


June 21–July 22
Water Energy cancer

Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac and is a cardinal water sign. Cancer is represented by the crab, an oceanic crustacean that weaves between the sea and shore effortlessly.

Cancer is the sign of motherhood, and just as we all have a different experience with our mothers, that energy is interpreted differently for each Cancer. Some fight the origin of their astrological sign by trying to be cold, hard, and unfeeling like the shell they carry. Others feel the need to be the keeper of hearth and home, readily revealing their compassionate and gentle nature. Cancer is emotionally powerful and highly intuitive.

The Cancer is attached to family life, whether it be biological family or friends that they consider their family. The Cancer energy is a hopeless romantic and looks for kindness in everyone and everything. Some see this as overly sensitive, sometimes naïve, and even fragile, and they can be targeted by those who take advantage of the Cancer’s positive nature.

Since Cancer is a water sign, the water makes them feel relaxed and helps them clear the cobwebs of the mind. It’s so hard for a Cancer to focus on themselves as they are compassionate and keep themselves busy taking care of everyone else. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and guilty for taking time for themselves. They love to feel needed and thrive on caring for everyone else but themselves.

Although easygoing and giving, be careful not to walk all over the crab, because you’ll likely be met with their pinchers. It’s not that they are keeping track, but you’ll be put in your place if you overstep your boundaries.

It’s important for a Cancer to continue to grow, move forward, and know that risks aren’t always reckless.

Cancer Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Cancer broken down:

Cancer of First Decan: June 22–July 1
Ruled by the Moon.

Positive Energy Traits: This Cancer is caring and compassionate, authentic and sensitive. Their heart is filled with kindness, and they have an uncanny way of understanding from the perspective of others and acting accordingly. This Cancer is the one who will stay with her best friend’s grandma in the hospital even though they’ve only met her once. Cancer will drive hundreds of miles if you call and say you are stranded.

Negative Energy Traits: This Cancer is a worrier. They worry what others might think about them. They worry that someone is going to hurt them, and they wonder how. They are consumed with concern that they aren’t doing everything they should be doing and how that might be perceived by others. They think so much and create monsters where there are none, sometimes manifesting trouble so they don’t look neurotic.

Cancer of Second Decan: July 2–12
Ruled by Pluto.

Positive Energy Traits: This Cancer is loving and has great instincts, especially with helping others. They are balanced and grounded, making others attracted to their wisdom and advice. This Cancer values friendships and will drop everything to lend their support to someone going through a rough patch. It is their intuitiveness that makes them a special force and a pillar to their friends and family.

Negative Energy Traits: This Cancer needs to be needed and if you don’t call on them for their advice or assistance you will face a sad and overly sensitive soul. They can become unreasonable with jealousies and sometimes come across as unapproachable. They want to dig for answers and can back people into a corner looking for information that may or may not be the truth, turning off people they love.

Cancer of Third Decan: July 13–22
Ruled by Neptune.

Positive Energy Traits: This Cancer is very sensitive and incredibly intuitive. They are the epitome of a nurturer. This Cancer is the encourager and is gifted with an empath nature, which is often carried over to them being the therapist to their friends and family. They are amazing at keeping secrets, giving loving but sensible advice. The undying loyalty and generosity of this Cancer make them a gift to all who call them a friend or family member.

Negative Energy Traits: As much as this Cancer is an amazing friend, if you take advantage of that loyalty you will be met by someone who isn’t afraid to slam the door shut without any opportunity to apologize. Forgiveness doesn’t come easily for this decan, and their suspicious nature can crash the trust as quickly as it was built. This Cancer can be moody and have a mess of doubts when it comes to their own life: They need reassurance and a lot of communication. Healers often don’t understand how to heal themselves, and this Cancer knows this all too well.

June Cancer vs. July Cancer

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

June Cancer craves security.

July Cancer is private.

June Cancer likes to be nurtured.

July Cancer likes to nurture.

June Cancer is creative.

July Cancer is intuitive.

June Cancer gets frustrated easily.

July Cancer gets jealous easily.

Cancer Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine June Cancer: The feminine energy of a Cancer in June is confident, intelligent, and determined. They may pretend to be tough and guarded to save face, but they are very compassionate and nurturing. Once you earn their trust you will have a forever friend. If you mess up that trust, out you go.

Masculine June Cancer: The masculine energy of a Cancer in June was born to be a leader. They are career-oriented and strong-willed. They display amazing understanding and a sixth sense in the boardroom or bedroom.

Feminine July Cancer: The feminine energy of a Cancer in July was born to people-please; they are sensitive, and are emotional caregivers. They love creativity, embracing their intuition, and nurturing others. Although a huge flirt, Cancer is loyal. Wildly independent, they do love to be part of a social circle and be the main listener; but they don’t tell their own secrets. Sometimes they can come across as clingy and needing reassurance.

Masculine July Cancer: The masculine energy of July Cancer is sweet and loving, genuinely interested in the ones they love and what is going on in their lives. They can seem needy and insecure, sometimes looking dull and boring because they are so routine and consistent. They are protective, and that can come across as jealous and tenacious.

Cancer Positive Traits


The Cancer energy is incredibly loyal to everyone they meet. Once you befriend a Cancer you have a forever friend who is one of the most accepting and dependable of all the zodiacs. Although the Cancer energy can be moody, they are stable and consistent, even with their mood swings. They will communicate their needs and withdraw if they feel their energy isn’t helpful. Their transparency is refreshing. The Cancer will do whatever it takes to put you first, never meaning to take you for granted. Cancers are easily loved because of their never-ending loyalty.


The Cancer energy is one of the most intuitive of all the zodiac signs. Extremely good listeners with natural maternal instincts, they are open to the human connection. Like a true water sign, Cancer’s intuition is a direct line to the other side. Those who were born under this sign have the ability to invoke the moon and communicate with the other side, making them highly intuitive and magical. Cancerians can read people for who they are: good, bad, malicious, and indifferent, and although they don’t deny the intuition, they want to believe in good in a world of the opposite. Don’t try to pull one over on a Cancer, though, because they forgive but they never forget.


Don’t mistake a Cancer’s loyalty for codependency. The Cancer is independent and more than sufficient when it comes to handling life. Although the Cancerian is there for everyone else, they have a difficult time opening up to others, afraid of the vulnerability. It is their hidden emotion that often makes them look even more independent than they already are. The Cancer energy is not afraid of moving across country, or even out of the country, without knowing a soul, and quickly finds a job and their community.

Cancer Negative Traits


Cancer energies are so busy taking care of everyone else that a burnout comes fast and often. Because they have a hard time asking for help, the frustration builds, and they want to throw in the towel instead of fighting for their needs and wants. They sometimes sabotage themselves in their relationships by thinking they are being positive, all the while being negative. They can either be super helpful and caring or aloof and nonchalant, and sometimes it’s hard to tell which one they choose as their crab shell is hard to crack. They can be moody and irrational, retreating into their shells each and every time, until they feel it’s safe to face the world again.


Cancer energies are protective but can also become possessive. Cancer personalities feel the urge to make a mark on the world, all the while keeping family and friends who are close to their heart in the loop. Cancerians are happy to devote themselves entirely to the care and protection of their loved ones, striving hard to go above and beyond no matter what. There is, however, a fine line with Cancerians on this since their emotions always run deep. If the communication isn’t clear, the stories in their head turn into jealousy and possessiveness.


Another trait that people should know about Cancers is that they are sensitive, which makes them open, and sometimes expecting to be hurt. It makes sense they have their shell to hide in. Even the suspicion of being hurt can run them into a passive space.

Cancer Keywords


Cancer Communication Style

Cancers are amazing listeners. The Cancer gives you all your attention with caring and compassion. You truly have a friend in a Cancer. A Cancer loves people who are vibrant and filled with energy and humor to offset the myriad of people who come to them with their problems. If you are having a bad day, the Cancer will be the first to offer a hug, a cup of a coffee, and a word of advice. If the Cancer is having a bad day, they will retreat and not communicate about their own feelings. Let them. Don’t follow them into their shell but instead be there for them when they come out and are ready to face the world again—preferably with some humor and love.

Cancer Misconceptions

Don’t ever underestimate a Cancerian’s silence for ignorance. Their uncanny calmness isn’t acceptance, and their forgiveness is not a weakness. It takes a lot for a Cancer to walk away from someone, and if you’ve been cut off, it’s more than likely final.

Don’t Be a Cancer, Cancer

Your mood faucet doesn’t have a lukewarm setting; instead it’s hot or it’s cold. It’s yes or it’s no. You are known for putting walls up, Cancer. You push friends away. You push love interests away. It’s not that you mean to, though; you just don’t trust. You are moody. You are sensitive. You care a lot. Then that scares you and you pretend that you don’t care and never did. Your lesson, Cancer, is that being vulnerable is okay, but be careful not to make it look like insecurity.

Thoughts from a Cancer

Walking Mood Ring

Cancer energy is extremely intuitive and affectionate, but interestingly, as much as they want to help others, they are hesitant to divulge too much about themselves. That can come across as aloof or shy, but then they can be the first one to help plan the party.

“I can be a walking mood ring who is highly sensitive and emotional. Water is my element and I can be easily ruled by all things of the heart. We function best with love and harmony in the house. As children, a lot of us do not have the defenses to deal well with the outside world. We can be brooders, and when things do not go our way, it is nothing for us to want to hide in our shells. We are known to be good with money and good with food; a picnic comes to mind after a long day of coming to the rescue of others. We are staunch protectors of our loved ones and ask little in return.”


Remember Self-Care

Because Cancer energies are often busy nurturing everyone else, they often forget about themselves.

“As a Cancer you get told that your family must always come first to make your world complete. What they won’t or don’t tell you is that if you don’t also take time for yourself and the wild imagination that we have, it will more than likely either: 1. Put you in the funny farm; or 2. It will shut you down almost completely emotionally. Cancers are also viewed as homebodies. Not the case at all. I personally love to get out and enjoy life; especially in nature and around our closest friends. Do not assume that we won’t fight, either; even though we are a water sign, we know it can be a common trait. While we won’t always get physical, mentally we can be very destructive.”



Cancer energies do not want to be figured out. They are complicated and can come across as cool, calm, and collected, but inside they are having a panic attack. That hard shell can be quite cold, which is a protective measure since they can be easily hurt.

“Being a Cancer is as much of an emotional roller coaster as you might think. My crustacean shell keeps me guarded. Very few know the emotional center that lies within. Although once I allow you to crack open that shell, you’re stuck in my claws for life. Family is everything to me. At the drop of a hat I would be there for anyone in my small circle. Like the typical water sign I feel most at home at the beach or next to any body of water. At times my emotions tend to get the best of me. Thankfully, my tough shell is always there to retreat into. I wouldn’t change being a Cancer for anything! Even on days when I want to just save the world. Cancers rule!”


Cancer and Relationships


The Cancer energies are extremely sensitive. They love their family and friends, and truly do cherish their relationships. They are extremely loyal and sentimental. They love to be romanced and to romance in return.


Cancer energies can be very passive, holding on to the resentments that can grow into dirty bitterness. They love things just so, and if you aren’t a mind reader for what they want out of the relationship, they often withdraw into their shell and stay there because they feel everything, and their intuition is often super heightened.

Cancer in the Workplace


A Cancer boss is warm and friendly. They are good listeners and are grateful for a team that does their job. A Cancer boss honestly believes in everyone being peers and doesn’t like the idea of a structured corporate ladder.


Cancer bosses want everything to be smooth, like a fine-oiled machine. They don’t take to being underestimated, and if they find out that you’ve been disloyal, they won’t hesitate to cut you off.

Be careful not to underestimate a Cancer boss. They may come across as low-key and low maintenance, all the while being high-strung and nervous.

Cancer and Finances

Cancer energies are moody spenders. Often known to be thrifty spenders, they rarely over-spend but attempt to balance their finances and overthink the purchases. They do, however, like to purchase things that make them feel better depending upon their current mood. They are also very generous and will buy for others to try to make them feel better through thoughtful gifts. Sometimes they try to buy friendship with gifts before they realize what they are doing.

Parenting a Cancer Child

The peace and security of the Cancer’s home makes for a happy child. Your emotional support of your Cancer child is important. They need family time. Put your phone down when talking to your Cancer. Schedule game night. Sit down and color. It’s not that they need to be entertained; it’s that they need quality time.


Nurturers: They are nurturers and in return need to be nurtured. They prosper in a warm and loving family setting, and although they don’t need to be micromanaged, they like a parent who is in touch and truly interested in their daily life.

Sensitive: There are positives to the Cancer child being so sensitive and that is because pretty much a look is all the discipline that’s needed. They learn their lesson fast and they want to please their parents and teachers. They blossom with straightforward logic rather than a spanking.

Family Loving: The Cancer child loves their family, especially their mama. They are comfortable with staying home, not needing outside activities to keep them happy.


Moody: Cancer children can be very moody. Instead of expressing their emotions, they can shut down and be temperamental, depressed, and sad. Cancer children are great at pouting and shutting down no matter what the parent does to try to get them to express their feelings.

Clingy: Cancers are known for being attached to their parents at a young age, so it won’t be surprising when dropping them off for the first day of school to see them clinging to their parent’s leg.

Homebodies: The Cancer child is known to be a homebody. The Cancer child may be excited about the sleepover, but be prepared to be called right before midnight to come pick them up because they’re homesick. Or they decide not to do an activity or attend the school dance or birthday party, instead wanting to just stay home. It’s important to teach this energy early on about fulfilling commitments and showing them that going outside their comfort zone is fine and that home will always be there.

Cancer as a Parent


Natural Nurturer: A Cancer energy loves their children, and loves being a parent. They are adaptable and flexible, making time for the kids and their activities. The Cancer parent is a natural nurturer and loves the uniqueness of each child and fosters that.

Family: Family is everything and the Cancer parent loves surrounding their kids with their definition of what family entails.

Sentimental: The Cancer parent is sentimental and will surely keep every picture and report card, and will probably even dry the dandelions their child picks for them.


Overly Sensitive: The Cancer parent can be overly sensitive if life isn’t going perfectly. The Cancer parent needs to have a fair amount of love and loyalty back from the people in their life. If that doesn’t happen, then the emotional shutdown occurs. It’s important to lean on family and friends when feeling stressed and not to stifle or shut down as the children may interpret that as something they’ve done wrong.

Smothering: The Cancer parent can be smothering, wanting to know every detail of what’s going on in their child’s life. The need for information sometimes goes above being parental, and sometimes it’s just plain nosy.

Anxious: The Cancer parent is often so anxious about every aspect of their life that it can affect their ability to parent, and sometimes this oozes over into their child being their friend rather than their child.

Moon in Cancer

When we are in the energy of the Cancer, we often feel everything. Cancer rules motherhood and so you may feel very emotional during this time. If your mom has crossed over, there may be an aching to talk to her. Or if you are lucky to still have Mom here, you may be urged to call or spend time with her. Note that this energy isn’t just for those born under the Cancer sign.

New Moon in Cancer

The Cancer moon is the time to step forward and move ahead. It’s time to take flight. This energy in Cancer is great for starting new projects that involve the home and family.

What You May See during the New Moon Phase of Cancer:

Home projects.

Being honest with yourself and others with regard to your relationship.

Beginning new hobbies or an artistic study.

Starting a family.


Exploring your ancestry.

Spending time with family.

Signing up for school.

Spending time around water.

Embracing the emotions you feel.

During the time of the Cancer moon be careful of unrealistic expectations and unresolved business that may be hiding your true path. We can overcome anything if we allow ourselves to get out of our own way.

Full Moon in Cancer

For those who are extra empathic, be prepared as this Full Moon in Cancer is filled with a lot of energy. It might make you panic, or it might motivate you. It might make you feel exhausted or exhilarated.

On the negative side you may feel sad one moment, happy the next. Calm and then anxious, all without warning. People may react erratically with more road rage and become crazy drivers. Full Moons often bring strange weather patterns, and big scandals. You may feel more intuitive, have more paranormal experiences, and feel more tuned in to other’s lies.

Self-care during this time helps with staying grounded. Drink hot drinks. Write a letter to someone you are upset with or missing, and then burn it. Hug a tree (really). Eat a salad. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts. Exercise. Smudge yourself. Diffuse some essential oils (lavender, cedarwood, or rosemary can help). Go out with friends or family. Spend some more time thinking of what you did and what you can do rather than what you didn’t do or can’t do.

It’s also the time to get your crystals out to recharge them. Choose a location that feels happy and is safe from kids and pets. It can be a front porch, a windowsill, or even the dash of your car.

Frustration and impatience, two typical reactions to Full Moons, are both negative attributes, which throw more negativity your way. Turn off the negative mental chat that is sabotaging the life you so deserve. How do you do that? The first thing is by acknowledging that you are doing it, and when a negative thought arises, tell yourself “STOP!” and replace the negative thought with a positive one. Or simply take some deep breathes. We can’t always have a head full of sunshine, but little by little you will notice that your negative thoughts will start to dissipate. Think of it as mental scum and you are erasing it away with your happy thoughts. By simply turning down the volume of negative chatter, the things you have been wanting in your life will begin to show up—whatever you are dreaming of. Always remember that what you focus on expands and if it is negative, then that is what you will get.

Soul Work

Cancers have issues letting go of the past. Being deeply sensitive, they forgive, but they rarely forget. This is a great time to see the benefit of releasing the baggage. Make a list of what you need to let go of and how you benefit from holding on to it. Imagine what it feels like to let go. How does it feel?

Now Is the Time

Do tell the people in your life about your hurt feelings. Don’t harbor regrets. Do plan something for yourself, independently. Don’t sit around at home all the time when there’s so much adventure to be had. Do say exactly what you mean. Don’t assume that those close to you know what you need and want. Do trust your intuition. Don’t be afraid to say yes or no.

Cancer Totem Animal


The horse energy calls out to the Cancer to embrace freedom in their life, but not to race too fast through their time with the ones they love. The horse totem is one of service and hospitality, but burnout can occur if you don’t stop and graze once in a while. The horse is an amazing caregiver—supportive, a wonderful listener, and resourceful.

The horse offers a gift of:




