{ Foreword }

As I contemplated writing the foreword for this book, the phrase that captured my heart as I consider the subject of Reformed and non-Reformed theology is just this: differing views—unified spirit. I can honestly confess that the Lord has placed people in my life whom I deeply love who have made incredible contributions to my life and who are on both sides of the fence. What I have come to love most about theology is the capacity to agree to disagree but to do it in the spirit of Christ. With that being said, I really believe that you will be a better student of God’s Word having read this wonderful book.
As Baptists, we all know that we have Calvinists and non-Calvinists within our ranks. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is highly exalted when we can acknowledge our differences but join hands around a gospel-centered message to proclaim its truth to the nations. I also confess that, having studied the subject of Calvinism and its doctrines, I am a better student of God’s Word. As most everyone who knows me personally is aware, I do not adhere to the five points of Calvinism. However, as a student of God’s Word, by becoming better informed by hearing the heart of my friends and reading recommended volumes, I have a better love for and greater understanding of soteriology. One thing is for sure: I will never get beyond the day that God stepped out of heaven in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and saved me. Since that day I am so grateful for the men and women who have been used by God to help shape my life as well as my theology.
The essays you will read in this book are from some of the most influential men I have known. As you read a simple yet profound message by Dr. Jerry Vines, you will be reminded that God really does love the world, and He gave the ultimate gift. Few men have touched my life like Dr. Paige Patterson by the way he has reached out and loved me from the first day I met him, and few men have more encouraged me to be a better student of God’s Word.
As you continue to read, you will be grateful for such a great mind and heart as Dr. David Allen. He, along with the other authors, will lead us through this step-by-step process of taking a look at the subject of Calvinism. Obviously, this book is written from a non-Calvinistic perspective. However, you will see the spirit of Christ from page to page because it was never intended to bash those of a different persuasion. Rather, the book is part of an ongoing Southern Baptist dialogue of building bridges. I, for one, have sensed an incredible progression in the relationship of Calvinists and non-Calvinists. My prayer is that we would take the soteriology we have embraced and make it known to those who are the least and the lost in this nation and the nations of the world.
I trust that you will be greatly blessed, informed, and encouraged by this book and that you will feel impressed to recommend it and pass it on to others. Also, I pray you will seek to be the best student, and better yet, the best Christian you can be in a way that God would indeed be glorified and others would be drawn to Him.
Blessings on you as you read.
Johnny Hunt, Pastor
First Baptist Church Woodstock, Georgia
President, Southern Baptist Convention