


July 23–August 22
Fire Energy leo

Leo is the fifth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol as the lion. Leo individuals are often perceived as self-confident and highly dramatic, which sometimes comes across to some as cocky and arrogant. They are leaders who want to lead and inspire others.

The sign of Leo can be gloomy and lonely as they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. This often makes them reclusive. They have a loving heart and a strong personality, but they are fragile, which creates that perceived snobby misconception. Having to be the decision maker and pack leader is almost an unfair energy that’s been given to a Leo. The Leo desires affection and approval, but their headstrong personality screams an I’m the one in charge energy and that can void their softer side.

People who fall under the sign of the lion are fiercely loyal and take it upon themselves to protect the underdogs, devoting themselves to justice and kindness. They will work hard on their relationships, not shying away from responsibility in personal life and professional life, not afraid of carrying others’ burdens and offering help and advice. They are honest and will expect the same from those around them—friend and foe alike. Appreciation is important to a Leo. They need to know they are loved, and in return you will be reciprocated with the lion’s purr.

The Leo energy is caring; they are often the first to run to help someone. They have a high moral compass, believing in the Golden Rule and doing what is right. Although they will gladly help others, the Leo’s pride has a hard time accepting help.

The Leo is creative, but has a hard time following through. They do great with ideas but not so much with details, and they get bored easily; they quickly move on to the next project, rarely finishing the previous.

The Leo doesn’t want to be ignored, overlooked, or made to feel invisible. Do that once and they may let it slide but do it twice and you will likely hear them roar.

Leo Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Leo broken down:

Leo of First Decan: July 23–August 1
Ruled by the Sun.

Positive Energy Traits: Warm and self-reliant. This Leo is independent, extroverted, and gregarious in nature. They are flamboyant and have an outgoing personality that’s hard to be ignored. You’ll likely see them dancing in the middle of the grocery store, leading the charge in the board office, and motivating and encouraging their friends, coworkers, and family. It’s rare to see this Leo sitting down for long. This Leo is a confident extrovert, although they like to come across as an introvert, who enjoys meeting and talking to new people. This Leo is loving and loyal. They love to adorn their friends and family with whatever might bring joy and happiness and a smile to their faces.

Negative Energy Traits: This Leo has a highly sensitive ego and often seeks the approval of others. They hate to be perceived as weak and therefore have a hard time saying no. They want to be there for everyone all the time. This Leo also loves to dominate conversations, and, because they are so busy talking, they often forget to listen. Sometimes this is seen as attention-seeking.

Leo of Second Decan: August 2–12
Ruled by Jupiter.

Positive Energy Traits: Risk takers and motivated. This Leo loves the spotlight and flourishes when they can be the leader instead of the follower. They love to offer their old-soul-like advice with positive support and a dose of reality. They have a wisdom that spans beyond their earthly years. This Leo loves to dig into the unknown—whether learning a foreign language, cooking up an international recipe, or traveling to an exotic location. This Leo daydreams of moving across the country, or out of the country, but is torn because they also love to be around their family.

Negative Energy Traits: Easily frustrated, mouthy, moody, and lacks self-esteem. This cat can roar without thinking first. They rarely will apologize or admit they are wrong. This Leo is ambitious but has a hard time doing what they do for future finances. They love to spend money, often buying trinkets for their friends and family instead of saving for the future.

Leo of Third Decan: August 13–23
Ruled by Mars.

Positive Energy Traits: This Leo loves to jump into a new project with confidence and an inextinguishable drive to excel. Never accepting defeat, their feisty and daring energy will continue to fight until the challenge is successfully achieved. This Leo likes to rule the jungle, being the ultimate boss. Loyalty is what this Leo defines as romance. They are chivalrous and hopeless romantics.

Negative Energy Traits: Temperamental, stubborn, and frugal, this Leo gets into a slow-as-a-sloth-type mood and nobody can motivate them out of their space. They get bored and hate anything repetitious, spouting their moodiness at everyone else, all the while not doing anything to change it.

July Leo vs. August Leo

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

July Leo gets frustrated easily.

August Leo will get frustrated but tries not to show it.

July Leo is brave and headstrong.

August Leo will battle for what they want.

July Leo is proud.

August Leo is stubborn proud.

July Leo is sweet and flirty.

August Leo is fierce and flirty.

July Leo has a hard time balancing their finances.

August Leo over-budgets and overthinks the finances.

Leo Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine July Leo: The feminine energy of a Leo in July is proud, independent, and motivated—the typical Leo stereotype. They don’t want to be atypical, instead trying to find their uniqueness and specialness. They can become anxious and frustrated when trying to figure out their lives. Put their best friend in front of them, though, and they can share intuitive and strong advice, all while wishing they could move forward in the same.

Masculine July Leo: The masculine energy of Leo in July is self-driven and motivated. They can be demeaning and self-righteous, sharing their opinions as gospel. They love to be the boss and demand that their way is the right way. Although they come across as self-assured, they are really filled with doubt and just don’t want anyone to see their true selves.

Feminine August Leo: The feminine energy of a Leo in August is headstrong. They don’t want anyone to know their secrets but will flaunt their rage with a moody temper. But be careful if this Leo goes into silent mode; it could be they are planning for world domination or falling apart and don’t want anyone to see. Don’t bother asking because their response will always be “I’m fine”; they don’t want to be a burden to anyone. An hour later they’ll likely divulge, but it’s on their terms and in their own time.

Masculine August Leo: The masculine energy of a Leo in August struts as a boss. They are arrogant and cocky without apology. For many it’s an act because they like emotional privacy. They are loving and fun to talk to when in the mood to talk. They are loyal, sometimes to a fault as they don’t love to make changes, especially with regard to career.

Leo Positive Traits


The Leo has natural showmanship, sharing warmth and heart with everyone they meet. The Leo rules not only their kingdom but everyone else’s, wanted or not; but it’s done with good intention. With a speech ready on a whim’s notice, they are ready to motivate. The Leo can inspire even when you didn’t realize you needed inspiration. They have a way of drawing you into their world, all the while taking care of their subjects (which is everyone). Leo does everything with flair, costumes optional. Well, sometimes optional.


Get the karaoke machine ready, the Leo is always ready to bedazzle the world with their sassy attitude while adorned with shiny sequins. The Leo loves to channel their inner star and be adored and adorned, whether it’s for their grocery shopping abilities or work skills. Leo’s creative expressions in any field touch emotions and bring them into the limelight as a leader or a role model. Everything they do is creative, offering a unique contribution to the world.


The Leo understands that steadiness is the key and reliability and loyalty aid in their true happiness. Leos are stable, determined, and resolute. They want to get to the finish line and want others to succeed with them. If a Leo makes a promise, they will do all in their power to keep that promise, and they prefer a handshake over a piece of paper.

Leo Negative Traits


A Leo sulks like nobody else. Everything they do is intense and dramatic, including their feelings. We all know that the Leo likes to be the center of attention, even if it’s by throwing a temper tantrum. Whether it’s road rage or an argument of passion, it’s hard to ignore their moodiness. The Leo is a fire sign and has an enthusiastic energy; because of this they burn out rapidly and need time to decompress or else you will hear the roar.


Although Leos may appear to be tremendously self-assured, bubbling with confidence, and with a long line of fans wanting to spend time in their presence, they are complicated. They are stubborn, and it’s hard to change their ways since they believe their way is the best way. They have an ego that needs to be stroked, and like a typical cat you can pet here and there but if you make a mistake and pet there then you will hear about it. And then the next day they want to know why you are upset with them. They will dance around a situation in indecision, all the while pretending to be confident.


The Leo likes to lie around and snore after all their roaring and strutting. Don’t try to motivate a Leo when they get into this space or you’ll likely face a very angry kitty cat—and don’t count on any purring. The Leo is the king or queen of the zodiac and goes into a peel me grapes and feed them to me mood. Their need for adoration without doing anything to win it over can look arrogant and self-righteous.

Leo Keywords


Leo Communication Style

A Leo believes they are the best communicator and should be awarded and admired for such. Leos, though, must be in the mood to communicate and the subject must interest them, keep their attention, and continue being relevant. It is the Leo that wants to command the topic, the mood, and the tone. The Leo can chameleon from serious to dramatic on a moment’s notice. When speaking with a Leo, be sure to validate if not applaud them throughout the conversation.

Leo Misconceptions

The Leo energy is often known for being the center of attention and loving to spend money. But not all embrace those traits, and they can be frugal with how they spend.

Leos strut around looking strong and confident, as if they don’t need anyone or anything. The big secret of the Leo is that they simply want to be needed and loved. Drawing the attention to themselves can look arrogant, but it’s not meant to be narcissistic; it’s simply the only way they know to gesture for love and adoration. Leo can be one of the most loving and thoughtful people.

Don’t Be a Leo, Leo

The world is your stage, Leo, and everyone is part of your entourage. Or at least that’s what you’d like to believe. Everyone knows you like to be the center of attention, even as you play shy and coy and pretend that you don’t want to be the center of attention. It’s part of the drama you write. Your lesson, Leo, is that no matter what part you are given in life, it truly is an important part. Let others have the lead sometimes. I know it’s hard, but you will find that you are the showstopper no matter what.

Thoughts from a Leo

A Cusper

Cuspers take on the energy of the zodiac signs they hover between—the good and the bad of both—making them both complicated and intriguing.

“It never surprised me that Cancer’s animal is the crab. Between mood swings and sensitivity, I am known to get a bit ‘crabby’ at times—probably more than I care to admit. However, while some may consider these traits to be weaknesses, I choose to embrace them. My sensitivity has taught me compassion and empathy. My ever-changing moods have taught me adaptability. Being on the cusp of Leo (July 21), I have a constant battle between water and fire, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I have some Leo traits that help to balance things out a bit. My Cancer side wants to cry and nurture those in need, but my Leo side wants to find whoever is responsible for hurting them and bring them to justice. I am reserved, yet feisty. While my Cancer traits are dominant, I think the Leo in me helps to keep me from being taken advantage of, and also helps with my sense of style: I like to dress to impress. While the Cancer in me wants to hide away, the Leo in me wants to steal just a bit of the spotlight.”


The Comedian

When thinking of a Leo energy, being funny isn’t one of the traits that immediately comes to mind, but it is a trait that many have. Sometimes it’s about being the center of attention, but other times it’s a safe way to help send healing to another.

“When I was younger, I was always the life of the party. Now that I am older, I have become much more reserved … and I’m not necessarily happy about it. My favorite sound is a friend’s laughter. As a comedian, the laughter I heard coming from the audience was the most beautiful sound on Earth. I called it ‘music of the soul.’ I often joke that I can’t handle more than five minutes of seriousness at a time. It may be more like three-and-a-half minutes. This can be frustrating for the serious people in my world, but as my type of Leo, that’s their problem. I don’t care if you are laughing at me or with me, as long as you are laughing.”


An Overload of Emotions

A Leo has a gambit of emotions that doesn’t just exhaust those who love them, but it exhausts themselves too.

“There are good and bad points to being a Leo. We’re overwhelmed easily and we need time to panic, but once we have that time we get stuff done. We need to be recognized. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but the recognition is important. We’re judgmental until we know you, but once we do, we’re incredibly accepting—to the point where we get screwed over. But one too many times and you’ve lost an incredible friend. We like to please others, but we want that thoughtfulness returned. We’re incredibly melodramatic and overly emotional, but we love with everything we have. We like attention. We don’t need to be the center of everyone’s attention, but we want to be listened to. We’re creative and love to give elaborate, well-thought-out gifts. We’re fiercely loyal to the point that we get defensive and stubborn. We love hard and want to make the people that we love happy.”


Leo and Relationships


Leos do have a special honesty that draws people into their world. They are charismatic, cuddly, and passionate. Always ready to create and explore, the Leo loves to be the hero in the relationship, whether baking cookies for a significant other’s office or balancing the budget for parents. They truly want to help, hoping to get a pat on the back, all the while pretending they don’t need or want it. The Leo is sexual and flirtatious, curious and engaging.


The Leo is afraid of being vulnerable and can hide their true selves behind white lies. The scenes they write themselves in can become so convincing that they believe their own fibs. They are also extremely demanding of themselves and of those they allow to walk in their jungle, leading to unrealistic expectations, jealousies, and an overbearing attitude.

Leo in the Workplace


The Leo boss is a hard worker that delegates well. They stick up for those who show loyalty and are good team players. Leos make natural leaders who are driven and determined. The Leo boss likes to have fun and is encouraging, offering praise and reassurances. They will listen to your ideas with attention and constructive criticism. The Leo boss wants their employees to excel by being a mentor, a teacher, and a friend. They are natural salespeople, with amazing persuasion qualities.


The Leo boss loves to waste time by looking as busy as can be. They demand to be respected, rarely compromise, and will gossip with the employees in order to find out information that can later be used against them.

Parenting a Leo Child

Make sure to pour on the purrs for your Leo child. They need encouragement and guidance to stay their course, and of course they need honest praise and applause.


Leader of the Pack: They aren’t a fan favorite of bullies and will protect their pack. The Leo child will take the lead, and typically won’t fall victim to peer pressure. The Leo will have a variety of friends from different groups that will come from their wide range of interests, from drama to debate. They are passionate and crave to be seen in an individualistic way. The Leo is born to be a leader and with that comes traits such as kindness, fairness, and honesty.

Love Responsibility: The Leo child loves responsibility as long as it interests them; they don’t want to be bored, but they do need their down, lazy time.

Warm and Loving: Leos want to be admired and adored, and in exchange will shine their love on those who love them unconditionally.

Artistic: The Leo child loves to explore their creative side. Don’t be surprised to wake up one morning and find they’ve decorated their walls with crayons and markers, and they’ll be very proud of their inner Picasso.


Varying Moods: Leo energies express all their emotions from happiness to dislikes, excitement to dissatisfactions. They can be easily frustrated and impatient one minute and giggling and content the next.

Temper: The Leo child is prone to temper tantrums, normally as a way of voicing their frustrations and the varying moods that rock like a pendulum. If things don’t go the way they envision it to go, they may growl or simply go for the full-out roar.

Anxious to Get Older: A Leo child is anxious to not be treated like a child. They tend to hang in groups of people older than them.

Leo as a Parent


Fiercely Protective: The Leo parent will protect their cub before asking questions. It’s a sign of true loyalty and love.

Encouragers: The Leo parent is an amazing encourager, helping to motivate, mentor, and teach their child how to express their own individuality.

Softies: The Leo parent may try to impress with their tougher-than-nails exterior, but they are quite loving and warm. Their roar is louder than their actual bite.

Generous: The Leo parent may show attitude, act judgmental, and look disagreeable when asking for something, but the Leo is very generous and will give in without too much pressure.


The Boss: The Leo parent is the boss no matter what, and don’t try to convince the lion otherwise, because you won’t win.

Self-Centered: The Leo is the center of the universe, whether a child, parent, or boss. It’s about what they want first and foremost.

Private: The Leo parent is chatty and social, but they don’t want to dump all their problems out for the public to pick through. You’ll likely hear the stories they want to share, but not all the stories.

Temperamental: Sure, they are moody. They get frustrated. They work themselves hard and others pay for it with their temper.

Leo and Finances

Leos have a taste for luxury, loving high-end and upscale items. During their younger years they may find themselves impulsive with spending. As they age, they find their way of budgeting, comparing prices, and becoming sensible. They are always generous and also entrepreneurial. They will figure out how to generate more income to continue to be stable and generous.

Moon in Leo

The Leo moon acts as an extra oomph of self-confidence and helps you take the leap to go after what calls to you—taking chances, having faith, and believing! If you’ve felt stalled, this energy will give you the push you need.

New Moon in Leo

Each one of us carries scars from the past, but it’s all how we display them that hurts or helps us. This New Moon reminds you that it’s okay to be scared and overwhelmed, but be careful to not overthink. You might be trying to please everyone, forgetting that you need to be happy too. This moon reminds you to try to just have faith and not wonder how, what, or why things can get better. Just believe that the mess all around you and the thoughts circling in your head will be sorted out; it just doesn’t have to be now. And it doesn’t have to be tomorrow either. However, carrying the wounds from the past can damage your ability to actually move forward. This moon is powerful and can help you push through and find peace, forgiveness, and rediscovering your ROAR. Choosing your thoughts sets a course for your future.

This is a time to have self-confidence and go after what calls to you—taking chances, having faith, and believing! If you’ve felt stalled, this moon will give you the push you need. So get out your garden tools and begin weeding your own emotional jungle.

This Energy in Leo is Great for:

Setting goals.

Exploring new romance (or relighting the flame of a current romance).

Organizing your home, office, and/or car.

Fighting for what you want in your life.

Embracing and releasing your inner child.

Full Moon in Leo

Your life is much like a secret garden—you have to make time to look for the keys, the doorways, and the beauty within you. So often we look outside of ourselves to feel happiness, when really it is within us. Our birthright vibration gets misplaced and we blame outsiders, sometimes victimizing. The Leo Full Moon is a time to discover you again. You might have some weeding to do, you might have some resting to do, but the hard work will pay off in the end. It’s up to you to find the in-between of snoring and roaring.

The Full Moon in Leo reminds us of our inner playful and childlike energy. The moon ignites the spiritual flame and releases the blockages to find our curiousity, our joy, and our love.

Full Moons are like mirrors for your soul. Everything is exposed and that can sometimes be tough, especially in a Leo energy. This moon is about pushing fear out of the way, though, and learning to be kind to yourself. Practice your purr and your roar and take your place back in your jungle.

Soul Work

Strive to listen with patience and give those around you a chance to speak. Also, keep in mind that while being candid in your delivery is a mighty good quality, it is necessary to censor or phrase your words to avoid being misinterpreted by the narrow-minded and conservative thinkers in your midst.

Now Is the Time

Do set goals for ways to move forward. Don’t beat yourself up over goals undone. Prioritize movement in life (possibly even real estate moving too). Don’t lay around waiting for the rest of your pride to do all the work. Do organize your home, office, and car. Don’t shuffle your stuff around to make it look temporarily neat and orderly. Do add some creative work to your life. Don’t get frustrated by looking at all the work you have to do in your life; take it project by project.

Leo Totem Animal


The Leo energy embraces the unicorn totem. The unicorn embraces the magic of what might not be seen, and dreams of what might be. The unicorn stands out in the crowd, sparkling and unique. The unicorn is also giving, creative, loyal, and loving.

The unicorn offers a gift of:





