September 23–October 23
Air Energy
Libra, symbolized by the scales, is the seventh sign. People born under the sign of Libra love balance in their life and justice for the world around them. They crave peace and fairness. When things are balanced, the Libra feels the epitome of harmony and peace. The Libra is likable and will do whatever it takes to avoid conflict. Their inner light shines brightly, and people are enamored by their energy. They can gather a group of people around them, make friends easily, and draw attention with humbled admiration. They are intelligent but will hide it so as not to come across as intimidating. They want to blend in.
This sign is easygoing, creative, and artistic. They don’t care what group they belong to and would much rather belong to all the groups, without prejudice. The Libra loves everything beautiful and will fuss over their home environment and their own personal style, pretending all the while that it didn’t take them long at all to find the perfect dress or decorate for the holidays.
You’ll likely see a Libra try to find their Zen by writing, dancing, yoga, or some type of physical exercise. You’ll also likely see a Libra hugging a dog or cuddling a cat. This energy loves to root for the underdog and sometimes it is truly the furry kind. Charitable causes are near and dear to their heart, but they are humble and won’t flaunt their big heart or giving wallet.
Libra Decans
Each zodiac is broken down into triplicities, each having their own energy added to their zodiac sign. This is Libra broken down:
Libra of First Decan: September 23–October 3
Ruled by Venus.
Positive Energy Traits: This Libra loves to embrace their inner hippie, but just because they love all things love, harmony, and peace doesn’t mean they are naïve or stupid. This Libra is intelligent, imaginative, and intuitive. They love beauty and everything creative, and are wonderful in an occupation in film, culinary arts, writing, or graphic design. If a new restaurant is opening—they’re there. On opening night of the newest blockbuster movie—they’re there. Anything that might heighten their senses is in their perfect vibe. Another thing this Libra loves is romance. They love to be loved and love to love in return. This Libra is friendly, sociable, and fun-loving, and loves romance with fancy and folly.
Negative Energy Traits: This Libra is strong-willed and stubborn. They detach and retreat when things are imbalanced or quarrelsome. They would love to rely on others, especially when finances are concerned, and sometimes take on a victim role without realizing it. They hold grudges like an Olympic event and will avoid the compromise in a passive way. Despite not trusting, they have a hard time saying no. They allow others to push them and push them, then find their fiery side flare and push back with Libra venom. If you like to get in and out of a shopping mall, don’t take this Libra with you. You’ll likely see their indecisiveness throughout the trip, with a final choice in their hands, only to back out right at the cashier.
Libra of Second Decan: October 4–13
Ruled by Uranus.
Positive Energy Traits: The second Libra decan is deep. They are fascinated by the human mind and love to observe social interaction. They love to psychologically analyze everyone, from strangers to family members. They immerse themselves in higher learning, loving anything abstract. They prefer the solitude and silence rather than the noise. When you are a friend of this Libra, consider yourself special because they are very particular with who they allow in their world and are often guarded. They are loyal and trustworthy.
Negative Energy Traits: The second decan Libra is often consumed with feeling insecure. They often feel glum about their situation, whether negative or positive, and will wallow in feeling shortchanged rather than manifesting the best. This energy expects the worst. Stubborn and indecisive, this Libra is wishy-washy on any and every decision.
Libra of Third Decan: October 14–23
Ruled by Mercury.
Positive Energy Traits: The third decan Libra is the most imaginative of the three. They are charming and have an amazing gift of communication and persuasion. This Libra is often cynical and witty, but they make it look charming, nonetheless.
Always observant, logical, empathic, and intuitive, this energy has an inner lie detector built in. They also have the gift of reading people and acting accordingly. It’s this trait that makes them wonderful managers—even though they may say they’d rather be a recluse and not deal with anyone. They really are quite outgoing and able to interact with different social circles comfortably.
Negative Energy Traits: The third decan of Libra can come across as fidgety and restless. Although they are incredibly loyal to friends and family, and even their career, they get bored easily. They need to multitask and use their many gifts to their advantage, but although they may pretend, they have worth in their capabilities; they are truly good pretenders. This strong energy is sometimes so strong they forget they can take their superhero cape off and rest, and that burnout is real and dangerous.
September Libra vs. October Libra
The September Libra is neat and orderly.
The October Libra is messy and disordered.
The September Libra loves to be coddled and taken care of.
The October Libra loves to be social, but also needs time to withdraw.
The September Libra gets their feelings hurt easily.
The October Libra is blasé and doesn’t much care what others say and think.
The September Libra tells little white lies, often with drama and exaggeration.
The October Libra is exactly who they show you they are.
The September Libra feels as if others owe them something.
The October Libra works hard to have what they have.
The September Libra holds grudges.
The October Libra gets upset but gives several chances.
The September Libra will forgive but won’t ever forget.
The October Libra needs balanced relationships and will make changes if necessary.
Libra Masculine and Feminine Energy
Energy has a yin and yang that is interpreted as feminine and masculine, and according to the energy it is explained below:
Feminine September Libra: The feminine energy of a Libra in September is warm-hearted and loving. They are ambiguous in all aspects of their life, which can sometimes make them look naïve. This makes this Libra a follower rather than a leader. They are hard workers but move at a slower, more precise pace, and those who are high energy may see them as lazy. A pushover, they often are talked into doing something they aren’t happy with but are afraid to voice their concerns. With age and wisdom, this Libra finds strength and a bit more of a voice. Finances are a lifelong struggle as they love their luxurious items, and they love to share whatever wealth they obtain.
Masculine September Libra: The masculine energy of a Libra in September will do whatever it takes to choose the middle road to try to please everyone. They sometimes detach and withdraw for fear of being put into a space where they must decide. They have a salesperson spirit but decide it’s easier to withdraw to a cubicle. This Libra is warm, loving, and compassionate. They hate arguments and want intellectual conversation.
Feminine October Libra: The feminine energy of a Libra in October is sassy, witty, cynical, and intellectual. They love the finer arts, listening or playing music, being surrounded by books, and around anything and anyone creative. They can tackle challenging jobs and create an air of balance and diplomacy with grace. They love justice and fighting for those unable to fight for themselves. They have a healing energy toward humans and animals.
Masculine October Libra: The masculine energy of a Libra in October is sassy and intellectual. They love fine arts, listening or playing music, and anything and anyone creative. This Libra is often seen as shallow, incorrigible, and unreliable. They put on an air so as not to seem transparent or vulnerable. This Libra works very hard for their money but will often complain they aren’t earning enough.
Libra Positive Traits
Libras aren’t fans of conflict (unless they’ve created it). They are social creatures and will bend over backward to make others happy and feel included. Libras are sensitive to energy. Negativity exhausts them, so they will do whatever it takes to keep the energy balanced, sometimes at the sacrifice of their happiness.
Even if a Libra doesn’t feel creative, they ooze a creative vibe and love surrounding themselves with all things artistic. If the Libra can incorporate something creative into their life, they will be at their happiest. It might be music, meditation or yoga, books, painting, jewelry making, or creative management or anything and everything in between. They love socializing, speaking, teaching, and learning.
While everyone has their own intuitiveness, the Libra’s intuition is super special and intense. It could be because they don’t like to conform to what society tries to tell them to be. It’s that lack of restriction that heightens the intuition from a whisper to a roar. The Libra is a master manifester for themselves and helps enable the same in those they love. Libras are sensitive and very psychic, throwing a deck of Tarot cards out on their desk to see how they should be guided and in what ways.
Libra Negative Traits
Doesn’t Compromise
In a Libra’s world there should always be a compromise. Whether in business or romance, a Libra often sacrifices themselves waiting for someone else to swoop in and create the balance. You will start to see the Libra flail when the superhero doesn’t show up. This can cause depression and arguments.
Libras can be perceived as lazy and absent-minded. It’s because they can take forever to make any decision—from what jeans to buy to what canned soup to make. The larger the decision, the larger the indecisiveness. The sign of scales, Libras are constantly weighing their options, worried once they’ve decided their final decision might be wrong. Then they concern themselves with the what-if consequences.
Libras are known to hold grudges against people as a knee-jerk reaction for being hurt. Libras want to trust and are incredibly sensitive. They care. They care about harmony. They want to be forgiving. But if there’s no change to a situation and they are the only one carrying the weight, they will passively step away and they will avoid. They will carry the grudge without even telling the other party what the root of the problem is or giving them the ability to fix it. They will sometimes forgive, but they will never forget.
Libra Keywords
Libra Communication Style
Libras are colorful and creative, and like the communication to be interesting, social, and intellectual. Have patience with the Libra as they figure out how to form their words and they learn how to trust and share their thoughts and beliefs.
Libra Misconceptions
Libra is by nature the peacemaker. Although they rarely lose their calm, they are passionate and intense. Don’t underestimate a Libra. They love harmony and diplomacy, and if they see someone being hurt by lack of balance, watch out—the sweet and charismatic Libra will show another side you don’t want to be on.
Don’t Be a Libra, Libra
Libra, you can be fun-loving, charming, and intelligent, but when you go into your dark place, watch out. You certainly know how to break a heart. You also are the queen/king of avoidance, especially when it comes to confrontations. The real lesson for you, Libra, is to know it’s okay to speak up for yourself. You are loved, so stop faking it, start faithing it.
Thoughts from a Libra
The Devil’s Advocate
Many Libras believe they have the most difficult experience because they are the Libra. Always second-guessing themselves. Always being hurt by others because they are so trusting and so loyal. Always taking care of everyone else but themselves.
“Being a Libra can be difficult, mostly for others. For me, it is a daily struggle not to play devil’s advocate with every single situation that may arise. I’m also very trusting and loyal. Too trusting and loyal sometimes. I find that if I give you my trust and loyalty and you break it, it is unforgivable and unforgettable. I have to work hard on forgiving those who’ve hurt me, more so for myself than anyone else. I also have a hair-trigger temper, but that is usually brought on by high levels of anxiety—probably because I find, as a Libra, I am quite empathic and when everyone’s emotions are tossed into the mix it can be hard to keep my cool. Like the scales of the Libra, I find that there are equal positive and negative sides to my sign, but I think if I were to change too much about myself, I’d then become unbalanced.”
Scales of Justice
Libras don’t like a tipping scale and would prefer it balanced exactly the way they see fit.
“What most people don’t realize about Libras is that we value fairness, justice, and balance most of all. All my life I have stood up for the underdog, even when it wasn’t my fight to fight. I can’t stand seeing injustice in the world, and although I am usually happy-go-lucky, I want harmony and hate arguing. Nothing makes me move toward a fight faster than an unfair situation. Be careful when dealing with a Libra if you like drama and conflict. They will avoid it and appease you just to keep things harmonious until the time that an injustice occurs. Then be ready for the gloves to come off and for them to head straight for your jugular.”
Balancing Act
Libras truly want everything in their life balanced just so, including the home and surroundings.
“I was born under the sign of Libra. I’ve always heard it stood for balance. I guess this explains why I’m more or less OCD about everything. Pictures must be even on the walls and things have to be the same on one side as the other. It gets so bad that I have walk into a stranger’s house and straighten pictures on their walls. Everything I do seems to prove that I am a typical Libra in some ways.”
Libra and Relationships
Libras are very enthusiastic and open for adventures. They care deeply, are quick-witted, and love to make others happy. They love to feel safe and secure, and will offer the same, above and beyond, toward their partner. Even with flaws, they have a gentle way of overlooking them and seeing the best in their partnership. They are charming and supportive of their partner’s endeavors, sticking up for their family, friends, and love relationships. They are nice, but they aren’t stupid, so don’t test their solidarity or patience.
The Libra sees what they want, and they know how they want it, but they don’t know how to communicate the big picture. It’s scary to be vulnerable for them to simply vocalize their needs and so they hee and haw, sometimes looking like a deer in headlights. Because they are intuitive, they expect everyone else to be mind readers. Libras do love to argue and won’t let up until their partners give in—it’s why Libras make amazing attorneys.
Libra in the Workplace
Libras love fairness and flourish best with an atmosphere of rules and regulations, justice, and clear judgment. A Libra boss won’t play favorites and will be trustworthy and honest. They truly want you to succeed. They love to socialize and will act more like a peer rather than a superior, trying to make everyone happy.
The Libra boss is a pushover that is indecisive and hates making decisions, all the while pretending they have it all together. Time management isn’t their best trait, as they procrastinate and do everything methodically. This can be particularly frustrating for the employee who is under pressure on a project.
Parenting a Libra Child
A Libra child does get mad. They get angry. But they often show it when retreating. Stay in tune to your child and their emotions. Allow them the space and time to sort it out but be close for a shoulder to cry on and some help with resolving the conflict with love and understanding. You may not hear the whole story, and don’t pressure them.
Creative: The Libra child likes life to be as creative as possible. Give them a book, a movie to watch, music to play, and an environment to creatively flourish in, and you will see them soar.
Peacekeeper: If there’s conflict, this Libra will try to mediate it as well as they can. The Libra child can see the right and the wrong, and they try to make it as right as possible.
Social: Did you say there’s a birthday party to go to? The Libra child will likely be invited to several and will flourish with their charm and sweetness. Your Libra child is a social butterfly, and even though they may pretend they don’t want to be the center of attention, somehow they always are.
Sensitive: The Libra child feels everything. They feel their family member’s sadness and their joy, their fear, and their happiness.
Indecisiveness: It takes a lot of patience to parent a Libra because they are wishy-washy. They like to carefully weigh their options, and then reconsider. Trying to rush them into a decision will only make them grumpy and even more indecisive.
Time Issues: It takes a lot of patience to parent a Libra. Sound familiar? Because of the indecisiveness they don’t do well being hurried. They need thought-out organization and an understanding that it’s part of who they are. Sometimes, though, their time issues look lazy and passive.
Generous: Libras will happily hand over their lunch to someone who forgot theirs. They love to help others and be there for everyone who needs them. They love harmony and balance, sometimes at their own sacrifice.
Sensitively Sick: The Libra child feels the energy of others and it can physically make them ill. If your child is detaching, you might want to look at your environment. Is there more worrying or arguing, an illness, or another imbalance? If there is, your Libra could complain of mysterious illnesses that could manifest into a true and real illness.
Parenting the Parent: The Libra wants to be treated as a peer rather than a child, and the parent can forget the appropriate roles. The grown-up Libra child can become resentful for lack of a childhood.
Libra as a Parent
Social: The Libra parent will sign their child up for every activity, and then be a pushover and let their child quit when they become bored. They love to throw and attend social functions.
Creative: The Libra parent will cart their child to the symphony, karate, and hit concert. They’ll help their child paint and decorate their room several times over, and Pinterest as many amazing creative ideas for future birthday cakes or a wedding twenty years yet to come.
Negotiator: Libras hate tension and imbalance, so they do their best to negotiate and calm the choppy waters. They teach compromise and generosity.
Advisor: The Libra is an amazing advisor, with wisdom and love. They do a great job with seeing and sharing the insight with others (not always for themselves).
Sarcastic: Sarcastic? A Libra? No, not a Libra?! It’s just part of their wiring, and they don’t realize it can come across as mean and critical.
Time Issues: Your Libra parent will be late for events big and small, wondering why anyone is even upset. The party starts when they show up, after all.
Financial Issues: Libras go through financial issues because they want to make their kids happy with the newest and the best, at the expense of opening their wallets wide.
Sensitively Sick: The Libra parent feels the energy of others, which can make them physically ill with mysterious illnesses that could manifest into a true and real illness.
Pushover: Ice cream for dinner? A note to get out of school and then a trip to the amusement park? Oh, you have a tummy ache and want to skip exams? This Libra parent can be the biggest pushover, wanting so much to stay in the good graces of their child, they forget to be an authority figure.
Libra and Finances
Libras really do want a balanced bank account, but they often get bogged down with all the decisions that money brings. Indecisiveness in the category of finances can bring anxiety and depression. The Libra needs someone to help teach, manage, and balance them to give them confidence.
Moon in Libra
The Libra moon energy draws your attention to the fairness or injustice in all aspects of your life. It urges you to look at ways you can help to bring in more balance in your life (New Moon) or how to rid yourself of what isn’t helping you with your balance (Full Moon).
Emotions are intensified in the Libra energy and you will feel urged to find harmony and balance in your life. You may feel braver than you have in a long time. This is the time to take thought-out chances and risks that will help you create more independence in your life. Remember that thoughts create things, so even making slight changes to how you think about what you want and how you want it (leave a deadline date out of it), can plant the seeds to new beginnings. The intensified emotions, however, are your battle song. You can hear the “I’m not good enough” in the wind of energy, or you can battle through and make the shift to “I’ve always been good enough and things are getting better.” Don’t be afraid, just believe.
New Moon in Libra
During this time, you’ll feel a need for fairness and justice, but that isn’t always life, right? If someone cuts you off in traffic, instead of taking matters in your own hands, just let it go. You will want to be an enforcer, but it isn’t needed—allow the Universe to do it instead. Especially watch your sarcasm and cynicism as it rarely helps in any situation, so be careful of your mood and your mouth. There are karmic lessons that you will be showered with this moon that will teach you to be assertive and in control.
This Energy in Libra is Great for:
Looking at your sense-of-life balance. What is making you feel “off ”?
Making an appointment with a doctor or dentist for your annual physical.
Having some one-on-one honest and loving time with your partner.
Full Moon in Libra
This unpredictable energy could make you feel off-kilter and out of control with life. Full moons are mirrors to our souls, and this moon is about wanting peace, love, and harmony in all aspects of life and yet feeling like we are on a teeter-totter. Look at the things that are causing this and look at ways you can correct this.
Full moons are also about endings. You might see an ending of a job or of a relationship/friendship. But once again, with endings come new beginnings. Say with the ending of a job, it could also mean a promotion, not exactly the unemployment line. There will more than likely be difficult weather patterns, issues with other countries, and disturbing headlines. Oddly enough, though, you won’t want to create drama even though it will circle around you. As the moon is in Libra, you will crave justice in situations gone wrong and not everybody will see eye to eye. Libra often holds grudges and keeps it contained. Past issues become present issues, but it might be called something new.
This moon is not about being a martyr and allowing everybody else to distract you; instead, the next few days are about focus and building your life and taking steps toward your dreams and aspirations.
Soul Work
Libra energy is about creating balance in your life. List five things you want more of in your life, and then list five things you want less of in your life. How will you feel is your life is more balanced? How much can you control with creating more balance?
Create a visualization for what your most balanced life looks like. Here are some examples:
If I organize my clothes by days, I will make time in the morning to do a five-minute meditation.
If I make breakfast and lunches for the kids the night before, it will make for a calmer morning.
If I go grocery shopping at lunch hours on Wednesdays, I have an extra hour to run to the gym.
Achieving life balance isn’t complicated, it just takes some soul searching.
Now Is the Time
Do be careful to not get involved in the drama or act as a mediator. Not right now. Don’t get involved with those who throw you their neediness. Do be lovingly assertive. Don’t get engaged in the drama. Do talk to yourself lovingly. Don’t speak without thinking first. It’s a time of misconstrued communication.
Libra Totem Animal
The Libra energy embraces the raven totem, which focuses on intuition and creativity. The raven is known for being intelligent, but they are the worst secret keepers, sharing their treasure finds with just one caw. They show themselves to others as mysterious with a deep introspect. They balance the dark with the light, show off their social side, and share their magical and healing gifts.
The raven offers a gift of: