


April 20–May 20
Earth Energy taurus

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus is an earth sign and is represented by the wandering bull. Many Taurus believe that it is their job to be secure, taking all that the Aries planted and making it grow. The misconception of the Taurus is that they are stubborn like the bull their astrological sign represents. While strong will can be a trait (especially when angry), a Taurus is overall very gentle, loving, and loyal, and will bend over backward for those they love—they just don’t want to be taken for granted. When that occurs, they show you that bull-like temper and forgiveness doesn’t come easily.

Taurus energy is all about hard work and reliability. This energy takes work, financial situations, and life very seriously, and they put a lot of pressure on themselves. Taurean energy likes the nicer things in life and will make the extra effort to insure those. Often practical and pragmatic (sometimes to a fault), they just don’t play well with stupid people or those who lack common sense. And they especially have a lack of tolerance around those who don’t pull their weight. No matter the challenge, though, the Taurus will take it on. But watch out, there’s often moodiness and anxiety that shines through, even though they think they’ve masked it well.

Taurus Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Taurus broken down:

Taurus of First Decan: April 20–30
Ruled by Venus.

Positive Energy Traits: Determined and stable. A mediator and lover of peace and love. This Taurus is soft-hearted and wears just the right shade of rose-colored glasses. They love to indulge in all things that would use their five senses. Whether it’s enchanting aromas, delicious foods, amazing vacations, or a gentle touch, they love to share in the experiences with those they love.

Negative Energy Traits: This Taurus has trouble adjusting to new ideas and situations, unless it comes from their own suggestions. They can get stuck in their own comfort zone and habits and be unmovable with what anyone else wants in that moment. This Taurus loves to love the best of the best, and it often comes with buyer’s remorse and having to quickly figure out the finances.

Taurus of Second Decan: May 1–10
Ruled by Mercury.

Positive Energy Traits: This Taurus loves to communicate their thoughts and feelings. They are charming, thoughtful, tactful, and loving. If your mom was rushed to the hospital, this Taurus would show up and wait with you. Knee deep in a home project? This Taurus would get their overalls on, but not before YouTubing to see how to do the said project and coming with all the tools and expertise.

Negative Energy Traits: Can sometimes come across as shy or aloof. Often overly realistic and pragmatic, especially with finances. This Taurus often takes on more than they can chew, and they are met with chaos and confusion trying to time-manage themselves at the last minute.

Taurus of Third Decan: May 11–21
Ruled by Saturn.

Positive Energy Traits: Loyal, disciplined, and steady. Caring and mostly patient, this Taurus is hardworking and would prefer to make their own ladder, figure out how to make it as balanced and steady as possible, so they, themselves, can climb it without anyone helping. They will happily celebrate their own hustle and perseverance with beaming pride.

Negative Energy Traits: This Taurus has an unusual sense of humor that only some may understand. They have a stable and grounded personality that some may view as boring and dull. They are a bit of a taskmaster, requiring everyone to be on the same page as them at the same time; otherwise their stress shows bright.

April Taurus vs. May Taurus

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

The April Taurus is pragmatic and practical.

The May Taurus pretends they are pragmatic and practical.

The April Taurus is laid back.

The May Taurus is wound tight.

The April Taurus is shy with regard to romance.

The May Taurus is flirtatious.

The April Taurus can be rude, especially when things aren’t going their way.

The May Taurus is great with silent treatments.

The April Taurus is sweet.

The May Taurus can be arrogant.

The April Taurus is afraid of hurting others’ feelings.

The May Taurus runs away so as not to have to deal with others’ feelings.

Taurus Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine April Taurus: The feminine energy of a Taurus in April is confident, intelligent, and determined. They may pretend to be tougher than they are, but they are very compassionate and nurturing. They don’t like to be wrong and will fib to make themselves look more right than they really are.

Masculine April Taurus: The masculine energy of a Taurus in April was born to be a leader. They are career-oriented and strong-willed. Although they may come across as tough and emotionally detached, they are very romantic and thoughtful; you simply have to win them over with your truthfulness and vulnerability and they will respond accordingly.

Feminine May Taurus: The feminine Taurus in May is a powerhouse. They are exactly who they show you they are. Emotional, empathic, and loyal, the feminine Taurus in May shares their sweetness with everyone—just don’t backstab them because they will cut you off and not think twice.

Masculine May Taurus: The masculine Taurus in May try. They don’t always try hard, though, and can be perceived as lazy. It’s not necessarily that they want to lie on the couch and not do anything, or tinker on their laptop or game unit; it’s sometimes their escape from their anxiety. They really don’t want everyone to see all of them, and they can be temperamental. They are competitive with themselves. They are romantic and thoughtful when they let you get close to them.

Taurus Positive Traits


The bull is one of the most solid in the zodiac. The Taurus will jump at the chance to help anyone and go above and beyond. For example, if you’re moving, a Taurus won’t bail on you; instead, they will rent the best moving truck for you and delegate a plan of efficiency and time management.


You will likely find a Taurus with their tablet, phone, and laptop nearby at the same time. Although they will play a game here or there, they’d rather gain information about whatever they can soak up. One site may be open to the word of the day while the other is a YouTube video on how to work on their car engine, and the other is a recipe on how to brine the best turkey. The Taurus isn’t afraid to take on new responsibilities, sign up for classes, or learn whatever it is they need to or whatever sparks their interest. The Taurus never lacks an endless mental cabinet of knowledge.


The Taurus is hardworking, loyal, and practical. They prefer stability and security, which makes them loyal employees, bosses, friends, and partners. The Taurus has an entrepreneurial mind and they know how to calmly deal with issues.

Taurus Negative Traits


The Taurus likes to live the good life. Although the Taurus will try to keep up frugal financial appearances, don’t let the bull fool you—the credit card statements are just hidden well. They do, however, figure out the finances. Although the Taurus is smart enough to know that they can’t take their possessions with them to the grave, they will hoard as much as they can to try to fulfill something emotionally missing in their life. They want the best of the best, and they don’t care if there’s a coupon or discount or not.


With the Taurus and their intellect and motivated drive, a negative of being lazy sounds like an oxymoron. However, the Taurus can be incredibly lazy unless it benefits them or is interesting to them. You will know when a Taurus isn’t stimulated because they are good at ignoring and going into idle mode.


When things don’t go well for the go-getter Taurus, they quickly become frustrated and short-tempered. The bull festers and then everything frustrating about the now, the past, and the possible future heats up the emotions and an argument is sure to ensue. You might say black, they will say white. When emotional, the Taurus rarely sees any gray area. The Taurus is a fixed sign, which means they fix themselves to their beliefs. It’s hard to change their minds, and they will happily challenge your ideas, opinions, and arguments.

Taurus Keywords


Taurus Communication Style

The Taurus isn’t a small talker, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t communicators. They believe actions speak loudly, and they don’t want to waste their time or breath on small talk, useless conversation, or superficial relationships. To capture the attention of a Taurus, do it over a scrumptious dinner, or next to a comfortable fire, and make sure the communication is lively. Soon enough the Taurus will open up. They are amazing listeners and will remember something you told them years ago, so be careful what you say.

Taurus Misconceptions

Only Wants the Finer Things

Yes, the Taurus likes their things, but the stereotype that everything they want is flashy, fast, and fun is often a major misconception. Ask a Taurus what matters most and it won’t be their bling or the sport’s car, it will be their friends and family.

Don’t Be a Taurus, Taurus

Taurus, you don’t like to be wrong—we get it. The thing is, sometimes you are and then you cover it with lies and manipulation. You are loved for being so solid and grounded, but not so much for the “it’s my way or no way” attitude. Notorious for being stubborn, your lesson is that compromise isn’t losing and that everyone is wrong sometimes. Yes, even you, Taurus.

Thoughts from a Taurus

The Ambivert

Many Taurean energies are ambiverts, meaning they are very social, but on a dime, they decide not to be and would rather call in for pizza and play on their laptop. You may have plans canceled often with a Taurus, but don’t ask them to explain themselves as that will just push them away.

“Being a Taurus is like being a combination of completely loyal, trustworthy, reliable, honest, compassionate, empathetic, and giving, with a touch of rage if you take me for granted! This is a challenge to overcome and learn to handle things in a different, positive way. By using the positive traits, I’ve also learned how to voice my feelings and stand up for myself when walked on. It creates a nice balance effect and a more peaceful lifestyle. I’ll give you everything but don’t pull me by my horns!”



They have been known to love things gaudy and loud, but it is true that Taureans are creative and have eclectic taste. A Taurean needs to live with beauty around them. This isn’t always materialistic, though; it’s a calming, beautiful energy that can also mean a happy home or the company they keep.

“I’m a lover of all things beautiful, from art and jewelry, nature, to being comfortable yet practical in my home. I am very compassionate about all living things even down to spiders who terrify me, which is probably why I’m a natural-born vegetarian. I’m an artist and writer at heart with a love for taking photos of whatever catches my eye.”



A Taurus energy is most known for their hard-headed, stubborn-
like qualities, but emotional isn’t a quality that you typically hear when describing “the bull.” The stubbornness is often because they want everything perfect, not for just themselves but for the ones they love.

“Over the years, I’ve come to embrace being a male Taurus. Most people think because we are ‘hard-headed’ that real emotion doesn’t exist in our realm. It’s quite the contrary. I think that most Taurus men, myself included, have an emotional side/soft spot that we try to hide because we don’t want to seem or feel less masculine. When I’m sad, I tend to bottle up those emotions, so as not to ‘bother’ those around me. It’s not an easy feat for me to be open about my emotions, but when I feel comfortable enough with someone, it tends to not be an issue. When it comes to friendships, I am one of the most loyal people you could meet and would do anything for the people I love. As far as relationships, although we don’t always show much emotion, we have a very romantic side and will do anything to show love and affection to whomever we are pursuing or whomever we are involved with. I see my Taurus side often, including being stubborn, but at the same time I am extremely reliable and responsible and always willing to take on new challenges.”


Taurus and Relationships


A Taurus is reliable, loyal, and somewhat predictable. Those who need a bit more pizazz in a relationship may consider the Taurus dull. Taureans are homebodies, but they do love a night out once in a while. They can pretty much make themselves content in any environment. The dependability and surprisingly romantic energy of a Taurus makes for a sweet relationship. They love intellectual conversations.

Taurus energies love things that smell good, taste good, feel good, and sound good. They are simpler than they try to present themselves to be.


Taurus energies need a degree of patience. They take everything very slowly, including romantic relationships and friendships. Trust must be earned. Taurus energies don’t love to partake in serious discussions unless they initiate it. If you attempt to second-guess their decisions or counsel them on their past, they will shut down. The more you push, the harder it is to win that emotional trust back.

Taurus in the Workplace


Your Taurus boss is hard-working, dependable, and calm. They do well with those who are self-starters and those who don’t need to be micromanaged, as they put a lot on their own plate and don’t have time to babysit their staff. If, by chance, there is someone who needs extra energy, you will see the Taurus anxiety and grumpiness come out. They like meetings and make sure everyone is on common ground.

A Taurus boss will tell you what they need and how they need it. They are likely to share their own successes with others who have helped along the path.


Taurus bosses have a hard time dealing with others who try to backstab or undermine them. They don’t love exaggerated personalities and instead do better with someone who likes routine and order like they do. If the Taurus isn’t happy, you will likely get the cold shoulder.

Parenting a Taurus Child

Your little Taurean is relentless. They will do whatever it is to tire their parents down so that they give in and the child can get their way. It’s important to set rules, regulations, and teach the Taurean child proper boundaries.


Happy: The Taurus child is typically very happy, caring, affectionate, loyal, loving, and needs love.

Emotionally Stable: One of the most stable of all zodiacs, the Taurus child is pretty easy to understand; they just need a routine and consistency that works for everyone.

Earthy: The Taurus child isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty or their feet in the ocean water. They love to be outside exploring.

Musical: Hand your Taurus child a musical instrument, a pot and spoon, or turn up the music and you’ll see your Taurus flourish.

Dedicated: Taurus children are very loving and loyal. They are dedicated to those who love them.


Lazy: Taurus children are often seen as lazy, but although they may not always be physically inclined, they are continually exercising intellectually. The Taurus child does not like to be pushed to do anything and will stand their ground, digging in their heels, which can cause a lot of frustration.

Temper: Just know that the temper tantrums are fierce, and you will likely see that play out more times than you’d like to. And they are stubborn; the more you push, the more they push back.

Needs Routine: Taurus children need routine and consistency. You will see the stubbornness of the Taurus when they have a parent who is unorganized or spontaneous.

Overly Confident: Despite the typical stereotype of being strong-willed, Taurus children are so much smarter than what they believe. They pretend to have high self-esteem, but they often second-guess themselves.

Taurus as a Parent


Stability: A Taurus parent wants stability for their child and offers consistency with doses of fun.

Confidence: They rarely talk down to their child and instead want to instill confidence and independence for their child, trying to encourage and love.

Nature-loving: The Taurus parent tends to love nature and the outdoors and wants to give their child the same experiences, whether hiking or gardening.

Traditional: A Taurus parent tends to be quite traditional, whether with holiday traditions or bedtime traditions.

Balanced: Kind and compassionate, a Taurus parent is very grounded. They love to have fun, all the while showing that hard work and fun have to be balanced. The Taurus parent is nurturing and giving, trying to fulfill their child’s needs.


Lack of Flexibility: The Taurus parent requires constant flexibility. They can be preoccupied with whatever is going on in their life and the child can sometimes feel like they are in the way.

Pushover: They are softies who can be pushovers. They might say “no,” but it doesn’t take much to flip them into a “yes.”

Distracted: The Taurus parent is often distracted by whatever is on their schedule and can become forgetful of what the priority is—their child. This is why routine and a schedule are important.

Taurus and Finances

Taurus energies are practical, sometimes thought of as frugal or tight. They create financial spreadsheets and make pro/con lists of, well, everything. The Taurus handles their finances in a rational and predicable fashion. For a spouse of a Taurus it may feel controlling.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus energy is all about hard work and reliability. This energy takes work, financial situations, and life very seriously and puts a lot of pressure on themselves.

New Moon in Taurus

When the moon moves into Taurus you might feel exhausted, tired, moody, and even just plain sick and depleted. The mood swings like a possessed pendulum. If possible, during this time get takeout, light a yummy-smelling candle, watch television, or read that book you keep meaning to pick up, and call it an early night. Caring for all your senses helps you get through this phase.

The New Moon in Taurus makes it a wonderful time to begin a new career and look over money/finances. A Taurus is a hard worker and a reliable employee. They take work, financial situations, and life very seriously, and put a lot of pressure on themselves. They like the nicer things in life and will make the extra effort to make sure to afford that. Often practical and pragmatic (sometimes to a fault), Taurus don’t play well with stupid people or those who lack common sense. And Taurus especially has a lack of tolerance around those who don’t pull their weight. So even though you might not be a Taurus, you embrace the energy of the sign and in turn take on aspects of that sign. So, those who aren’t pulling their weight in your life (romantically, family, or work), be cautious of what you say. It’s easy to channel the Taurus’s pigheadedness and angry outbursts, which can push people away and stir up drama. With regard to romance, jealousy and possessiveness will be the name of the game during this time. You might just want to bite your tongue and let the energy blow over.

This moon encourages a sense of self-worth and allows for exploration of inspiration. Taurus, being an earth sign, isn’t always thrilled with the idea of embracing the sensitive side, but when the New Moon visits Taurus, it offers an intuitive nudge and uncovers sensible creativity. A Taurus often puts up roadblocks they themselves construct as a means for self-sabotage. The New Moon energy activates the idea that it’s okay to dig deep and simply stop and smell the roses.

What You May See during the New Moon Phase of Taurus:

The ability to be patient with others and, most importantly, with oneself.

Inspirational ideas for career and financial earnings.

The motivation to make everyone around you comfortable and content.

The freedom to indulge.

The realization that the journey doesn’t always have to be stressful.

Full Moon in Taurus

Energy a few days beforehand and a few days after a Full Moon tends to be unstable. It can affect you and others emotionally and sometimes even physically.

Weather disasters and natural disasters are quite common during this time, so don’t be surprised when you see some heavy news.

Taurus energy has the worst time coping with feeling manipulated/taken advantage of, being financially unstable, and loving hard and failing. Be careful during this time that your stubbornness doesn’t take over. You might just want to bite your tongue and let the energy blow over. During this moon phase, you might feel sluggish and have a hard time concentrating or thinking clearly.

Soul Work

Write down ten things that you want to stop in your life and then rip up or burn the list; then write down ten things that you do want in your life and focus on those!

Now Is the Time

Do feel the anger and express it, even just writing it down and throwing it out. Don’t point fingers and blame everybody and anybody. Do speak up. Don’t stay quiet. Do take action in all aspects of your life. Don’t just sit and wait for someone to do this and that for you. It won’t happen. Do make decisions and follow through on them. This is not the time to be passive. Don’t delay decisions. Do practice being brave and courageous, even with little things. Don’t run away from the shadows.

Taurus Totem Animal

Sea Serpent

The sea serpent is mystical and magical. Mess with this energy and they may very well lash out. Just as the sea serpent’s counterpart, the snake, sheds its skin, the sea serpent also hides behind his illusions. The sea serpent deserves respect. They want to always create, transform, and slither or swim away before they are figured out. The Taurus energy needs to trust the intuition to trust the process.

The sea serpent offers a gift of:



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