


August 23–September 22
Earth Energy virgo

V irgos are conservative, organized, and practical; their symbol is the maiden. They do well when life is methodical and planned, with nothing being left to chance. They despise chaos and would rather everything in their lives and the lives of others stay within the lines, with the borders truly defined.

The Virgo energy is constantly worried. They worry they will miss details or someone else around them won’t meet the standards they’ve set. They expect the worst and wonder why their world sucks when they manifest the same. It’s easy for the Virgo to get into a negative mindset with a lot of brain overflow. The Virgo can often come across as critical, sarcastic, and insensitive. The Virgo isn’t mean, though; they just want it their way and feel their way is the only way. Sure, it comes across as controlling, but a Virgo lives their best life when everything falls into place the way they see it should. Virgo energies succeed when the smallest details are checked off and flow nicely in a successful way.

Virgos are deeply rooted in helping. They are feelers and have a tender heart. They love to experience moments, just in a very planned way. It could be toes in the water to breathing in the sea air. Or sitting in a whitewashed chair with a cold lemonade in the countryside. Or simply wearing the most comfortable jeans, white cotton oversized t-shirt, no makeup, and reading a good book. The Virgo energy loves to make contributions to experiences and share that with the ones they love.

Virgo Decans

Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Virgo broken down:

Virgo of First Decan: August 23–September 3
Ruled by Mercury.

Positive Energy Traits: This Virgo is romantic, sensitive, and thoughtful. They wear their heart on their sleeve and are sometimes embarrassed by it. They want loyalty and love. They are the ones who check in with their mom. Whether male or female energy, they will bring their family or best friends hot chicken soup and a teddy bear to cheer them up when ill. It’s that type of sensitivity that makes them lovable. This Virgo does love adventure and travel.

Negative Energy Traits: This Virgo is emotionally a mess. They are moody and depressed. You will often find them brooding about this, that, and more of this. They like life to go their way. Anything that happens out of the way they see it should be will be met by brooding.

Virgo of Second Decan: September 4–13
Ruled by Saturn.

Positive Energy Traits: This Virgo loves security and safety. They are amazing organizers and managers. They are respectful and tactful. This Virgo isn’t a fan of frivolously spending money and can figure out how to make money and then budget appropriately. They are gentle, sympathetic, and wonderful listeners.

Negative Energy Traits: This Virgo doesn’t like to ask for help and is every bit of a perfectionist to the core. Others look at them as mentors, which is often a heavy weight. They don’t want to admit they are wrong when they are, and an apology is hard to get out of them. They are overly critical of others, and even more critical of themselves.

Virgo of Third Decan: September 14–22
Ruled by Venus.

Positive Energy Traits: This Virgo is considerably creative. They make amazing musicians, writers, cinematic producers, and so on. They have an artistic flair and apply this to everything from their home to their personal style and their words. This Virgo is a romantic and they fall in love quickly, truly believing in a forever love and soulmates. This energy is also very psychic and will feel out the room as to whom to trust and not, and often trusts their spidey senses even if there isn’t a black-and-white reasoning with it.

Negative Energy Traits: This Virgo is quiet and reserved. They don’t love to take risks, are rarely spontaneous, and prefer routine. You will find an unhappy Virgo when you put a restriction on their life. Even though they like things just the way they like them doesn’t mean they will be happy if someone else tries to put up a boundary.

August Virgo vs. September Virgo

Along with each sign being split into their third decans, there is a difference between each zodiac split between the months.

The August Virgo is loud.

The September Virgo is quiet.

The August Virgo is aggressive.

The September Virgo is passive-aggressive.

The August Virgo is social and outgoing but
often fakes it well.

The September Virgo likes to be a homebody
and would rather not fake it.

The August Virgo loves drama and attention.

The September Virgo would rather blend in.

The August Virgo is pretty patient and laid back.

The September Virgo is impatient and tense.

The August Virgo can be an obstinate know-it-all.

The September Virgo is bossy.

The August Virgo has a quirky sense of humor.

The September Virgo can come across as dismissive.

Virgo Masculine and Feminine Energy

Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:

Feminine August Virgo: The feminine energy of a Virgo in August is determined and capable of holding up the world. Only a select few will know everything that’s going on in this Virgo’s life. They are so busy taking care of everyone and everything; they have constant to-do lists in their heads and often feel overwhelmed. And their loved ones wonder why they are moody and flustered. They want everything to be perfect; and we all know there will never be perfection.

Masculine August Virgo: The masculine energy of a Virgo in August loves to pretend to keep it real. They want to be seen as chill and easygoing, all the while being a worry-wart—always questioning and digging. They try to hide an inner Jekyll/Hyde. They are articulate with communication and love to be social and experience adventures.

Feminine September Virgo: The feminine energy of a Virgo in September is hyper-awake, noticing everything going on around them. They like to make the best out of the best and seeing through the worst to make the best. They know how to balance the good times with the work times. They are driven, smart, cautious, and sensitive.

Masculine September Virgo: The masculine energy of a Virgo in September is a hard worker. They are always looking at ways to improve their lives and the lives of their loved ones. They seek perfect harmony and are devoted to friends and family. They do get stressed when others aren’t pulling their weight and don’t know how to communicate it except for pouting and moodiness.

Virgo Positive Traits


Virgos are reliable and timely. They are often the first to be at work, and the last to be punching out, and somehow fit in grocery shopping, attending a memorial service, and budgeting the next ten years for themselves and their whole family. They try to make overachievement look natural.


Virgos are not riding through life on a unicorn, in a make-believe world. They are realistic and pragmatic. If you want the truth with no frills, you ask a Virgo. They have a great sense of humor; it’s just different, and sometimes surprising.


Virgos are caring and giving, although they may not show their true expressions. They want to be perceived as logical, and they are. They are afraid, though, that if they show kindness, it takes away their practicality; so they dismiss it when called out on it. But Virgo is kind and loving.

Virgo Negative Traits


Virgos have many opinions about a variety of situations. They analyze, research, and talk to others about topics, sometimes becoming bogged down with too much information and not seeing the larger picture. Virgos can pick and choose the details they want to focus on, becoming opinionated on what they’ve chosen to see as their reality. Their opinions can be expressed in a cynical, sarcastic, and hurtful way.


The Virgo visualizes how they see the following should go: their day, their year, their romance, their job, their children, parenting, and every other part of their life. Nothing in life goes exactly as planned, but in a Virgo’s world that is exactly what they want to happen. When their plotting and planning goes astray and the plan isn’t executed precisely, you will see a very stressed Virgo. Instead of taking responsibility, or going with the flow, the critical part of the Virgo will turn into the Incredible Hulk, spewing a short temper and criticism.


Virgo energy can turn on a dime, mostly due to anxiety. Depending upon their mood and the environment, they are sometimes seen as wishy-washy. They make plans for a Friday on a Wednesday and cancel plans for Friday on a Thursday, just a day after making them. It can be exhausting for those who love a Virgo, because even though the Virgo wants routine, they may not offer others the same consistency in the name of worrying and anxiety.

Virgo Keywords


Virgo Communication Style

Virgos need you to stick to the facts and be as exact and as detailed as possible without any frills or fancy. If possible, if you can skip the beginning, the middle, and just get to the ending, it would be even better for them. They love to add their two cents in the name of helpfulness. Their advice can come across as judgmental and critical, though. Virgos will often make silent demands, thinking you are psychic or can pick up on their cues. When you don’t, you will see one sad Virgo.

Virgo Misconceptions

Virgos often struggle with their own attributes and misconceptions. They are often seen as dull and stuffy, cheap, and disenchanted. Although they do like to be practical, they are witty and often sarcastic. They like to look at life issues and find humor in them.

Don’t Be a Virgo, Virgo

It isn’t just exhausting for you, Virgo, to be the perfectionist, detail-
oriented, always the over-achiever; it’s exhausting for everyone else too. You know that person who is always raising their hand in school or at the work meeting, either proving their smarts, adding nonsense to the content, or panicked because they need more details? That’s you, Virgo. That’s YOU. It sometimes looks neurotic and it’s maddening. Your lesson, Virgo, is to start trusting yourself. Know that mistakes are okay, and stop worrying about what others think. Take some deep breaths and be.

Thoughts from a Virgo

A Struggle of Balance

Each sign has a dash of the astrological attributes of the sign before and after it.

“I am lightning when it startles the sky and shakes the earth. A constant struggle for balance between the deep need for alone time and a desire to shine brightly as the center of attention. I prefer being large and in charge, but tire of the responsibility and crave the mundane. I am the loyal Leo and a leader—courageous and energetic, fierce and charming. I am a private, quiet Virgo with intimacy issues. Virgo allows me to be calm, too cool sometimes, and quite collected. I bounce between introvert and extrovert. I’ve learned over the years to embrace my inner Leo and put those skills to good use, creating a business and marketing plan for myself. I always felt more Virgo—the creative author and artist—but my passion, drive, and tenacity are all Leo. I even wear yellow and orange now to honor all of me.”


Stability and Perfection

Virgos are loyal if you are loyal to them and are happiest when everything is exactly the way they want it to be.

“Many have said that Virgo is an aloof, control-freak perfectionist. Virgos are so much more than that. Sure, we like our things organized, and yours too! We can be crabby if our environment isn’t just so. Deal with it, cause once we are comfortable with you, we are loyal, would do anything for you, and are witty as hell. We just want everything in order and everyone to get along! I’ve been married to the same man for thirty years. Every job I have ever held, I’ve been told that I’m great at organizing and I bring a sense of stability. I work hard at being the best teacher I can be. If there is something to worry about, I’ll find it. Yeah, all Virgo traits. But look past the control freak and take the aloofness for what it is—shyness.”



Virgos love to help, but it typically has to be their way of helping because their way of helping is the right way, according to a Virgo.

“Although Virgos are considered control freaks, we are really nurturers with control-freak attributes. Virgos are famous for having an eye for detail. They know how to read between the lines and problem-solve a spreadsheet or mediate coworkers’ disagreements. You don’t have to do everything we say to do, but it would be advised to do everything we say to do.”


Virgo and Relationships


Dedicated: Virgos hold everyone they love close to them. Whether a romantic interest, a friend, or a family member, they are more than willing to be by your side, morning, noon, or night, holding your hand and helping wherever they can. The Virgo will love you at your worst and your best and won’t run away unless you push them away.

Consistent: Because of the Virgo’s practicality, they are dependable and routine with their words and their actions. If you make them feel important, they will be your forever cheerleader. Just know that a Virgo doesn’t always demonstrate their love from an emotional place. Instead, their love language might be taking your car to fill it with gasoline and an oil change. They don’t play games with love and expect those they love to respect that in return.

Romantic: Many Virgos appear shy and reserved in the beginning, but Virgos are romantic and sexy. A Virgo isn’t complicated in any part of their life, romance included. Offer a Virgo security and some freedom, give them compliments and communicate—then the Virgo will stick by your side forever. A Virgo will always be a dedicated spouse, and though predictable, they have a wild and romantic side that could surprise you. They do like to be affectionate and like their partner to be as well.


Financially Impulsive: It may be surprising to find out that the Virgo, so methodical and routine, is often financially impulsive. Although they set themselves up for financial stability, they enjoy spending money on luxury items. The challenge is that they are embarrassed or afraid of criticism, so they hide it from their partner until it can’t be an avoided topic.

Critical: The Virgo doesn’t even realize that they can be so critical. It’s not so much toward others, but more toward themselves, being their own worst enemy. A true definition of cup half empty, the Virgo can be told all day everyday how wonderful and smart they are, but they will find their flaws. Stay out of their way when they get into their moods. In that moment they will be skeptical of anything and everything.

Needy: A Virgo is needy. They need alone time. They need you to tell them you love them on a regular basis. They need you to not lie to them. They need you to not play mind games. They need you to not drift away from them. They need time with their friends. They need routine and for you to understand that what they need to do is to be methodical, and to understand that their way, according to them, is the right way.

Virgo in the Workplace


A Virgo boss is literal and concise, analytical and hard-working. They like facts and figures. They despise excuses unless backed with logic, and even then can be unsympathetic and cold. So sure, you might have to call in sick because of the flu, but if you aren’t dying from the flu don’t expect any pity. They value time and they won’t be hanging around the water cooler talking about the television show drama from the night before. They also won’t love their employees hanging around the water cooler either.


A Virgo boss is a micromanager who will criticize every suggestion and every move made. They have been known to dismiss an idea and then come up with the same idea and call it amazing. The Virgo boss is a perfectionist and nitpicker. As long as you stay helpful and double-check your own work, there will rarely be a problem.

Parenting a Virgo Child

Virgos are naturally critical of themselves. They rarely need to be micromanaged as they are so busy managing themselves, and others too. They have common sense and are detail-oriented, carefully weighing their pros and cons. They want to learn and want you to teach them. So be patient and spend time helping them help you. It might be quicker for you to cook the dinner but let them help. And it might take you an hour to cut the grass while it takes them three hours, but they will try to do the best job. Let them.


Hardworking: The Virgo child is motivated by anything that will make them feel like an adult. Give the Virgo chores such as laundry, cooking, or cleaning and watch them excel. Offer them an allowance for said chores and they will soar. The Virgo child/teenager will attempt to find a job early in childhood, dishing out ice cream at the local ice cream parlor, babysitting, or mowing lawns to earn money.

Smart: Your Virgo child is intelligent. They have an uncanny way of seeing what others don’t, paying attention to small details. They pick up on academics quickly and love to be stimulated in advanced classes.

Independent: The Virgo child is laid back and happy. They have an older soul, wanting to please and blend into the background, not wanting to be a problem. They love their independence and will try to earn their parents’ trust with responsibility.


Sensitive: Virgo is a sensitive child who is hardly any problem, and fades into the background of the family dynamic. It’s important to allow the Virgo child downtime, but don’t assume that since they aren’t causing any issues they don’t need your time and energy. They also retreat if they feel teased or feel inferior. They can dish it but can rarely take it.

Space: Make sure to give your Virgo child some space. They don’t like being backed into a corner by being bombarded with questions. Because they are so sensitive, they need their space so they can deal with their emotions and decompress the day away. There is often a lot going on in their head and they will paint the picture that everything is going great in their life. It’s a fine line with a Virgo, respecting their sensitivity and their space. If you offer them a happy medium of space, they will happily confide in you.

Picky: The Virgo child is picky with what foods they eat. They are picky about what clothes they put on. They are picky about their group of friends. They are plain picky. It can be exhausting to please them as they will express their displeasure but won’t explain what they do want.

Virgo as a Parent


Laid Back: Don’t be surprised if the child of a Virgo says they get dessert before dinner, as long as all their veggies are eaten. The Virgo parent is routine, but they pick and choose what they decide is worth fighting.

Adventurous: Virgo parents like to travel and find adventure in even little outings to the mall or the park. The Virgo parent will set up a camping trip to the living room or backyard.

Encouraging: The Virgo parent truly wants the best of the best for their child. They will encourage, support, and love their child into their fullest potential. Sometimes seen as criticism, it is done in the name of encouragement, according to a Virgo.


Demanding: The Virgo parent pushes their child; although it’s done in the name of love, it can sometimes come across as critical. The Virgo parent wants everything perfect, the way they see it should be, and there isn’t a lot of wiggle room in their mind. Not only is that not realistic, it’s exhausting.

Uncommunicative: The Virgo parent isn’t always clear about what they need and want, adding confusion and disorder, and creating arguments as the child gets older.

Suffocating: The Virgo parent wants to know everything that is going on in their child’s life, suspicious especially when everything is going just fine. They will be the one sneaking around in their children’s room and electronics, looking for something to use against them. It’s not that they don’t trust their child; they just want to make sure their child is safe.

Virgo and Finances

Virgos are practical. They pinch pennies and have been called cheap, or more kindly called frugal. They are hardworking, but also like to figure out how to make money by hardly working. They do like their money, so don’t try to borrow it from them, or else they will hold that above you forever. The Virgo will splurge, though, but it often comes with buyer’s remorse.

Moon in Virgo

The Virgo energy helps us discover the personal power we’ve always had but forgot was there or forgot how to use. It’s a healing energy that mends the wounds on the soul, reminding you that cobwebs look great for Halloween but not in your life. The Virgo energy hands you the duster and tells you to get to work.

New Moon in Virgo

It’s a time to look at ways you can put yourself first. Do you even remember? If not, maybe take a second and write down all the things you love or might have loved. Opening the doorway even just a little lets some light in.

What to Watch for during the Virgo New Moon:

Frustration when perfection isn’t achieved.

A higher sense of energy.

Increased security and loyalty.

Lack of communication.

Since this moon is in Virgo, you may feel frustrated and stressed, and you may second-guess yourself. It would do you good to push that aside. This is a good time to clean the house, declutter the closets, and most of all, wash the cobwebs from your wishes and dreams.

Full Moon in Virgo

Virgo projects a powerful energy of self-doubt in all aspects of life, which can make the most confident person want to pull the blankets over their head. The best way to deal with this moon is to hide. Okay, not really, but you may feel like that is for the best. If you can’t do that, do your best to avoid conflict and negativity, and to be aware of communication and interactions with others, ignoring that voice inside your head.

For several days you may feel as if you aren’t in control of your life—as if someone stole your life’s GPS. Blasts from the past may challenge you, in both a physical and an emotional way. So, if you’re out at a bar and you see your ex with a sexy someone, don’t make a scene, even in your head! These encounters might be hurtful and emotional, but Full Moons are all about release. We so often bury the past instead of letting it go. It’s time to let it go. Full Moons are about releasing, and this is a powerful one to remind us to do just that.

Although this Full Moon may spotlight more negativity than positivity, on the surface, just know that sometimes the story in your head creates several flying monkeys and wicked witches when there are really none. So, change your story, and make sure to not make yourself a victim.

By taking some extra time to understand what others are saying to you, and what you are saying to you, you will survive this Full Moon.

Soul Work

Listen to your inner voice. Meditation is a great way to turn up your inner voice and intuition to tune in. This meditation can help you during the new or the Full Moon.

Find a place that is quiet and comfortable. Let your eyes close and begin to take deep breaths in and out, focusing on your breathing, all the while letting your thoughts drift out of your mind.

Focus your awareness on the body. As you continue your deep breathing, deepen your sense of relaxation. Notice if there is a heavier feeling in any part of your body. Is your throat tightening? Or maybe your stomach feels heavy? Are you getting pins and needles in your feet?

Visualize a bright white light coming down from the ceiling and wrapping that healing light around you. Send some extra light to the heavier parts of your body too.

Continue to rest. It is during this rest that you can begin to tune in to your inner voice.

Ask out loud or in your mind, “What do I need to be aware of or know right now?” Be open to the response.

You might have thoughts, images, or feelings. Be receptive to them and accept what you receive. If you don’t hear, see, or feel a response, it may be delayed and come later in your waking or dream state.

When you are ready, notice your breath, wiggle your toes and fingers, gradually have a stretch, and come back to the room.

Some feel asking a question that requires a simple “yes” or “no” in meditation is easier.

Find a place that is quiet and comfortable. Let your eyes close and begin to take deep breaths in and out, focusing on your breathing, all the while letting your thoughts drift out of your mind.

Focus your awareness on the body. As you continue your deep breathing, deepen your sense of relaxation. Notice if there is a heavier feeling in any part of your body. Is your throat tightening? Or maybe your stomach is feeling heavy? Are you getting pins and needles in your feet?

Visualize a bright white light coming down from the ceiling and wrapping that healing light around you. Remember to send some extra light to the heavier parts of your body.

Continue to rest. It is during this rest that you can begin to tune in to your inner voice.

Ask your “yes” or “no” question.

Be open to the response. You might have thoughts, images, or feelings. Be receptive to them and accept what you receive. You can also program yourself to know your “yes” or “no.” You might see a flower, feel a sense of joy or relief, or hear happy music with your “yes.” With your “no” you might see an elephant (elephant in the room) or a storm, feel a sense of dread, or hear somber music.

If you don’t hear, see, or feel a response, it may be delayed and come later in your waking or dream state.

When you are ready, notice your breath, wiggle your toes and fingers, gradually have a stretch, and come back to the room.

Things to Do during This Full Moon:

Do watch a comedy. Don’t start an argument. Do go to yoga. Don’t take others’ negativity personally. Do focus on solutions. Don’t focus on problems. Do journal. Don’t surround yourself with negative people. Do make a vision board. Don’t talk about serious things (money, politics, engagement rings, etc.).

Virgo Totem Animal


The Virgo energy embraces the bear totem. The bear embraces the deepest part of your energy. Although they look snuggly and many want to hug a bear, a bear may not want to be hugged—needing space and independence. A bear can be modest, reclusive, lazy, and grumbly. Give them time to hibernate and recenter themselves. Once the bear crawls from their place, watch the bear be generous, hardworking, and observant.

The bear offers a gift of:






