscean, I think: gratitude, familiarity, comfort. It just seems right. My Piscean nature connects me with nature and spirit. My head is in the clouds, as it were, and that’s fine. I am psychic, intuitive, and an empath. I have always been in tune with the astral, the dream world. I’ve been using crystals, the tarot, and other so-called New Age tools to access my subconscious and communicate with ‘the other’ for decades, and I can share these spiritual, metaphysical thoughts and experiences with others in a positive way.”


Best of the Last

The final sign of the zodiac wheel takes on all the positive and negative attributes of all the other astrological signs, making Pisces complicated and amazing in twelve different ways.

“I am the final sign in the zodiac circle. Imagine: You walk around the block, writing down one or two things about each house you pass, Aries being the starting house. By the time you reach my home, you would have picked up a little info of each of the other homes. That’s me. I have a visible trait of each of the other signs. My head may seem ‘up in the clouds’ but that’s only because I’m planning my week, the grocery list, the vacation for my family with the money I’ve saved each paycheck. I seem intuitive because I am a little bit of everyone. I love being a Pisces. I love being me.”


Pisces and Relationships


A Pisces is a supportive, compassionate, and loving partner. They love to offer advice (even if they don’t like to take advice themselves). They are intuitive and accurate with life situations, having a good handle on reading others. The Pisces loves to travel and explore, experiencing all the beauty the world can offer. The more colorful and less realistic the better. Being loved by a Pisces is a gift. They are sensitive and often selfless. Pisces do need to be cared for in a gentle way and require loyalty, dedication, honesty, and tact. They love to be loved, are sexual, and are snugglers. They love family and traditions and will put the ones they love above themselves.


The Pisces make themselves vulnerable by the way they love. If it isn’t reciprocated, then they become manipulative and scary angry. If they are lied to or betrayed, they will be vengeful and vindictive. The Pisces needs alone time and plenty of it. If they don’t get enough, then they will be moody and lash out. They are indecisive and their mind tends to wander, so don’t expect them to hear everything in your conversation. They don’t like anything connected to reality and stress if it deals with finances or illnesses and will put imaginary headphones on. Look for a lot of pouting if they don’t get enough time with you.

Pisces in the Workplace


The Pisces as a boss uses their skills in every creative way, no matter the industry or business. They help the staff to better understand one another. They are hard workers, supportive, and like to inspire. They aren’t the best bosses, though, as they are sensitive and don’t want to be authoritative figures, although they believe they are great leaders. They’d rather not be in the spotlight unless they choose to be.


The Pisces boss doesn’t like rules, and they get easily bored with the day-to-day tasks. They get overwhelmed easily and become moody and can become aggressive, withdrawing.

Parenting a Pisces Child


Gentle Souls: The Pisces child is a gentle soul. They are caring and compassionate, loving and thoughtful. They try to not get in the way, doing well keeping themselves busy. Make certain to be kind to them, but truthful too.

Passionate: Pisces finds something they’re interested in and it will keep them focused and occupied. Whether a toy or an activity, there’s a sense of loyalty from birth on with a Pisces, and their choices are meaningful. If they are acting moody or bored, help them find that passion.

Daydreamers: Pisces children see things in technicolor and need to embrace drawing, writing, dancing, music, acting, a sport, or anything else creative or imaginative. You’ll likely see them more excited about an extracurricular activity than a scholastic one, although they are intelligent.


Sensitive: Sensitive Pisces take everything to heart, even the things that have nothing to do with them. It’s important to communicate with the Pisces, reassuring and expressing your love. They aren’t fragile, they are just sensitive and concerned about everyone else’s happiness, sometimes forgetting about their own.

Manipulative: The Pisces loves to run away from their problems. If they failed a test, you’ll likely find it bunched up in the bottom of their backpack without a word from your little one. If it’s not bunched up in the bottom of their backpack, you’ll likely get a call from the teacher wondering when you started signing paperwork with a crayon. They don’t like to disappoint and will avoid facing real-life issues.

Daydreamers: A Pisces child is imaginative and a dreamer. They don’t much like micromanaging or authoritative figures, wanting instead to be respected like a peer. The Pisces teenager feels as if they need to fight the system, and this can make them embrace an addictive personality. The cause is often attributed to being the last in the zodiac, much like a pup in a litter who has to fight for food.

Pisces as a Parent


Nurturing: The Pisces parent is nurturing and caring, wanting to provide emotional support for their child. Many times, they take what they didn’t receive in their own childhood and offer that and more to their own children.

Encouraging: The Pisces parent gives lots of imaginative freedom and will encourage their child to be their own unique self. They are loving and caring, not afraid of spoiling their child if it helps direct them to their wants, needs, and passions.

Fun: The Pisces parent is the fun parent. Rules? What rules? Bedtime? Nope. Want to skip school? Sure. They don’t love rules in their own life and will rarely impose regulations on their child. Now, there’re negatives and positives with this if the child requires a strict parent.


Unrealistic: The Pisces parent wants to spend time with their kids and is unrealistic and sometimes unhealthy with the needs and wants they put on their kids.

Depressed: The Pisces is an introvert and moody. When they are overwhelmed with life circumstances they withdraw. Although normally carefree, they do go into a doom-and-gloom state more than others. They will isolate themselves, even their own children.

Narcissist: It’s really all about what a Pisces wants and how it feeds their needs. They will play victim and hold it against anyone and everyone, including their children. It’s often fueled from their own insecurity and lack of self-worth.

Pisces and Finances

Pisceans don’t care much about the money they earn so long as their mission is right on track and their conscience is clear. February Pisceans tend to struggle with saving and would be happiest if they could be a philanthropist. March Pisceans worry about not having enough. No matter how money is being made, Pisces representatives can earn easily thanks to their energy, imagination, and creativity.

Moon in Pisces

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and it is a spunky energy. During this moon energy, you will likely be even more of a psychic sponge. You are already a sponge to energy, but you will feel even heavier when the moon is anywhere near Pisces. A bit snarky, this energy will likely have you mumbling under your breath your true feelings about everything and anyone. Truths have a way of being revealed under the Pisces moons that can be hurtful and insightful, but also healing once worked through.

With the moon visiting the sign of Pisces, it can awaken your intuitive side. Dreams might be a bit more intense, with symbolism and messages that you need to pay close attention to. Your animals may react to things unseen. You may feel like you’ve just had it, burned out with life and then some.

New Moon in Pisces

The Piscean New Moon spotlights the creative, fun, and romantic personality within you. You might notice yourself feeling lazy (relaxed) and not wanting to do anything but daydream, nap, read a book, play on Facebook, and so on. Past drama might be dredged up in your mind along with a feeling of being unjustified. This is when it is a good time to not just push that aside but throw it away and realize that the past is the past and the hands of the clock go forward, not back.

What to expect during the Pisces New Moon:

Finding humor to push away the sorrow.

Enhanced creativity.

Festering in past issues.

Being overly emotional.

Full Moon in Pisces

Pay attention to the lessons that are being revealed to you. These are messages to release, not analyze and obsess over. This insight is to help you heal, release, and move forward. Be careful to not get caught up in those who want to cause drama and trip you as you journey through your own healing.

Soul Work

Pisces energy often has us review the past heartaches. During the moon energy it’s time to release the past. Send back misfortunes and injustice to the person you feel has sent it your way. Light a white candle in front of a small mirror and dab the four corners of the mirror with vinegar. With the mirror reflecting the flame, you can call on your guides and angels and simply say, “With the help of the moon, make ______ realize soon that any harm or misery cursed be returned and reversed.” You are not sending harm to that person; you are simply returning what was done to you.

Now Is the Time

Do explore your creative side. Don’t be gullible. Do some journaling. Don’t be too clingy. Do reach out to family and friends that you’ve been feeling drawn to connect (or reconnect) with. Don’t be a cosmic sponge and absorb other people’s negative energy. Do go shopping and buy yourself something pretty. Don’t forget how powerful you are.

Pisces Totem Animal


Wolves are highly intuitive and loyal. The energy of the wolf needs a loyal and interesting romance that ebbs and flows with their varying moods. They feel complete with their pack of family around them and will nurture them. The wolf energy is a source of lunar power, seeing more and knowing more than others. The wolf is a guardian and an ally. Although many are frightened by the wolf, they are reasonable, even if they might nip, growl, and sometimes bite. The wolf pretends they don’t care, or that they are independent, but the reality is they feel deeply and love passionately. The lesson for the wolf is to learn how to communicate clearly, trust the intuition, and stay motivated.

The wolf offers a gift of:




