Chapter 9


Instead of heading out into the bay and the open water in the daylight, Jacob decides to head the boat down the shore towards the dock. He figures that he would be less likely to be noticed if he waited until dark then headed out into the open water from the docks. So he got close to the docks, then he pulled the boat into a small cove that appeared to be pretty protected by some thick woods and weeds. Hoping to hide out from the police, until he is able to make it back out to the island. He made sure to chose a place that he was still able to watch the boat traffic to and from the docks. Once he pulled the boat into the weeds and had it hidden the best that he could, he laid his pack down against one of the benches, then he laid down, using the pack as a pillow, and he made himself comfortable for the wait for darkness to settle in.

While getting settled, he could hear the police sirens off in the distance, and he was just wondering if they were going to get close to him before dark. He laid there for a while, then he could hear the sound of boat engines, coming from the direction of the dock and they sounded like they were getting closer and closer to his location. He sat up in the boat, and made sure to pull more weeds close and lay them on the boat and try to make it look like just a pile of weeds along the shore. Just as he was getting the entire boat covered, he could see a boat come into view. As it came out from behind the trees into view, he could see that it was a police boat, and he knew that they were looking for him in the stolen boat. Now all he could do was pray that he had hidden the boat well enough that they would not see him. He hunkered down in the boat, and covered himself with the weeds. He watched as the boat drove past the small cove that he was hidden in, and they did not seem to slow down much, then continued on past him. He let out a big sigh, then he knew that he was going to be able to stay until dark, so he settled back in to wait for the sun to go down.

An hour or so after the police boat had gone by, he heard the sound of a big engine coming from the cove. He sat up in the boat and peered out onto the water looking for the source of the sound. Then after a minute, he could see a tug type of boat that had come from the docks, and was heading out into the open water. He watched the tug going further out into the bay, and he could tell that it was heading in the direction of the island. Hoping that it would stay on the island until dark, all he could do was sit tight and wait, otherwise he would risk being seen and either be caught by the police or being shot as he approached the island. He knew the next few hours were going to be some of the more anxious hours of his life. All through the day he kept watch for the tug to return, but it never did, and now the sun was going down behind the trees and darkness was going to be upon him soon.

He began to take some of the grass off of the boat, and was making ready to head towards the docks soon. While getting ready to leave his protected little cove, he heard another boat approaching his direction from the docks. He waited, not taking any more cover off of the boat, until he could see the boat come into view from behind the trees. He grimaced for a moment, then he could see that the boat was just some fishermen, and they were heading out for some night fishing in the bay. They went past his little cove and never even looked over in his direction. He went back to taking the grass off of his boat, then he started up the engine and pulled out of the cove. He turned the boat in the direction of the dock and drove off staying close to the shore line. It was not long before he could see the mouth of the cove area that lead to the docks. There he could see a number of smaller boats, some were coming into the docks from a day out on the water, and some were just leaving the docks for an evening out on the water. He pulled into the mouth of the cove at the docks and joined in with some of the smaller boats that were going out into the bay for the night. He blended right in with them and nobody seemed to even notice that he was now amongst them. He just followed the crowd out of the dock area and right out into open water. He headed for the southern end of the Plum Island, thinking that there would be less guards at that end of the island as it is furthest away from the compound on the island. He crossed the open water of the bay, hoping that he would not sink that little john boat that he was on, but he made it across and was now approaching the bay area south of the island.

As he was approaching the southern tip of the island, he saw the red and green lights of another boat, out on the water that seemed to be coming in his direction. He shut the engine off and made sure that there was nothing to make any noise and he tried to sit on the water in as much darkness as he could find. He just sat there watching what the boat was going to do, if it had seen him and was heading towards him, or if they were oblivious of him even being there and they were just going to go on past him and not even see him sitting there on the water.

He waited, hoping that his cover was not blown, but the boat seemed to be coming right for him and not turning away. Beginning to think that he has been seen, he reaches down and picks up his rifle, and gets ready to shoot it out with the guards that could be on the boat, thinking that it was going to be a guard boat to the island. As the boat got closer and closer, he could see that it was just a couple of guys that appeared to be some fishermen. They pulled their boat close to him and then he could hear one of the men from the boat yell out to him asking,

“Hey, are you alright over there? Are you broke down and need a tow to shore?”

Taking a deep breath, Jacob replies, “No I am alright, thanks for checking on me, I was just about to anchor here and do some fishing.”

“Alright buddy, you need to turn your lights on, you don’t want to get a ticket from the coast guard.” The man in the boat yelled back to him as they turned the boat and began to head back out into the bay.

“Yeah thanks.” He yelled back to the men so that they would not suspect that anything was wrong. Once he watched the men drive off into the dark, he turned his attention back to the island. He looked around and he could see the lights in the compound, and then he could see the lights coming from the dock on the side of the island. He really wanted to get to the dock to stop the tug from leaving, but he also knew that he needed to get onto the island and try to get to the cure for the virus so that he could get it to the mainland in the event that they do get one of the infected out into the population. So going with that thinking, he decided to pull the boat to the shore and beach it on the south end of the island.

He looked around to make sure that there were no other boats in the area. Once he was convinced that there were no other boats, he paddled the boat instead of using the motor, that way anyone on the island that was close to the shore would not hear the boat coming to the shore. After rowing for a little bit, fighting the rough waters of the bay, he was able to make it to the shore line. He rowed the boat close enough that he could jump out of the boat and then pull it onto the sand. Once he had the boat safely tied up so that the tide would not come up and drift it out to open water, he took his rifle and pack out of the boat and walked off into the brush heading inland to find the fence line of the compound.

He had to fight his way through some pretty thick brush, and painfully force his way through the briars. Eventually, he came to a place where the brush was beginning to thin out, and he started to see more and more light penetrate the brush. After a little more walking, he came to the edge of the brush, and found himself with only about twenty feet of grass between himself and the fence that ran around the compound. He squatted down on one knee, and looked around at what laid before him. He could hear the splash of the water as it beat upon the shore, and he could hear the call of the seagulls as they flew over head. Then he could hear crickets singing their songs all around him. Off in the distance he could hear people yelling, although he could not make out what they were yelling about. He looked around for a place where he could either get under the fence, or over the fence. He was hoping to go under, as he was not looking forward to going over the razor wire again. He leaned out from the brush and looked to each end of the fence line as far as he could see, trying to find any cameras that may be mounted on the fence watching the line. He could not see any camera’s, but betting that there were some that he just could not see, he leaned back into the brush and covered his face with dirt from the ground. Then he looked back along the fence line. Soon, he saw an area where the rain had washed out a small area under the fence. He readied his rifle, then he made a dash for the fence line right where he saw the small washout. When he got to that area, he dove to the ground, and hugged the fence line, trying to make himself look like the surrounding foliage and dirt. He laid there for a few minutes, just listening to see if he could hear any alarms going off, or any vehicles approaching. He never did hear any vehicles or people any place near him, so he crawled over to the area of the fence where the washout was, and he squirmed, and slinked his way under the fence. It was a tight fit, and he did get a small cut on the middle of his back from where the end of one of the wires of the fence had cut him as he slid under.

Once he was under the fence, he raised the upper part of his body so that he could get a look around the area and see where he was and where he needed to go. Over across an open field, he could see the farthest building from the main compound. It looked to him like it may be the communications building for the facility. He glanced around the area one more time, and seeing no one around, he stood up and took off running towards the building. As he crossed the field and got closer to the building, he noticed a camera mounted on the top of the building pointing down so that it had view of the front door of the building. He ran over to the building and ran to the corner so that he was not in view of the camera. He caught his breath, and looked around to make sure that he was not seen running across the field. Then he looked around the other side of the building, around to the back of it looking for any possible way to gain access to the inside. There were no ladders to the roof, and there was nothing that he could climb onto to get to a window. So he went back to the corner where he could see the front door, and he tried to find a way that he could get the camera pointed in another direction, maybe throw a rock and hit it knocking it upwards. However he knows that him hitting it with a rock would be a one in a million shot, but he is then hit with the idea of maybe shooting the camera, and when someone comes out to see what the problem is with the camera, then maybe he can gain access to the building.

Before he could figure out what he was going to do, his attention was drawn a short distance away to the next building, where he heard a door open, and he could see two men walking outside. They stood next to the door, and were having a cigarette and were just talking. The two men looked like they were just workers, as they were both wearing dark gray colored coveralls, and they both had hard hats on. He watched them for a moment, then he heard some movement behind the door of the building where he was standing. He looked to the front of the building and saw the door open up and a man walk out of the building. He shut the door, checked it to make sure that door was locked and secured, then he walked over across the lot to the other two men and joined them outside having a cigarette. He could hear the men talking but they were not talking very loud and he could not make out what they were talking about.

Jacob stood there just watching the men, then when they were done taking their cigarette break, the first two men went back inside the building that they were in, and the other man started walking back over to the building where he was standing. As the man was crossing the lot, he stopped and was looking over his shoulder in the direction of the main complex. He stood there for a moment, then he began running towards the building. Trying to figure out what was going on, Jacob started watching the gravel road that lead from the building to the main complex, seeing if he could see what the man had seen that caused him to take off running.

When the man had crossed the lot and was just about to the door of the building, he jumped out from the side of the building and pointed his rifle at the man and said,

“Hold it right there.”

“Who are you?” The man nervously asked as he came to a stop and kept looking over his shoulder behind him as if he was expecting someone or something to come running up behind him.

“I want the keys to the door.”

“I think that we both want into the building right now.” He said as he was looking back behind him.

“Just toss me the keys, and I will let you walk away.” Jacob said as he held out one hand as if he wanted the man to toss him the keys to the door.

“If I just walk away, I will not make it very far before I am dead.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look, I will open the door, but I want us both to go inside, if I stay out here they will kill me.”

“Who will kill you?”

“Those things that are running around the island.”

“What things?”

“Those creatures that they made, they have gotten loose out of the secured areas, and I just saw one coming down the road heading right this way.” The man answered with a shaky voice and shook with anxiety.

As they stood there talking, they both turned and looked towards the road that lead into the open area, and they saw the dark figure of a man appear out of the darkness of the road and into the light of the outdoor light from the building that the other two men had just gone back into. When he stepped into the light, they could clearly see that it was a man who looked very disheveled and like he had been up for days on end. The man stopped in the light, looked up at the light, then he turned his gaze over to Jacob and the man standing outside of the building.

He looked at them for a few seconds, then he screamed and took off running right for them. The man with the keys ran to the door and frantically started to try and unlock the door, while Jacob turned the gun to the man that was now running at them from across the lot. He yelled to the running man saying, “Stop or I will kill you!” But the man continued running at them as if he did not hear anything that Jacob had yelled. “Stop or I will kill you!” Jacob yelled at the man once again. But the man still did not even slow down and kept running at them.

“Stop!” He yelled once more, then he fired his rifle, striking the man in the chest, but it barely slowed him down as he continued to run at them. Jacob fired the rifle again, and once again the round found its mark in the mans chest. This time he fell to the ground and did not move again. Jacob looked at him for a moment to make sure that he was down, then he turned to the man who was trying to unlock the door. When he turned around, the man had opened the door and was going inside, trying to quickly pull the door shut behind him. Jacob ran to the door and threw his foot in between the door and the frame so that it would not shut and lock him out.

He opened the door and stepped inside to see the man running up some metal stairs. “Stop right there,” he yelled to the man as he pointed his rifle up at him. The man stopped on the stairs, turned around and looked down to him and said,

“Look, I just work here, I don’t want to die for something that I didn’t have any part of.”

“If you do what I tell you too, you will not be hurt, I just want to stop them from getting those things onto the mainland, and I want to stop what is going on out here on this island.” He told the man as he let the door shut and lock behind him and he began to walk up the stairs.

“I don’t see how just one man is going to stop them, I mean they have the backing of the government.”

“What do you do in this building? Is this the communications core?”

“Yes, we handle all communications, with the mainland to the island, and all on island communications.”

“Great, now show me the control room.”

“They will kill me if I help you.”

“Don’t worry about what they might do, worry about what I will do if you don’t show me.”

“Alright, alright. Now take that gun out of my face and follow me.” The man said as he waved for Jacob to follow him up the stairs.

Jacob followed him up the stairs and into a room where the dishes on the roof were running their signals into and into a main frame. There was another man in the room, whom stood up when they entered the room and he asked,

“What is going on here?”

“Just sit down, don’t ask any questions and do what the man tells you to do.” The other man told him as he walked over and took a seat next to the man at the consoles.

“Where is the main lab building?” Jacob asked as he walked over and stood behind the men to take a look at the console and find out how many signals are being monitored.

“It is across the main group of buildings in the middle of the complex, but you will never be able to get there, there are too many guards in that area.”

“I am going to bet that they are too busy right now to see me slipping by.”

“Only if you are one of the best in covert ops.” The other control operator spoke up and said.

“Well, I may not be the best, but I have better chances than you do.” Jacob said as he walked over and took some wires that were lying across a table.

“What do you need those for?” The other man asked as he watched Jacob collecting the wires from the table top.

“Well, I need you two to come over here and sit down on the floor next to this support beam.” He answered as he waved to the men to come over to where he was standing.

“What, are you going to tie us up to the beam?” The one man asked as they looked at one another and walked over to where Jacob was standing.

“I could tie you up or I could shoot you, now which would you prefer?” Jacob asked as he twirled the wires around in the air.

“I will go with the tieing up on the beam.”

Jacob sat the men down on the floor, opposite each other with their backs to the support beam. He then had them put their hands behind them, then he tied them up and tied them to the beam.

“Now you guys stay right here, and whatever you do, I don’t recommend that you leave this here building.” He tells them as he walks over to the main console, looks around and finds himself a hammer. He takes the hammer and proceeds to smash the console, making sure to break all of the major components that make the transmission systems work. After smashing the consoles, he looks back to the men and tells them,

“Now you boys sit right here and behave yourselves.” He then smiles and walks out of the room and down the stairs. Hoping that he has interrupted the radios, and that they will not be able to communicate. He leaves the building and heads over to the other building just across from this one, thinking that he will try and block the door so that the two men inside of it will not be able to get out and go and release the men that he had tied up to the beam. When he gets to the door of the building, he looks around and is able to find a limb that had fallen from a tree. He breaks off a section of the stick, and jams it in the crack between the door and the door frame. Wedging it in there so that they will not be able to open the door. Once he has the limb wedged in the crack he leaves and begins to walk up the drive, making sure to stay to the side of the road so that he can jump off into the weeds should some one come down the road.

While he is walking down the road, he can see all of the lights all around the camp. Then he begins to hear more men yelling and from between some buildings, he can vaguely see men walking around. He walks up the road until it joins with an open area with a bunch of buildings surrounding it. He steps off of the road and slips into the shadows behind the buildings, then makes his way around behind the buildings until he has made it half the way around the compound buildings. He walks up between two of the buildings and looks out around the corner to see what is going on with the men that he had seen out walking around. He looks and he can see a number of men, they are walking around checking all of the buildings making sure that they are locked. Some of the men are carrying rifles, some of them are carrying what looks to be some type of tranquilizer guns, and some are carrying the long poles with the cable loops on them. He can tell from just that, that they are rounding up the infected people that have gotten loose and are out roaming the compound.

“Well, looks like they are going to be busy for a while,” he tells himself as he walks back between the buildings to the back, and heads on down the row of buildings through the shadows. After walking past another five buildings, he comes to the end of the row, and there he can see the road that leads to the dock, and on the other side of the road he can see the building that he had been inside of where they had been doing some of the experimenting. Then he sees another building just a short distance away from the experimenting building and it looks to be the building that is used for the power generating facility for the island. He can see guards standing outside the door on both of the buildings. He looks over and just to the one side of those buildings he can see the open parking lot, and in the corner he sees a guard tower, and there he can see some movement behind the glass. Now he knows that if he just walks out into the open then the guards will for sure see him and he will most likely be shot on sight. As he is thinking about what to do next, he steps back into the shadows just a little further, when he sees a pair of car lights approaching from the docks.