As soon as he went into the water, Jacob could feel the coldness of it. He took a moment to orient himself with the place on the island that he wanted to go ashore. He looked around to see if anyone had seen him go into the water. Not seeing anyone reacting to him being in the water, he put the snorkel into his mouth, took a deep breath and swam just under the surface of the water towards the shoreline.
Once he was close to the shore, he stopped, looked up and picked out a spot that was hidden by some shrubs, just out of the sight of the lights that were lighting up the fence perimeter. He cautiously made his way to the shrubs, and then up onto the shore. He ran for the bushes as soon as his feet could touch the ground. He hid behind the bushes, took off his swimming gear, and hid it in the bushes. Covering it with several branches from the bushes, making a mental note of where he had hidden them so he could get back to them quickly should he have to make a quick exit. Then he put the silencers on his pistol and the rifle, and looked out of the bushes, trying to find the closest way to the fence that would give the best cover. He soon spotted an area of open ground that had a small washout, where the rain water would drain from the field down to the shore.
He got down low, and almost crawled to the washout. He then crawled up the washout, making sure that he was not spotted as he made his way across the field and up to the fence line. Once he made it to the fence line, he lifted his head up just enough to see all around the area. He did not see anyone around, but on the side of the building he could see a camera mounted about fifteen feet up and it was pointing in his general direction. Looking both to the left and to the right, he reaches down and pulls a small paint ball pistol from a holster on one hip. He cocks the gun and takes aim at the camera. Firing a shot off at the camera, he looks to make sure that the shot was not heard, then looking he sees that the shot hit the wall just to the side of the camera. He quickly takes another shot at the camera, and this time the second shot was a direct hit. The camera was now blind, so he takes the opportunity to use the wire cutters and clip off just enough fence at the bottom that he could slip under the fence.
Quickly he goes under the fence, as he comes to his knees, he notices that down at the end of the building, just inside the corner of the fence line, there was a guard tower. He could not see if anyone was inside and the glass had too much glare from the lights to see anything. Taking his chances he runs from the fence to the side of the building, stopping just in the shadow of bush that was growing at the side of the building. He hesitates a moment to see if there is a response by anyone that may have seen him run from the fence. Not seeing any commotion, he looks for any other cameras that may be on the buildings. He sees one at the end of the building, but it is pointing in a different direction from where he is hiding.
He then makes his way along the side of the building in the opposite direction of the tower. He makes it to the end of the building, lying down on the ground he peeks around the corner of the building. On the other side of the building he sees several men standing around at the entrance to the building, and further away from them in what looks like a parking lot, he sees two men walking away from the front door, each of them had a dog on a leash. He dared not make a sound to alert the dogs, then he thought about which direction the wind was blowing to check if they might be able to catch a scent of him. He takes a deep breath when he realizes the wind is hitting him in the face. He looks at where the men are again, then he crawls backwards to get back around the corner of the building.
“I can’t take all of them and the dogs out,” he said to himself as he tries to see a way past them. As he lies there thinking of his next move, he hears some noise behind him. He turns to see one of the side doors now open and someone is standing in the open field between the fence and the building. He can see that the person is looking up at something, then he realized that the man is looking up at the camera. Quickly Jacob grabs the pistol from his other hip holster, the one that is a real gun with the silencer, and he points it at the man. Waiting to see if the man is accompanied by someone else.
He watches as the man looks at the camera, then disappears back inside the building. Thinking that he may just get his chance to get into the building, Jacob goes back along the building and kneels down by the bush that is at the side of the building. Just as he makes it to the bush, the man opens the side door again, and this time comes out with a ladder. He watches as the man takes the ladder and begins to stand it up next to the building so that he can go up to the camera and see what is wrong with it. As the man stands the ladder up, Jacob sneaks to the door, peeks through the gap between the back of the door and the wall, looking for anyone else that may be inside the door. Not seeing anyone else, he waits behind the door, just watching the man on the ladder, pointing his pistol at him so that he can take the man out at a moments notice. He patiently waits, and watches what the guys does.
He watches the man get up to the camera, then as the man takes a cloth and begins to wipe the front of the camera off, he can hear the man say to himself, “What the hell is all over this thing?” The man wipes the front of the camera off, then makes his way down the ladder. He takes the ladder down from the side of the wall and walks over to the door. As he gets to the door, he puts the front of the ladder in the door, then as he is about to walk in, Jacob jumps out from behind the door, hits the man in the head and knocks him out. Jacob then grabs the man before he hits the ground and the ladder falls and makes a hell of a racket. He pulls the man to the bush at the side of the building. He takes duct tape and tapes over the mans mouth, then tapes his hands and feet together then throws some branches over him. He moves the ladder inside and lies it along the wall, shuts the door and looks for the stairs that can take him to the roof of the building.
Finding the steps just in the corner, he goes up the stairs and gets himself to the roof of the building. He cracks open the door, and peeks out to see if anyone is on the roof. He does not see anyone so he steps out to the roof. Shutting the door behind him, he begins to look around for the building that is the power plant for the island. He walks towards the edge of the roof to see better, then he stops in his tracks when from behind he hears, “Stop right there.”
He raises his hands and slowly turns around to see an man standing right behind him, pointing a pistol at his face. “Just where do you think you are going?” The man asks as he reaches for his radio that was on his belt.
Before the man can radio to anyone, Jacob throws himself to the ground and at the same time he shoots the man with his silenced pistol. He made sure to shoot the man in the head so that he would less likely be able to fire his pistol and alert anyone. The man’s body fell to the ground with a “thud”. Jacob jumps to his feet, grabs the body and drag’s him to the side of the building, so that anyone that would come out onto the roof would not immediately see him. He then goes to the roof edge and sees the building that he thinks is the power plant. He looks around and sees a number of large wires going from the building out to all of the other buildings. He sees the wires running to the side of the building that he is standing on. He walks over to the corner where the wires go into the building, he looks over the edge of the roof to see if anyone is down below. When he looks over the side of the roof, down below him he sees two armed guards standing just outside a doorway. He glances around the rest of the area, and he can see several more men at the other end of the buildings, that appear to be talking and not paying much attention. Then he sees a shed a little further away, and it has placards on the doors, to indicate that there are things inside of the shed that are flammable. Making a mental note of this, he puts his diving gloves on then he crawls over the side of the building and down onto the wires. He hangs down, then throws his feet up over the wires, so that he is now hanging from the wires. Using his hands and his feet, he begins to slowly make his way across the wires to the power building. Every little bit he stops and looks down to see if the men on the ground are looking up and if they spot him on the wires.
He makes it to the other building, and swings himself up so that he can reach over and grab the edge of the roof and pull himself up onto the roof and off of the wires. He rolls onto the roof, then looks around for people or cameras. Seeing that it is clear, he gets up and runs to the hatch that leads to the roof. He tests the hatch to see if it will open, then he cracks it just enough to see inside the building. He looks inside and sees that the hatch leads into a service area and that there is nobody around. Opening the hatch, he climbs down inside and shuts the hatch behind him. He goes down the ladder and onto a walkway. He then goes over to another door, cracks it open and sees a control room with three guys inside of it. He looks around the rest of the area, but sees no one else. When the men in the control room are all looking the other direction, he sneaks out of the door and hides himself along a wall amongst some long lab type coats. When he is sure that he has not been detected, he runs over to the outside wall of the control booth, and attaches some c-4 to the side of the booth, flips the switch so his remote will detonate it. He then peeks in the window, and while the men inside are not paying any attention to his side of the booth, he runs back to the door and back into the service area. He shuts the door, then puts an ear to it to listen and see if anyone is coming. Not hearing anyone he goes back up the ladder to the roof, climbs out the hatch onto the roof. He shuts the hatch and places a lock on the hatch so that nobody can get out through there. He walks back over to where he had gained access to the roof, and looks over the side of the roof to see if the guards were still down there. Seeing them, he knows that he has not been discovered yet. He pulls his head back and looks around the facility, and just a short distance away, he sees a larger building that he thinks is where the experimenting is taking place. It only made sense, as there were more guards at the door, and the men with the dogs were staying close to the perimeter of the building.
He runs over to the side of the roof that was closest to that building. Lying down he peeks over the edge of the roof. Looking around he can see just below him was another building, and the roof of it was only about five feet below him. He looks back up at the guards, finds where the men with the dogs were, then when he felt the moment was right, he slid himself over the edge of the roof, and as quietly as he could let himself down to the the roof of the lower building. Immediately he laid down on the roof and crawled over to the edge of it. Slowly he lifted his head just enough that he could see over the edge of the roof and over to the guards at the front door. He looked from the guards up to the side of the building looking for a way inside. When he looked up, he saw a window towards the top of the building, close to the roof, that looked like he might be able to squeeze through. Now to figure out how to get to that window without being spotted or heard. He crawled backwards away from the edge of the roof, he stops and grabs his leg when he feels a sharp pain, looking down he sees that a sharp edge of the metal has cut his leg and tore a small hole in his pants. He grabs the spot where the pain is, and swipes his hand. Looking at his hand he sees blood, and figures that he had received a small cut deep enough to bleed. But he can’t worry about that right now, he has to get the job done.
He looks around the side of the building trying to find a way to get to the window. As he is looking around the side of the building, he hears some commotion going on at the other end of the compound in the direction of where he had came onto the island. He looks to the back of the buildings and sees a number of men running across the grounds towards the back out of his sight. Thinking that the man that was on the ladder may have woke up and alerted them, he anxiously looks for a way into the building. Then, as he is about to make a move for the side of the roof, he sees a possible way to the window. While he was looking for a way to the window, he had seen a truck parked at the corner of the building, “maybe I can climb onto the truck and get up to the window,” he said to himself.
He looks to the corner of the building to see if the guards are looking around the corner, when he didn’t see anyone, he slipped over the edge of the roof to the ground, and to the corner of the truck. Taking cover between the truck and the side of the building, he prepares to climb onto the truck, when he sees another door that is slightly cracked open. Quickly he runs to the door, looks around behind him, then opens the door a little bit more and looks inside. When he looks inside he sees a bucket of dirty water and a man at the end of the hall who appears to be mopping the floors. Opening the door, he sees an open office just inside the door. While the janitor is facing away from him, he goes into the door and into the office.
He runs into the office and dives behind the desk. Peeking over the top of the desk to the door to see if the janitor had seen him enter the building. He doesn’t see or hear anyone coming to the office. Looking around the office, he can see some pictures on the desk of a man and what looks like his wife and several children. Then he opens the long skinny drawer in the middle of the desk. Thumbing through some of the papers in the drawer, he takes out a business card that has the name Peter Garrett printed on it. Then it hits him, and he takes another look at the picture on the desk, and his stomach drops as he sees that the man in the picture is the same Peter that had hired him to break into the facility and rescue his people. Now he knows that the whole thing was a set up.
Being pissed off now, he shuts the drawer, and goes over to the door. He peeks around the corner out into the hallway. The Janitor is now gone, the door is still cracked open with the bucket of water. Then, as he is trying to figure out what to do next, he can hear a lot of boots walking in the halls down from where he is, and they sound like they are walking towards his direction. He looks around for a way out other than the door he came into, but he could not see one that is open, he looks back into the office and sees a bathroom door. He steps back into the office, shuts and locks the office door. He runs over to the bathroom door and goes into the bathroom. He shuts the bathroom door and locks it, then looks around the bathroom for a way out. Looking up to the ceiling he sees that it is a drop ceiling with panels. He stands up on the sink, pushes up on one of the panels. He pushes the panel up, moves it to the side, then climbs up into the space above the drop ceiling. He puts the panel back into its place and glances around to see where he can go from there.
He pulls out his miniature flashlight from his thigh pocket, turns it on and looks around for a direction to go. As he is looking around, the can hear a couple people talking, and then he hears someone fumbling with keys and trying to open the office door. “Hurry up would you,” he could hear someone say as they fumbled with the lock.
Quickly he decides to crawl and follow the air ducts that run to the office. He makes it over to the air ducts without falling through the ceiling panels. Not wanting to push his luck with the ceiling panels, he climbs onto the duct work. “Bang!” one of the panels rings out as his weight pushes down on the top of it. “Shit!” Jacob says to himself as he freezes, hoping the duct was not heard.
“In the ceiling, he is in the ceiling!” He heard someone in the hall yell out. Then he could hear the people running around in the hall, and it sounded like there were more and more people coming. Quickly, he looks up and begins to crawl along the duct work, heading to some where he does not know, just hoping it is somewhere that he will be able to get a way out of the building. He makes it to a place where there were some grates that he could see down into the room, and looking down he could see some tables surrounded by chairs. He stops and crawls down closer to the grates to see more in the room. When he gets a better look, he can see that he is now over what appears to be like a lunch room, or break room. He listens for people near the room, but everyone that he hears sounds like they are quite a ways away from the room.
He reaches down and grabs the grate, and pulls it up. He peeks his head down into the dark, quiet room. He looks around and the room is empty, so he slides down through the opening and stands on the top of one of the tables. He reaches up and pulls the grate back to the opening and puts it back where it was at. He climbs down off of the table, grabs his pistol and walks over to one of the doorways. Looking down the hall he sees a man in a room at the end of the hall, but there is no other people that he can see around. Then he sees another room about half way down the hall and the door is open but the lights are not on. He looks to the man again, who is not looking up in his direction, then he quietly runs down the hall to the open door. He stops at the door, and looks inside to see what was in there. He sees the room empty, he goes inside and crosses the room to another door. Grabbing the door handle, it opens slightly so he peeks inside, and in the next room he sees another man sitting at a desk. He opens the door fast, steps inside and closes the door behind him as he points his pistol at the man behind the desk.
“Who are you?” The man at the desk asked as he put his hands into the air.
“I am your worst nightmare if I have to be, now tell me where does this door go?” Jacob asked as he put the gun to the mans face as he walked up to him referring to the door behind the man.
“It goes into the lab.” The man answered as he began to break out into a sweat.
“What are they doing in that lab?”
“I don’t know, I just guard the door.”
“Open the door!”
“I can’t, it has biometrics, you have to have access, your thumb print has to be recognized by the computer in order for the door to unlock.”
“Well I am sure your print will work, now put your finger up there and open the door.”
“I am not authorized to access the door, I just check everyone that goes in and out of the lab.”
“Then who can access it?” Jacob asks as he steps closer to the man and puts the pistol against his forehead.
“You have to have one of the technicians or one of the suits.” He answered with a now very nervous voice.
“Is there anyone in there right now?”
“No, they are all gone for the night.” He answered as he lifted one of his legs.
“Now why did you do that?” Jacob asked as he looked down at the man’s leg.
“Do what?” He asked as if he did not know what Jacob was talking about.
“Hit that alarm with your foot.” Jacob answered as he pulled the trigger and shot the man in the head. The man fell to the floor, and Jacob grabbed his arm and drug him over to the thumb scanner of the lock. Putting the man’s thumb to the pad, he could hear the lock unlock as the green light lit up. He dropped the man’s arm, and opened the door. When he looked inside, he could see a body lying on a table with a sheet pulled up to the chin. Next to the table was and IV stand and several other machines that had a bunch of wires running from them to the body that was on the table.
He stepped into the room, and held the door open until he could see another way out. Looking at the body on the table, he thought that it looked a little funny, but as he was looking at the body, he began to hear the beeping of a heart monitor begin to beep. He looked up to see the monitor next to the table, and he could see the lines jumping with the beat of a heart. His attention was then pulled to the other side of the room, when he heard another monitor begin to beep. He turned to look at it, then he jumped a little when he heard the “bang” of the door going shut behind him. “Awe shit,” he said to himself when he realized that he was now locked inside the room with the people on the tables.
He raised his pistol and pointed it at the people on the table. Not sure of what was going on, he walked over to the side of one of the tables to get a better look at one of them. “What the hell are you?” he asked as he stood next to one of them and saw that they looked like regular people, but that they had pale colored skin, with no hair on their head. They had no eyebrows, and looked like they had some kind of foam or something like that on the edges of their mouths. He bent over to look a little closer, and as he did the person on the table opened their eyes and looked at him.
He jumped back as this startled him, and he could just look at the man. The man on the table turned his head and stared right at him. Then, he began to sit up on the table. Not knowing what to do, Jacob raised his pistol and told the man, “dude stay on that table, don’t make me shoot you!” The man had no reaction to his commands, as he swung his feet over and off the table and started to stand up. As he stood up, he pulled all of the wires out from the machines making them go silent. The man stood up, as the sheet fell away, he could see that the man was nude and did not have any hair any place on his body. He could also see that the man was pale over his entire body.
As Jacob was trying to figure out what was wrong with the guy, the man leaned forward and began to scream. He watched the man lean over and scream, and when he did he had a lot of white stuff come out of his mouth and drip to the floor. He warned the man not to come at him, but the man started to move towards him. “Pew,” he shot the man in the chest to put him down, but the man just stumbled backwards, then screamed at him again and started to move towards him again.
Once again he shot, but this time hitting the man in the head. This time the man fell straight to the floor dead. Just as the man hit the floor, he saw the man on the other table start to sit up. Immediately he swung around and shot that man in the head. His head fell back down on the table and the heart monitor showed that there was no longer a heart beat, it had flat-lined. He looked around the room for another exit. He went to the back of the room and into another room that was connected to it. He walked in and there were some desks, with some monitors on them and they were connected to some cameras that were watching the tables where the men were now lying dead, but there was nobody around. He looked around and on the other side of the room were test tubes and microscopes and some other things that resembled what he had seen on some crime lab shows.
“Who are you and what are you doing in here?” He heard a woman’s voice ask as she walked into the room from the other side of the room.
He swung around and pointed his pistol at her, “Don’t you move,” he said as he saw an attractive brunette, wearing a long white lab coat, carrying a clip board walk into the room.
“Why are you here?” She asked as she froze in her steps.
“Who are you?” Jacob asked as he walked closer to her.
“I work here, I am one of the scientists.” She answered.
“Where are the people that were brought here?”
“What people?” She asked as she looked really confused.
“You know what I am talking about, you already had two people in the other room lying on tables.” He said as he pointed to the room where he had just walked out of.
“You are not allowed in here.” She yelled as she walked over to the table and slammed her clip board down.
“Lady I just want to get the hell out here.”
“Then you just turn right around and go back the way you just came.” She replied as she put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“I can’t do that, but you will lead me out of here.”
“I will not, I have work to do here.”
“Not anymore.” Jacob said as he glanced back towards the room where the dead guys on the tables were.
“What!” She said as she started to walk to the door.
“No, you are coming with me.” Jacob said as he grabbed her by the arm and lead her over to the door where she had come from.
“You can’t make me go with you.” She yelled as she tried to pull away from him.
“Either you come with me or I will shoot you right here.”
“Alright, but don’t think that I will help you beyond getting you to the door.” She said under protest of being forced to help him.
“Now which way do we go?” He asked as they walked out into another hall.
“Go to the end of the hall and go to the right, there is an exit door at the end of that hall.”
Jacob, holding the woman by the arm, almost pulls her down the hall. They walk past several doors that look like they go into offices. Then they walk past some big windows, and as he looks into the windows, he sees more tables, and on those tables looks like some dogs and cats that were laid out. They appeared to be dead, but he has no idea what they would be doing in there.
“What do you people do here?” he asked as they walked past the rooms, half amazed at what he was seeing.
“We are doing research into animal diseases, what do you think that we do here?”
“What kind of diseases are you researching?”
“Foot and mouth and other communicable disease, we are trying to stop outbreaks to protect animals,” she answered as she continued to try and pull away from his grasp.
“So how many people have you all kidnapped and experimented on?”
“We don’t kidnap anyone, where do you get those ideas from?”
“You don’t huh, then who were those guys lying on the tables then?”
“I don’t know where they came from.”
“Yeah okay.”
“Really I don’t, I just do the experiments that I am hired to do, I don’t ask questions.”
“Maybe you should ask more questions.”
“I work for the government, they don’t like people to be asking a lot of questions, when you ask questions, you find yourself out of work really fast.”
“I am really sorry for this.” Jacob said as he hit the women on the back of the head with the butt of his gun. He grabbed her to stop her from falling to the floor and getting hurt, then he laid her down on the floor and went through the door at the end of the hall that was marked as an exit. He walked through the door, and found himself now standing in an atrium. He looks around to see where to go now that might get him out of the building. As he looks from side to side, trying to find an exit out of there, one of the doors on the far side of the room opens, and in walks three people. They walk into the room, and once the door shuts behind them, they all look at him and stare.
“Come any closer and I will shoot everyone of you right where you stand.” Jacob said as he raised his pistol and pointed it at the three people that had just walked in.
None of them said a word, they looked at him, then one of them screamed, just like the men in the other room on the tables. As the man yelled at him, he too had something white coming out of his mouth. When that man screamed, the other two then joined in and began screaming. Then the first man that yelled, took off in a sprint across the room at him.
PEW, the gun sounded as Jacob fired off a shot and hit him in the face. The man stopped running and fell to the floor. Then the other two took off in a sprint at him when they saw the first guy fall to the floor. Pew-pew, Jacob fired two more shots, hitting the other two men that were running at him.
“What the hell is going on around here?” Jacob asked himself, as he walked over to the men that were now lying on the floor, seeing the same white foam coming out of their mouths, as the others had. He looked down at them for a moment, then he went to the door that they had come in from. He tried the handle and it opened, just enough that he could peek in a look at where it was leading. He did not see anyone, so he stepped through the door and into another hallway. At the end of the hall he could see light coming out from a room. He could not hear anything, as the whole hallway was dead quiet except for the buzzing noise coming from the exit sign just above his head. He slowly walked down the hall, keeping an eye behind him in case another one of those people comes out from nowhere. When he gets close to the door with the light on, he hears someone moaning.
Carefully, he slowly peeks around the corner of the door to get a look inside the room. He looks in and sees a man lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. Looking around the room he sees no other people. He steps into the room, keeping his gun on the man on the floor, “What happened in here?” he asks as he approaches the man.
“They have gotten loose.” The man answers as he takes a deep breath, trying to keep from drowning in his own blood.
“Who has gotten loose?” Jacob asks the man as he bends down and tries to see where he was bleeding from or what the injuries were.
“Don’t let them get off the island.” The man said before he passed out from loss of blood.
Jacob tries to get him to come around, but the man was not going to wake up. Before he stood up, he sees that the side of the mans face was bleeding, and it looked like he had a huge bite on his cheek. He looked at the man’s arm and there are more bite marks that are deep enough that they are also bleeding. “What the hell attacked you buddy,” he said as he stood up and looked around the room for clues as to what may have happened there. That is when he saw, on the floor in the blood, footprints that looked like a bare foot man had waked through the blood. While he was standing there trying to figure out what he is looking at, he hears another scream just like the ones from the men that had attacked him, coming from down the hall. It sounded like it was a distance away, but in the same building. He looked around the room, and there was a desk and on the desk was a bundle of papers. He went over and looked at the papers and he could see at the top of one of the papers, printed in bold letters, that reads, “Human Rabies Immunoglobulin ineffective.”
“What the hell,” he said to himself out loud, as he turned away from the desk and went back to the door. He glances out into the hallway, then walks out and heads down the hall in the opposite direction from where he had come in.